Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 142 Before the Final Battle

Riemannian geometry was proposed by German mathematician Riemann of the Göttingen School on Earth. This is an extension of Euclid's fifth axiom and a generalization of Euclid's plane geometry.

Because of the mysterious correspondence between the two worlds, or simply a certain heavenly evil taste, this geometry with positive curvature can still be called "Riemannian geometry" or "Riemannian geometry" in Shenzhou. The free and easy monk of Wanfamen, the curved demon Riemann, relied on this geometry to achieve the Tao of Free and Easy.

Riemannian geometry is the mathematical basis of general relativity and is used to describe the space-time model of general relativity. "The essence of gravity is curved space-time", and this "curvature" is the curvature of Riemannian geometry.

Therefore, Ai Changyuan also incorporated Riemannian geometry into the Collapse Palm to master this heaven-defying killer move during the Qi training period.

Wang Qi was not sure about defeating Ai Changyuan, but after watching the fight yesterday, he found his own chance of winning.

"You use Riemann geometry and incorporate it into the Sky Collapse Palm, which not only reduces the difficulty of this martial art, but also strengthens its power. It's great - but it also makes you have to rely on rolling balls to attack!"

The Wanxiang Tianyin transforms into its true form of gravity, which is invisible and intangible, and is extremely difficult to deal with. Apart from anything else, the ability to directly interfere with blood flow should not be underestimated. "On a whim" as an adjective means high spirits, but as a verb or noun without modification, it will only cost a person's life.

Since Wanxiang Tianyin does not have a Qi training chapter at all, the Immortal Academy Transmission Hall did not include it. The Liedian Ai family is the descendant of Yuanli Shangren, and this amazing skill can be learned at home. Without knowing the mind method, it is difficult for Wang Qi to see the flaws.

However, Riemann geometry can be traced! Especially when someone was very good at it in the previous life.

"So, what I have to do now is to integrate Riemannian geometry into my swordsmanship - there is no need to create a swordsmanship that is completely rooted in Riemannian geometry, just integrate the mathematical principles of this geometry with the swordsmanship!"

What Wang Qi has to do now is not to create another swordsmanship, but to add some mathematical principles of Riemannian geometry to the Bai Ze Zhen Zhen Zhan and Lei Yin He Xian swordsmanship.

Riemannian geometry is closely related to differential manifolds, partial differential equations, and multi-complex functions. Lei Yin He Xian swordsmanship and Bai Ze Zhen Zhen Zhan are also martial arts derived from calculus. Wang Qi didn't think of this swordsmanship before, simply because he failed to incorporate the most important concepts of "limit" and "infinity" in calculus into martial arts.

The more basic the concept, the more difficult it is to get advanced applications. Originally, it would take Wang Qi several months to several years to get to this point, but an accident a few days ago saved Wang Qi from all this hard work.

Lingbao fractal diagram, this mysterious figure fixed in Wang Qi's soul, also contains the mystery of "infinity". During the three days when Wang Qi calmed his inner demons, he also touched upon some of the mysteries of fractal graphs. This allowed him to find a way to integrate calculus into swordsmanship.

Of course, it is only a way at present. Wang Qi still has a long way to go before he can enter the door. But even so, he is already far ahead of ordinary people who have not been able to enter the door.

While Wang Qi was struggling to calculate a set of swordsmanship that could break the Collapse Palm, Ai Changyuan was doing something similar. He was thinking about how to break the Elephant Phase Wave Power and the Heaven Entropy Art.

This young man was honestly studying in the study. Unlike Wang Qi, Ai Changyuan was arrogant, but he was always a model of a lion fighting a rabbit with all his strength - what's more valuable is that he never commits suicide. In this regard, a little expert in committing suicide should really learn from him.

The cultivators of Master Yuanli's era all had a strong obsession with the theory of cause and effect. The Lie Dian Ai family retained the customs of that era. Influenced by what he had seen and heard since childhood, Ai Changyuan firmly believed in a famous saying of Lord Bai Ze - the outcome of a cultivator's battle was decided before the battle.

After the establishment of Piaomiao Dao in Piaomiao Palace, determinism was shaken to a certain extent, and many cultivators began to discuss meaningless questions such as "Will a meteorite suddenly fly over and smash me and my opponent to death when you are fully prepared?" and then concluded that "the outcome of the battle is probabilistic." But Ai Changyuan never believed this. He always made as thorough preparations as possible.

It was just after the winter solstice, and the day was not long, and it was night soon. Lu Qianqian, who was staying with Ai Changyuan, activated the lighting seal in the room for him. Seeing her friend frowning and a little worried, she asked, "Changyuan, is this enemy very difficult?"

Ai Changyuan nodded, "Really. It's hard for me to think of a perfect way to defeat him. The only thing I can think of now is to avoid close combat as much as possible."

Lu Qianqian was shocked: "Why, Changyuan, your boxing skills are so strong!"

"The problem is not the boxing skills, but the mind." Ai Changyuan put down the pen in his hand and asked, "Do you remember his first competition?"

Lu Qianqian nodded quickly: " Remember, Kun Zhongxuan!"

"He just used his fist to gently push, and Kun Zhongxuan's 'earth crust qi' automatically collapsed from the inside. This is the viciousness of the Heavenly Entropy Art. If the entropy force attacks the body, the internal breath will stagnate at best, and the body will die at worst - of course, the most common way to die is spontaneous combustion and rainbow transformation." Ai Changyuan said: "I am strong in attack and weak in defense. If my internal breath is disrupted, it will be very bad."

Lu Qianqian blinked: "Then it is to use the Wanxiang Tianyin to attract the opponent's blood from a long distance?"

"I have never fought against a practitioner of the Elephant Xiangbo Gong, so I don't know what's so mysterious about this technique. But since it's Xiangbo, I think it should have the ability to disturb gravity."

"Are you going to use the Collapse Palm right at the beginning?"

"I have this idea, but I need to think about it." Ai Changyuan closed his eyes and nodded: "And we can't ignore his attainments in swordsmanship."

That guy is actually the type of person who is strong in attack and weak in defense like me. Can I take him down with a round of strong attack... No, "weak in defense" is only relative. If you use Xiangbo to protect yourself... I haven't seen anyone break through the defense yet...

Looking at Ai Changyuan who was thinking seriously, Lu Qianqian suddenly felt full of confidence: "Anyway, Changyuan, you are the best! You will definitely win tomorrow!"

Ai Changyuan smiled and patted the girl's head, but his thoughts drifted elsewhere.

Tomorrow... you won't let me down, will you?

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