"Meow meow, Brother Qi, can I ask one last question, meow?"

Mao Zimiao's sister Mao Zimin jumped around Wang Qi, and finally stretched out a hand to pull the corner of Wang Qi's clothes.

"I loved it." Wang Qi looked at the book in his hand seriously and answered without raising his head.

The little girl put her finger in her mouth and asked in confusion: "But meow hasn't asked me yet! Brother Qi, how did you know?"

"Prediction-that's why I hate children the most... Don't ask questions around me! Don't spit on my clothes!"

The little girl didn't care about Wang Qi's bad attitude at all. In the past few days, Mao Zimiao often went to the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance to inquire about the war in Western Xinjiang because he was worried about his father. This kind of thing can't be done with children. So Wang Qi had to go to take care of the children every three or five days. After a few days of getting along, Mao Zhiya was still ignorant, but Mao Zimin had become very familiar with this big brother who was always reading some strange books.

Especially when this big brother was not reading, he was willing to play with her.

Following the older brother's words, Mao Zimin quickly came to a remarkable conclusion: "The question of Miaomiao's dry vegetables is 'what is the relationship between Brother Qi and sister meow meow', Brother Qi said 'I loved', which means..."

Wang Qi nodded firmly: "I am cute and bullying your sister."

"Meow? Sister is obviously very happy when she is with Brother Qi meow meow..."

"Xiaomin! What are you talking about meow!" Angry Mao Zimiao rushed over and dragged his sister away. Wang Qi sighed on the spot: "Children nowadays... are so complicated."

"Haha, when you were less than ten years old, you were better at telling dirty jokes than me." Zhen Chanzi did not hesitate to sabotage.

"Haha, the fact that you understand it means you are not pure either."

Soon, Mao Zimiao, who had finished teaching his sister a lesson, came over. The girl looked at Wang Qi with some entanglement: "Xiao Qi, I am really happy that you are willing to come and see me off... But I would be happier if you could stop reading at this time."

Wang Qi and the three siblings of the Mao family are now in the airport of Xinshan, waiting for the short-distance spiritual boat to the northern part of the Middle Earth.

The New Year has just passed, and the cultivation family of Xinshan has also become active. People come and go in the airport, and from time to time, large quantities of goods are shipped on board or written down.

A heavy snowfall by the Dragon King of the West Sea did not affect the prosperity of the Middle Earth of the Immortal Alliance at all.

Wang Qi waved his hand: "Go, go. Today is the fifth day of the first lunar month, and you will be back on the sixteenth at most. It's not a life-and-death separation, so hypocritical. And I came to help you because it's inconvenient for a girl like you to take care of two naughty children, not to say goodbye."

According to the customs of Mao Zimiao's hometown, it is unlucky to bring people to stay overnight before the fifth day of the first lunar month. This is why Mao Zimiao's three siblings stayed in the Immortal Court for five days.

For the cat-eared girl, Wang Qi's reaction was simply expected. She rolled her eyes and took her brother and sister back home on the spiritual boat.

Wang Qi didn't look up until the spiritual boat was about to sail out of sight.

Then he closed the book and ran towards the Immortal Academy.

Zhen Chanzi laughed maliciously: "You obviously care a lot. You shouldn't pretend to be detached from the beginning."

"Bah, I have limited time now, okay?" Wang Qi spat: "I can't find the inspiration for building the foundation yet, and I feel a little urgent."

Zhen Chanzi sighed: "Indeed, this is a problem."

In the following day, Wang Qi came up with several more conservative or whimsical plans, but every one of them was satisfactory.

After returning to the room, Wang Qi casually put the book in his hand on the desk. The book he just read was the first book he exchanged in the library, "Song Ting Ji".

"Sure enough, Goeting's lineage is the Copenhagen School, and their understanding of space is very profound." After Wang Qi put down the book, he picked up another book: "This problem about surface geometry can be put aside for now. Next, study group theory."

Physics theory is generally divided into dynamics theory and symmetry theory. The mathematical basis of dynamics theory is mathematical physics methods, and the mathematical basis of symmetry theory is group theory.

In mathematics and abstract algebra, group theory studies algebraic structures called groups. However, geometric problems such as the arrangement of lattices in solid space must be solved by group theory. Geomathematician Klein pointed out in the "Erlangen Program", which is known as the general outline of geometry, that the classification of geometry can be carried out through infinite continuous transformation groups. The two most important achievements of geophysicist Yang Zhenning in his life, the gauge field and parity non-conservation that opened a new chapter in geophysics, are closely related to group theory.

If you want to master more advanced geometric knowledge, this algebraic theory must be learned. And if you want to tackle the grand unified theory, group theory is even more indispensable.

The book in Wang Qi's hand is "Theory of Substitution", written by Yue Dang, another free and easy monk of the Wanfamen Ge Ting lineage.

This book is still regarded as a must-read book in the field of group theory in the Shenzhou mathematics community, and it is also the eleventh book on the list of books that the master of mathematics Xi Boche gave to Wang Qi.

As he read deeper, Wang Qi began to write down a few math problems on the draft paper.

At first, it was just one or two. As time went by, Wang Qi wrote faster and faster. One classic math problem after another was solved, and one complex problem after another was solved.

Wang Qi wrote and calculated at a jaw-dropping speed. If Su Junyu saw this scene, he would probably doubt whether Wang Qi was a human being? Because every classic problem that Wang Qi calculated now is far beyond the scope of the professor of the Immortal Academy! And his calculation speed is the same as that of the Wanfamen disciples who have been practicing for many years!

But for Wang Qi, this is just a review of the mathematics he learned in his previous life.

As long as he can completely pick up the mathematics that he lost for ten years, then he will have the confidence to surpass any of his peers!

Reviewing is always easier than learning. According to Wang Qi's plan, he will complete this part of the review before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and write at least three summary or discussion papers.

When most of the foundation-building assistants come back on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and the Immortal Academy resumes classes, he can ask the assistants or at least the teachers in the Yuanshen period about the foundation-building issues.

There are only six months left before graduation. I may not be able to come into contact with so many geniuses and masters in different fields at the same time in Wanfamen. So in these six months, I must deduce the most suitable law foundation for me!

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