Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 10: The Nan Tribe

Most of the pictures Xue Bufan showed were corpses. Among them, there is even a complete "fresh" skeleton that seems to have been obtained by precise anatomy.

Chen Feng was pretty good at anatomy and got an A grade. He can naturally tell what kind of bones are fresh.

The skeleton pictures in the files are simply fresh skeletons that cannot be produced by natural decay.

A sagittal ridge on the top of the head and four almost identical limbs indicate the identity of the skeleton.

This made Chen Feng have to doubt Xue Bufan's method of obtaining this skeleton.

"The Chen tribe died of natural causes. According to custom, the corpses of those Chen tribe must be eaten clean by a special kind of carnivorous insects."

Xue Bufan calmly took out another illusion. It was a squirming swarm. Countless eight-legged arthropods that look somewhat like carabids. These bugs are about a finger long, but their mouthparts are very small, not worthy of their size. This insect is dark in color, black, with a metallic luster and golden lines.

As for Chenfeng's reference for judging the size of bugs, they were two small bulges in the pile of bugs.

That is the corpse of the Chan tribe.

"This is the funeral of the Chen tribe. It is said that it is a big one." Rotting of corpses is a desecration of corpses and a waste, so fresh corpses must be used to feed worms.”

Chen Feng suddenly felt nauseous. He pointed at the "alien beetle" eating the corpse, covered his mouth and said, "I remember... there must be this kind of bug in their dipping sauce..."

"That's another insect from the same family." Xue Bufan deliberately delayed for a second or two before taking out another picture: "They don't breed many carnivorous insects used to deal with kitchen waste and spoiled insects. For To them, this should be...a high-end ingredient similar to dog meat?"

Chen Feng looked carefully. The second bug Xue Bufan took out was very similar to the first bug, but it had no golden pattern and was more grayish-brown in color. He looked livid: "This kind of thing should be explained from the beginning..."

"I'm sorry, this is the first time I've told others, so I don't have much experience." Xue Bufan smiled heartily and added: "These two kinds of carnivorous insects are actually two species of the same genus. The time of evolutionary divergence should not be Too long. There is even a phenomenon of 'post-mating isolation' among these two insects."

"Post-reproductive isolation" is a type of "reproductive isolation", which means "two species can mate and produce offspring, but the offspring are sterile." The most famous example of this is the mule, a cross between a donkey and a horse.

Since reproductive isolation exists, that is to say, these two organisms are definitely not the same species. However, they are very similar in terms of food habits and other aspects.

"By the way, the hybrid between this kind of sacred insect specially used for funerals and this kind of meat insect used to deal with kitchen waste is a terrible predator...at least within their specifications." Xue Bufan added The third picture was taken out. It is still an "alien carabid", but this kind of bug is a little thinner and longer than the previous two. Its mouthparts are larger than the "holy bug" used for funerals and smaller than the "meat bug" used to deal with kitchen waste. It is just suitable for "hunting" "size of. It inherited the carnivorous nature of the holy insect, its weak spiritual power [the Chan monks also gave this insect to their funerals], and the huge appetite of the flesh insect.

Xue Bufan said that because these bugs cannot reproduce, the Chan people are relieved to release them to capture all unwanted pests in the dense forest and maintain the ecology of this dense forest.

"No wonder there weren't any bugs along the way." Chen Feng thought for a while: "I originally thought it was because we are Chinese people and they don't like the smell of us. But when we ate bugs, we realized something was wrong. The bugs in Tianxuan are among us It tastes delicious in the mouth, which means that we can absorb the amino acids of the animals here, and the reverse should be the same..."

"You haven't realized that this is not a forest, but a town and pasture." Xue Bufan said: "The Chan tribe relies on grazing insects to obtain the source of life. The pests have basically been eliminated."

"However, knowing how to release sterile insects, it seems that the Chen tribe has a certain understanding of the balance between heaven and man and the ecosystem..." Chen Feng murmured.

"Even though people are poor now, they may be richer than that." Xue Bufan said: "With a heritage of 200 million years... how many things can happen?"

"I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't say what is wrong..." Chen Feng looked at the illusions in confusion, and finally shook his head.

——Maybe it’s other people’s customs?

——If it were Wang Qi, maybe he could see something?

After knowing the origin of the bones, Chen Feng no longer had any doubts about those skeletons. Xue Bufan simply swept away all the illusions in front of him, and then made a gesture. The calculator once again created a large illusion.

"Huan Qiang Zhen Lu Zhi, this skeleton can be moved according to your gestures." Xue Bufan said with a smile: "This new concept was developed by me through my friends from Wan Dharma School. When I think about it this way, I feel that my ideas are completely different. "

Chen Feng stared at the skeleton in front of him and almost forgot to breathe. How could he care about anything else? He was shocked: "This is..."

"This is the skeleton of the Chen tribe." Xue Bufan waved his hand, and the virtual skeleton dispersed: "With the help of the big leader, I swept in a fresh skeleton of the Chen tribe, and then I discovered... they didn't have one at all. Spine.”

The Tribe is not a member of the Chordata phylum.

Directly under their heads are four sets of bones. These four sets of bones form the cavity of the Chan tribe. Their digestive organs are in this cavity. Each of these four sets of bones extends a limb.

It's completely different from what humans imagined. There is no distinction between upper and lower limbs among the Chan people. Their four limbs are basically symmetrical around the center of their heads - of course, this is the beginning. After a long period of evolution, their heads are closer to one of the limbs.

In other words, if the ancestors of the Chan tribe left the trees, they would look like four-legged spiders with human heads on their heads.

"Rather than saying that they are humans like our mammals, they are more like cephalopods." Xue Bufan manipulated the illusion, took off the head, and then took it apart: "For example, this. It It shouldn't even be called a 'skull', it's a shell..."

Cephalopoda is a class in the phylum Mollusca, all marine and carnivorous. Although they are molluscs, most of them do not have shells. On the contrary, cephalopods have a mantle cavity formed by a layer of muscle tissue, tentacles, a well-developed head, and a pair of well-developed eyes on both sides.

The representative creatures are octopus and squid.

Cephalopods are considered the pinnacle of mollusk evolution. Because they have an endoskeleton to protect their developed brains. It is said that the Dragon Clan had the idea of ​​​​promoting cephalopods to form a new civilization a long time ago, but gave up this idea due to the evolution of the human race.

Chen Feng quickly shook his head: "There's something wrong...why do cephalopod creatures have such a complicated...skeleton?"

The characteristic of Cephalopods is that they only have a simple endoskeleton, but the parts that form the body and the limbs should not have bones.

"I didn't say that the Chan tribe is a cephalopod, I just said that the Chan tribe is closer to the cephalopods than the Mammalia." Xue Bufan said: "And I can only say 'close', they may not even be 'animal' in the narrow sense."

Chen Feng nodded: "I understand... continue."

The premise for thinking must include "the Chan tribe is close to the cephalopods".

"I've told you the most important thing, and there's nothing else." Xue Bufan said: "In vitro fertilization of the Chan tribe does not have the concept of 'lactation'. Neither females nor males have external genitalia. The strength of female individuals and male individuals Not much - be careful not to treat them differently than males, or even emphasize the differences between females and males, as that could cause discomfort."

Chen Feng nodded.

"Then, there's this..." Xue Bufan removed the skeleton and replaced it with another image. That is the face of the Chen tribe: "In order to use tools, the eyes of the Chen tribe are concentrated on one side. This gives them a very good three-dimensional vision, but their sight range is narrower than that of humans. One hundred and thirty degrees left and right, four directions up and down. About ten degrees. As a compensation, his four noses have independent sense of smell, and their hearing is also very three-dimensional.”

"This is also the choice of an arboreal race. The trees have lush branches and leaves, which block the field of vision, so the Chen tribe's binocular field of vision is relatively narrow. However, the leaves cannot block the transmission of sound and smell, so hearing and smell replace the field of vision. "

Seeing that Chen Feng listened attentively, Xue Bufan nodded and finally said: "Next, let's talk about the culture of the Chan tribe."

"You should also have noticed. They have two self-proclaimed names. One is 'Lulaling'. This three-syllable word has no deeper meaning. The other is 'knot'. They have a special feeling for knots. The feeling of adoration.”

"I don't know which step caused the deviation, but the Chen people have retained the custom of tying knots to record events. They did not invent papermaking, and they have no writing - or in other words, knotting is their writing."

"Perhaps because of the three-dimensional vision gained from their narrow field of vision, the strong sense of three-dimensional space of the arboreal race, and the characteristics of the seven fingers, they played with the 'knots' in various ways. Some knots have obvious characteristics. Many people can read the meaning into the 'knot' - just like our words."

"Similarly, just as words are divided into ordinary words that mortals can use and magic seals with magic effects, the knots of the Chen tribe are also divided into ordinary knots and complex knots with magic effects..." ( To be continued~^~)

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