Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 163: Upgrading without Noticing

"The Concept, Existence and Other Results of the Extreme Value Solutions of Differential Tianyuan Formula and Integral Tianyuan Formula in Abstract Space" "Summary of Nonlinear Tianyuan Formula and Properties" "The Combination Effect of a Nonlinear Tianyuan Formula and Common Mental Methods" "Based on Group "Comprehensive geometric knowledge system of theory" "The boxing theory of the steepest descent line and swinging fists" "Discussion of common mathematical problems in calculus and knife skills"...

Xiang Qi took everything around Wang Qi in his hand and looked through it carefully. Yes, these are papers.

Although Wang Qi's writings are all review papers, summary papers, and discussion papers, they are all summarization and application of previous research results without their own development. But consider this guy's age! Is he only a teenager?

evildoer! What a monster!

Writing a paper is the process of organizing your thoughts. When a monk writes the "conclusion" of his thesis, this conclusion will be formally integrated into his own "Dharma" and become part of his own understanding. Thoughts affect the soul, and the soul controls the magic power, so the monk's insights can be reflected in the magic power.

The quantity and quality of a monk's papers and monographs are positively related to his strength.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiang Qi's right hand reached out like lightning, and the two fingers of his index finger pointed out like a sword, aiming directly at Wang Qi's Dantian. Wang Qi was still at least 60% focused on the math problem, so he couldn't react at all and was stabbed by Xiang Qi's finger.

"Stab" The electromagnetic field around Wang Qi suddenly changed and collapsed, and the tiny static electricity made Xiang Qi's hair stand up. After losing the support of the electric field, the suspended books flew away. Wang Qi instinctively pressed down with both hands, but as soon as his palms touched Xiang Qi's forearm, he was shaken away by a dark force.

Xiang Qi hit his junior brother's Dantian and then spread a soft magic power into it. Under Wang Qi's instinctive reaction, the magic power in his dantian became active, but he failed to form effective resistance and was forced to fight with the external magic power. Xiang Qi felt as if she had been poked into a hot water bottle. Her fingertips felt soft and flexible, and the scorching heat brought a tingling sensation to her hand.

Xiang Qi suddenly retracted his hand: "Hey, the magic power has a little bit of the characteristics of Tianyu Jue and Tiange Xing, and it has gained some flavor."

Wang Qi frowned and asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

Xiang Qi gently waved his hand and used the "Tianwu Dian" to remove the residual energy on his hand. The Tian Ge Xing is unrivaled, and the Tian Enjue is unparalleled. If these two fingers are not treated, I am afraid it will be uncomfortable for a while. However, Fenjingu is good at changing physical properties and has a good understanding of concepts such as covalent bonds involving electromagnetic force as well as thermal phenomena in physical reactions. It is easy to remove this level of electromagnetic and thermodynamic magic.

However, Xiang Qi did not show any unpleasant expression, but looked at Wang Qi with a half-smile: "It seems that I have to congratulate you before I say hello formally - Junior brother, how do you feel in the middle of Qi training?"

"Middle stage of Qi training?" Wang Qi was startled: "Me? Middle stage of Qi training? Are you kidding me?"

Zhen Shanzi said in a strange tone: "It is indeed the middle stage of Qi training. You reached it a day ago."

Wang Qi still looked confused about the situation: "Didn't I say that to advance through the realm, you need to practice qi in seclusion? I haven't even done much meditation these days..."

Xiang Qi bumped his head on the table: "I advanced without knowing it... I'll go. If I had known, I would have sat down and written a few papers. It would be better to waste a few more years than to build a second-level Dharma foundation..."

"I thought you were in a meditative state and claimed to be acquainted with your ears when calculating. The reason why you kept breaking through the levels was because your Qi training was not perfect yet... So you didn't even know that you had advanced?" Zhen Shanzi's voice was rare. There was a slight tremor.

Wang Qi also had a strange look on his face: "If I don't take a pill at a joint moment and then shout "break it for me", I always feel that something is missing..."

This... is it true that the most talented people are all teams with bad brains?

Sure enough... don't try to understand the monster's thoughts, even if he is a genius...

The old man and the girl complained in their hearts at the same time.

After a while, Zhen Shanzi explained: "I told you a long time ago that you have to work hard to break this small realm. How can you break the last level with such qualifications?"

Xiang Qi added: "Moreover, the current method's research on the mystery of the body and the secrets of the soul is far beyond the ordinary people's phenomena. It has changed and changed the inner method and the inner method. When encountering stagnation during the exercise, it also targets specific acupoints. , the tempering method of specific meridians... Let's put it this way, as long as you are more than half of the human race, and the mixed part of the blood is not a particularly outrageous alien race, then you will have no bottleneck at all before the late stage of the Golden Core. What you cultivate is actually the quality of your magic power, the structure of your magic foundation, and the quality of your golden elixir.”

After finishing speaking, Xiang Qi asked again: "You really don't feel anything? Breaking the situation, this is breaking the situation! It's a quantitative change caused by a qualitative change! You don't feel anything at all?"

Wang Qi touched his nose and thought carefully: "It seems...not really. I have been doing math these days."

"Can you be so absorbed in just doing math?" Zhen Shanzi couldn't believe it, but Xiang Qi secretly nodded.

Arithmetic has its own beauty. It's just different from poetry and painting. Those who understand this kind of beauty can understand it, and those who don't understand it will never realize it until their death. In the eyes of outsiders watching the excitement, mathematics is just a pile of numbers and formulas. It is the most complicated maze in the world and will only give people a headache. However, in the eyes of those who understand it, with its most ingenious structure, it is wise. The foreign minister is the most intuitive expression of the great avenue of heaven and earth!

It is precisely because of this that Wan Dharma Sect disciples are all extremely proud, gentle like Li Ziye, funny like Su Junyu, and all look fanatical when mentioning their own practice. Xiang Qi was too familiar with this feeling.

"But you are also ruthless..." Seeing Wang Qi gather the books together again with Tiangexing, Xiang Qi couldn't help but be amazed: "These are all written after returning from Langde? Only fifteen days..."

Wang Qi said goodbye, with an expression of "this is nothing": "They are all literature papers of summary and discussion nature, and you can write one in an afternoon."

"Hehe... people are so annoying when they compare themselves to each other..."

Xiang Qi shook her head and decided not to compare with the monster. She carefully read the paper and was amazed: "Core words, abstracts... even conclusions are included. Is this really your first time writing? You are very upright."

Wang Qi smiled but said nothing. As for the paper, he wrote less in his previous life?

"By the way, senior sister, what do you think of these papers?"

"Ahaha." Xiang Qi turned her head awkwardly: "To be honest, I am not very professional, and I am afraid that it will mislead you. When the dead rich man comes, I will take you to ask him."

Bah, I can't be good either?

Wang Qi stood up and stretched. "That's right. I wrote these papers to summarize what I have learned and then plan what to learn in the next six months. This work is almost done. Now I really need to go to Brother Su to ask about the foundation of the mathematical mind method."

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