Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 32 Asking for help

[Alliance leader's additional update on 6/17]

The number one, the smallest positive integer, is neither prime nor composite, and can divide all integers...

"The number one" is a concept. Whether it is written as "one", "1", "①", "△", "□", it does not affect the concept of "number one".

The meaning conveyed by those symbols is like this. No matter how they are written and how their composition changes, they all point to the number that is "neither prime nor composite, and can divide all integers".

Any "language" must be a conventional symbol system. Any symbol has the difference between "signified" and "signifier". "Signifier" refers to the sound image of language, which is the material form of the symbol, composed of sound and image. "Signified" refers to the concept of things reflected by the language, and refers to the meaning of the language itself.

No matter how the symbols change, as long as the concepts they point to are the same, the symbols themselves can be regarded as equivalent.

The reason why modern Chinese can use modern simplified Chinese characters to read articles written by ancient people in seal script thousands of years ago is that although the shapes of characters are ever-changing and the pronunciations have changed many times, the concepts pointed to by those characters have not changed.

The form of the symbol is not important.

"The language of the Nan people is simply a set of three-dimensional characters, and this set of three-dimensional characters uses a special set of 'stroke order' as a limitation, and

this set of stroke order just conforms to the knot theory."

"In fact, the knot theory has nothing to do with the actual meaning of these characters, it's just that the characters just conform to the knot theory. This is like the characters in the computer. Although the bottom layer is 'yin' and 'yang', the characters themselves have nothing to do with the changes of yin and yang, and the computer just treats these characters as a special image, and then associates these images with some special 'meanings'."

Wang Qi took out Ai Qinglan's report again and read it carefully.

"Yeah, as expected."

"Senior Sister Ai is indeed a genius. Metamorphosis... metamorphosis, hormones, organelles, folding."

"It is really amazing that she can connect these concepts together and then build a framework for metamorphosis. However, her understanding of the 'language' step is completely wrong. Then, those guys who went to the alien planet..."

Wang Qi once again put on the resentment of "Why didn't I go but those losers?" on his face: "Ah... I can't bear to say anything about them."

If you want to study what is good about Li Bai's "Jiangjinjiu", you should not study how many strokes the "金" character in "金樽" has, or how the "木" character of "樽" affects the whole poem, but should study the meaning of this poem.

And Ai Qinglan seems to have fallen into this wrong direction. What she wants is the mechanism from a certain alien language to the ant tribe's hormone language, or how to use the unknown alien language to split the ant tribe's hormone language.

Studying the "knot" itself is like looking for fish in a tree.

Wang Qi glanced at the knot table again.

"Not every ordinary knot can appear in the folding of organic molecules." There are many different forces on all atoms in a long chain of organic macromolecules. These forces pull the atoms and guide them to a more stable random structure. If you want to exhaustively list the possible forms of a long chain, it will indeed make the calculator of the level of Wanxian Zhenjing pale in comparison.


-Now there are several pheromone "vocabularies". I don't need to study all the rules now, but first figure out how these specific "vocabularies" are expressed in the language of that unknown alien race, and then...

-Hmm, is there a more general method?

In an instant, two ideas popped up in Wang Qi's mind.

He followed the first idea.

Thinking from two angles and two directions at the same time, sometimes you will have such a feeling. If it weren't for confirming that there was no change in self-cognition, Wang Qi would have thought he was about to have schizophrenia.

When thinking about problems, Wang Qi often has such a contradiction in his mind - should he ignore a special point and seek a more general direction, or should he first solve that special point and then move forward from that special point?

However, Wang Qi thinks that this is a good phenomenon.

In 1954, Grothendieck had been troubled for a long time by the problem of approximation of topological linear space. It was not until 20 years later that someone else solved this problem with a completely different method from Grothendieck's. Grothendieck regarded it as a lifelong lesson, saying that this was "the only time in his life that he felt that doing mathematics was so heavy", and always reminded himself: no matter when, he must ensure that there are several "mathematical iron tools" in his mind ready to be forged in the furnace at the same time, and if one kind of thinking does not work, change to another.

Wang Qi is fully able to grasp the progress of several lines.

He replaced all the knots that appeared in the ant tribe's Lingxisu language with self-created symbols. In this way, those complex topological structures in his eyes are not chains composed of several complex knots, but a three-dimensional topological structure with countless symbols.

"Well, think about it... give these symbols some properties... some of them will not appear in the same molecular particle..."

"Variations and symbols of symbols... Can one symbol have several variations? It feels a bit like... that kind of dragon language with many symbol variations."

Soon, all the pheromones were converted into simple structures by him.

"Then, starting from analysis... no, starting from the field of algebraic topology, split it into prime factors." Wang Qi wrote quickly on the paper with his right hand. Soon he filled a piece of paper and then had to change it.

All knots were written by him into calculations with special symbols.

"I'm so awesome for being able to do this." Wang Qi shook his arm and sighed.

This "language" was now separated from the immature field of "kink theory."

Here, a special symbol represents a special kink, and the entire equation represents the spatial structure of the pheromone molecule.

"If you force translation like this, in the eyes of that foreign race, it might feel a bit like 'Pidgin'." Wang Qi thought this way.

At this point, the focus of the problem has changed. Now, the "language" from the Chen tribe has changed in Wang Qi's hands. He accepted an unfamiliar writing system, but separated the signifier and signified of this symbol system, treating it as a pure symbol system to analyze another language.

This is just like the Phoenician alphabet that eroded languages ​​across Europe on Earth. The ancients who originally only had language and lacked writing used the same set of letters to express their own writing.

After being transcribed into arithmetic formulas, new "rules" were added to this set of "texts".

"Of course, the original grammar of the unknown species also needs to be studied..." Wang Qi continued writing.

Now, the question is no longer one of kink theory.

This study lasted five days. During these five days, Wang Qi spent most of his time on this, except for participating in mathematics seminars every day.

However, he soon encountered a bottleneck.

"Well, it's not easy. We have achieved this step." After encountering the bottleneck, Wang Qi still didn't feel annoyed at all, but felt proud.

Afterwards, he went out and walked towards the core of the sect.

Wanfamen dug a flat land in the mountain, and many buildings were built on this flat land, such as the residences of many disciples, libraries, many research centers, etc.

The real important place of Wanfa Sect is in the mountains within the sect.

Walking in, after crossing a large area of ​​flat land, mountains come into view. The leader is a cliff that rises abruptly from the ground. On the cliff, there are twenty-four large characters carved with sword energy.

In this world, the six roots are impure; disturbing the world of mortals deceives the true nature; the only way to seek the way is through learning.

This is the discipleship of Wanfamen.

Wang Qi crossed the cliff and continued walking inside. Soon, he came to a cave. There was a small room at the entrance of the cave, and the room was guarded by a Yuanshen stage monk. Wang Qi knocked on the door, called out the Yuanshen stage monk, and then showed his immortal book Pei. After the Yuanshen stage monk checked, he still had a somewhat puzzled expression on his face, as if he was wondering why Wang Qi came alone.

Wang Qi entered the cave and went down. This is where the spiritual vein of Wanfamen Mountain Gate is located, leading to a cave.

In the cave sky, there is a green sea.

"Hey, senior sister! Come out!" Wang Qi shouted: "I'm here to see you!"

The emerald-colored water surface rolled for a moment, and then Mi slowly revealed his spiritual body: "Why do you have time to come to my place?"

This is where Mi’s true deity is.

"Sister, the organization now has a glorious and arduous task for you. I hope you won't refuse." Wang Qi took out what he had just written and said, "Here, let's make this!"

"Well, I don't understand your human arithmetic very well..." Mi wrinkled her little nose.

"No problem, no problem. This is not closely related to our human race's arithmetic." Wang Qi smiled and said: "Thinking about this problem from your perspective will definitely be simpler, right?"

Mi threw all the information Wang Qi brought into the emerald water - or rather, into her body. Countless spiritual powers swept over it, and then transferred the content above to Mi's thinking.

"Language..." Mi Cuo said in shock: "Language?"

Wang Qi smiled and took out another piece of information: "You really understand."

This part is the "language" of the unknown alien race and the "vocabulary" of the ant tribe.

In the eyes of ordinary people, what Wang Qi just said was just a bunch of calculations. (To be continued ~^~)

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