Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 162 Superfluidity, Superconductivity and Condensed Matter

"The cost of demonstration has been greatly reduced, to about three thousandths of the original amount? This... when I get old, can I also make a large-scale collision array at home for fun?

This sentence has received the most responses among this post. For most people, this one is most closely related to their own interests.

If the cost of the large-scale collision array in Piao Miao Palace can be reduced by one thousandth, the richer group of high-level monks can definitely afford it - at least a few people can jointly afford it.

[Of course, this "three thousandths" is only one thousandth of the collision arrays established on the ground in the Piaomiao Palace. Even if the cost of the Heavenly Palace Collision Artifact is one ten thousandth, it is not something that ordinary monks can afford]

For people, this kind of topic involving themselves can often resonate.

And this sentence really resonated a thousand times.

"In other words... can ordinary monks like us also participate in this great demonstration?"

"Oh my god... I must be dreaming!"

"Isn't this a bit too mysterious?"

And when we were on the 90th floor, a respondent made the strongest exclamation.

"Maybe, before I live forever, I will be able to see the nuclear model..."

This sentence stirred up a thousand waves with one stone.

"I think back then, the Immortal Alliance studied the electronic structure. It was only a few hundred years ago that the classic but short-lived electronic model was proposed. This was because of the rebellion of the Demon Emperor, the devastation of all life in China, and the mutual attacks on the Immortal Dao, which seriously delayed the research process. "The monk whose cassock was "Piao Piao Hu" was filled with emotion: "But in the blink of an eye - really in the blink of an eye, the Immortal Alliance updated the atomic model several times. The proton is no longer a basic particle, and we know a summons. The concept of 'nucleon', and then the distinction of baryons. More and more subatomic particles and exotic atoms have been discovered. Now, the internal structure of nucleons has been revealed..."

"In the past hundred years, it seems that the Immortal Alliance has not been as advanced as it was at the beginning. But in fact, this is just because everyone has become accustomed to major breakthroughs one after another... everyone has become numb!"

"This is undoubtedly an unprecedented era!"

"New developments in solid-state physical properties, as well as 'theories between macro and micro'..."

More and more people are joining the discussion.

Yan Xiancheng felt extremely honored. He has a share in this great era.

And Gong Chenggong was by his side. Now, this disciple of the Burning Gold Valley who formed the core regrets so much that he wants to hit the wall: "Ah ah ah! If I had known I would have signed up at the Nuclear Research Center! Oh my God! This is actually being studied there..."

Yan Xiancheng laughed loudly: "Don't worry, if I become a successful person, I will never forget your hard work."

"Don't forget each other even if we are rich and noble!" Gong Cheng made a posture of throwing himself on the ground.

At this time, Yan Xiancheng's brows suddenly frowned.

It is impossible for the evaluations in the illusion to be completely consistent, and it is normal for some people to pour cold water on them. But now, Yan Xiancheng feels that these people are a bit unreasonable.

Floor 121: "Solemn Sublime": Isn't Wang Qi studying the physical properties of solids? Why did you go to the misty path again?

Someone naturally replied below: "Solid-state physical properties are closely related to the ethereal way. It is completely normal for Wang Qi to study the internal structure of nuclei."

"Zhengzhengzhengcheng" immediately retorted: "You can't say that. Every other line is like a mountain. Any rule that goes one step beyond the scope will become a fallacy."

At this time, Wanfamen disciple Youyou, whose robe is "Song Tianweng", typed a line below: "Don't forget, Mr. Wang Qi is a Wanfamen disciple, but he solved the problem of the nature of matter."

"Zhuangyan Shengcheng" was not to be outdone and retorted angrily: "It is precisely because Wang Qi is a disciple of Wanfa Sect that I question this nuclear research center. Seeking Taoism in a high-spirited environment is not a reliable thing."

However, these words angered the Fenjin Valley disciples who were watching. Immediately, a disciple from Burning Gold Valley jumped out and accused him: "You guys, do you have a problem with Uncle Mi?"

Mi Tianzhao's research results are considered to be the most important breakthrough in Fenjin Valley in the past hundred years. Countless disciples of Fenjin Valley regard him as their idol or benchmark.

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At the same time, in Huo Tongqing's Alloy Phase Physical Properties Demonstration Department, Wang Qi was using a magic circle to maintain the existence of a batch of element zero gas. The gases have been released from the container. Within the spiritual energy-rich magic circle, they emit a faint red light. Wang Qi is trying to use the magic of controlling objects to control this wonderful gas.

Huo Tongqing just put down the calculator in his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist Wang Qi, I really don't understand what you are doing. You actually share this research idea with others without hesitation?"

Wang Qi seemed to be having a lot of fun playing with Zero Gas. He said: "There's nothing wrong with it. Besides, the monks in the Immortal Alliance are not idiots. I can't be the only one doing this empirical idea. At least as far as I know, fellow Daoist Mi Tianzhao has a similar idea, but But his priority is the decay chain, and I prioritize high collision. Believe it or not, a large number of monks from Piaomiao Palace or Burning Gold Valley have already made plans, and they have even started to apply for funds."

"I always feel that you are throwing away your family's money."

“But it’s a little different.” Wang Qi barely managed to condense a beam of element zero gas into the shape of a dragon. The almost invisible floating dragon circled around Wang Qi’s body, but more element zero gas overflowed from the formation clock. Wang Qi said: “For the direction of ‘empirical study in a high-spiritual environment’, the more people do it, the better. Even Daoyou Mi doesn’t know whether the research method that has been established is correct. The more people do research, the deeper the accumulation in this field. For me, the next step of empirical research will be easier to do. If it can set off a wave of enthusiasm, it would be great.”

Huo Tongqing looked at the element zero gas escaping from the ground. After rushing out of the spirit gathering formation, the zero gas was exposed to the Yuanlingqi environment, and the decay speed doubled, emitting a golden light. However, before it decayed into ordinary matter, the zero element gas was a superfluid. Huo Tongqing watched these superfluids flexibly wash back and forth on the ground like living objects, and seemed to be “flowing” along the wall without being affected by gravity. He said, "Do you really have the conditions for empirical research... to do particle collisions..."

"Well, to be honest, the equipment that Mi Tianzhao gave me is relatively simple, and I can't design it myself. So strictly speaking, I can't do a good empirical research in a short time. At this stage, I just want those apprentices to practice. When the funds arrive, I will upgrade it and it will be almost ready." Wang Qi is very confident.

"It seems that you have your own concerns, so I won't say much."

"After all, I am a mathematician, and I can't do empirical research like you physicalists." Wang Qi said, "Because if a reliable empirical researcher reads my research plan, he may think that there is no possibility of success at all."

Huo Tongqing looked at the superfluid gas and said, "This zero gas looks quite interesting. It somewhat challenges people's... common sense..."

Superfluid, a state of matter, is characterized by a complete lack of viscosity and a zero internal friction coefficient. It looks like a hi-liquid superfluid that can easily pass through gaseous substances and cannot pass through ultra-fine filters. If a superfluid is placed in a ring-shaped container, it can flow endlessly due to the lack of friction. It can pass through microtubes with zero resistance, and can even "drip" upward from a bowl and escape.

Before element zero, there was only one known superfluid - liquid helium at ultra-low temperatures.

There is currently no good explanation for this phenomenon.

"Not really." Wang Qi said, "Have you heard of 'Taiyi Condensate' [Bose-Einstein Condensate]? It is a form of matter predicted by Taiyi Tianzun... five hundred or four hundred years ago, when the concept of 'light quantum' was just established."

"When the temperature of atoms is low enough, there will be a phase transition - a new state of matter will be generated, and all atoms will suddenly gather in a state of energy as low as possible..." Huo Tongqing muttered, and then said, "It sounds very similar. However, the theory of superfluid in the Yuanlingqi environment cannot be copied to element zero. This requires theoretical support. Daoist Wang Qi, do you have a new research direction?"

The principles of low-temperature superconductivity and high-temperature superconductivity are different, and it would be strange if Yuanling superfluid and Gaoling superfluid can be the same.

Wang Qi half-jokingly said, "I guess so. Explaining superfluid is not very difficult, but it is very important. If I have time, I really want to do it."

On Earth, the discovery of superfluid and the explanation from condensed matter were only a few months apart. Here, this history is different. Since the monks have magic, it is not difficult to create low temperatures. In this world, the discovery of superfluid liquid helium also encountered the concept of "condensed matter".

"It's good to have talent." Huo Tongqing smiled calmly: "Then according to you, Daoyou, where should I go next for my research on metals?"

Wang Qi thought seriously for a few minutes and said: "If Daoyou Huo is interested, why not study superconductivity."

When ordinary people see superconductivity, they can probably think of magnetic levitation and the like. At most, they think of magnetic confinement and nuclear fusion. But in fact, the study of superconductivity is an extremely important part of condensed matter physics, no less than the semiconductor research that supports the earth's industrial civilization. (~^~)

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