Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 22 Foreign Aid

The starship "Tailing" and the starship "Red Lotus" are rapidly "seeding" in the asteroid belt.

Well, sowing seeds is the first step for them to rectify the aura environment outside the world.

Some kind of strange bacterial flora was placed on every small celestial body in the defensive zone. These special flora are biologically created and contain twice as many light-receiving organelles as those of ordinary plants. However, they are a strange prokaryotic organism with no cell nucleus, are extremely cold-resistant, and are extremely salt-loving.

This was originally an ordinary space flora. All it takes is a little light and inorganic salts to survive. After the Xianmeng discovered this flora, they tried tens of millions of times to insert special chloroplasts from other worlds into it. After gaining the ability to obtain light energy, the reproduction rate of this special strain increased geometrically.

Under natural conditions, this abnormal growth will only lead to the bacterial community quickly falling into a dilemma without nutrients. But to the monks of the Immortal Alliance, this doesn't matter. This can be regarded as a "crop". As long as the seeds are left, no one cares whether the "crop" can pass on the bloodline.

On the other hand, countless monks have spiritual lights emerging from their bodies. They control the escaping light in the thin and chaotic vacuum environment of spiritual energy, and move many small celestial bodies in the asteroid belt. Since the celestial bodies in the asteroid belt are slowly revolving around the sun, the thrust exerted on those asteroids must be carefully calculated. On the other hand, the Immortal Alliance also needs to prevent other planetary systems with relatively fast revolution speeds from rushing into its own formation and disrupting the macrostructure of the formation.

All this happens in half a light second.

This is a delicate job and an extremely huge project.

The first results of this work are not expected until next month.

"It would be much simpler if the beast mechanism could be used here." Every time he thought of this section, the God of Natural Selection would sigh.

It’s not time to reveal the Immortal Alliance’s biggest trump card yet.

At this time, in the starship "Tailing", the God of Natural Selection was listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"...The planning of the formation has been initially completed, and the data of other small celestial bodies are also being transmitted back continuously. The Ten Thousand Immortals True Mirror has allocated a considerable amount of computing power for simulation." One person ended his report.

Lord Tianzhi sighed, and then turned his gaze to the next person: "It's your turn, Bai Cong. You should be responsible for those children in Tiancheng. Have they achieved anything now?"

The female grand master bowed slightly: "Most things are not worth mentioning, there are only two things. First, it is a discovery about those young people..."

She showed a set of data, which was the radius of Tianchan's planet measured by Tianchan's monks.


Everyone looked puzzled.

The God of Natural Selection said curiously: "The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value is close to two thousand miles. It can be said that the entire planet has an irregular shape... Didn't we find any abnormalities before?"

"Due to their position, 'Tailing' and 'Honglian' have always been behind the Tianchan satellite and have not directly observed Tianchan. And 'Wuxian' has also stayed between the two Tianchan satellites for eighty hours. Because The relationship between the rotation speed of the planet and the complete picture of Tianchan was not observed." The woman named Bai Zong said: "Since the preliminary observation found no abnormalities, the master decided to give the main work to those young people instead of Wu Xiang. The ship itself will observe other celestial bodies in this galaxy to confirm the layout of the defense line."

"No abnormalities found?" Tong Guanliu pointed at the series of numbers in front of him with a strange look on his face: "Does this mean there are no abnormalities?"

"Perhaps because the depression or bulge is on the other side of the planet, the calculation master did not directly observe the abnormality." Bai Zong corrected: "At that time, some unnatural traces were indeed found on the ground, but more people Think of it as something completely different..."

The God of Natural Selection was a little puzzled: "There should have been images at that time, right?"

As he asked aloud, a picture automatically popped up and jumped into everyone's sight. That is exactly the image of Tianchan. However, this Tianchi looks a little strange, with many thick black cracks running through the earth. Considering that this is a small-scale picture using the "planet" as a reference, those cracks on the ground could be huge scars that are hundreds or even thousands of miles wide and span a hundred thousand miles.

From a distance, the entire Tianchi looks like a ceramic bead that is about to break.

Some great masters who had just joined ANBU were immediately confused: "Is this... very common in the universe?"

"It is very much like a typical 'strong man's landform' - that is, the man-made landform is permanently changed after the battles between people with advanced cultivation. This is the same as the aftermath of the battle between strong men in China that flattened the mountains. But, this is the universe. , without the protection of the dragon clan, the only areas that can be called the strong landform are the areas where the immortals have fought." Bai Zong said: "In addition to the crisscrossing terrifying rifts, there are also. There are sinkholes that look like the entire planet has been lightly chewed..."

"Normally, the angular momentum of the mantle and the planet will gradually fill in the strong landform. However, that will take a long time." Another person added.

"But... Judging from the images, these rifts have definitely penetrated the crust. Why is the mantle not visible?" Someone raised doubts.

Bai Cong said: "There are man-made traces similar to the strong man's landform, as well as the 'ember phenomenon' - many civilizations have the practice of 'harvesting earth fire'. But the planet's earth fire is not endless. If there is an excessive civilization Harvesting of earth fire, or harvesting by true immortals, may also cause the mantle to cool down..."

"That will also affect the center of the earth and weaken the planet's magnetic field." Another person said: "If the planet's magnetic field is weakened, the high-energy stellar wind will easily blow away the atmosphere, and all living things will become extinct. This is definitely not an ember phenomenon.

"Some of the monks on the Phaseless Ship didn't pay too much attention to this matter, so they misjudged it." Bai Zong said: "This is not the landform of the strong. Indeed, some immortals can deform the planet with one palm and shoot it two thousand miles away. The radius difference is not impossible. But in that case, nothing will be left of the entire planet. Then, because the entire structure is destroyed, the entire planet will return to its spherical shape in a short time. "

"Was it a misjudgment...?" God of Choice pondered for a moment: "It seems that Tianchi still has many secrets that we don't know."

"In addition, many monks in Tianchen have requested to conduct field surveys on that planet and draw a complete map."

"No, there may be some secrets on Tianchi. Those secrets are best left to us high-level monks." God of Natural Selection said directly without thinking: "If the starship is free, only one or two They don’t have to risk themselves for months to do something that can be done in a day.”

"There is one more thing." Bai Cong said: "A monk reported that there are clues to the secret of the Dragon Clan's method of transformation."

The news left some people unresponsive: "What did you say?"

"Someone has found clues to the dragon clan's secret - at least the direction." Bai Zong introduced, calling up a report again and again.

"Some Thoughts on the Phen Tribe's Knotting Civilization, the Dragon Tribe's Transformation Method, and the Folding of Long Amino Acid Chains."

"This..." Although the God of Natural Selection often laughs at himself that he no longer understands the way of life, he also understands the significance of this discovery.

This can change the historical development of China.

Just imagine, if one day high-strength chitin becomes cheaper than steel, what direction will China's industry take?

"It's just an idea... This is just a direction..." Some Tianlingling monks began to take deep breaths to suppress their surging hearts.

If it wasn't important here, they would have dropped what they were doing and rushed to Tianchen to study it.

"In addition, they have two applications." Bai Cong said: "One of them is for application support. They need knowledge about algebraic topology and kink theory. In addition, some of them have applied for China Unicom."

The God of Natural Selection looked around: "Are there any Wanfamen monks here who study algebraic topology?"


Tong Guanliu was the first to speak: "My research direction is number theory."

"Chaos Dynamics."

"Triangulation of manifolds..."

"Topological Algorithm for the Fantasy Land of Ten Thousand Immortals."

The only Wanfamen monks reported their directions. Everyone looked at each other.

Although algebraic topology was established in the hands of Suan Jun, after hundreds of years of development, especially the contribution of the Geting School, Li Zong is still better at this field. And because Lord Suan had stayed in the Anbu all year round, most of the Wanfamen monks here were from the sect, or were applied numeracy monks who did not pay attention to the distinction between sects and sects.

The God of Natural Selection shook his head: "It seems that there is no more - their communication request? Is there any special value in this application?"

"The person they requested to contact is a young man named Wang Qi." Bai Zong looked at the several Wanfamen monks present with some hesitation: "It is said... that it is very possible to solve this mystery."

"Wang Qi..." Hearing this name, the God of Natural Selection was stunned for a moment: "Is he the one who proposed 'incompleteness'?"

"Yes." Bai Cong said: "Since the arrangement of formations has occupied most of the communication resources, most of their previous contact applications have been postponed. However, this application has additional instructions. I Consider it valuable.”

Lord Tianze asked Tong Guanliu: "Little boy, you are a monk of Wan Dharma Sect. What do you think?"

"Wang Qi is indeed gifted, with a Xiaoyao level of talent. Moreover, he has deep attainments in the basics of arithmetic, and he should be familiar with the knowledge of algebraic geometry of the Geting School. Considering that most When most Xiaoyao monks are not available, Wang Qi is still very valuable." Tong Guanliu said: "But... after all, he is still young in cultivation, and he may not be able to handle this kind of analytical research."

"Since it is valuable, let him give it a try." After thinking for a moment, the God of Natural Selection made this decision: "Tell them to keep it confidential and not to reveal too much."

"Yes." (To be continued ~^~)

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