Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 269: Monster Battle

"Fiery Sun Sword Breath" is Wang Qi's brutal method of amplifying the Heavenly Sword Sword Qi through the sword formation on the back of the dragon beast and blasting it out in one breath.

Both sides' bodies are so huge, and they are both in the realm of immortals, and their physical vitality is terrifying. In this case, the "cutting" ability of the sword energy is not very meaningful. No matter how it is cut, the opponent's body will not lose vitality. And the King of Silence is in the middle, I am afraid that the sword energy will cut the opponent's torso before the front foot, and the opponent will have grown back after the back foot.

Therefore, the most effective attack is either to evaporate the opponent's body or to completely destroy the enemy's internal structure.

The former requires high temperature.

The latter requires brute force and blunt attack.

And the dragon beast born to destroy the King of Silence just has these two things.

The temperature of the Fiery Sun Sword Breath, which is dozens or hundreds of times higher than the surface of Hengxing, is nothing. There are many strong people at the immortal level who can easily hit this temperature.

But the huge size of the dragon beast made this simple breath have a very wide coverage area.

The dragon beast shook its head. In the area of ​​a sharp fan in front of him, a series of large explosions occurred.

The King of Silence tried his best to avoid it. But his movements were not sharp, and the distance was too close, so he was caught by the breath of the scorching sun sword, and his humanoid torso was instantly burned halfway.

And the wing-shaped flesh membrane on one side of the manta ray torso was directly evaporated!

"Aohou!" The dragon beast roared. Take a heavy step.

"Bang!" The earth trembled!

The King of Silence was suspended at the height of the ground, slowly retreating like a weightless ghost. The acquired will and primitive artificial intelligence were originally unwilling to consume extra mana to move like this. However, the immortal tissue under his feet had completely melted, like melted wax. A large amount of grease burned, forming a raging flame covering a radius of tens of kilometers - it was purple-blue.

If it were on Earth, this huge fire circle, nearly ten meters high and several miles in radius, would be enough to engulf a city.

If the temperature is taken into account, this flame is more terrifying than any major fire on Earth.

You know, this is the flesh and tissue of an immortal, a material strengthened by immortal power. Ordinary flames can't reach its burning point at all. The so-called "melting gold and boiling iron" temperature is not even enough to change the nature of the source of life that constitutes it - in layman's terms, it is "uncooked".

This is also the reason why the hill people did not find the "fire".

However, for the two monsters in confrontation, this kind of flame is just a small flame used for the scenery in the special effects drama.

"Woo! Woo!" The King of Silence screamed. The evaporated matter in the air quickly gathered towards it. Its burnt arm quickly expanded and regained its brilliance.

The dragon beast did not advance rashly.

Although in some animations, "giantization" is a death flag, it is not the first time that Wang Qi has fought a giantization battle. He has a lot of experience fighting giant enemies.

However, this was the first time he built such a huge "flesh body" to confront the enemy head-on.

He needed a little time to adapt to this huge dragon beast body.

But it was not difficult.

Let's put it this way, even if they did not practice the super-heavenly outer way, they only practiced the transformation method, and the dragon race also had the means to gain stronger power through their huge body.

Such a body size is indeed terrifying, but in front of the dragon race's strongmen, it is not enough.

Wang Qi has an orthodox dragon race heritage. Writing "instincts" for such a huge body is not an out-of-scope topic for the dragon race.


The dragon beast took another step towards the King of Silence. The burning immortal oil splashed and turned into a huge wave several meters high. The "ripples" of the flame rolled.

If possible, Wang Qi would like to do this again. However, the dragon beast's mouth still needs to cool down.

——So, let's test the strength of this body!

"Roar!" The dragon beast roared and pounced forward.

Amidst the sound far exceeding that of a nuclear explosion, the huge monsters collided with each other!


The earth shook.

The earth, which was originally the corpse of an immortal and should have been very resilient, could no longer absorb the impact of the footsteps of the two huge monsters. The corpse of the immortal, like jelly or fat, was rippling in circles.

The huge vibration even reached the depths of the hills. Almost all nests and all the people of the hills were involved in this unprecedented huge "earthquake".

Fortunately, the immortal power remaining in the flesh and blood of the immortals helped them resist the might of the battle between the immortals. Otherwise, after this battle, most of these ordinary people of the hills would be scared to death.

Wu Yongbu, the third general of Fu La, watched all this in horror.

When the King of Silence showed his might, his eyes went dark and he almost lost consciousness. In the mist, he saw a strange monster that was too ugly to be a natural creature, taking away the Qing Xie Sect's magic weapon that was contaminated by the spirit god.

At this time, he also regained control of his body.

"I never thought... I never thought... the story of the evil demon from outer space was actually... true..."

As soon as this thought came out, he felt even more ashamed.

Among them, there were those against the Qinghu Sect, and also against Nabulapu and Qingpus.

He didn't know how to deal with his former master and colleagues.

The seriously injured Qing Xie Zong was carried on his back. Nabulapu and Qing Pus, who were also seriously injured but didn't know why they didn't die, were also protected by other Fu La high-level officials.

Apart from that, he didn't know what to do.

Not all the strong men who participated in the "tattoo" died, and there might be worms lurking. Now, there is no time to arrest those people.

The "group" that imitated the hills was dispersed by the aftermath of the conflict between Wang Qi and the King of Silence. The participants didn't realize what was happening at all.

Then, a huge earthquake came.

This is right below the decisive battle of the giant monsters, and the impact is also the strongest.

This is greater than the ups and downs of any amusement park facilities. Countless hill people were thrown into the air. Those ordinary flesh worms who didn't realize anything were in a panic, and the whole scene was in chaos.

——If the assassin continues to attack...

At this moment, Qinghu Zong spoke: "Order all the talismans to gather on the upper wall!"

"I trained you for this day!"

Although the voice was weak, it was extremely firm.


There was no fancy collision.

The two huge monsters were on the surface of this planet, fighting with their opponents in the most primitive way.

Claws, teeth, tails, dorsal fins, tentacles, torsos...

All the organs that could be used were swung and smashed at each other by these two behemoths.

Considering their mass, the energy attached to each of these attacks was more than that of a large-yield aerial bomb. Even the saturation bombing of countless bomber formations would not have a higher output than these two undead monsters.

What's more, the attacks of these two were all "blunt attacks".

It can penetrate into the enemy's body to the maximum extent and destroy the structure of the enemy's flesh.

In simple terms, it is to beat the enemy's tissue into a ball of meat paste.

For giants like them, this is the most depleting attack among conventional means.

Of course, although it is a "blunt attack", the two monsters' extremely high attack and defense speed also show a completely different power.

The vacuum belt created by their waving hands and feet alone is enough to leave scratches on the ground.

At this time, Wang Qilong Beast's advantage is also revealed.

The moment this huge palm hits the enemy, the enemy's skin will evaporate due to the high temperature generated by the high pressure. Then, the power penetrates the enemy's body and destroys the enemy's "macro structure".

However, the attack of the King of Silence on the giant dragon beast did not have such an effect.

The scales of the dragon beast have the innate divine seals deliberately guided by Wang Qi, and there are countless beast organs running under the scales of the dragon beast to build a defense circle.

Every time the King of Silence whips, most of the mana will be guided by the dragon beast's natural rune array and the magic array constructed by the beast organs, and most of the mana will be vented.

For each round of such attack and defense, the advantage of the dragon beast will expand a little.

Really only a little.

Because both sides of this battle have supernatural powers. On the other hand, this outside world has almost "inexhaustible" nutrients.

Both sides are consuming and replenishing flesh and blood from the surrounding.

But even if it is only "a little bit", the accumulation is enough to determine the outcome!


The dragon beast roared, opened its mouth, bit the flesh wings of the Silent King that had been restored for who knows how many times, and swung it hard, causing the Silent King to stagger while tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

And Wang Qi turned around and swept his long tail.

Under the mournful roar of the atmosphere, the huge dragon tail with long spikes attached to the beast mechanism and containing the sword energy of the Heavenly Sword pierced the chest of the Silent King's humanoid torso.

"Woo! Woo!" The Silent King howled and shot a large number of tentacles from the ray torso.

Then, the dragon beast looked back again and opened its mouth.

The golden flames once again dominated the Silent King's vision.

The sword energy of the scorching sun!

This time, the scorching sun sword breath was more blazing than the first time. The huge fire dragon rushed out straight, and was split into two after hitting the King of Silence. Both sword breaths swept thousands of miles before gradually calming down.

The King of Silence was hit head-on by such an attack and completely withered.

The dragon beast lowered its body. In the air, thunder penetrated the four fields. In a flash, Wang Qi was in front of the King of Silence. The dragon beast's thick front claws were not suitable for holding tools, but they were enough to tear apart such prey that was already at a disadvantage.

The wave of flesh and blood came again. The King of Silence once again launched the Super Heavenly Outer Dao at full power.

The dragon beast opened its temporary gills and snatched the immortal flesh and blood that was decomposed by the King of Silence from the air. At the same time, the dragon beast's front claws separated and pulled the human-shaped torso off the manta torso.

Then, it opened its big mouth and bit down hard on the "half fish".

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