"I've got you!"

Mr. Woshen said silently in the space without a medium.

Then, countless fine threads suddenly grew out of the brainworm. These threads twisted into a dense structure. And a ray of light stretched out from Mr. Woshen's palm, entangled with the light to form a double helix structure.

This is a light chain!

All air-penetrating escape methods will abide by a threshold when defining "oneself" or "an object of the spell". This "threshold" is the intensity of the electromagnetic interaction between the two objects.

If a cultivator casts a space spell on an object, and the friction between that object and another object is greater than a threshold, then the other object will also be forcibly dragged into the object of the spell.

All space methods follow this principle. However, the more sophisticated the space method, the smaller the threshold. The most sophisticated space method can even forcibly tear apart the electromagnetic interaction between objects-in layman's terms, it is "cutting".

"All space methods" naturally include the space methods of the ant tribe.

And this light chain of Mr. Wo Shen is essentially a manifestation of electromagnetic interaction!

When approaching the brainworm's body and smashing the shaky light circle with his palm, part of Mr. Wo Shen's magic power silently dissipated and flowed into the bodies of the mother worm and the brainworm along the process of the new mother worm gathering essence and demonic energy. Then, this force slowly sprouted invisibly, combining with every living source in the brainworm and the mother worm, which is equivalent to locking every cell of the opponent.

"I have to say that the God Plague spell is sometimes very useful."

Mr. Wo Shen had such a thought in his mind.

His move was based on the method of the God Plague spell.

Because he was in the air escape method, many of the brainworm's methods could not be used at all. And Mr. Wo Shen's light chain also locked part of his qi circulation route. In this case, the beast herd destroyer had no power to resist and could only use his magic power to resist.

It has hundreds of millions of insect swarms directly delivering essence and demonic energy. This individual flesh species seemed to be holding a brain worm, but in fact, he was tug-of-war with the entire swarm!

——Don't overestimate your own abilities! ! ! !

The same thought echoed in the hearts of billions of ants and worms.

At this time, white light exploded.

With the flash, a huge white round sphere appeared in space. The radius of this sphere is a thousand miles, and there are few planets in the asteroid belt that can compare.

This is the result of the explosive expansion of the Flame of Life!

In an instant, the vitality swallowed and exhaled by Mr. Wo Shen was almost comparable to a small world. In the vacuum, he exhaled and shouted silently-

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

The double helix light chain was tightened. In his perception, the other end of the light chain seemed to be tied to a heavy object like a mountain. This is a sign that gravity is dragging the brain worm, which is the ability of space magic. His arms exploded with force, the light chain was tightened, and then he forcibly pulled the other party out of an unknown height.

"What a terrible explosive power!" Ling Lie Ao was shocked. In his vision, the brainworm was thrown away by Mr. Woshen at an unimaginable speed like a meteor hammer, drawing a fan perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. Due to the space method, the light chain has been stretched to thousands of miles away, and the brainworm has been thrown thousands of miles above the ecliptic plane!

Then, behind many monks, a sword energy with killing and malice, spiraled towards the mother worm and the brainworm.

The brainworm knew that it had no chance, so it threw out the mother worm that had just been transformed, and then encouraged the demon power to vibrate loudly in the void. The spiritual wave vibrated and stirred the vacuum. In an instant, everyone felt an explosion in their ears. The human race with lower cultivation was even a little drowsy. However, even this last wail was soon drowned in the sword energy.

The starship "Red Lotus" raised 30 degrees upward and took back the sword embryo guarding it, and the engraved formation gradually dimmed.

Perhaps because it has been responsible for transporting people, most of the monks have forgotten that the red lotus is actually Mr. Woshen's magic weapon.

On the other hand, the starship "Tai Ling" also released endless light.

Sensing the death of the brain worm, the newly transformed mother worm raised her abdomen and concentrated all her essence and demonic energy into an egg. This egg contains all her spiritual essence. The insect swarm is finished, but if this egg is hatched, it can still bring the power of the old beast group.

This is a disguised inheritance.

This egg also accepted its immortal-level power and is indestructible. Even after billions of years, as long as it encounters a suitable environment, it can still give birth to a new insect swarm.

However, this is meaningless.

One hand firmly held this watermelon-sized insect egg, and the white magic power dispelled the blue essence and locked the vitality of the insect egg. After sealing this egg, Tianze Shenjun turned around and elbowed the new mother worm.

——Ten seconds before contact.

The starship "Tai Ling" shone brightly, tearing apart the Zerg's offensive. As the queen and the brain worm died at the same time, the Zerg lost its core. Every ant wanted to develop quickly and become a new queen. They had selfish motives for a while, and the originally neat and orderly formation immediately became chaotic.

After the chaos, the Zerg was nothing more than a group of incomplete Mahayana monks.

Countless small formations unfolded, converting all the spiritual power accumulated for several months in this half-light-second asteroid belt defense line into sword energy, and guided it into the hands of every monk. Then, countless monks raised their swords and prepared thorns. Countless sword energies bloomed like fireworks and exploded among the insects. The first wave of swarms collapsed directly.

Then, the second wave of insect swarms arrived.

The dragon race and the human race started a fierce hand-to-hand fight with it on the asteroid belt.

Yueluo Lanxi guards the human and dragon tribes who are fighting against the insect swarm head-on. The Zerg have lost the wisdom of the group, the spare power of the Mahayana stage of the single body, and lack of spiritual intelligence. In comparison, the Human Sky Sword is simply terrifying. If the insect swarm doesn't know how to dodge and won't cooperate, a single strike from the Sky Sword can completely kill an individual.

After a few minutes, many Immortal Alliance monks realized that the insect swarm with swarm consciousness and the swarm with swarm consciousness destroyed were two different levels.

There is no power protection from any formation, there is no mysterious air-piercing escape method, and he can't even dodge.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a Grand Master to hit a Mahayana monk. After all, the Heavenly Sword is a magic weapon that abandons all supernatural powers and focuses exclusively on attack. Even if the Heavenly Sword can kill a Mahayana monk with one strike, it is meaningless if it fails to hit. But now, after losing the cluster intelligence, those bugs don't even know how to dodge. This is nothing more than mowing the grass.

"I thought that the beast species were different from the sea gods. After the core was knocked out, the individual would always have some fighting power..." A monk showed a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

A few seconds later, a Tianlingling Grandmaster simply put away his Heavenly Sword and dealt with the opponent with only his own magic power. Many human races followed suit. Some human monks always hold the Heavenly Sword, quickly killing the stronger individuals and delaying the birth of new female insects.

Now, it was the dragon clan's turn to be stunned.

"When did those human monks become so powerful alone..."

Lingshaao was slightly surprised. He lacked understanding of the human race, and the shock in his heart was far less than that of his compatriots. However, he quickly saw the ability pattern of the human monks.

"Strong in offense and weak in defense, the attack power is extremely powerful, but the defense and reaction capabilities lack advantages compared to dragons of the same level..." He looked down at the battlefield and tried hard to think about where he had seen this pattern before. In the end, he could only shake his head and sighed: "Under special circumstances, the power of the human race even exceeds that of the dragon race. If they are also an innate spiritual race, then they must know how to plan and let the situation enter this state..."

He dispersed his magical power, and then moved in front of the God of Natural Selection: "I suggest you destroy the egg of the Zerg beast species. If you really want to keep it for research, don't involve it. The cultivation methods contained in "The Silent Immortal's Guide to Destruction of the Way" can really destroy a civilization."

"Thank you for reminding me." God of Choice nodded.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

In the night sky, some strange phenomena appeared. First, the "long star cluster" created by the "gods" suddenly brightened, and then, the meteor shower that was difficult to detect with the naked eye appeared along the ecliptic line. Then, a small white light briefly lit up the starry sky like a morning star.

That was the trace of the battle between many powerful monks.

As for the light blue essence that finally spread out, it was completely covered by the moonlight and could no longer be seen at all.

But no one knows that this vision actually has a greater impact on Tianchan than the other visions combined.

The essence that can no longer be detected by ordinary monks continues to spread. It penetrated the Jiutian Gangfeng layer, passed through the floating continent, ignored the defense methods left by the original ancient Chen tribe, and finally descended into the body of the female insect.

"too late……"

If Chen Feng was still in the heart of the ant clan, he would definitely hear this voice.

"too late……"

It was a weeping voice, and there seemed to be eternal resentment in it.

"It's too late..."

"You guys came too late..."

"I have...I have..."

The swarm became restless. The worker ants stopped collecting food, and the soldier ants looked up at the sky. They seem confused, but without individual intelligence they cannot think. Eventually, the swarm began to charge upward.

Impact the floating continent.

At this moment, violent earthquakes hit every floating continent in Tianxuan indiscriminately.

The end has begun. (To be continued ~^~)

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