Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 167 This inspiration is worth imitating the ancient sages

In Wang Qi's impression, a magic weapon must be an object that has been refined into a magic seal. The mana of the Xiu family is transformed by the material of the magic weapon, and then structured by the magic seal to form special effects - to use a simpler example, the magic weapon should be a piece of equipment with skills, and the MP consumed is determined by the magic weapon. Those who have paid!

When Wang Qi answered Zhen Shanzi like this, Zhen Shanzi's tone was full of contempt: "You kid, you missed all the weapon refining classes, right?"

Wang Qi didn't care: "After all, weapon refining is a side branch and a 'skill'. The theory of weapon refining can be raised to a higher level, but it cannot reach the level of 'law'. The real key is 'Tao'. The way of circulation of heaven and the properties of matter." Any breakthrough in the way of change is likely to lead to the upgrading of the entire field of weapon refining."

The development of physical theory can drive the development of power sources and mechanical systems, and breakthroughs in chemical theory are equivalent to breakthroughs in materials and fuels. On Earth, it is true that the inventor of the steam engine was Watt. But behind Watt, there are many theorists such as Newton and Lagrange. Without Faraday and Maxwell's breakthroughs in electromagnetic theory, both Edison and Tesla would have been nothing more than second-rate engineers.

This is the power of theory!

However, Wang Qi spoke righteously and passionately, but Zhen Shanzi still punctured his momentum with one sentence: "The main reason is because weapon refining is not a required test, right?"

Wang Qi laughed: "In short, this is how I understood magic weapons before. This is what you told me a few years ago."

"Shit! I, an ancient cultivator who has attended a few classes or two, wouldn't think so!"

"Ahem, in short, this is indeed a mistake of empiricism and dogmatism that I made."

"Experience? How many years have you been cultivating immortality and praying for Taoism? How many magic weapons have you touched?"

"You taught me all my preconceived notions!"

"Ahem." This time it was Zhen Shanzi's turn to cough twice: "Then what, are you analyzing the structure of this calculator?"

"The yin and yang lines are the arithmetic unit. This jade itself has the ability to store telepathy and is a memory." Wang Qi nodded: "This is what I roughly analyzed... There should be three parts: controller, input device and output device. ah……"

After saying that, Wang Qi's eyes wandered again: "There should be three more...where are they..."

Zhen Shanzi was a little surprised: "How did you know there were three more?"

Wang Qi casually pulled out a book from the table: "That's it. I've talked about it in this book. If you don't understand it anyway, don't go into it... The remaining talismans should be used to perform the functions of these three. Why..."

Looking at Wang Qi who was once again deep in thought, Zhen Shanzi sighed secretly. It seems that this boy is indeed very suitable for practicing this method. The old man turned his attention to the book Wang Qi threw.

"The Theory of the Soul of Calculator", written by Feng Luoyi.

Although the calculator presented by Su Junyu is only a talisman, it can be regarded as the crystallization of the technology of Jinfa Immortal Dao in the past two hundred years. The architecture adopted by Qi is called Feng architecture in China, which is exactly what is called "Von Neumann architecture" on earth.

If we study the mathematical and mechanical issues about Feng's architecture in depth, we can write several academic monographs. However, there are only three core points in Feng's structure.

Five major structures, arithmetic unit, controller, memory, input device and output device.

Use binary.

Programs are treated as special data that can be processed, and the data and programs are stored together.

As long as this is met, then that computer can be called a von Neumann machine.

"Tsk, this structure looks a bit... no wonder, the jade medal is a whole, not composed of components, in this case..."

The more Wang Qi looked at it, the more fascinated he became, and he still admired the wonder of this structure.

China's technology tree is different from Earth's. There is no special emphasis on machinery with complex structures. Thanks to this, both Yuanli Sect, which mainly studies classical mechanics, and Qianji Pavilion, which started out as an organist, can only be regarded as first- or second-rate sects, and are far inferior to Wu Jue.

The functions of most electronic components have been replaced by Fazhuan. The logic circuit of opening and closing becomes a yin and yang here. The bigger change lies in the bus.

There is no concept of "wires" or "conductors" in China. A stable spiritual field connects all parts of the calculator. All information is spread and operated through this aura field.

The "data bus" and "address bus" in the von Neumann structure are composed of zones at different levels of this aura field. The two wires here are a spiritual field.

In Wang Qi's eyes, it was a very weird design. The most commonly used architecture in China.

The computer technology of the two worlds is as different as the worlds themselves. On the surface, they seem to be completely different things, but if you analyze the rules behind the performance, they are very similar. However, these two sets of extremely close laws always diverge at key points.

Wonderful contradiction and unity.

Comparing the structures of the two worlds and two civilizations, Wang Qi was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He was grinning and writing something quickly.

Zhen Shanzi wondered: "I remember you said that all the calculators in the world are derived from the magic weapon 'Bronze Xian'e', which is the architecture proposed by Turing. Why is this calculator Feng Luoyi's Feng architecture?" ?”

"Are there any conflicts between the Feng architecture and the Turing architecture?" Wang Qi said casually: "This calculator is both a Turing architecture and a Feng architecture."

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Wang Qi's mind.

Wait, what did I just say?

Turing machines and von Neumann machines are not inconsistent.

The main content of the Turing machine is the concept of computational model and computable numbers. The main content of the von Neumann machine is the five major structures.

The former is a simulation of human brain calculations, and the latter is an engineering implementation of the former.

The Turing machine is clay, and the von Neumann machine is a brick that has been fired.

In other words...

Turing machine and von Neumann machine are not contradictory!

Wang Qi stood up suddenly: "The basis of the von Neumann architecture!"

The von Neumann machine is an engineering implementation of the Turing machine, which means that it can be established by making some changes on the basis of the bronze fairy basis...

Wait a minute, the von Neumann machine is classic, but there is still a "von Neumann bottleneck". Earth scientists have still found the shortcomings of this structure.

However, just as how computers develop must belong to the Turing structure and he has a model, how computers will develop in the future is also based on the von Neumann structure! The most classic part of the von Neumann structure is the distinction between the operator, controller, memory, input device and output device. Both quantum computers and data flow computers are making a fuss about this coverless concept!

Wang Qi slapped the table excitedly: "This inspiration is worth 'following the example of the ancients'!"

"Haven't you had enough of this joke yet..."

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