Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 258 The past and the future, all in one

Wang Qi sighed softly: "So... how should I put it? You are giving me a secret signal, right?"

He raised the iron sword. This sword was made very strangely. It was two meters long, but the blade was thin and brittle, with only the edge of the blade being extremely sharp.

What was even more strange was that an extremely complex rune array was engraved on the hilt, which hindered the circulation of immortal power. It was difficult for Wang Qi to directly infuse immortal power and bless the sword body.

If such a sword body was stabbed on something a little harder, it would probably break like a biscuit immediately, right?

Wang Qi asked in confusion: "I am going to sterilize, right? What do you want to do with this sword? You might as well go empty-handed?"

"No, this sword is not a tool for you to treat them, but a weapon for your next trial." The gray-robed weirdo laughed: "You can either use this sword to kill the enemy directly, or break the talisman array on the sword and use immortal power to bless the entire sword body. But no matter what, you can't use any other methods except swordsmanship. Otherwise, I will take action and increase the difficulty of the trial."

Wang Qi was confused: "What kind of broken rule is this?"

"This is the rule. Only if you survive this final trial, you will have the leisure time to slowly treat your companions. . "The gray-robed weirdo laughed and said, "That's it."

Wang Qi slapped himself: "I'm really a piece of shit - I'm sorry, I apologize to the world. I'm a jerk."

The gray-robed weirdo didn't care, and pretended to turn the page again, saying: "What you are about to face is... the strongest puppet created by the strong man of the maze after thousands of years, the highest limit of cultivation under the foresight, the super-heavenly outsider who has been refined to the layer body [quark star], and most of the wonderful methods of Xiao Piaomiao Palace, and even the Piaomiao Wuding Sword and the unpredictable body method have been deduced to a level you have never seen, and the monster who knows the life flame supernatural power..."

As the gray-robed weirdo described, the ground began to tilt...

No, it's not tilted. A powerful gravitational source is approaching.

As the gravitational source approaches, the effect of space curvature becomes more obvious, and the ground seems to be getting steeper and steeper.

And in this chaos, another Wang Qi also opened his eyes, with a confused expression.

"You must defeat the monster according to the specified method. Otherwise... Oh, for you, this is a 'probably non-existent future'?" The man smiled and closed the book.

Wang Qi [the protagonist]'s face darkened: "Everyone, seal your five ears and retract your spiritual consciousness, otherwise... don't blame me if you die."

The crowd no longer cared to question. At most, they guessed that Wang Qi had some cards that he didn't want others to see. Now either wait for Wang Qi to lose, or watch Wang Qi win and then be killed by Wang Qi - even a fool knows how to choose.

The other Wang Qi [non-protagonist] still had a distorted look on his face, as if he was still immersed in a dream, in a situation of countless emotions and countless demons.

Wang Qi [the protagonist] thought about it and decided to stay away from the other self.

After all, Wang Qi himself knew best what kind of madness Wang Qi would go on.

But at this moment, a bright sword light seemed to emerge for no reason.

At this moment, fate had been decided.

Another Wang Qi [non-protagonist] was split in two by the sword light, his Dantian was shattered, the circulation of immortal power in his body collapsed in succession, and even a large-scale self-cancellation occurred.

"Wow~" Wang Qi curled his lips: "I hope you should have a backup outside, otherwise you must be stupid to death."

This was the first time Wang Qi "observed" the activation of the Wuding Sword.

And at this moment, he also understood.

——So that's it...

This scrap iron sword, let alone fighting with the layer body, even if it is placed in front of the layer body, it will disintegrate and break by itself due to the huge gravity.


Theoretically, there is indeed a way to kill it without consumption.

In a moment of distraction, a shadow of nothingness has already swung in. It was just a matter of a moment, and he crashed into the giant tree.

Then, the vacuum sea of ​​​​infiniteness boiled. Unimaginable huge power, huge explosion.

Unpredictable body skills.

At that moment, the position was determined. The more, the uncertain speed will destroy everything.

Wang Qi separated his energy and protected these fellows who were "said to be quite good for him".

The giant tree fought back like crazy. However, the crackling sound of wood still continued.

Fortunately, this state could only last for a moment.

The giant tree slowly fell to the ground.

At the same time, a burly man with an iron-gray body stood up. He was a humanoid creature with no facial features. This two-meter giant had a metallic body and one arm turned into a sword.

At this moment, he became the lowest point in the space. Including the remains of Wang Qi, all objects naturally fell towards the giant. Several monks had to desperately operate the escape light, and even burned their foundations, in order to fight against it.

The huge mass will inevitably cause huge gravity. To converge this gravity, you have to consume extra power.

Wang Qi took a deep breath: "I shouldn't look like this in the future, right?"

"How is that possible?" The gray-robed weirdo laughed: "This is the only thing that is absolutely impossible."

"Well, then again, isn't this really a let-down?" Wang Qi was a little confused.


"For the super-heavenly outsider, the most suitable body shape for exerting power should be a sphere, and the sphere does not hinder the release of sword energy, and the same is true for the unpredictable body movement."

Just maintaining a human body is a huge spiritual power expenditure.

"Hahahahaha, at this moment, a humanoid monster comes out, isn't it very handsome?" The gray-robed weirdo said: "This is just a trial."

"I understand." Wang Qi nodded and raised his sword.

When the giant saw Wang Qi, he immediately closed his spiritual consciousness and waved his arms. A cloud-like sword energy was taking shape.

Suddenly, a sword light jumped out of the sword.

Then, it pierced through the giant's chest.

The giant was stunned for a moment and let out an inexplicable roar.

"Oh." Wang Qi nodded: "So that's it, I do have this power."

Wang Qi himself was also puzzled.

But he did have this power.

After waking up, he saw his own future. So, he would go in that direction and see the history of the Dragon Emperor becoming a silent immortal.

Now, he has merged the past and the future into one.

Wang Qi felt that if his life was a novel about cultivating immortals, there would be no more casual breakthrough than this.

On the road of cultivation, the theoretical last level, the past and the future merged into one, he actually broke through it while he was unconscious.

Isn't "break for me" the most important plot in the story of cultivating immortals?

It's a pity that he broke through countless times, but he didn't get a few opportunities to shout: "break for me"!

He actually broke through after sleeping!

This is still the last realm!

"Why do I have so many reverse-time powers in my body? If the reverse-time logic gate can be ceded, then this realm will not be a realm of "only relying on comprehension", but a realm of "can be mass-produced by a strong person". As long as there is a strong person who constantly cedes the reverse-time logic gate, a large number of foreknowers can be produced."

"Is it just because this is also "me"?"

"Give it to yourself, can the transfer be completed?"

I can't understand it for the time being.

I don't know how to describe this weird feeling.

It is impossible to complete the transfer of the reverse-time logic gate through initiation. But Wang Qi did rely on the initiation to complete this step. It was just the initiation.

The moment he entered the maze, the hand that held his wrist was not an attack, nor was it using the Heart Demon Curse or the Divine Plague Curse.

That was the initiation.

As for the reason, it is still unclear.

But one thing is certain.

The layer body strongman on the opposite side is indeed very strong. If he did not have the ability of foresight, he might not be his opponent at all.

However, Wang Qi now is a foresight.

As long as there is a way to defeat the opponent, then this method will definitely work.

For the foresight, as long as he knows the principle of the Wuding Sword, he can even use the characteristics of the Wuding Sword in reverse to determine the landing point of the Wuding Sword.

The monster was a little confused. The next moment, his figure began to float, and the unpredictable body movement was used again.

He wanted to hit Wang Qi to death.

The layer body is already strong enough. Not to mention the reinforcement of the Vacuum Infinite Sea.

Then, Wang Qi took two steps diagonally and raised his sword towards where he had just stood.

The gray-robed weirdo closed the book.


When this sound rang out, the weirdo had already collided head-on with the long sword handed over by Wang Qi.

The quantum process is a determined process. As long as the initial parameters are determined, the process is determined.

It's just that the output result is output in the form of probability.

There is no more reason.

The sword blade, which is as sharp as the quark level, pierced the wound that had been hit by the sword energy of the Wudingyun Sword.

The sword blade shattered.

At this moment, the vacuum sea boiled. A vital point in the body of the layer body strongman was detonated.

Strong high-energy radiation poured out from the vital point.

This weirdo has refined his body to the essence of the soul, and his body is indestructible. Even if it is really destroyed, it can rely on the super-heavenly outsider to quickly fill and make up for it.

However, its consciousness is not good.

His consciousness, after all, relies on the exchange of spiritual power inside it.

And now, the high-energy radiation caused by the small explosion has completely shattered the foundation of the other party's consciousness.

Wang Qi threw away the hilt of the sword: "If a ball hits me directly, I might not be so relaxed."

The gray-robed man took the entity of this guy. At this moment, all the monks who maintained their bodies with time and space crashed into the rock wall at the highest speed.

Fortunately, they were suppressed by Wang Qi's magic power.

"Celebrate!" The gray-robed weirdo said to the explorers: "The most special individual in the infinite cause and effect, Wang Qi - this is the moment he stepped into the realm of reality!"

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