When Chen Youjia returned home, the house was only dimly lit. She thought Wang Qi was not there - the accommodation environment for teachers was much better than that for exchange students, so she would naturally choose to live here, right? - and pushed the door straight.

Then, she was blocked by a fine net.

A closer look revealed that this was a three-dimensional net, with each node being a small sphere, and many fine black lines connecting the nodes. These black lines were stretched tight, forming precise structural parts. These structures were actually still changing.

In the center of this fine three-dimensional net, Wang Qi was flipping through a book happily. He flipped a few pages, waved his fingers in the air twice, and then the structure of the black grid changed.

The faint spiritual light on his hand illuminated the room. This light was even weaker than the weak polar sunlight outside the house, so Chen Youjia thought there was no one in the house.

"What are you doing?" Chen Youjia frowned her beautiful eyebrows and took a half step back.

If this net was the math problem Wang Qi was doing, she would not touch it.

Wang Qi then realized that Chen Youjia had come. He ordered: "Jarvis, storage structure." A few seconds later, the black network collapsed, and then turned into fluid, merging into several black water streams as thick as fingers, and merged into Wang Qi's clothes.

"Today I met a monk from Fenjin Valley who is willing to cooperate." Wang Qi was very happy: "Although the cooperation time will not be too long, I can definitely complete the initial content."

"That master is also pitiful, he actually invited a scourge like you." Chen Youjia said seriously: "Don't develop any strange poisons."

The last time Wang Qi joined the Evidence Department was in Shenjing, and he joined at the invitation of Chen Feng. At that time, Chen Feng wanted to prove that "being a good person is good", and when implementing it, he turned his attention to the unfamiliar direction of "Shinto", and Wang Qi, based on Chen Feng's research, came up with the Heart Demon Curse, which is a physical extinction of humanity. Now think about it, this is a bolt from the blue for Chen Feng.

If Wang Qi joined the Evidence Department of Fenjin Valley, he might have developed all kinds of strange poisons.

"Metals, crystals." Wang Qi said dissatisfiedly: "Why do you think this field is related to the development of poisons?"

"Metals are strange poisons, and poisons can also crystallize."

"What you said makes a lot of sense..." Wang Qi sighed deeply: "I'm moved..."

Chen Youjia rolled his eyes, ignored his jokes, and asked: "Are there any progress?"

"Well, it's amazing." Talking about this, Wang Qi immediately became interested: "About molecular structure... Do you know what determines the properties of molecules?"

The chemical form of a molecule is determined by the structure of the molecule itself. Simple small molecules have only a few atoms, and the range of variation is limited, and there are not many tricks. But large molecules are different.

For example, many famous flowers of the Rosaceae family have an attractive fragrance, which comes from a substance called "citronellol", from the geometric shape of this substance with ten carbon atoms as the skeleton and hydrogen and oxygen as the flesh and blood, as well as the chemical bonds between atoms. However, the difference between left-handed and right-handed carbon atoms causes a difference of more than 100 degrees Celsius between the boiling points of left-handed citronellol and right-handed citronellol.

Crystals are no exception. The strange order of crystals comes from the orderly arrangement of molecules inside them. For any crystal, a set of basis vectors corresponding to three-dimensional periodicity and corresponding unit cells can always be found. Each unit cell is like a regular lattice, forming an orderly whole with other units in six directions: up, down, left, right, front and back. If each unit cell is reduced to a particle, then the strange network formed by this particle should be a tight grid.


"I originally thought that any crystal must have long-range order. And as long as it is long-range order, it must be able to be treated with group theory." Wang Qi said: "But now it seems that my thinking seems to be a little simple."

Long-range order is a concept relative to short-range order. This means that in a single crystal, all molecules are orderly and periodic, and are all arranged together in a strict form. Short-range order does not have this characteristic. For quasi-crystals or amorphous solids with "short-range order", some molecules may show high order in some parts, but this order will only stay in one part.

This is on Earth. In Shenzhou, things are even more complicated. In the spiritual environment, the physical bonds [chemical bonds] between atoms exist in more forms, which can contain more and even changing internal energy. The same is true for crystal structures. Some structures can only appear under the support of strong spiritual power. If these spiritual powers are removed, the molecular structure will collapse. Some structures are in periodic changes at any time.

This makes the study of crystals like a mess.

Chen Youjia didn't understand the reason for this for a while: "Long-range order... group theory..."

"Periodicity means symmetry. The introductory content of the change of the sky." Wang Qi explained: "Long-range order means that there is always complex periodicity inside the crystal, which means there is symmetry. Group theory is the study of 'symmetry' changes."

Chen Youjia asked bluntly: "It doesn't seem to be a particularly difficult thing. Why didn't anyone think of it before?"

"Someone has thought of it. It's strange that no one has thought of such an obvious thing." Wang Qi grinned: "It's just that the calculation skills of people who have invested in this field before are far inferior to mine!"

With Wang Qi's daily hard study and research, his arithmetic level has also improved. Not to mention arithmetic logic, which he is already good at, even in topology and group theory, he can be regarded as a first-rate master.

He really didn't need to blush when he said this.

"But you don't look that bad." Chen Youjia pointed out the core point to the point: "You must have encountered a problem."

"I still need some time to continue to do some empirical work and deepen my accumulation." Wang Qi sighed: "I can make some things, but that can't be called 'progress'."

Now the reason why Fenjingu laments that crystals are difficult to make is because the mathematical tools are not developed enough and the tools for seeking the truth are not sharp enough.

It's okay to describe simple crystals according to conventional group theory, but once it involves the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, the periodicity of the crystal will become extremely complicated. After many monks in Fenjin Valley expressed it using mathematical models, they found that there is nothing wrong with this thing. Intuitive, it is difficult for people to form intuitive imagination, and it is full of various changes. It is so complicated that just understanding it requires a lot of effort.

For the monks of Burning Gold Valley, this is tantamount to losing at the first step, losing at the starting line. When you understand the theory, it takes a lot of effort just to construct an intuitive impression of the crystal in your mind, so how can you think about it?

Fenjin Valley, like the Guiyi Alliance, is also eager for collaborators with excellent arithmetic skills.

Chen Youjia sat next to Wang Qi: "Oh."

"However, it is precisely because of this that this problem is valuable!" Wang Qi said excitedly: "If it is a simple problem that can be solved by any cat or dog as long as there is an idea, what is the point of it?"

"Oh." Chen Youjia leaned on Wang Qi. She had long been accustomed to Wang Qi's expression. Even when Wang Qi said that she wanted to study the nature of matter, she saw this scene.

It was as accurate as if it had received a revelation from the future.

"You look very tired..." Wang Qi hugged Chen Youjia.

"My heart is tired." Chen Youjia sighed: "I can't beat the demon clan's instructor to vent my anger..."

Except for Wang Qi's group, in other classes, the demon teachers and human lecturers are much stronger than the students. The minimum standard for a lecturer is "just enough to suppress all students from joining forces to attack." However, in this case, the teachers themselves were embarrassed to fight with the students - except Wang Qi.

"What are you angry about? Which demon clan?" Wang Qi thought: "Just in time, I have some new ideas from studying the demon clan's Shinto practice, and I want to give it a try..."

"Come on, I can't beat you, but if I can crush twenty or thirty strong men with me, I'm definitely better than you." Chen Youjia rubbed Wang Qi's shoulder while holding a notebook in his hand: "Today's notes, copy..."

Like Chen Feng, Chen Youjia also learned Shinto knowledge from the Xinxin Yao Clan - during the Shenjing Incident that year, she was an accomplice and a sinner who helped Qi Qi commit crimes. In the eyes of the senior officials of the Immortal League, she was also an expert in Shinto.

In fact, it was exactly this that Wang Qi asked Chen Youjia to take notes. Many of Chen Youjia's concepts on the way to the gods come from Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan. In this regard, he and Wang Qi can be regarded as "of the same lineage". Chen Youjia's mathematical thinking was also deeply influenced by Wang Qi. For Wang Qi, Chen Youjia's notes are of high research value.

"Well, that's almost it." Wang Qi nodded: "I will go back to Shenjing in a few days to verify a few things. This is enough."

Chen Youjia sighed softly: "You have studied enough things recently...the demon clan's Shinto method, the beast mechanism control method, crystals, and your own arithmetic...can you keep up?"

"I don't feel that my energy has been distracted at all." Wang Qi said: "This is a matter in the same field."

All of Wang Qi's research is connected by a core. Whether it is the control of beast organs, crystals, or the demon clan's Shinto methods, they are all extended from this core.

"By the way, I want to take a trip back to Wanfamen to see the progress of Wei Cang's research - will you come back with me?"

——Wan Dharma Gate...

Chen Youjia suddenly felt guilty for no reason and shook his head like a rabbit. (To be continued ~^~)

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