Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 315 Neon and the Great Sage of Heaven

Aleph Zero represents the number of all natural numbers and is the "number" that represents the total number of natural numbers.

It is undoubtedly a "number", but it is not in the set of "natural numbers".

The poem beyond the poem that the goddess of beauty is looking for.

It is the "first" infinity, the "smallest" infinity.

But it is also a realm that the finite cannot imagine.

It is the first dividing point between the finite and the infinite.

Under it, all finite accumulations are not as good as it, the "smallest" infinity.

Any strong person who can be described as "a little stronger" or "a little weaker" must be below it.

All individuals whose strength can be described by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will never be as good as it.

But on the other hand, it is the "smallest" infinity.

Above it, any infinity that is stronger than it is an existence that she can never catch up with no matter what.

The gap between the second infinity and her is as big as the gap between her and the finite.

Wang Qi was shocked: "Aleph Zero... is also... 4.5 order?"

He thought it was at least the fifth order.

"Maybe? I once thought that I was in the same class as the Celestial Beings - we even thought that we were the creators of the Celestial Beings." The woman who called herself Aleph Zero said so.

Wang Qi's heart moved: "What does this mean?"

"Just as the literal meaning, we are the creators of the Celestial Beings - from a certain limited logic, it should be so." The woman lowered her head and pondered for a moment: "If we look at the culture of Shenzhou... I should be surnamed Ni - our clan is called 'Neon', and it is the first life at the beginning of the universe."

The woman waved her hand. They returned to the original setting.

The "restaurant at the end of the universe".

Wang Qi could not see any traces of the whole process. He could not use his power now, and the ability to reverse the time sequence was completely invalid.

The opposite side was the real "infinity" - even if it was just the smallest infinity, the gap between him and the other party exceeded the gap between a single-celled organism and his limit of harmony.

He was not panicked.

Because there was no need.

The woman turned to the window and looked at the universe outside that was heading for destruction: "The Land of Entropy and Silence... What a beautiful design. The aesthetics chosen by the Saint of Silence."

Wang Qi looked outside. Of course, there would not be a great sage suddenly jumping out here to give a "farewell speech". There was only absolutely disordered chaotic matter outside. Everything had decayed. In the universe, there was only weak heat energy that was diluted to the entire universe, thin tiny particles, and randomly generated and extinguished force fields.

Only special time crystals could exist forever in this moment.

Only Jixian...

"This is the last moment of the universe. In a way, it is very similar to my hometown - the first moment of the positive time sequence universe." The woman sighed: "That was... the moment after the Big Bang. Countless substances are distributed. The positive and negative sides of the world constantly appear and annihilate, entropy is always at the minimum, and everything is absolutely ordered."

"Naturally, in such the highest order, we - Neon, were born."

"We have never felt the passage of time - for us, the thermodynamic arrow of time and the psychological arrow of time do not exist in a sense. We can only perceive the inflation of the universe. For us, the direction of the expansion of the universe is the direction of time - the expansion of your spatial dimension is the expansion of the time dimension for us."

"Naturally, we also have civilization - of course, this may not be considered civilization in your eyes? At most, it is... consensus? Common cognition?"

Wang Qi was stunned: "You, don't have consciousness?"

"What you define as consciousness does not exist in us." Neon said: "Because, where we were born, time was not born - time in a narrow sense was born later than us. In the sense of cosmology From a theoretical point of view, this period of time only existed for one Planck time. "

"What factors exist in this universe that caused the universe to not evolve naturally like a non-spiritual universe after the Big Bang?"

"Wang Qi looked at Neon: "Did you do this too?"

"Neon nodded: "To be precise, the turning point of everything is my 'death'."

"I accidentally created an irreversible event horizon around me. My information could not be transmitted, so I 'died'. In the eyes of my compatriots, I am indeed dead."

"And because of this, they realized that 'the individual in the group is permanently separated ' and 'the permanent disappearance of individual existence'. We have no concept of time, nor do we know what the so-called 'history' is. This is the first time that the Neon species has learned about similar concepts. And with this concept, there is a corresponding concept - survival, living. "

"At the beginning of the universe without rules, our...their consensus is the only truth. They summarized all the consensus into a set of self-consistent contracts and constructed them in the form of runes. "Neon said: "By the way, there are a total of forty-nine runes. Coincidentally."

Wang Qi was silent for a moment: "Forty-nine?"

"After the forty-nine runes were constructed, they were placed on the edge of my event horizon. However, 'my' power is too powerful, so I, along with the forty-nine runes, were carefully crafted The runes distorted the 'uniformity' of the nascent universe - the symmetry of the universe was broken due to our conscious activities. The positive and negative sides of the universe did not cancel out immediately after birth. We created the universe, we created time—and of course, we created the great sages.”

Wang Qi pondered for a moment: "Those forty-nine runes have a huge mass, so the gravity has shaped... forty-nine relatively uneven material groups around the runes."

"Great Sage of Heaven." Neon nodded.

Wang Qi frowned: "But there are not only forty-nine Heavenly Sages..."

"Yes, I remember it that way." Neon nodded: "There are many great sages of heaven...but there are only forty-nine runes in Neon."

——Then, who are the extra celestial saints in history...

Wang Qi felt confused.

"Really? You feel confused too, right? Son." Neon sighed: "I felt very strange too... It wasn't until I saw the Paradise of Entropy and Silence that I understood what was happening..."

Wang Qi was shocked again: "What do you mean by 'until you see' the paradise of entropy and silence? Didn't you exist from the first moment of the universe to the last moment?"

"But 200 million years ago, I didn't remember the existence of the 'Entropy and Silence Paradise' at all." Neon said: "It wasn't until I came 'here' that I knew about the Entropy Silence Paradise - understand? The Silence of the Holy Spirit One blow, not only outside, but also in your area, divided the universe into two eras. I was also affected!

For her, the dimension of time is the dimension of space.

This feeling is like... when you walk down a street, you still don't remember something, but when you reach the end of the street, you remember it. But when you go back to the street, you forget about it again.

As long as you stand on the street, you cannot remember something. And when you reach the end of the street, you will definitely remember it.

The probability is one hundred percent.

But this is impossible!

But it just happened.

"Can you understand how I feel? For me, this is the biggest doubt. It is the doubt that I have always had since the beginning of this era. I have been doubting it until the end of the universe." Neon sighed: "Entropy Silence The paradise is the mirror image of our neon hometown. We have inverse symmetry at a higher level. The paradise of entropy exists in the last moment of the universe, and the hometown of neon exists in the first moment of the universe.”

Wang Qi was stunned: "But I have never heard of neon..."

"Because, neon is not like entering the later time." The woman said: "We shot the arrow of entropy, but we don't like the world of entropy very much, so we will not enter the later time - for you, neon Hong died after a certain point in time. This moment should be the moment when the 49th Heavenly Being is born."

"It's just me, because time was born because of me, so I have to enter time - as it should be."

Strictly speaking, Wang Qi had heard this name once.

"The Fundamental Treasure of Neon Casting".

A manual for constructing Shinto that has existed since the time of the Great Sage of Heaven.

Wang Qi suddenly felt...

Genuine fear.

The paradise of entropy and silence is the inverse symmetry of the hometown of neon.

The paradise of entropy and silence was created by the great sage of heaven and man.

"Maybe we just think that we created the Great Sage. In fact, it's the other way around." Neon said: "We are the creations of the Great Sage. The Great Sage influenced the occurrence of the big bang and gave us birth. "

Wang Qi murmured: "Is there any evidence?"

"There may be human traces in the primordial gravitational waves." Neon said: "I don't want to choose history, so I can only tell you so much."

Wang Qi said: "Is it possible that you created the Great Sage of Heaven and Man, and then they developed a very high civilization, which in turn changed history..."

Neon shook his head: "It's no longer important, understand? For existences at the level of the Great Sage of Heaven, it doesn't matter at all whether they occupy the past or the future. For this universe, their birth is more important than The Big Bang has more real meaning. No matter which moment they are born, that moment will become the most meaningful moment in the universe. "

This is the ultimate time traveler, the infinite modifier of history.

For the great sage of gods, whether it is "occupying the past" or "occupying the future", whether it is "ancient" or "new" is meaningless.

Whichever point in time they exist in, that point in time is special and extraordinary.

Logically, their birth is more important and critical than the Big Bang.

Wang Qi said: "But if this can be achieved by revising history, then we can also reach this realm..."

"Only here can I tell you the truth, Wang Qi." Neon said, "This is the reason why you were born."

"For a moment, the structure of the universe changed greatly. The Saint of Silence refuted the Saint of Creation in that moment. This event was confirmed. After a certain era, all history was given to ordinary creatures. The consciousness of individuals who had already merged with the Tao was rolled back to the past through the forty-nine paths, and they lived in a time and space unknown to us, and did not enter the subsequent era. The Saint of Silence wanted to let the creatures behind them be 'free' - that's what he thought."

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