Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1 Half a Year

What does a profound sense of powerlessness feel like?

Wang Qi remembered that a major event had happened in the last few years of his memory on Earth. An artificial intelligence created by huge capital mastered the skill of "Go" through self-learning and had Go skills beyond "exhaustive enumeration".

Although it is only a weak artificial intelligence, although it is certain that this thing will not pass the Turing test, and although this artificial intelligence will not know anything after stepping out of the field of "Go". But...

In the field of "Go", it really went to a field that humans, at least Earthlings, cannot understand. The first few seemingly meaningless idle pieces can actually play a role in turning the situation around after a hundred steps.

This is something that Earthlings can never do. Even if they can understand the skills contained in that Go, they can't calculate that step.

At the beginning of the game, all human national players thought that the artificial intelligence was making stupid moves.

But what is the reality? The chess strength of this artificial intelligence is no longer in the same quadrant as that of human national players.

This is a strategy that humans will never understand.

Perhaps, at some point, humans can still remove the subtle wisdom and mislead, write a deception on the chessboard, and win back one or two games under certain circumstances. However, those strategies will soon be understood by artificial intelligence.

And humans cannot learn the chess of artificial intelligence.

The innate perspective is different.

These guys are not as simple as calculators with enhanced computing power. They really have wisdom, and this wisdom can really allow them to see the future that human national players cannot see.

When seeing that kind of layout, or spending a few days reviewing and analyzing the chess game, what do those human national players feel?

The feeling of being revealed to a "new world", but knowing that you can never reach that world...


This is how Wang Qi feels now.

God is so unfair. He has obviously obtained a stronger talent in this life than in his previous life, and has spent a lot of time in the field of mathematical logic. But now someone has pointed out a world that he will never see for him.

Mi is deducing a new law. And Wang Qi watched her deduction process remotely.

This is an amazing process.

If it is said that Ge Dan was shocked by Xi Boche's Li Zong idea and exclaimed "This is not a calculation! It is mysterious!", it was a miracle of logic, then what Mi showed to Wang Qi now was another miracle.

An extremely complex logical process.

The Li Zong idea of ​​"using concepts instead of calculations" was born for "simplification". A few words can prove what others can only calculate with several pages of paper.

This is the mystery of logic.

However, Mi did not. For language, the sea gods constructed another "quadrant" logical method. This method seems to be from A to B, from B to C, from C to D, from D to E, and then E to F, and finally to Geng and Xin, as if it has gone around a huge circle.

However, this is just the subjective judgment of the Shenzhou human race. In fact, this tool may be very suitable for dealing with logical problems in language.

It's just that the human race can't understand it.

Mi doesn't mind showing the whole process of his deduction. Therefore, Wang Qi can also participate in this "adventure" of thinking and logic.

The great adventure of finding a path in the tortuous maze of natural language.

This is what Mi is doing now - analyzing the "language" part of the shapeshifting magic.

The development cycle of the shapeshifting method is calculated in tens of thousands of years, and then there is a thousand times more deduction time. In order to prevent the "enemy" from cracking it, the dragon clan has set up various technical barriers, which are extremely difficult to crack.

Now the human race can only split it into several parts, and then Tianlingling and Wanfamen will crack it together.

The sea gods also have a very important task in it.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Mi stopped deducing.

Feeling the sudden stop, Wang Qi, who was immersed in it, sighed.

"What's wrong?"

Mi asked.

Wang Qi shook his head: "Once again, I feel... God is really unfair."

When some people are still chanting "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain", some people have already observed the true face of this mountain from any angle through digital modeling.

This is the gap.

"Sometimes, I envy you." Mi shook his head: "I lack the correct understanding of what you humans call geometry, and before I get the thinking of humans, I am unlikely to have any understanding. Why do you envy us?"

The spatial sense of Poseidons is curved geometry, but this does not mean that they really understand curved geometry. This is the same as the spatial sense of humans is Euclidean geometry, but not everyone understands the method of drawing the sky [Euclidean geometry axioms].

"Don't you allow me to be greedy?" Wang Qi was sad: "Besides, I am from Li Zong. Does Li Zong know? Go to Lian Zong to talk about geometry."

Mi corrected: "All the papers you published recently are related to topological geometry. No one believes that you don't understand geometry."

At this time, half a year has passed since Wang Qi first returned to Wanfamen.

During this half year, Wang Qi published two papers per month. Among them, most of them are from the Bourbaki school. And this is just the paper he wrote alone. In addition, there are a series of papers co-written and signed with others.

In addition, he also co-authored three papers with Feng Luoyi.

These are all what he did in public. If we count the work he did when cracking the dragon's transformation ability, then there are more achievements.

These accumulations are rapidly changing his image in the eyes of others.

This is the transformation from a genius to a master.

But for Wang Qi, this is just the beginning.

Looking at Wang Qi's slightly depressed look, Mi shook his head, and a circle of spells appeared in his palm. These strange spells are not the common seals used by the human race, nor are they the dragon seals, but a new three-dimensional rune.

"New transformation method, do you want to try it?"

This is also part of the development work. The Immortal Alliance occasionally needs some disciples of the Wanfa Sect to experiment with the transformation ability they developed by themselves. "Volunteers" like Wang Qi, who have a high enough confidentiality level, a research direction that just matches, are interested in committing suicide, and have the flame of life, and can't die no matter what they do, are naturally given priority.

The haze in Wang Qi's eyes was swept away, and he jumped up and said, "Of course!"

"I don't know whose mentality is closer to that of a human cub." Mi felt that she had really matured in an instant. She waved her hand, called up several windows at a very fast speed, and then said, "I've given you everything, go down and verify it yourself."

Wang Qi opened his eyes. At this time, the sky outside the window was as white as a fish belly.

"Is it almost morning?" Wang Qi raised his hand. He was wearing a bracelet on his hand. This method is a special calculator accessory, specially designed by the Immortal Alliance for performing the magical power of transformation. It flashed with orange spiritual light. This is a reminder that new information is loaded.

"Lei Yang's signal is good, worthy of being the place where the Ten Thousand Immortals True Mirror is located." Wang Qi nodded and sighed.

When the orange spiritual light on the bracelet dissipated and the white spiritual light turned on, Wang Qi flipped his hand and took out a kite twenty-tetrahedron.

This is Wang Qi's life magic weapon, "The Treasure of Zong Wanfa". After Wang Qi's half-year refining, this special calculator has many basic functions. With just one tremor, the 24-hedron was connected to the bracelet. Then, a method was activated.

Wang Qi felt as if countless spiritual power streams as thin as dust were input from the bracelet. "As thin as a hair" is no longer appropriate, because these spiritual power streams are much thinner than hair. They spread from the direction of the bracelet to Wang Qi's fingertips. After Wang Qi unfolded his spiritual consciousness, which was far superior to that of ordinary Jindan period cultivators, he found that these spiritual power threads were interweaving back and forth in the cell membranes, organelles and many proteins outside his body cells. It mainly changes the structure of proteins by temporarily penetrating the outer electrons of carbon atoms and temporarily changing the energy levels of the outer electrons, temporarily unlocking them.

Part of the algorithm in this process was contributed by Wang Qi himself. He solved the key problem of "untying the knot" in this algorithm.

In addition, these threads are still constantly wriggling, refolding and stacking the proteins that have been reduced to peptide chains.

As the heart beats, new blood is sent to the hand with the bracelet. Wang Qi felt a little itchy on this hand. This can also be regarded as a kind of "rejection reaction", which is the reaction of the protein in the body to the foreign protein.

This is the transformation.

Wang Qi looked at his palm again. The appearance of this palm has not changed much, it is still a human hand. However, its sense of touch has become much more sensitive.

More powerful essence emanates from the palm, and there are even faint signs of feeding back to the body.

"Well, it seems that most of the problems have been solved." Wang Qi nodded, and then wiped the bracelet. The spirit silk slowly retracted the bracelet. Then, the whole process reversed. His hand was his hand again.

"It's far from enough." Wang Qi shook his head.

He still remembered the free and easy look of Yueluo Liuli when she transformed. Although the dragon race took the initiative to remove the initial and largest technical barrier to the method of transformation for the human race, the subsequent problems are equally terrible.

Even if each generation of the dragon race only does a little general research, after more than 100 million years, the entire dragon race's understanding of bloodline and expression will be terrible.

At present, the human race's understanding of the way of life is still very superficial, and experience still plays an important role. It is really hard to imagine that the human race can be higher than the dragon race in the understanding of the essence of the way of life.

"Forget it, it's normal that we can't compare now. We still have a lot of time." Wang Qi stopped thinking about it, and knocked on the ring in his hand: "Hey, old man, get ready for a new life!" (To be continued ~^~)

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