Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 46 Compensation

"The Silent Immortal's Treasure Book of Destruction of the Way" is probably the longest-standing technique in the universe. In essence, it is still a branch of Yuanying Method, but ordinary monks will not regard it as Yuanying Method anyway. This book is also all-inclusive. However, the original book of "Ji Xian Destruction of the Dao" disappeared from this universe 200 million years ago. However, many copies of it circulated.

And even a copy or even a fragment of "The Silent Immortal's Book of Destruction of the Way" is a great method that transcends ordinary cultivation systems. On some relatively primitive planets, even if all the schools of cultivation on the entire planet are put together, they may not be as good as the fragments of "The Silent Immortal's Book of Destruction of the Way".

Therefore, there has never been a shortage of practitioners in "The Silent Immortal's Guide to Destruction of the Way".

It is not uncommon in any civilization for unlucky fools to think that they are lucky after picking up such a magical skill.

However, any creature that can practice this method will have its thinking unknowingly changed after practicing it. Finally, they will voluntarily join the ranks of the destroyers, fight against other worlds in the universe, and join a certain powerful person among billions of people. The great expedition was planned thousands of years ago.

In order to achieve this goal, "The Book of Silent Immortal Destruction of Dao" must have the characteristics of "strong universality". In other words, there cannot be "techniques that can only be performed by a certain race".

In other words, every ultimate move in the Jixian's Book of Destruction has only artistic conception and structure but no specific method.

The move "Silent Immortal Destroys the Way, Collapses Stars and Destroys Spirits", when used by giants, is like a heavy punch, but when used by immortals of the beast species, it is like an endless ocean of fists!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The Lord of Heaven's Choice danced his arms wildly, waving his arms in all directions countless times at the same time. Each blow was enough to crush the oncoming demonic insects. He is like a rock standing in the middle of a tsunami. No matter how strong the wind or the waves, I remain firm and motionless.

However, injuries gradually accumulated on his fists.

——The impact of the monster insect alone is not even as good as that of the flesh and blood giant, but there are simply too many of them!

Finally, a huge flash of light appeared, and the body of the God of Natural Selection was knocked out of the demon nest.

But now, the herd species has paid the price of nearly 10,000 individuals.

And this time. Mr. Woshen also happened to see clearly the individual who attacked him.

This is also a bug that looks a bit deformed. Its triangular head looks a bit like a Chinese mantis, and its mouthparts also indicate that it is not a vegetarian. However, no one would think that it could capture prey to feed itself, because the head of this individual is so big that half of the whole body is a head.

If his head could be installed on the female insect's body, it would look much more harmonious.

"Specialized head? Is this an individual responsible for thinking?" Mr. Woshen felt that his head was still buzzing. He shook his head slightly. The immortal-level mana and energy in this insect made him feel a little strange.

The big insect touched its tentacles and showed a humanized mocking expression. Then, he waved his two tentacles quickly and wrote the talisman. Mr. Wo Shen wanted to rush forward to stop him, but countless individuals acting as escorts formed a formation to surround him. Let him also have some difficulty.

In this short period of time, the insect's three pairs of limbs plus its tentacles formed a complex sword seal, and immeasurable sword energy spurted out.

The sword light drowned Mr. Woshen's figure.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

"Two key individuals?" Ai Qinglan was a little confused: "No, this doesn't conform to the law of evolution!"

As long as the performance is met, the key is that the less the better. If the loss of one key individual will lead to the collapse of personality, then the ant tribe will simply be full of food if it has two key individuals!

"No, no, no, there are some problems with your understanding." Yueluo Liuli shook her head: "On the contrary, the basis of this is the idea of ​​'don't put all your eggs in one basket.'" Xiaolong thought for a moment, Said: "You humans have a concept of redundancy. In fact, there are many organs in your body, and their functions exceed the minimum needs, such as the length of the intestines and brain capacity. Some humans have lost some parts. After the brain is restored, you can still rely on the compensatory mechanism to live a normal life, right?”

"Actually, the mother worm and the brain worm compensate for each other."

Compensation, when used in the human body, refers to the mechanism that when the tissue of an organ becomes diseased, the healthy part of the original organ or other organs take over to compensate for its function.

——This means that when necessary, mother worms and brain worms can actually convert into each other?

Xue Bufan quickly rejected the idea. Totally impossible.

In Chen Feng's sketch of the queen ant, the queen's head is very small and it is impossible for her to fulfill the duties of a brain worm!

Yueluo Liuli shook her head: "You can't think about this from the perspective of your human race. Think of the entire ant colony as an individual, and then think about it carefully. What will happen to the ants after they lose their queen? "

"After the queen dies unexpectedly, the worker ants will lose the suppression of sex-inhibiting leucin, and their reproductive systems will begin to develop and transform into the queen. The first to become the queen will secrete sex-inhibitory leucin again, thereby taking over the entire ant colony. "Xue Bufan replied.

The three people present are all disciples of Tianling Ridge. For them, this is a matter of elementary education and cannot be troubled at all.

Yueluo Liuli nodded: "So, what if there is a reasonably intelligent individual who interferes with this process?"

"Then you can directly get what you want...the form of a female insect!" Ai Qinglan was shocked: "That's it!"

"The converse is also true." Yueluo Liuli said: "The queen ant has specially prepared lingxitin in her body. When the brain worm dies, the lingxitin will be quickly released and lay the next brain worm egg. And , this kind of spiritual essence will also become the memory of the next generation of brain worms. Coupled with the harmony of the cluster souls, each brain worm can be regarded as a continuation of the previous one. "

"If you want to effectively eliminate the beast species, you must eliminate the mother worm and the brain worm at the same time. It's not enough to eliminate only one of them!"

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

Mr. Woshen is a bit embarrassed now.

Although he was facing an insect, this insect was really too strong. Its magic power is far superior to that of the giant and the jellyfish. The power provided by the huge insect swarm can even overwhelm the power of Zhan Woshen himself plus the Heavenly Sword. And that insect with a high IQ alone was actually quite accomplished in the law of space. The surrounding space and time are constantly being distorted and stretched. As the gravity changed, the huge bug was still using the air-traveling escape method flexibly. His elusive movement skills can even match those of some monks from the Wanfa School! Moreover, the Sword Qi of Destroying Dao and Burning Techniques is also a powerful technique in the Jixian Dao-Destroying Manual. For the time being, Mr. Woshen could only use the Heavenly Sword to barely resist.

However, although Mr. Wo Shen was temporarily at a disadvantage, he was not at all confused. The rules of the Heavenly Sword in his hand were rigorous, and he did not rush into anything greedy for success. He guarded the little space around him. No matter how elusive the opponent is, he can't break into his sword circle.

He is waiting.


Suddenly, the brainworm's attack weakened for no reason. He was vaguely aware of it as he raised his sword to resist, and the sword immediately produced tremendous counterattack power. The brainworm was caught off guard and rolled three times in space. Its head emitted a hazy purple light, but it stopped attacking. Instead, it hugged a small insect and flew away from Mr. Woshen.

Mr. Woshen showed a smile.

Dozens of miles away, on a fragment of the Demon Nest, there was a huge insect corpse squeezed on it.

The middle part of this huge insect corpse was blown apart. The hole that penetrated his body was three feet wide, and milky white fluid spurted out like a fountain, and quickly boiled and evaporated. There is also a "Gaseous Planet Flying Jellyfish" that turned into two pools of debris on top of the insect corpse. The reason why it became like this is because after its foundation was destroyed, it was torn into two pieces by violence. The blood filled with liquid methane evaporated and exploded faster than water.

This complete destruction of corpses and traces is to prevent the other party from using any weird means to attack or resurrect after death.

But now, the God of Natural Selection is looking at the mother worm, thinking whether to take it back as research material or destroy it completely.

The essence of the mother insect immortal level has been distributed evenly to all individuals along a certain channel. The power of each individual monster insect has been strengthened. However, because the insect swarm was in chaos and lost the support of the swarm's wisdom, the brain worms could not maintain the sword seal, and their attack power dropped instead!

Now, the female insect is dead. Other individuals that feel the death of the mother worm will lose their suppression and then evolve towards the mother worm. Before a new female insect evolves, the insect swarm will be in chaos.

This is your chance to kill the brainworm!

Mr. Woshen will naturally not miss this opportunity. He set up the escape light again and rushed towards the brain worm. At this time, although the ordinary bugs that originally formed a formation to escort the brain bugs were still performing their duties, they were no longer as flexible and neat as before. And without the support of the insect swarm, the brainworm's escape method through space is no longer as mysterious as it was at first. Although it still caused some trouble to Mr. Woshen, that was all.

In just a few moments, Brainworm was forced into a desperate situation.

Zhan Woshen swung his last sword.

But at this moment, the huge amount of Jingyuan demonic energy suddenly gathered towards the brain worm, and a circle of light blocked Zhan Woshen's inevitable blow. (To be continued ~^~)

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