Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 143: Super Outer Dao

Although Wang Qi's speed of flight was not considered fast at the level of immortals, and on the contrary was a bit slow, in fact, this huge beast machine cluster was actually moving away from the back of the moon at a speed several times the speed of sound.

Several pieces of broken rocks just blocked the entire beast machine cluster. I'm afraid this had already been calculated by Wang Qi - he had already designed the movement direction of each piece of lunar debris and corrected the route of his beast machine cluster.

However, Alure's situation was different. She seemed to lack the means to move quickly and was actually dragged by the gravity of the planet.

The Tianju species has a more terrifying body than ordinary beast species, but it almost never aggregates into an individual - this overly huge body is easily crushed by gravity itself. Just to maintain such a body, it is necessary to resist the huge gravity, which causes considerable additional consumption.

And Alure was simply gathering in this form for the first time.

All the magic skills and spells in her mind were all for the Yuan clan, not the Tianju species. And it probably spent the thousand years it spent on the imprisoned planet in the form of a cluster - it has neither developed a way to fight its own gravity nor created any suitable escape technique.

If it had not been thinking of "using the power of ascension" from the beginning, it would probably not have left the surface of the planet so quickly.

But she never expected that just because she wanted to stop her from ascending, the dragon slave on the opposite side would dare to blow up a satellite!

"You..." The spiritual power roared, conveying the hatred of the Yuan clan immortals. Because she was not used to her body at all, Aluer could not chase Wang Qi - even though Wang Qi's beast machine cluster moved at a speed of only several times the speed of sound!

She felt as if there was an invisible rope pulling her back to the planet.

"No! No!"

At this moment, the sphere that was gradually moving away suddenly lit up with red and white light.

"From the dome of hatred, with the injustice of Ming Shun in our hearts, we will hold the sword that slays demons - you are the blade of purity!"

The red and white light streams left a half-light-second trajectory in space. And half a second later, two balls of heart demon spell power hit the yellow giant head-on.

The magnificent aura that was enough to crush a country turned into a vortex, strangling the invading offensive. But for some reason, the power that came to attack this time was so difficult to refine. It was as if I caught two balls of mud with my fingers, and it was so difficult to just "throw it away". And this kind of power would actually entangle with my protective aura...

-No! This is...

Because of the "essence" or some kind of metaphysical level, this method is somewhat similar to my fundamental practice, so Aluer noticed the weirdness of this thing.

"The power of the evil gods!"

She laughed instead of being angry: "Are you treating the power of the evil gods as a treasure?"

The golden light trembled, and the red flames and white light disappeared at the same time.

In the distance, Wang Qi's clone stood on the surface of the beast machine cluster, looking up at the monster that had completely destroyed the Heart Demon Mantra.

——Sure enough...

Well, the difficult-to-refine characteristics of the Heart Demon Mantra and its almost perverted infectiousness are indeed not good enough for the level of immortals.

If he had used the original Heart Demon Mantra instead of the Hinayana magic completed by Xin Xiang, then the mantra power just now would have been completely refined the moment it touched the opponent's protective aura.

However, Wang Qi is no longer the weak chicken who could only use the Heart Demon Mantra to infect. For him at this moment, Hinayana magic has never been the goal.

It's just a means.

The mantra power condensed inside the magic gun. After the divine power of the six reincarnation realms was transformed by the book condensed by the mantra spirit, it became pure mantra power. Wang Qi closed his eyes, called on the massive computing power, and constructed the spell structure at the fastest speed.

Write the extremely high-density spiritual resonance into a ball of mantra power.

The sharpest attack, the most terrifying illusion...

Two torrents, one red and one white, flew out again. This time, the red yellow torrent turned into a huge fireball in the air, accompanied by thousands of burning fires. Thousands of small flames spread out, disturbing the protective qi of the yellow giant god, and the huge fireball emitted explosive power, trying to drill into it.

After the white light approached, it turned into a winding frost cloud dragon. Just one look at it made you feel frozen. The cold dragon kept changing its angle and attacked the yellow giant god from different directions, as if looking for a "flaw".

In the golden light, the giant god waved his arms.

Usually, when monks say that a certain strong man's palm is "overwhelming", it is just a rhetorical device - an ordinary creature, no matter how big or long his palm is, how can he use such an overwhelming method alone?

But for the giant god composed of yellow crystals, his palm is really "overwhelming". This slap was enough to flatten a city!

The shadow of the Red Eye was slapped to death like a fly. The spirit of the Frost Cloud Beast was no better than a mosquito and was wiped out by two streams of energy.

However, Alure was facing two troubles.

First, her body was about to lose balance. The skills used by a two-meter-tall body would have huge flaws even if they were barely used with such a huge body.

Second, she had to expend more energy to eliminate the evil power mixed in her energy one by one.

But then the inner demon curse spirit came one after another.

Aluer knew that she had fallen into the trap prepared by Wang Qi. Although she had the essence of an immortal and could fight in the universe, she had no such experience at all, and she had no real suitable spells to fully utilize the combat power of her huge body. Moreover, after leaving the planet, she could no longer slowly extract spiritual power from the deep artificial veins.

But the other party was completely different. He had already calculated that he would leave the environment with stable gravity, and then use his distance advantage to completely kill himself.


"Do you think you can kill me like this?" In the roar, the power of the mind mixed with twisted hatred radiated out, and a layer of immortal soul force field was superimposed in the aura.

The demon curse spirit that was supposed to infect other people's minds was broken up in this attack, and the spell structure in the core was scattered into ordinary curse power, and then it was completely refined by the yellow aura.

But at this moment, Aluer's mind sank to the bottom of the valley.

——I was careless...

Due to the infectious nature of the power of the evil spirit, and the other party only solemnly took it out after blowing up the moon, so she subconsciously regarded this thing as the other party's last trump card and focused her attention on this aspect.

This also caused her to notice the changes in the fragments of the moon now.

Fine black lines appeared on the surface of the satellite fragments at some point, winding and interlacing, forming a series of hideous ghost faces with open mouths. The wonderful magic structure enveloped the entire celestial body. With the flash of lightning, countless molecular bonds broke together. The atoms that originally formed the moon were directly grabbed and sent into the beast mechanism cluster in a specific proportion to build a new beast mechanism.

Seeing this scene, Aluru screamed: "Super Heaven Outer Dao... How is it possible!"

Aluru didn't understand this outer way, but that didn't mean she didn't know it.

In fact, this heresy is one of the products of the cooperation between the heavenly and human civil war and the turmoil of the survivors. This simple and crude idea of ​​relying on "quality" to prove the way is also one of the earliest proposed alternatives to the Nascent Soul Method.

Aluel didn't know how this project failed and how the heavenly survivors let the "experimental subjects" pass it on, but she knew that she was in danger.

If there is any heresy that is most suitable for cultivation on a planet with very low spiritual energy, it must be the "super heavenly heresy" that transcends the celestial body.

The most important resource for practicing the super heavenly heresy is "quality"!

As for spiritual energy, it can be automatically absorbed by the distorted time and space brought by the huge mass.

These beast organs are growing rapidly at an unprecedented rate.

Wang Qi did burn a lot of mass, but this does not mean that the beast organs on the moon are all gone.

And the remaining beast organs are enough to build a huge formation on dozens of fragments of the moon.

Although not as good as the one that was spread all over the front of the moon, if the formation on these fragments is spread out, it is also a terrifying formation covering a radius of 100 miles.

The starship-level spirit pools built by the beast mechanism and buried in various places on the moon in advance became the power source of these huge formations.

The rainbow-colored light curtain connected these fragments together. All the formations trembled together, emitting thousands of rays of light.

The sky was full of light.

Then there was the extremely gorgeous-the Yuanci Aurora Sword Qi.

The huge and terrifying aurora covered the entire sky-it was as if the moon suddenly turned into a net and netted downwards.

This is the real "Sky Net"!

The indescribable wave of light rushed towards the yellow giant god in the center of the net. Under the impact of the sword energy, the yellow giant god who could massacre cities and destroy countries by "walking" was like a beast being ruthlessly swallowed by the sword energy tsunami.

"How is it possible... How is it possible How is it possible How is it possible How is it possible!" Aluel screamed. But soon she couldn't scream anymore. The sword energy coming from all directions was like a series of undercurrents rushing from all directions.

The giant's arms were cracked, but the movement was still swift. Limbs, tail, and qi... all the available strength was used at this moment. At the beginning, she was able to extinguish the waves of sword energy one by one. But as time went on, this action became more and more difficult.

Even if she could extinguish at least thirty sword energies with one mana... but the number of sword energies...

- How is it possible...

- How could he control so many sword energies...

- That ordinary realm...

The power accumulated by millions of days and nights was rapidly decreasing like the scorching sun and the remaining snow. The yellow crystals on the surface of the body continued to shatter. The yellow crystals that separated from the surface of the body immediately exploded into a ball of golden essence, trying to push away the sword energy and provide defense for the body. But such a ball of essence was instantly submerged by a hundred times the mana.

"Think about it carefully, sister, how much spiritual energy can be left on a planet that has experienced the ember phenomenon?"

"In terms of total mana... how can you compare with me?"

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