Xue Bufan followed this strange Chen tribe and walked along the corridor. Soon, he walked to a slightly more spacious place. Here, about twenty or so Chan people are together.

Boso was still seriously injured and unconscious. Two Tri tribesmen were guarding him. Spices cannot be burned here, so they twist an herb into a rope and tie it to Boso with a special knot.

The stranger Chen who led Xue Bufan lamented: "It seems that he will not be able to see his teacher for the last time."

And in the middle of the crowd, it was the half-dead great medicine Wu Lachin.

This old man was originally a decrepit body that could die at any time. Just now, in order to protect Boso, he burned everything he had to keep the tapestry undefeated. Now he has run out of oil. In Xue Bufan's opinion, what is lying here now cannot even be said to be the "Great Medicine Wu La Chin".

What's here is just a remnant of soul fragments.

The three hands of the great medicine witch held the three Chen tribes respectively: "I'm sorry, my brother... I'm sorry, my brother... I'm sorry, my brother..."

"If it weren't for you, I would have been almost as old as you, right?" A Chu tribe member had a look of hatred and sympathy on his face, but in the end it showed a sense of relief: "Brother, I don't hate myself. destiny."

This Chan tribe looks much younger than La Chin. However, La Chin called it brother.

the reason is simple. The cultivation level of this Chen clan is at the Nascent Soul stage.

Another Chan tribe member in the Nascent Soul stage said: "La Chin, you really... tried your best."

"Destiny... try your best..." The great medicine wizard raised his last hand and stretched towards his neck, as if he wanted to take off the small bottle containing the devil's medicine. However, the essence in every cell of his body has been drained away, and his whole body is in a state of low spiritual energy, unable to exert any strength at all. Another Chen tribe felt sad and took off the small bottle and put it in his hand.

"This is this kind of medicine... This is this kind of medicine!" He said: "More than a hundred years ago, if I had not collected the soil around the handful of insect corpses into the medicine cauldron... If I had not put that handful of insects into the cauldron... The dirt around the body was collected into the cauldron! It harmed you, you, and finally me!"

The great medicine witch pressed the medicine to his chest: "Let me die like this, my brother. Tie a knot like this on my mandible - the stupid Lachin stole the position of the great medicine witch, and finally Virtue is not suitable and has killed many people. Let me die like this, I want to die like this! Don’t let me return to the great cycle of nature, I don’t deserve it!”

"We still have treasures left by the gods. You won't die, brother." Lachin's elder brother wrapped his younger brother's hand with three hands: "You still have to come with me to see the tribe of Dichan. Here. Although you have the inheritance of the gods, the medicine wizard is still a talent. They will need you...Don't you like to see those weird things the most? I'll let you see enough this time..."

"Ah, my favorite... my favorite..." Lachin's eyes fell on Bosuo: "I was wrong... I'm still sorry for this child. I asked him to forget that kind of weird thinking, like Just like a medicine wizard, just remember the things of your ancestors - if I had been more curious at that time, if I could have known the principles of the devil's medicine at that time... I should never have scolded him..."

In the distance, a Chan tribe member lying on all fours whispered: "Tian Chan, you are stupid."

No Chi glared at him.

At this time, La Chin finally saw Xue Bufan. He took one hand out of the other Chen clan's hand and stretched it out tremblingly. Xue Bufan took the hand, felt out a burst of magic power, and then circulated it in the palm of the other person's hand.

His heart sank. Even the flames of life cannot save this old man. In essence, there are only residues left in him. Even if Ai Qinglan forcibly kneads the soul with the flame of life, and uses the blood to reshape a body of the Chen clan, what she will get in the end will not be the great medicine Wu Lachin, but another inherited A brand new entity that remembers part of the great medicine Wu La's jaw.

The flames of life can create life, but there is no way to return life to the dead.

He asked: "I heard from my compatriots that you gods have a method that allows people thousands of miles away to receive messages sent by you, right?"

Xue Bufan nodded. He already knew what La Chin wanted to say.

"Please, tell Jie Du the truth... You gods are interested in the beasts, so take all the remaining demon medicine, take them all. You must tell them the truth!"

Xue Bufan nodded solemnly: "I will."

"And Boso, this child, I have always...you gods, if you can..." At the end of his life, the Great Medicine Witch's thinking fell into chaos. He seemed to have a lot to say, but didn't know how to say it. He wanted to tell Boso something finally, and wanted to pray to the gods to give Boso guidance. And at the end, he seemed to feel the breaking of the life string in his body, and squeezed out the most important words: "Say...I'm sorry, just do it..."

Then even the residue collapsed.

Feeling guilty, the great medicine Wu Lachin ended his life.

La Chin's heart was silent, his soul was silent, and the Chen people around him were also silent.

Xue Bufan took two steps back, leaving space for the other Chen tribe. Lachin's relatives and friends silently helped the old man up and began to arrange the disposal of the body.

This must be done carefully. Due to the deprivation of spiritual power, many of the physical keys in La Chin's body have become very fragile. If you are not careful, it will break.

La Chin's brother took out a piece of hemp rope, rubbed it skillfully, and then weaved the humiliating epitaph that La Chin had set for himself.

Xue Bufan can read it. "The stupid La Chin stole the position of the Great Medicine Witch. In the end, his virtue was not matched and he killed many people. Those who come after him need to take a warning."

The other person carefully opened La Chin's mouth. The incisors of the Chan people are relatively long, so the rope can be tied to the lower jaw.

The other Chen tribe watched all this in silence.

Finally, he tried to talk to another Chen tribe: "Although we don't have a deep relationship with him, he is a good person and a competent guy."

"He is a man, but it's a pity that he is in Tianchen." The look in the eyes of the Chu tribe was a mixture of contempt and respect: "A humiliating death. Huh, he is worthy of him."

Xue Bufan asked: "Now, I know that there is a tribe over there, and then, here is divided into Tianyi and Diyi - can you tell me in detail?"

From the conversation just now, he roughly knew that some of the Chan monks who had died because of the wrong demon medicine broke through the siege of the Zerg and came to the Chan tribe here. The Chen tribe here calls themselves "Di Chen", and they call the Chen tribe above them "Tian Chen".

He also needs more information.

"A brat from the God's family?" The Chen tribe sneered: "Haha, just see for yourself. You are in such a ghost place now, keep your eyes wide open all the time and see for yourself."

This extremely rude tone made Xue Bufan a little stunned. On the floating continent, although the Chan tribe had limited respect for him, they were always very polite. Moreover, those Chen people are also very hospitable and always answer all questions. It has never seen such a reaction.

He tried to talk to the others again. However, those "diji" also seemed to be indifferent to him.

Xue Bufan was very puzzled. Since that person called him "the little boy of the God family", it meant that the Dragon Clan also entrusted the dream to them. But...what's with this weird attitude?

Finally, for the first time, Di Chen sneered at him: "It seems that those mentally retarded fellows in the sky have given you a wrong impression."

Xue Bufan wondered: "Wrong...impression?"

"In front of the gods. Those Tianchen are gentle and respectful, but have they ever mentioned to you the war between the Tianxi tribes? Have they mentioned the internal situation of Tianxuan?"

Xue Bufan was speechless again. In his impression, the Chan people have always been a small country with few people, where chickens and dogs hear each other, and they never interact with each other until death. He really doesn't know any of this.

——No wonder...no wonder...

——The reason why the big-headed man must know the best about knots, in addition to inheriting civilization, is probably also related to "interpreting ancient methods"...

——Boso said that Jiedu has many ancient methods!

——It's not that "the big-headed man happened to become the one with the highest cultivation level", but "the big-headed man will definitely become the one with the highest cultivation level"!

In an instant, he figured out many things.

This is a fallacy caused by "observation".

This fallacy is not uncommon in Tianlingling's records. The most obvious one is the erroneous conclusion that the mantis "kills her husband". Many people believe that female mantises eat male mantises during mating to ensure nutrients for reproduction. Male mantises are also willing to be eaten due to instinct.

But in fact, in the natural environment, after male and female praying mantises mate, the female praying mantis does not always eat the male. During the egg development process, the female mantis is always hungry and has an extremely strong desire to prey. And they already have the behavior of preying on their own kind.

If the female mantis is in a full state, the male mantis will not be eaten at all; if it is not in a closed environment, the male mantis will leave soon after mating is completed, and the possibility of being eaten will be greatly reduced.

However, early observations showed that to eliminate variables, female mantises were rarely fed. In addition, the samples were prepared in airtight containers, so the male mantis had no possibility of escaping.

"Tianchen, in fact, does not represent the Chen people in the natural environment." Xue Bufan whispered: "They are not a nation that enjoys living in poverty and a small country with few people. They are just performing dramas in front of the 'God'! "

"It seems you have figured it out." Seeing Xue Bufan's expression becoming suspicious, the Chan tribe let out a sinister laugh: "The Chan tribe is an arrogant, stupid, bloodthirsty nation that ultimately leads to destruction. Look like this!” (To be continued~^~)

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