Wang Qi really didn't understand what happened.

Seriously, this is ridiculous, really.

He clearly watched three meat bugs suddenly jump out. One of them was probably going to kill the strong man who was probably the Qinghao Sect. Then the Qinghao Sect killed that one, but the other two didn't even notice. Li Qingguo Sect, just jumped out and stabbed each other with the attitude of dying together.

--This is……

This scene was so unbelievable that Wang Qi directly rejected the possibility of "assassination".

Think about it, the story of "Jing Ke assassinating Qin" has been performed countless times, but except for a few comedy works, have you ever seen any play in which Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang did not care about King Qin Yingzheng, and directly performed a full martial arts performance in the Qin Palace?

Even if the director assumes that there is a grudge between Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang for killing their father, there is no need to resolve it during the assassination, right?

Wang Qi feels that the physical laws of the universe he lives in are very obvious, and the effect of the theorem of large numbers is extremely clear. Even if he is a comic character, he is definitely not the protagonist of a comedy - Wang Qi is definitely the protagonist of the drama.


"What on earth is going on? Is this part of the ritual? Does it need to be sacrificed with blood?" Wang Qi speculated.

But looking at the situation, it doesn't look like it.

According to the information he has, this ritual is clearly a once-in-a-generation event. If it was so dangerous every time and required the sacrifice of so many strong men... then how could Qiuling collect such a number of strong men as two statues and five edicts? How could the Qinghuo Sect's rule last so long?

"It can't really be a coup, can it?" Wang Qi thought, carefully sensing his surroundings.

The Mistborn showed no sign of taking action.

"The Qinghuo Sect is a friend recognized by the Sons of Mist, so the Sons of Mist will not sit back and watch the Qinghuo Sect die. Since there is no sign of the Sons of Mist intervening, it means that this should be a normal phenomenon."

Wang Qi thought this way: "Let's see... maybe this is really just some kind of religious folk performance. Well, let me see, unless the Qinghao Sect is in dire straits, it's better to hide yourself..."

——Speaking of which... Son of the Mist, this guy should... have come, right?

No wonder Wang Qi was so confused.

Because this scene is truly incredible.

Not to mention he, a despicable foreigner who didn't know the ins and outs, even the local bugs who knew the inside story of tattoos were stunned.

The insects involved in the assassination were stunned.

The onlookers were stunned.

Even the Qinghao Sect, who was the target of the assassination, was stunned.

The king of the hills had a strange expression, and seemed to be thinking about whether these two insects were traitors, loyal, traitors or guilty...

However, Nabulap and Qingpu didn't have much time to think.

Both of them used the borrowed majestic power to swing out this fatal blow without considering their own defense, nor did they have the ability to control this power to avoid vital points.

With just one blow, the two of them shattered each other's internal organs at the same time. The spiritual power that rolled through the whole body was like a typhoon, completely destroying the body and even causing serious damage to the soul.

If no other external force intervened, these two insects would be dead. And even if they are lucky enough to survive, they can only become useless insects.

"It's actually like this..."

"It's so stupid..."

It wasn't until the moment they couldn't stop that they understood what the other person was thinking.

However, they could only squeeze out this self-deprecation.

They are literally "stupid".

However, if they could do it over again, they would make the same choice.

Because such major events as "assassination" or "rebellion" have never been what some writers think. Just slap the head, and then randomly grab three or five friends to drink together and say, "Rebellion against him." .

When Fula's senior officials discussed "tattooing," they went through many rounds of testing. Deliberately revealing flaws to let others notice your thoughts without leaving any key evidence. While this process is going on, they are still receiving intelligence from others and analyzing other people's intentions.

Only after connecting with each other can they dare to really bring this matter to the table.

Because as long as the slightest bit of news about the "Assassination of the Qinghao Sect" is leaked, it will be a fatal situation. If you are not convinced that the other person has the same idea as you, no one will say anything substantial.

There are many people in any world who say a few important and sincere words to a friend over a wine table, only to be ruined... in any world.

But on the eve of the assassination and in the forbidden area, they did not have this time and opportunity. There was no room for them to test each other.

More importantly, they dare not gamble.

Once it comes to the "evil demons from outside the sky" mentioned by the Qinghuo Sect, then what they are betting on is Qiu Ling's fate.

Just imagine, if Nabulap told Qingpu that he was going to jump back and stab Kong Yuanzun in the back, but when he took action, he was stabbed in the back by Qingpu before he backstabbed Kong Yuanzun, then Nabulap All his thoughts will be buried, and Qingpu, the great enemy, will continue to survive.

Therefore, Nabrapu hid his thoughts for the first time. He couldn't afford to gamble on the fate of the hills.

In his imagination, he would rather kill Qing Pus by mistake and die together with Kong Yuan Zun, but also ensure the safety of Qing Hao Sect.

Qing Pus also didn’t dare to gamble.

He would rather sacrifice his daring brother, but he must also ensure that nothing happens to the Qinghao Sect, which can fight against the evil spirits outside the world.

Therefore, at this point, the two insects have no regrets, only regret and self-deprecation.

"If I had been sure earlier..."


No insects reacted, and for a moment, there was silence. Only Kong Yuanzun's screams echoed around.

The two insects were divided into four parts and fell to the bottom of the platform in free fall, and the blood formed an irregular crystal dotted line in the air.

"That Brapu, Qingpus..." Qingxie Zong wanted to rush out, but Kong Yuanzun waved the remaining knife-like limb and roared: "Where are you going, tyrant!"

Breaking the air and killing - Xuanjue!

A style of absolute sword, blocking Qingxie Zong's actions. The round sword light stuck to Qingxie Zong from all directions, as if to cut Qingxie Zong into pieces. Qingxie Zong used his tentacles to pull out Kong Yuanzun's limbs inserted in his body, controlled the sword with Qi, and used the sword to fight the sword. In an instant, he fought with Kong Yuanzun for more than 20 times, and then dodged each other.

"I knew that Fu La's bastard was unreliable... Where to escape!" Other strong men suddenly attacked. From a distance, it was as if nearly ten light dragons burst out from the "mountain" and attacked Qing Xie Zong.

"Get out of the way!" Qing Xie Zong shouted, and with a turn of his energy, he inserted Kong Yuan Zun's claws into Kong Yuan Zun's back, while his main claws were combined and then slashed diagonally to both sides.

Tian Yuan·Sword.

"Oh!" Wang Qi looked at this move and it looked familiar: "Similar to swordsmanship?"

He should have seen this move somewhere.

This shows that even if Qing Xie Zong is not a body of several predecessors, it must be deeply related to him.

—— Add this direct evidence, it's enough.

Thinking of this, he instantly squeezed out of the area he was in and moved to the battle circle without making a sound.

—— In any case, Qing Xie Zong must be saved... His value is huge.

There was even a moment when Wang Qi wanted to describe it as "his value is greater than all creatures on this planet." But if he said that, he would definitely be questioned by the Zhengtian Division. If he did that, then... probably he would never be able to return to his home planet in this life.

But... for the sake of the Qingxie Sect, killing a few local masters is not a big deal!

His behavior was not abrupt. Because at this moment, many people in the hills who reacted also made similar moves - either running for their lives, or rushing over to check on the lives of Qingpus and Nabulapu.

In just a short moment, the battle situation changed again. With a sword strike, the Qingxie Sect had already considered the encirclement of several masters.

He noticed that the other Fu La masters were still the "discordant voice" in this huge group, and they still kept sober and observed this side. But none of them had any intention of taking action.

Obviously, they also knew that if Qingpus and Nabulapu, the two Fu La leaders who led the tattoo, suddenly killed each other, their position would be very delicate. Those strong people outside the system would no longer trust them.

This is also the reason why Qingpus and Nabulapu decided to turn against them on the spot. They knew that in this short time, they could not reach a consensus within Fu La, and it might just make the assassination out of their control. So, they chose to use the most intense method to drive out all the masters of Fu La.

At this moment, the other generals and the chief coach were also confused.

"Which side am I on?"

"What are Qing Pu Si and Na Bula doing?"

"I see..." Qing Xie Zong's mind turned quickly, and he quickly figured out this part.

"I see... Although I don't know why you guys turned against us temporarily, well done, Qing Pu Si, well done, Na Bula!"

Qing Xie Zong closed his arms and blocked the attack of a Wu Zhao strongman. The opponent missed the attack and wanted to push it away. But Qing Xie Zong seized the moment when the opponent wanted to retreat and the moves were old but not retreating, and attacked anyway, destroying the opponent's body balance, and then stretched out his arms to pierce the strong man.

This Wu Zhao strongman was extremely tenacious, and actually locked Qing Xie Zong's main claws with the seven pairs of claws under his abdomen. Lingshen took this opportunity to attack from close range, but was also repelled by Qingxie Zong. Kong Yuanzun let out a shrill howl and also rushed forward.

Hate the tyrant for being unkind.

Hate the enemy for being powerful.

Hate the comrades for turning against each other.

Hate myself for being weak.

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!

Breaking the sky and slashing - hate, hate, hate!

Hatred drove Kong Yuanzun's ultimate move, and the black sword energy burst out like a blazing flame. Qingxie Zong had to deal with it with one arm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh... Qingxie Zong, die!" Fang Yezhao was extremely angry, waving her claws, giving up defense, and attacking Qingxie Zong with all her strength. It was a desperate way of fighting!

At this moment, an inexplicable spiritual power suddenly erupted from her dantian and swept her whole body.

The inexplicably powerful aura pressured all around, and even teammates were affected.

Qingxie Zong's face suddenly changed: "It's you?"

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