Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 134: It's not the first time

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Wang Qi had to admit that what Zhen Shanzi said was very reasonable.

Even if you don't count the ten thousand years of sitting in the ring, the old man is still an old monster with thousands of years of experience. His two lifetimes combined are less than forty. In this regard, he really cannot compare with Zhen Shanzi.

"But it's still the same old man." Wang Qi shrugged: "Easier said than done."

"Oh?" Zhen Shanzi's tone rose: "Are you ready to escape? Where is your arrogance? Where is your ambition?"

Wang Qi raised his head and looked upward. The river valley was neither deep nor shallow, and although the sky he could see was not just a thin line, it was not very wide either. The young man showed a relaxed smile and said, "I told you, I want to live forever. So, I have plenty of time to calm my inner demons."

"how long?"

"Who knows?" Wang Qi said: "Maybe it will take thirty years, maybe it will take eighty years. But it is definitely not now."

"In the past thirty to fifty years, if you encounter an opponent who is extremely skilled in illusions, you will be dead."

Wang Qi said it didn't matter: "There's nothing I can do if I'm anxious, that's just the way I am."

Zhen Shanzi smiled in the ring: "I'll give you a suggestion. Don't spend New Year's Eve alone."

Wang Qi frowned: "Old man, your tone is just like 'it's time for you to find a girlfriend.'"

Zhen Shanzi said in a cheerful tone: "'Wealth Couple', isn't it good to have a Taoist companion? Speaking of this, boy, what do you think of the cat tribe half-demon next to you? You seem to like other people's ears very much "

...So my image as a cat ear-controlled person is already an established fact?

The two exchanged a few words casually. Wang Qi said: "Okay, it's time to go back. There is a martial arts test tomorrow. Old man, how do you deal with the memories of your youth?"

"Take the jar, and the Kunshan Sword will be given to you."

Chad was a top-quality weapon, but Wang Qi didn't look overjoyed at all. Instead, he looked at the sword in his hand with a look of disgust: "However, this is of no use."

Zhen Shanzi couldn't catch his breath: "What do you mean by 'of no use'? It's a top-notch weapon, even if you use it at the Nascent Soul stage, it won't feel like it's worth it!"

A certain top student said with a tangled face: "This thing is not suitable for use in today's legal practice. The efficiency of mana utilization is low. For me, it is not as useful as a talisman. The only advantage is that the material is special. I use the Elephant Phase Wave Technique." As for its most precious thing, 'seizing the power of mountains and rivers and dragon veins to evolve one's own body'... Now that the world has changed, old man, as soon as I use this method that harms the world and benefits myself, the law enforcer or the security guard will kill me in a matter of minutes. I'll take it. Being wanted by an organization with a promising future - am I stupid?"

Zhen Shanzi thought for a while and did not refute, but just sighed: "Hey, old man, you are as outdated as me!"

Wang Qi held up the jar and said, "Let's go."

Zhen Shanzi said: "By the way, boy, you have said one less thing - although Kunshan is indeed of no use, its ability to hide is still very strong! It has indeed guarded this altar for ten thousand years, and has not been People discovered it. Thanks to it, I was able to convince you."

Wang Qi looked strange and pointed at the stone where the jar was buried: "Old man, you'd better take a look at this."

Zhen Shanzi's spiritual consciousness looked in the direction pointed by Wang Qi, and his tone suddenly became extremely weird: "Haha."

There was a piece of paper where the jar had just been. It was obviously pressed by the jar and was not seen by the two of them. This piece of paper is intact, unlike the talisman on the jar that turned to dust when touched. Wang Qi shook the paper open and found that not only was it not decayed, it was also very resilient.

The following words were written on the paper:

Relics No. 765 Kun are destined to be revealed to those who are destined to do so:

This place was originally inspected by the monks of Shanhe City in the 235th year of the Immortal Alliance Era. However, it was left behind by the predecessors and it was not easy to preserve it. It was also forced to crack it. It was not a complete success, but it was not beautiful. Therefore we did not dare to take it.

However, this place was originally laid out by ancient cultivators. When someone with a destiny comes to take it, I will tell you in writing, hoping that you will listen.

It was left over from ancient repairs and is no longer suitable for use today. However, as with history, the way of life, and the way of man, the affairs here are all important materials. I hope you will form an alliance with the immortals for research. The Immortal Alliance also received rewards.

Wang Qi and Zhen Chanzi looked at each other.

This feeling of opening the cork with full confidence, only to find that it's not the first time - it's a little subtle!

Another very important activity for Xiujia in ancient times was to break into ruins and search for the remaining resources and possible inheritance inside. However, this kind of thing has gradually disappeared nowadays.

There are two reasons.

First of all, most of the things that can be called relics are left over from ancient times. And the ancient method... represents a completely backward elixir weapon and an outdated and illegal inheritance! The risks and benefits are simply not proportional.

Secondly, the Immortal Alliance explicitly prohibits this behavior. For Jinfaxiu, every relic is an important material for studying human evolution and development. The ancient method has been reduced to rubbish by modern methods at the theoretical level, but at the application level it can still provide ideas for the practice of modern methods. Let laymen explore the ruins? How much research material would be lost!

Nowadays, if a monk discovers a relic, he will most likely choose to report it - digging privately can only get a few rotten magic weapons and some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but reporting it will get generous rewards. How do you choose/

For scattered relics like the Kunshan Sword, the Immortal Alliance also has its own system.

When Wang Qi completed the formalities and registered at the relevant office of the branch in the Jieli, it was already late at night.

Wang Qi left the Kunshan Sword at the branch of the Immortal Alliance. This sword will be tested by relevant experts to determine the detailed casting time and analyze its mechanism, which will be a highlight in the history of Shenzhou refining that is being compiled.

Of course, this does not mean that the Kunshan Sword will be given to the Immortal Alliance for free. The Immortal Alliance stated that it is only a lease. It will be returned after the research is completed for about three to six months. The rent of the Immortal Alliance can be regarded as generous - Wang Qi can get a merit value even if he does nothing in the past six months. And if the refining technique and design concept of this sword can inspire the inspiration of a cultivator of the Immortal Alliance, then Wang Qi will have another share of the merit value. Finally, there will be a refiner of the Immortal Alliance who will refine the Kunshan Sword on behalf of Wang Qi to make this ancient magic weapon more suitable for modern magic cultivation.

If the Kunshan Sword is damaged during the research process, the Immortal Alliance will compensate Wang Qi with another top-grade heavy weapon.

In the eyes of the Immortal Alliance, which can refine immortal weapons, a heavy weapon has insignificant use value, but as an ancient artifact, it still has research value. For Wang Qi, exchanging an unusable magic weapon for the opportunity to refine a magic weapon and an extra merit point is a huge profit. This made him extremely happy, and he looked at the model of the Immortal Alliance with a higher opinion.

Positive-sum game is always better than zero-sum.

Thinking of how he would show off with a heavy weapon and a long sword in the future, Wang Qi's steps became lighter. Although Mathematics is an immortal weapon, it is too special and not suitable for showing off. In comparison, the Kunshan Sword, which is only a heavy weapon level, has a greater benefit to the painting style.

Because he was too absorbed in thinking about these things, Wang Qi did not notice the people around him. When Wang Qi raised his head, he was surrounded by Xin Yue disciples with tears in their eyes.

A certain top student was a little nervous: "Um... Is there something wrong?"

"Brother Wang! You are back!"

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