Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 5 Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal

In the eyes of others, Wang Qi's smile was really weird. Xiang Qi couldn't help but poke Li Ziye with his elbow: "Brother Li, is this kid crazy?"

Li Ziye looked at Wang Qi who was laughing wildly and smiled bitterly: "I'm not a disciple of Yangshen Pavilion, I can't say for sure whether there is anything wrong with his mind."

"This kid always said some weird things in the past." Zhen Chanzi interrupted the conversation between the two: "He always thinks that sitting in meditation and practicing Qi is the most boring thing. If it is not for the final immortality, he will definitely not do it. If he encounters something interesting, he must find out the truth and have fun. He probably thinks that the laws of today are much more interesting than those in ancient times."

Zhen Chanzi is not a person who doesn't like to talk, but he is worried that if he reveals the secret of his existence, other cultivators will kill Wang Qi and take the jade ring. If the jade ring falls into the hands of a good person, it will be fine. If it is taken away by a bad person, he, Zhen Chanzi, will be doomed. But the two people in front of him already knew of his existence, so he stopped being pretentious.

Xiang Qi showed a look of disgust: "Is Xiu's brain really broken?"

"Ahahahaha... that damn immortal way the old man told me about... is a piece of stinky shit... it seems to be very lively, but in fact, the Xiu family behaves in a stereotyped way... hahaha..." Wang Qi was overjoyed: "It can be roughly described as a group of shrimps, crabs, fish and frogs fighting for food in a pond that is destined to dry up. Whoever loves to "hit the opportunity" every day will pass."

Zhen Chanzi said angrily: "It seems that you have to blame me for telling you too much before. Besides, how do you know that there is no such thing as fighting for opportunities in the Xiu family nowadays?"

Wang Qi pointed to the ball of light in the sky - that Wuwei The battlefield of Mahayana cultivators: "I don't understand what the Immortal Alliance is, but I can tell from the name that it is a coalition of multiple sects. And they are willing to use four Mahayana cultivators..."

"Tsk, Mahayana." Xiang Qi suddenly interrupted: "The Heavenly Sovereign of the Free and Easy Realm is not comparable to the so-called Mahayana cultivators of the ancient law."

Wang Qi was very surprised: "Free and Easy? The classification of realms today is different from that in ancient times - this is not the point. The point is that they are willing to use four Free and Easy cultivators to surround and kill one, which proves that the Immortal Alliance either has no strong external enemies, or that the Free and Easy cultivators today are no longer valuable. However, Free and Easy corresponds to the Mahayana cultivators in the past system, which should be the highest realm of the current practice, right?"

Li Ziye smiled and nodded, affirming: "Indeed. Little brother has some insights."

Wang Qi continued: "Since they are united without external enemies, it can only mean that for today's Dharma, the benefits of cooperation are greater than disputes. Since those free and easy monks mentioned that Old Man Hai, ahem, the Taoist priest was not allowed to hide here because he violated the rules of the Immortal Alliance, it means that the Immortal Alliance has a strong and strict system at least on the surface. This means that the cooperation of today's monks should be long-term, not temporary for the purpose of making a fortune."

Li Ziye nodded and said: "That's right."

"Since today's Dharma is not in a hurry to find funds, Source, then with my long sleeves and good dancing, it is not impossible for me to cultivate to become an immortal peacefully, right? "

Zhen Chanzi sneered: "You are good at dancing? Stop wasting good words! If you are good at dancing, how can hundreds of people in Dabai Village regard you as a joke?"

Xiang Qi sneered: "You think today's cultivators are fools, and you want to support parasites?"

Li Ziye also shook his head: "Today's method is not something that can be cultivated by being good at scheming - what? Be careful!"

Li Ziye's face suddenly changed, and his right hand slapped the sword box behind his back: "Heavenly Sword! Unsheath!"

A sword light flew out of the sword box silently and hovered above Li Ziye's head. Suddenly, the light was shining!

Then, the light ball that trapped the Taoist Priest Buzhu was broken like a soap bubble.

Several translucent streams of light flew out from the light of the broken light ball, and one of them came directly to Wang Qi!


Li Ziye pointed his finger and the Heaven Sword emitted a dazzling light like the sun, and then crashed into the stream of light!


Zhen Chanzi had been watching this Xiaoyao battle.

Since he and Buzhun Daoist had lived in the same village for five years without discovering each other, Buzhun Daoist's means must be better than his. He must have noticed that he had repeatedly released his spiritual consciousness in the past few years and even taught Wang Qi to cultivate immortality.

When he left the village, he released his spiritual consciousness over a large area and discovered the four Xiaoyao who came later, so the four must have discovered him.

So, he simply stopped hiding and boldly divided a part of his mind to directly observe this Xiaoyao battle.

And the reactions of the five Xiaoyao monks were just as Zhen Chanzi expected. For the time being, they did not have the time to deal with an ancient Mahayana who was at most half-crippled and could not interfere in the battle.

Just now, he found that the Taoist Priest Buzhun had released several translucent rectangular sheets from the magic weapon that he could not see through, flying towards the light ball. He knew that something might go wrong, and hurriedly warned Li Ziye, who had the highest cultivation level beside him.

As expected, the magic of the Taoist Priest Buzhun eventually had a trace of aftermath, which turned into several streams of light, one of which fell towards Wang Qi.


The light of the Heavenly Sword was already extremely dazzling, almost burning Wang Qi's eyes. But this powerful sword collided with the stream of light silently.

Then, the light on Li Ziye's Heavenly Sword began to fade and slowly spread to the entire sky. Then, a crack appeared in the sky for no reason and slowly spread. Finally, in Wang Qi's astonished eyes, the sky that was dyed golden suddenly shattered, revealing... the original color of the sky.

"This... what happened? Why did a barrier suddenly appear?"

Wang Qi finally understood that it was not the sky that shattered, but a translucent film that suddenly appeared above his head. It was that film that shattered just now, not the sky.

Xiang Qi also looked at Li Ziye, obviously she was also curious about this kind of magical power.

"The Heavenly Diagram of the Great Moment prohibits the Taoist's natal magic weapon." Li Ziye seemed to be frightened: "Many years ago, in order to summarize the complicated sects into a system, I, the senior of the Wan Dharma Sect, created an arithmetic method called Guiju. This technique can combine all the laws into a matrix. In the past, Taoists were not allowed to solve the first-level Heavenly Dao with the method of returning to the matrix. , Extremely terrifying! ——I don’t know how the battle just ended.”

Wang Qi had an old problem stuck in his chest - Damn, this setting is a bit weird. In this world, Heisenberg has even figured out matrix mechanics?

"Then the Taoist is not allowed to break the confinement and escape with the help of the Great Momentum Heaven Map. The four of them also chased after him. However, his movement skills are really weird, and the other four are completely unable to surround him again."

Li Ziye nodded: "Indeed, Taoist Taoist No. 1 is known as the most bizarre body skill in the world. Even if the gods come, they can't hit him."

Zhen Shanzi sounded a little disappointed: "Your boy obviously only has the magic power of the Golden elixir level, but he can launch attacks of the God transformation level... Maybe I am really old..."

"Golden elixir!" Wang Qi exclaimed. He originally thought that this gentle and quiet man was at most a foundation-building monk like Xiang Qi, but he didn't expect that he was actually a golden elixir!

According to Zhen Shanzi, Jindan monks can be regarded as beings of another level. If they come to the world, even the emperor and his father must be respectful! Wang Qi judged others by himself, and felt that it was unreasonable to not go to the mortal world to experience the fun of stepping on someone's face after achieving the Golden Pill. However, he never expected that the first Golden Pill monk he met would be so kind.

Li Ziye wiped the cold sweat on his head: "The old man is ridiculous. If I were to gamble with supernatural powers, it would not be difficult to defeat the ancient Nascent Soul cultivator, but in any case, it does not have the explosive power of the ancient distraction method. The blow just now was completely Only with the heavenly sword in my hand can I have this power."

Wang Qi gasped. Zhen Shanzi had said that killing the Nascent Soul with the golden elixir was actually a wishful thinking. He never thought that it would be easy to capture the Nascent Soul from Li Ziye's mouth. How incredible has this immortal cultivation method been developed?

"Just now those Mahayana monks... Xiaoyao monks also mentioned the Heavenly Sword. Is this Heavenly Sword a standard magic weapon?"

Zhen Shanzi asked. In his impression, standard magic weapons are generally not very good things.

Li Ziye shook his head: "The Heavenly Sword is indeed a flying sword, but it is a little special. If you two don't find it boring, how about I start from the beginning?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "There is nothing wrong with the left and right."

Wang Qi is also very interested in the weird world, so naturally he will not object.

"When the modern method sect was fighting against the forces of the ancient method, some ancient method practitioners also defected. Among them, those who were still simple in practice and weak in Taoism, we tried our best to help them modify the modern method. However, some of the advanced ones had already failed to practice the method. "Sure, we can't kill them, but we can't let them grow, so we grant them the title of emperor in the mortal world, and their descendants will become non-Jinfa monks who are tacitly approved by Jinfa Immortal Dao."

"Seven hundred years ago, there was a dynasty called the Great Virtue. The Kaiser of that generation was an ambitious man. He not only simplified the royal exercises and promoted them among soldiers, but also relied on his eloquence and power skills to recruit high-level monks. Under his command, other countries followed suit, and as a result, Immortal Dao suddenly lost control of the mortal world."

Zhen Shanzi said: "The history of cultivating immortals lasts for 80,000 years. There were many times when the royal family of China was the strongest sect and all the princes and nobles were members of the cultivating family. This kind of thing is normal."

“But in the end, the war launched by the Kaiser swept the world. Somehow, he was able to persuade Hai Senbao, the forbidden Taoist in the Piaomiao Palace, Ao Haien, the Xuyan God of Burning Gold Valley, and others to join his side. "

Zhen Shanzi sighed: "This man is not a simple man. He should be a wise master of his generation."

Xiang Qi shook his head: "Later, he revealed his identity as an evil cultivator of the evil way. It turned out that he got the secret book of the ancient evil way from nowhere, and he did not hesitate to disrupt the world and use the resentment of the troubled times to improve his cultivation."

Li Ziye continued: "The Kaiser knows that he alone cannot stand up to any Xiaoyao in today's world. If the identity of the demon cultivator is exposed, Taoist priests will not be the first to spare him. The Kaiser is quite extraordinary, but he can't incite him." Quan Taoist and others forged a world-destroying magic weapon for him! Among the current sects, Guanghua Palace and Piaomiao Palace are two different schools that have different foundations but can communicate with each other at a high level. Quite a bit, the foundation of the world-destroying magic weapon is the game work of Guanghua Palace Xiaoyao, Taitianzun Ai Citan! "

"In his early years, Tai Tianzun was bored and pushed a small spell derived from his own skills to the extreme. At that time, Tianzun still felt that this method was too strong and could only stay at the theoretical level. Unexpectedly, the nuclear chain Dharma King Fermi finally cracked this trick. But in the Dharma King's mind, once this method is used, it will definitely backfire on him, but the Liuyun Sect's sword control technique makes it possible to activate this spell, and the original sword control technique of Zhaixinglanyue Feng Buen is even more so. To make this mighty magic even more powerful, Tai Tianzun sent an urgent letter to the American Emperor Luo. For the sake of the people of the world, the American Emperor gathered the remaining monks of the Liuyun Sect of the Burning Gold Valley to establish the Tianjian Palace to fight against the Kaiser."

"The Heavenly Sword Palace gathered all the resources in the world with the help of the American Empire. After several years, it finally forged a heavy weapon ahead of the German Emperor, which was enough to launch the world-destroying technique of Tai Tianzun. When the Heavenly Sword first appeared, it was as powerful as thunder and lightning. Within the four seals, everyone was submissive and obeyed his orders. Later, the German Emperor's identity was exposed, and the Taoist priests and others were disgraced, and the war ended."

"Unexpectedly, the American Luo family suddenly became possessed and died, and the treacherous minister Du family stole the Datong, wanted to monopolize the Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword Palace saw through his conspiracy and invited all the cultivators in the world to ask about the Heavenly Sword. The Du family sent troops to encircle and suppress, and later, a cultivator annihilated the 5th Division of the US Army by himself. At that time, people gave him the nickname, the 5th Division was annihilated, and it was the Palace Master Xiao Qian just now. "

Zhen Chanzi sighed: "It's really moving... Boy, isn't this the part you are most interested in? So you haven't said a word since just now?"

Wang Qi stared at the Heavenly Sword above Li Ziye's head. He came back to his senses after hearing Zhen Chanzi's call: "Senior Li... Is your Heavenly Sword called 'Fatty', 'Thin' or 'Little Boy'?"


Even with Li Ziye's reaction speed as a Jindan cultivator, he couldn't deal with this kind of question and was stunned on the spot. But if Li Ziye was struck by thunder, then Wang Qi felt that he felt like he was struck by the legendary flying fairy thunder for three days and three nights.

This is the fairy version of the Manhattan Project! Do you really understand what you are holding in your hands, you nuclear bomb sword immortals!

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