"To sum up, that's what happened." Zhan Woshen looked at his disciple.

Ai Qinglan pointed at himself: "Master, me?"

Zhan Woshen nodded: "Yes, it's you."

Ai Qinglan's eyes shone: "Ahhh, interesting! I'll go, I'll go, I'll go!"

Zhan Woshen felt a headache: "Girl, sometimes I really don't understand whether you understand it or not... Call your kid over."

Ai Qinglan was stunned immediately: "Master, this is not good..."

When she decided to continue using the tissue samples of the sea god, she was ready to contact the huge dark side hidden by the Immortal Alliance. From then on, her fate was intertwined with the dark truth. Half of her life's characteristics are dark. And she is happy to accept this.

But she doesn't want Chen Feng to get involved.

"That kid may see deeper than you?" Mr. Woshen shook his head: "Call him over."

Soon, Chen Feng also came to Ai Qinglan's evidence department.

"Hello, Mr. Zhan." Chen Feng bowed.

Zhan Woshen smiled: "Well, you are not bad. I want to ask you, did Yangshen Pavilion tell you about the dragon clan?"

Chen Feng's first reaction was to look at Ai Qinglan: "Why are you..."

After a while, he realized: "Were both selected?"

"What? Both of us?" Ai Qinglan was surprised: "Eh? Both of us? Leaving Shenzhou? Traveling together?"

Mr. Woshen had an urge to bump into the demonstration platform. Chen Feng also felt a little embarrassed.

Then, Chen Feng pushed Ai Qinglan away: "I'll talk about this, senior... I think I can make the decision on this matter."

"'I think' 'can', the husband is weak, kid." Zhan Woshen looked at Chen Feng with interest: "Since Yangshen Pavilion has already talked to you, I won't say much. Tell me what you think."

"First of all, why us?" Chen Feng said: "When I was in Shenjing, I realized that the Immortal Alliance hid something. From the perspective of a seeker of Tao, this behavior is unpleasant, but I think it should be necessary. Some knowledge is harmful to ordinary people. This is the judgment of the Immortal Alliance."

Zhan Woshen nodded: "Smart."

"We may suffer some terrible consequences if we come into contact with these contents, perhaps the Tao heart is shaken, or perhaps we lose hope for the future." Chen Feng stared at Zhan Woshen: "That is a terrible result, foreshadowing a terrible future."


"Perhaps the seniors will have to face it after practicing to a certain stage, but this matter should still be kept strictly confidential from low-level cultivators." Chen Feng looked at the other party sternly, his tone was very frank.

Zhan Woshen realized that the young man was not shirking the call of the Immortal Alliance, but was angry about the "irrationality" in it.

If that knowledge is really terrible, it should be completely kept out of reach of people, rather than letting some people get in touch with it first.

Some people would rather spend 10,000 yuan to sue because they suffered a loss of one dollar from others. He is not for his own one dollar, but for more people not to be cheated of one dollar.

——Awesome temperament...

Zhan Woshen laughed slightly. He doesn't hate this kind of people.

"The reason is also confidential. You must participate first, then I can tell you."

"My senior brothers said the same thing..." Chen Feng shook his head: "Sister Lan, can you go out first?"

Ai Qinglan was extremely bored and was lying on her stomach to draw a diagram of the structure of the source of life. This is the exercise she has added to herself. She is trying to use new geometric methods to solve the geometric problems expressed by blood.

This is also the difficulty of the shapeshifting magic.

After hearing what Chen Feng said, she opened her mouth: "Ah?"

"Shouldn't you go to inspect the samples?" Chen Feng had to coax.

"Xiaofeng, you actually think I'm a fool, a big fool." Ai Qinglan jumped up: "Hurry up and talk!" Then, Chen Feng looked at Mr. Wo Shen: "I'll join." "Responsible, kid." Mr. Wo Shen smiled: "Well, then we can start with the dragon clan." The story of the dragon clan, the succession of the new demon clan and the new demon clan, the existence of the immortal road, the situation of the solar system, and... the eternal class hypothesis that should not have been involved. "This universe is too dangerous. We must know more." Mr. Woshen sighed, "And now, we must all explore according to the rules of the dragon race."

"The ancient dragon emperor always speaks in a vague way. He said that we'd better bring young people, so we really need to bring young people - I don't know if what he calls young people is based on the natural lifespan of the race, the rapid growth period, or the relative lifespan of the cultivation level, or refers to low-level cultivators, so we can only bring some. What if this is the opportunity?"

"He said that it was the beginning of the modern dragon history. It is not certain whether it is the remains of civilization, ancient heritage or something else, so we have to make a lot of preparations. Tianlingling Ancient Cliff is the main body, and other branches are the backbone, supplemented by the elites of Fenjin Valley and Shanhe City, and finally add several monks from Wanfamen and Guiyi League."

Chen Feng nodded: "I understand."


"Well, I will go, but I hope to think about Sister Lan again." Chen Feng said: "After all, it is training."

Training means that there may be injuries. Mr. Woshen nodded: "Girl, come in."

Ai Qinglan walked in. But now, there was a hint of anger on her face.

"Master, I have come to my senses. Are you trying to trick me with Xiaofeng's reaction?"

"How have I ever tricked you, girl?" Zhan Woshen shook his head: "The 'secret' this time may be the root of the dragon clan's modern practice - aren't you studying the method of transformation? To your soul It’s also beneficial.”

Ai Qinglan's eyes suddenly lit up.


Seven days later, Chen Feng, Ai Qinglan and more than a dozen other monks who were also going to participate in this operation appeared on the surface of the West Sea. Chen Feng didn't know most of these monks, but during the conversation, he discovered that these people were actually talented monks with a small reputation. Among them, there are actually two who are from Xuan Xing Guan.

Yes, Xuan Xing Guan, Xuan Xing Guan who is almost untouched by the mortal world.

For ordinary monks, there will always be a process of refining their hearts in the world of mortals, allowing them to think about their future path and the meaning of eternal life. However, Xuan Xing Guan does not need it. From the very beginning they face the dark abyss of the universe. If you can stay in Xuanxing Temple, if you don't lose your Taoist heart, your heart will be as sharp as a sword, unparalleled. This has also caused ordinary monks to have some misunderstandings about Xuanxing Temple.

The two monks wore rose-purple robes with patterns of the Milky Way embroidered on them. Chen Feng originally wanted to go up and talk to him, but seeing the serious look on his face, he gave up the idea.

"What's wrong? You don't seem very happy these past two days." Ai Qinglan asked with concern.

"I always feel that this starry sky, which I rarely noticed before, now seems so...dead." He said: "It is also Yitian's calculation. I once saw someone use it to calculate 'love'." ' and 'future'..."

——It is also the calculation of Yitian. Some people have calculated "love" and "future", while others have calculated "eternal class".

It's really...indescribable.

"Huh huh huh... It's impossible for those idiots from Wanfamen to calculate 'love'." Ai Qinglan didn't know what Chen Feng was sighing about, and said: "Wanfamen, Wanfamen. They will only go into the ideal system. Enter the ideal conditions and the result will be ideal. However, the reality is not ideal.”

"I hope..." Chen Feng thought.

Inexplicably, he thought of the time when he and Ai Qinglan were young. At that time, Ai Qinglan broke an antique plate in her home, and another piece of it disappeared. Chenfeng tried to restore the antique, but because a piece was missing, he finally spelled out... what shape? Maybe a horse?

This memory was so dreamy that he couldn't remember it clearly. But he remembered one thing. If one element is missing, the so-called calculation may be completely different.

——I hope the Immortal Alliance has also made a mistake.

Chen Feng thought so.

At this time, a woman wearing purple clothes and a gauze scarf around her neck appeared in front of them with another girl wearing a big scarf.

Yueluo Lanxi asked: "Are you the last batch of low-level monks from the Immortal Alliance?"

The leading Xuanxingguan monk nodded and said: "A senior of the Dragon Clan, exactly... what are you doing?"

I saw Yueluo Lanxi squeeze out a few drops of blood from her fingertips, condense it into the shape of a blood blade, and was about to stab the monk into the body. However, Yueluo Lanxi had no intention of hurting anyone, so the Xuanxingguan disciple was able to escape.

Yueluo Lanxi frowned: "You are not even high-level. How can I lead you through the Xuanfei Gate without my blood?"

The fairy road is divided into three levels. The outer layer, the 'Gate of Wonders', is built based on the celestial force [gravity] and connects to nearby celestial bodies along the celestial force. It can also be used by those who have not become immortals; the middle layer, 'The Gate of Mysterious Women', Beyond the six voids, there is an inexplicable height that connects the immeasurable heaven and earth, which is unbearable to those who have not yet become immortals; the previous level, outside time and space, is a paradoxical place, and even the average dragon clan does not know the specific things.

But one thing is for sure. The super spiritual environment in the Xuanmen Gate is not something that ordinary monks can bear.

At this time, a childish voice appeared: "Don't bother. In terms of nature and level, I am also a first-level immortal. Due to the species relationship, I can take them there."

Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan were shocked: "Senior Sister Xi?"

The visitor is none other than the "family" of the human race - the sea god type "Xi".

The Poseidon type's personality is similar to the formative stage of the human race's personality, and they have no concept of gender and choose to live with the human race in the appearance of little girls. The little girl smiled slightly and said to the only two acquaintances here - Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan: "Leave it to me."

Then, all the monks lost consciousness. (To be continued ~^~)

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