Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 141: The True Evil Demon, the Sword That Kills Demons [Part 2]

The huge sword constructed by the beast mechanism pierced into the atmosphere like a missile. The whistling sound was continuous and dense, almost tearing the sky apart.

All the beast mechanisms controlled by Wang Qi can freely construct any structure of the semi-immortal level under the premise of sufficient calculation. So many swords are all the result of unified operation. These swords are wrapped with destructive sword light, and inside they also contain a terrifying sword energy that can raze the city.

There are tens of thousands of such swords!

While accelerating with the help of the gravity of this planet, the swords fine-tuned their positions, and a majestic sword formation with a radius of 100 miles was immediately formed, just like a skynet pressing towards the Huangjing land.

A Luer knew the power of the puppet Gu. The strength of the puppet Gu does not lie in itself, but in its ever-changing ability. A magic weapon composed of puppet Gu may have any function. If you knock down a puppet Gu weapon and ignore it, then this puppet Gu weapon may turn into a trap to kill you at any time.

So... don't touch it!

"The sky is full of ten thousand nets!"

The thick qi that originally blocked the infinite sword energy immediately changed. Countless transparent tentacles popped out instantly, and there was a structure similar to a "palm" on the top, but it was definitely not the shape of a human palm. These tens of thousands of palms immediately used tens of thousands of martial arts and attacked the sword formation in the sky vigorously.

At the same time, the huge crystal column once again launched a mighty attack, and infinite light and heat echoed. The originally thin atmosphere of this planet was immediately torn open by a huge crack.

The soul attached to Wang Qi's sword felt as if he had rushed into the asphalt. Although he could still move forward, every step forward would require a terrible price. And the torrent of destruction was taking away part of the sword formation every second, and the entire sword formation trembled under the heavy load.

Then, countless palms collided with the sword formation in the sky.

It was hard for Wang Qi to imagine that the few movements completed by the "palm" structure could actually form so many martial arts. The waves of fists and palms came together. Under the bombardment just now, the sword formation had already weakened. Such an attack destroyed the connected momentum in one fell swoop.

And the attack of the exiled immortal of the Yuan clan was not limited to this. Many "palms" used martial arts such as "Soul Destroying Palm" in the air, and actually shook out Wang Qi's thoughts attached to the beast mechanism. Although the beast mechanism did not rely on Wang Qi's thoughts to command, its reaction was inevitably slower. Then, those palms either used clever strength to throw the giant sword thousands of miles away, or used soft strength to bind it in mid-air, or used splitting strength to directly break the sword energy.

In the sky, it seemed that countless burning metal powders were scattered. The incandescent material torrent descended like a glowing cloud.

It seemed that Wang Qi realized that it was impossible to do anything, so he detonated the sword energy of the sky sword one by one. It was like the sun falling to the ground, and the light comparable to that of a star shone thousands of meters above the earth.

It was like the sunset of a red giant star was burning.

Beautiful and deadly.

The fragile crust under the ocean finally couldn't bear this crazy destruction, the whole land sank, and then directly caused a second collapse. The average altitude of Huangjing Land dropped by a thousand meters in an instant!

"Damn it! Damn it!" Although she blocked this move, Aluel was even more angry. That attack definitely consumed a lot of her energy.

Her body didn't have the essence of an immortal, and couldn't absorb too much disordered spiritual energy from the universe. Unlike the extremely high entropy of the Silent Immortal Destruction Treasure Book, the thin spiritual energy in the outer space was just disordered, and it was not enough to promote the operation of her own clan's cultivation. At this stage, absorbing the spiritual energy from the outer space was not worth the loss.

Therefore, the mana she could use to temper her immortal power was one less point.

Perhaps she could rely on her own accumulation to win this battle in the end, but consuming too much would mean that all her operations since the transformation would go down the drain.

- Unacceptable!

In an instant, the Huangjing Earth fell silent. Except for the construction of defensive spells, all forces were settled, compressed, refined, and forged.

And Wang Qi saw this scene 1.2 seconds later.

"Oh, it looks like it can't hold on?" Wang Qi said so. The black fog of the beast mechanism on the front of the moon has been changed ten times, and countless beast mechanisms have been overloaded and damaged. But now, it is finally his turn.

Another 1.2 seconds later, the colorful light column descended, covering the Huangjing Earth that has shrunk to millions of square kilometers.

From a distance, these hundreds of thick sword lights are actually condensed into one!

The aura like a sea of ​​clouds rolled up and down, and the edge had a faint tendency to collapse.

The huge cracks grew freely on the earth like life. Due to the ember phenomenon, this planet is fragile enough. It is not suitable as a place for two immortals to fight.

The underground caves were also filled with wind. It was air that was forced in. The originally peaceful city suddenly became a natural disaster scene. The remaining monks are desperately organizing the mortal insects to retreat.

But where can they retreat to?

The entire planet is within the range!

As the moon draws a beautiful curve in the sky, the satellite gradually approaches the highest point in the sky.

And this means that the straight-line distance between the human monsters and the Yuan clan evil demons is getting closer.

The target is about to enter the most suitable area for shooting.

The attack on the moon becomes stronger again. It seems that the strong man on it is eager to finish the battle at this moment.

But at this moment, it was as if the beating of a heart came from the ocean that had turned into a deep pit. This vibration was not transmitted in the form of mechanical waves of the atmosphere, but in the form of spiritual power. Both Loud on the other side of the planet and Wang Qi on the moon felt it.

——Is this... a breakthrough on the battlefield?

Wang Qi grinned.

——It turns out that it is not the protagonist's patent?

While such absurd thoughts flashed through his mind, Wang Qi did not relax. This guy originally had enough understanding of this step. She was not "making 100 million" but "withdrawing 100 million from the bank."

Although her previous body turned into collective wisdom, Aluel's body of reincarnation in this life followed the orthodox Yuanying method. And she did not disperse the Yuanying, so at this moment she was not an "anomaly" but a "cultivator" to cross this last step. However, this world that was about to take its last breath was no longer able to stimulate the normal Feixian calamity. The symbolic electromagnetic force gathered and turned into thunder, but it was not as powerful as the Yuan magnetic aurora sword energy that descended at the same time. Even as the attack special effect of the colorful sword energy, it was too shabby.

Then, several crystal pillars swept away the electromagnetic and sword energy at the same time.

On the moon, Wang Qi silently recorded a message.

——I must write this scene today into my autobiography or memoirs.

If it weren't for the fact that his eyes and optical instruments told him the same result, he would definitely cast a few healing spells on his eyes first.

Because, he saw... a piece of land that seemed to want to stand up on its own!

After several hours of contraction, this huge continent has become an elliptical shape, and the tall crystal pillar that originally supported the throne of the yellow crystal demon has become the long axis of this shape.

Then, this huge shape changed again, and the outermost layer collapsed like an eggshell, but the debris turned into countless strange birds and beasts in the air. Each of these birds and beasts has the power of the Nascent Soul Stage. But to be honest, they can only be regarded as the "dandruff" of this huge entity.

Their only role is not to fight, but to reintegrate into other areas of this huge entity and shape the image of this huge monster.

The painstaking research of the Huangjing Demon is only worth this.

A "giant" slowly stood up.

For a whole hour, the Huangjing Earth turned into a huge humanoid creature. And now, this humanoid creature is about to stand up.

The earth immediately burst under the heavy load. At this moment, the Loud army thousands of miles away felt the ground suddenly shake, and the originally flat ground inexplicably took on a slight slope.

This monster, just standing up, slightly affected the gravity of the planet. With it as the center of the circle, a large amount of water bulged unnaturally, and this abnormal flood peak could only touch the calf of the humanoid monster.

Wang Qi recognized that this was the appearance of the Yuan clan.

This form seemed to be more suitable for casting spells than before. The huge palm swung in a mysterious trajectory, and the thick aura distorted all the attacks.

In fact, this was the first time that Aluel showed such a form. This is the best form to maintain some Nascent Soul Techniques. She really didn't know how to fly in this form - it required too much power. If it wasn't for a special flying method, the consumption would be terrible.

However, she didn't need to fly over by herself.

After releasing the restrictions, Alure immediately felt a powerful force cutting off her connection with the planet. She seemed to be unable to feel gravity, her body floating lightly, flying upwards.

No, strictly speaking, this is not "upward", but along a direction that does not exist in a certain three-dimensional space. However, its projection is still "upward".

This is the mechanism of "ascension".

As long as he reaches the vicinity of the Lagrange point, and then uses the secret method to resist the guiding force, he can easily cross the balance point of the gravity of the planet and the satellite, and then use the gravity of the moon to have a "heaven and earth collision" on that small planet.

"You forced me to consume 40% of my mana reserves... You are very good, Dragon Clan Slave." Aluer said: "Wait for death..."

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The powerful force interrupted her transmission.

The seven-colored sword energy actually crossed the space and hit her as she was ascending.

"You actually forced me to consume my own mass reserves. You deserve to be proud of this, the dead leftover of the Yuan Clan." As Wang Qi spoke, some kind of red and black flames climbed up his body. His eyes instantly turned pure black.

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