Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 200: Follow Your Heart

Although for Wang Qi's personal life, Chen Youjia's arrival was an earth-shaking change, but for the entire radical sect, this incident was like throwing a stone into the pond - there were splashes, but not much.

Even on the second day, the morning exercises of the Yu clan and the Laud Zerg clan were carried out as usual.

For students in Xianyuan, morning exercises are nothing more than boxing and meditation. But among the monks who participated in the special arithmetic training camp organized by the Fundamental Sect, which one is not at the stage of reaching the stage of forming an elixir? At this level, simply practicing boxing can no longer bring them much help.

It is impossible for Wang Qi to do this.

In fact, the only designated training item for the fundamentalists is "oral arithmetic."

Everyone uses a calculator, and then all the monks participating in the training must gather together every day to stand on the square and train. On the calculator, a large number of four arithmetic problems will be scrolled and played at a speed of ten steps per second. The most difficult of these problems would not exceed three-digit multiplication and division and five-digit addition and subtraction, but all monks must solve them within one second.

Unless they are monks who have mastered the Yaoding Sutra or any Wanfa sect skills to a small degree and entered them into the Dharma Foundation, anyone who can breathe on the territory of the Basic Sect needs to undergo Zhejiang training for half an hour every day, and they can't be moved. .

Every time you make a mistake on a question, a lightning strike will strike you down.

This magic weapon is not very powerful and can only cause short-term paralysis. However, for those foreign monks, this magic thunder was enough to interrupt their train of thought.

It is said that on the first day of this training, more than half of the Yu clan monks were struck by lightning one after another until they went into shock. In the end, the old servant Feng Zeshe went to Zhengyi Division to negotiate with Wang Qi, asking for relief. The intensity of lightning.

Even so, there would be fainted Yu students being carried out of the venue every day.

But Wang Qi showed no signs of ending this crazy plan. In the past few months, this kind of training has been unbreakable, and I have to do it for half an hour every day.

According to Wang Qi, this is called "practicing oral arithmetic every day."

"Only if you are familiar with numbers, can you talk about the rest." Faced with the question from the servant Fengze, Wang Qi seemed to be very convincing: "If even this step is missing, then the rest will not be discussed. No need to talk about it. It’s like appreciating a copybook, at least you need to be literate.”

"Why don't you recognize a few numbers!" Taifu Fengze was a little angry.

"When aristocrats write, they also pay attention to the artistic conception of yin and yang, praise and blame, and the combination of different glyphs and fonts and content." Wang Qi rolled his eyes: "Isn't it just hundreds of thousands of characters? How can you spend all this time?"

If you want to be a painter, you need to draw eggs first and know the squares and circles; if you want to be a performer, you must first read music and know how to control a musical instrument. These arts that emphasize so-called "spirituality" all require "hard training". It requires repeated entry and summarizing something similar to "empirical formulas" before you are qualified to talk about higher ones. Why is mathematics no longer needed?

New students such as Yu Clan and Laude Zerg Clan have never deliberately cultivated this ability in their long lives. Their thinking has been stereotyped, and even the smartest people among the Yu clan will complain that "arithmetics is a headache."

No, even among the Shenzhou human race, there are people who hold similar views among the current backbone of the Dharma Immortal Way. Low-level monks who are not from the Wanfa sect will probably not like arithmetic.

No one can categorically declare that he completely hates music or poetry—at most, he just doesn’t like a certain kind of music or a certain kind of poetry. But most people can claim to dislike math.

Sometimes, even Wang Qi couldn't help but want to agree with Suanjun.

If you can't even see the magnificent avenue on this level, what are you not an uncivilized monkey?

If we want these wastes who have gone astray and can't get into the door to get started quickly, working hard to make up for their shortcomings is just the basis.

In addition to practicing oral arithmetic every day, Wang Qi also prepared standard question-sea tactics.

Moreover, Wang Qi is not only cruel to others, he is also cruel to his own people.

All members of the fundamentalist faction need to spend at least an hour every day doing questions.

These questions are not very difficult and are still far away from the forefront of current research. They are all "problems that have been solved long ago but are considered very difficult by others."

Let's put it this way, as early as thousands of years ago, the two-dimensional primary Tianyuan group was considered a classic problem. But now, even students from the Immortal Academy can easily solve it using the "elimination method".

But to this day, proving that the "Method of Elimination" can be established under any conditions is still beyond the scope of knowledge of ordinary monks.

However, for Wanfamen monks like Zhao Qingtan, the meaning of this is to "make up lessons" and "cultivate certain aspects of thinking."

Because Wang Qi didn't know what his motives were, and the exercises he assigned to others were all areas in which the person doing the questions was not good at. These topics are concentrated in the three fields of "Number Theory", "Curves on the Finite Field Plane" and "Riemannian Geometry".

No one knows why Wang Qi insists on asking everyone to do these questions, but this does not prevent everyone from doing a few big questions every day to increase their knowledge.

This is also a manifestation of the long life span of Chinese monks, so they are not afraid of being "extremely knowledgeable but not masterful".

However, gradually, they realized that perhaps... understanding these three fields at the same time was not a matter of being broad but not masterful.

In discussions held every few days, Wang Qi gradually revealed his subsequent direction.

This is a magnificent picture. What is revealed in front of everyone is only a scratch, but everyone can place their trust in the breath of "Tao" on it.

In short, the fundamentalist faction in a foreign country shows a kind of vitality.

Only Chen Youjia felt... awkward.

It's not that she and Kippa are incompatible. This feeling only exists for Wang Qi.

This feeling of alienation is very strange. It is not the frustration of "he has gone too far and I have been left far behind", nor is it a bullshit feeling of distance, but a simple..."incomprehensible" feeling. Feel?

——Why did it become like this?

Chen Youjia always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't say anything. Although she seemed to be emotionally stable on the surface, there was a certain kind of negative emotion accumulated in her chest, like a ball of burning cotton wool, floating around in her chest, burning everywhere, but it just couldn't burst out.

Sure enough, there are some questions that you won't automatically get answers to without doing some calculations.

Chen Youjia thought so.

——I am indeed a fool.

At this time, I didn’t know what to do.

——So, you should go to Wang Qi at this time and say something...

Chen Youjia has always had such anxiety in her heart.

Until Wang Qi took her out for a walk.

"I've been here for half a month. How are you? How do you feel?" Wang Qi and Chen Youjia walked slowly and slowly in a sparse forest. This sparse forest is thousands of miles south of Yumen City.

These trees are all species that have never been seen in China. However, the leaves had already fallen off, and a thin layer of snow covered the grass, and there was always a crunching sound under the feet of the two people.

Chen Youjia rolled her eyes at Wang Qi: "You've been with me long enough, right...can't you really tell how I feel?"

Wang Qi smiled: "Well, that's not what you're saying... Let's ask another question? What do you think of the current situation of our school's residence?"

"The person who built the house must have a trick in his head. He is emphasizing to fellow Taoists from other sects... the stereotype of my Wan Dharma sect by a person who doesn't understand arithmetic."

Wang Qi sighed: "Junior sister...you are still so incapable of chatting."

Chen Youjia pouted and turned away.

"At this time, you should ask me, 'Why do you say I don't know how to chat?', and then I will tell you what you should say, and then we can work out our ideas." Wang Qi turned around, Pretend to be sincere: "Tell me, am I right?"

"Then..." The corners of Chen Youjia's mouth twitched, and she felt that this atmosphere really didn't seem like a solution to emotional problems: "Why do you say I don't know how to chat?"

"You should have said it from the beginning..." Wang Qi suddenly got stuck: "Okay, actually, I often chat to death, and by the way, I chat to death physically about the people I'm chatting with. But, I think, I think , you should praise my ideals at this time, and then you can continue chatting."

Chen Youjia pressed her forehead. For some reason, she became very impatient: "Okay, okay, Wang Qi's ideal is the most amazing - just say what you want to say, right?"

Wang Qi slapped himself in the face: "Oh my god... Actually, at the beginning, I wanted to start from the time I teach the foreign disciples, and then talk to you about the 'objectivity of arithmetic', that is, 'one' The meaning behind this concept exists no matter which language, which script, which world or type of civilization, and then let’s talk about the principles derived from this point..."

Seeing that Chen Youjia still had a wrinkled face, Wang Qi suddenly stretched out his hands, pressed her cheeks from both sides, and rubbed them hard: "It's true that she has become a little too reserved. If it were before, you should actually be more direct. Jump on my back, then bite my ears and listen to me.”

Suddenly attacked, Chen Youjia was startled at first, then became embarrassed and angry. He tried to use his skills to break free. But she and Wang Qi practiced the same technique, and Wang Qi had a higher level of cultivation, so she had almost no room to dodge. In desperation, she retracted her legs, kicked Wang Qi's abdomen, and shouted: "Yiyiyi is instigating such nonsense!"

It wasn't until she said the last two words that she managed to break free from Wang Qi's hand. But Wang Qi held her back collar with his backhand: "To be specific, it's...junior sister, I'm giving in."


"Can the Yuanshen stage monks not be able to hear such loud words?" Wang Qi frowned artificially, and said to Chen Youjia who was lifted up by him: "I admit defeat. Do you think the angle I am looking up at is very sincere? "

"Sincerely, you..."

Wang Qi said seriously: "Junior sister, so far you are the only one who has asked me to admit defeat. If you don't believe it, let me analyze where I am afraid."

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