Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 33: Boiling Wine

Although the two people talked very easily, both Wang Qi and Fan De knew that it was not easy to reversely crack the demon clan's method. This is a huge project.

The updated demon clan and the new demon clan do not teach their skills, so the human race can easily learn all the demon clan's techniques, but they will not teach humans any of the demon clan's own way of thinking.

In the long run, the Ancient Dragon Emperor's considerations were indeed correct. Whether they were renewing the demon clan or the new demon clan, they could no longer move forward before reaching a certain level. It was as if there was an invisible barrier that firmly restricted the progress of their civilization, preventing them from ever being able to develop to a higher level in the form of "civilization." This is what the Dragon Clan calls an inexplicable obstacle.

Whether it is the updated demon clan or the new demon clan, they have not even developed to the original level of the dragon clan. Their culture, thinking, concepts, practice and even nature may have fatal flaws. And that "flaw" may lead to fatal blind spots in thinking.

From a short-term perspective, this indeed caused huge trouble for the human race's reverse engineering.

When the research on the principles is not in-depth enough, it is relatively simple to start by following the designer's ideas and thinking about the role of each part of this practice. In fact, the same is true for those ancient Dharma practices that require understanding the "true meaning" and "artistic conception" of the exercises - follow the few clues left by the founder or other practitioners in the names and sentences of the exercises to master them. ideas. "The Heaven-Breaking Sword Technique" is about breaking the sky, "Tai Chi" is about the transformation of yin and yang, "Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Great Music" is about having a good time... and so on.

But now the human race cannot get this "shortcut" and can only take the path of violent cracking.

Divide these demon clan's spells into countless relatively independent parts that each bear certain functions, and then analyze each part itself, the relationship between the parts, and so on. The human race has no problem understanding other people's technology in its own way.

This is how the present law was born. They just used their own thinking to analyze the core of some Yuanying methods, and then based on these methods, they created the Yuanshen method.

But for the human race, it is really difficult to update the technology of the demon race. It is a Shinto method, and Shinto method inevitably involves issues between believers and gods. To put it bluntly, Shinto laws must be very involved. This determines that it cannot conduct large-scale demonstrations.

It’s really hard to find a whole island of guinea pigs like Linghuang Island.

No one can figure this out.

What everyone can do at this stage is to conduct cordial and friendly technical exchanges in accordance with the regulations, hoping to create some sparks.

After a brief discussion with Fan De, Wang Qi copied a copy of the general outline of "The Fundamental Treasure of the Neon Casting Path" and prepared to go back and study it slowly.

But at the door of his home, Wang Qi met another unexpected visitor.

"Brother, what are you doing standing at my door with such a stinking face? I don't owe you money, right?" Wang Qi stood in front of Chen Feng, looking left and right.

Chen Feng looked a little helpless. He shook the wine jar in his hand: "I have something to do. I want to ask you for an idea. Let's have a couple of drinks. You provide the place and I will provide the wine."

Wang Qi said seriously: "I'm sorry, brother, you have much more experience in quarrels between husband and wife than I do, and have been in the cold war. I'm sorry that I can't do anything about emotional matters."

Then his face was blurred by the soul-shaking curse: "Fuck you!"

After entering Wang Qi's room, Chen Feng was shocked at first. He pointed to a huge six-sided stone pillar in the center of the room that was as thick as an arm and as tall as a person, and asked, "What is this? A table? So high?"

Wang Qi slapped his finger off: "Don't point, it's very rude. This is a tombstone."

Chen Feng was confused: "What are the customs of your hometown?"

"Nonsense, the dead are the most important. Isn't it polite to point at other people's tombstones like this in your hometown?"

Chenfeng scratched his head: "No... I'm asking... why do you put a tombstone in your room? Who died? And why are you so curious about being buried in your room..."

"Oh, my own." Wang Qi stroked the stone pillar, his eyes full of tenderness and ambition: "I designed it for myself, because the shape of the tomb tower in the Immortal League is too ugly, and I don't want to be buried in that kind of place. There’s nothing like it, so I designed one for myself.”

Chen Feng took two steps back and formed a soul-crushing seal with his hands: "Brother, who killed you? What unfulfilled wishes do you have?"

Wang Qi looked at him with caring eyes.

"Who among us is sick?" Chen Feng suddenly had the urge to poke his eyes out: "Damn, you are somewhat heroic when you say this... But this is really not something that ordinary heroes can do. of……"

Wang Qi laughed twice and put his hand into the chest of his coat, as if inserting his own heart. Then, he pulled out a sheathed sword from his heart. On the scabbard, golden light flows.

Chenfeng took a breath: "This is..."

"Heavenly Sword." Wang Qi said: "Those who enter the Heavenly Sword Palace need to bring their own coffins. However, I have always believed that burial is the most wasteful behavior. It not only wastes resources but also wastes land. The only advantage is probably that it can leave a person behind. The corpse is for future people to study. But, under the premise that civilization continues to evolve, this is meaningless. So, I have signed a body donation agreement. If I die unexpectedly one day and my body can be recovered, all of it will be donated. Tianlingling Tiansheng Peak is for seeking enlightenment. Since the coffin has no meaning to me, I’ll prepare a tombstone.”

"Although my first reaction was 'The Heavenly Sword Palace is really blind', but..." Chen Feng patted Wang Qi on the shoulder: "Brother, well said. Just for what you said, I..."

Wang Qi was ashamed: "In fact, the Heavenly Sword Palace also feels that they are blind - I don't object, but I have someone above me. My teacher is one of the founders of the Heavenly Sword Palace, so I have some say. I went in through the back door."

Chen Feng held his forehead: "Have some confidence in yourself... No, you know... No... What should I say at this time?"

"Just smile." Wang Qi took the wine jar from Chen Feng's hand, then turned the Heavenly Sword scabbard horizontally, and placed a jar of wine on the scabbard - this is the South Sea Polar Region, and the wine has long been frozen. Although the Heavenly Sword scabbard has sealed all the power of the Heavenly Sword, it still seems hot, which is suitable for warming wine.

Chen Feng sighed: "Now I am sure that they are indeed blind. The Heavenly Sword is a heavy weapon of immortals and must not be used lightly, but you warmed up a bottle of wine..."

"What a high artistic conception." Wang Qi was quite pleased with himself.

"You can obviously do it with the Heavenly Entropy Art... If you really don't want to spend one ten-thousandth of your effort to maintain it, you can just boil some water."

"This Xiaoqu wine is soft, mellow and sweet, and it needs to be dissolved slowly." Wang Qi thought: "You are really not in a relationship crisis again. If that is the case, I think you should bring a jar of strong liquor like Shaodaozi to your door. Tell me, what's the matter?"

While speaking, Wang Qi tapped his feet lightly, his body suspended in the air, and placed the Heavenly Sword on his tombstone, intending to use it as a table.

Chen Feng's eyes widened again: "Isn't this your tombstone?"

"Using your own tombstone as a table is also a kind of artistic conception." Wang Qi patted the table nonchalantly... ahem, tombstone: "Isn't this the style of a celebrity? Come on, come on."

Chen Feng thought so too. Although it was a bit strange to do so, Wang Qi himself didn't mind, so he didn't have anything to worry about. But after "putting it on the table", he felt something was wrong again.

"Why... don't you get a more ordinary table?"

"There's no room." Wang Qi pointed to his room: "Look, look at me, I have a bed, three desks, and several bookcases, where is there room for a table for eating?"

"Then... why don't you eat at the desk?"

"Hey! It's insulting, it's insulting!" Wang Qi was heartbroken: "How can you drink on the desk? This is disrespectful to books!"

"Then... why don't we sit on the ground and use magic power to hold up the wine and sword? The Heaven Sword is your magic weapon, you should be able to command it, right?"

Unexpected critical hit. Wang Qi immediately stiffened. After a few seconds, he said: "What are you doing here?"

Sure enough, it's just this guy who wants to do this... Forget it, if it doesn't harm society and there is no tendency to worsen, don't delve into the motives of the mentally ill...

Chen Feng's heart was exhausted. He sighed, without dwelling on the previous topic, and continued to talk along with Wang Qi's words.

He told everything that happened just now.

"Hmm..." Wang Qi nodded: "I understand. Are you angry?"

"'You should be in awe'... Bah." Chen Feng is a good man, but that doesn't mean he has no temper: "You didn't see the face of the demon teacher. 'You should be in awe' 'You should be in awe', and he always treats us as barbarians without spiritual enlightenment! Also, since it's called awe, then explain why we should be in awe, what we can do and what we can't do... This is the correct attitude. He was so good, he sent it away with just one sentence..."

Wang Qi crossed his fingers and put his nose against the tip of his nose: "Oh, I understand... So, what do you want me to do?"

"Is there any way to embarrass him, but it's harmless." Chen Feng's tone has a strange excitement of "doing bad things": "I hope that the demon teacher can face our human race, instead of using that dog-training attitude... You are good at defeating the strong with the weak, and you are mean enough, there must be a way!"

He seemed to remember something unbearable in the past and sighed.

Wang Qi certainly didn't know about Tianrui. He took a picture of a spiritual bottle and pushed it in front of Chen Feng: "Here, use the Divine Plague spell, and kill no one alive. It is a must-have application for killing monsters at home or traveling." (~^~)

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