Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 241 Our Method

The crowd was excited.

Wang Qi was at a loss with a tight smile on his face. He didn't expect that his pinch was so effective. Su Junyu on the other side was a little confused. Only Chen Youjia banged his head on the table.

She was deeply saddened by the aesthetics and common sense of her fellow students.

——That part is obviously this guy’s nonsense! Can this guy have a serious name? Obviously not!

——Why do you really believe it?

After everyone's emotions gradually calmed down, Wang Qi said: "Very good, it seems that everyone agrees with my ideal. Then, I will tell you how to do it well."

Wang Qi touched the slate. Under the influence of the Elephant Phase Wave Kung Fu, the stone slab became flat and thin again, and gradually turned into a huge stone slab two meters high and three meters wide, just like a blackboard.

Countless fine sword energy spurted out from Wang Qi's fingers, and many small words were written on the stone slab. Those are all the names of animals. However, his classification method is a bit strange. Centipedes are put together with spiders and insects, turtles and toads are classified into the same category, and sharks, whales, etc. are also included in the fish...

This is a very old classification.

"The most primitive classification method is just to divide living beings into one category according to their appearance." Wang Qi erased these words again, and then drew again with his sword energy. This time, a classification similar to a tree diagram appeared on the blackboard, with a clear hierarchy of phylum, order, family, genus and species.

"And this is the current classification method, which is classified according to evolutionary kinship. Everyone must know which of these two classification methods is better."

Everyone looked at Wang Qi, confused, and didn't know how to answer the question.

They are disciples of Wan Dharma Sect. What kind of living things are they studying?

Wang Qi tapped the stone slab lightly: "Don't you think that the current arithmetic still uses the first classification method?"

Zhao Qingtan belongs to the category with a quick mind. He quickly thought of something: "Junior Brother Wang, are you planning to reshape the classification of arithmetic?"

Wei Cang also frowned slightly, thinking in his heart - what is the meaning of this?

"Algebra, analysis, number theory, geometry - most people just regard arithmetic as a few big corpses without seeing the whole cow." Wang Qi emphasized: "Note that here, 'without seeing the whole cow' does not mean In fact, you are more like a blind man who is trapped by this kind of thinking."

"Subsuming algebraic curve theory into geometry? Group theory into geometry? Such an idea is too rigid."

"Since our ideal is to re-establish arithmetic, then we must be more straightforward and break it first. Break this outdated thing completely, break it and then establish it." Wang Qi slapped the stone slab behind him with his backhand. , the stone slab immediately shattered. But among the fragments, these two big characters were left.


"Forget the original algebra, analysis, number theory, geometry, forget the labels on the corpses, and concentrate on understanding the structure of arithmetic itself."

Another Dzogchen monk named Feng Xingchong stood up and asked blankly: "This... if we abandon those inherent concepts, how should we think about it?"

Since his soul was about to come, he was counting on Wang Qi to break through the sky, but now that Wang Qi was going to "break and then stand up", he felt a little pressured.

If the impact on his mind is too great, then he will postpone the day of breaking through the sky.

Wang Qi said: "This is not difficult to explain." He motioned Feng Xingchong to sit down first, then put his hands behind his back and explained: "In my opinion, the most basic thing in arithmetic is its structure. What is 'structure'?"

"When we try to use the idea of ​​'axiomatic' to deconstruct this arithmetic, we will have this feeling - the entire arithmetic should have a unified and holistic foundation, and arithmetic should be developed on such a holistic basis. And this foundation …”

Before Wang Qi finished speaking, he was interrupted by a gasp.

Because Zhao Qingtan once had some relationship with the Geting Sect, he was a little excited and said: "You actually want to use axiomatic ideas?"

"Axiomatic" is exactly the method used by mathematicians to create the foundation of arithmetic.

However, unfortunately...if you want to use axiomatic explanations of mathematics, then the logic used in this process should be complete, the entire system must be free of self-contradiction, and any proposition can be proven or falsified. of.

What's even more unfortunate is that this system was destroyed in Wang Qi's hands. The efforts of the Geting sect in calculating Yuansuan were all destroyed by Wang Qi's two papers.

"Yes, why not." Wang Qi replied: "Actually, I still like this idea very much. It's just that Senior Xi's steps are too big and exceed our current capabilities. I don't require 'calculation' now, It’s about asking for the foundation of ‘known arithmetic’ and using the known to deduce the unknown – Are there any questions? Brother, please remember to let me finish next time.”

Zhao Qingtan sat down hurriedly, while Wang Qi began to continue his speech.

"And this 'base' is the structure. In my current perception, the most central thing in the arithmetic world is the most general 'original structure'. The characteristic of this structure is that it has a small number of axioms. Because, the number of axioms Fewer means that the structure is less restricted, and the fewer restrictions, the broader the scope of the structure.”

"In the same structure, the fewer the number of axioms, the more general it is."

"Let me give you a specific example. There are four axioms in the structure of group theory. Assume that the group 'Qiantian' is a non-empty set, and the symbol 'Xuan' is a binary operation of it. Then in the four axioms - closure, If the associative law is established, the unit element exists, and the inverse element exists, it is said that 'Qiantian' and 'Xuan' form a group. At this time, if an auxiliary axiom is added, such as the element of 'Qiantian' is infinite or finite, the structure will become. It becomes a more special finite group or infinite group. If the axiom "binary operations satisfy the commutative law" is added, this structure becomes a "commutative group".


While Wang Qi was talking, the hearts of others began to beat crazily.

——This idea... is quite amazing!

At this moment, arithmetic was different in their eyes. The specific formulas, methods, and graphics of the past have begun to become blurry.

This is close to the realm of looking at mountains but not mountains, and looking at water but not water.

"So arithmetic can still be like this..." Feng Xingchong clenched his fingers. For the first time, he felt that arithmetic can still be like this, it can still be like this!

Complete subversion!

——Just for this great idea, it’s worth delaying the soul for thirty years!

On the other side, Zhao Qingtan almost cried. Before he broke through the barrier of heaven, it was the law of perfection that was proven, and the master of calculation was at the height of his power, and he could defeat the last question at a glance. He originally wanted to work in the direction of "joining the Songting Sect" after breaking through the Heavenly Pass. But after he broke through the Tianguan, he suddenly heard that Suanzhu's Taoist heart had been lost, his cultivation was at a loss, and the Geting sect he longed for was also in a precarious situation. This confused him for a while.

And now, the thought of the Calculator has reappeared in the young man who replaced the Calculator!

"Perhaps... this is really a change of generation from Li Zong?"

Others also had various reactions.

Chen Youjia looked at Wang Qi blankly from behind, with all kinds of feelings rolling in his heart.

But the most obvious one is "pride".

——This guy has become more powerful again...

In Wang Qi's narration, a new way of thinking was finally gradually established.

"Many years ago, when I received the Taoist Instrument Award, I said that problems in the field of arithmetic can actually be divided into several categories. Problems that cannot be solved, problems that hang outside the system, problems with production methods, problems with production methods There are general theoretical issues and problems that lack solution meaning. I think our next research direction will mainly focus on the fourth category. By the way, the second category and the fifth category should be avoided, and the first category should be avoided. Don't touch..." Wang Qi said: "Remember, what we pursue is 'generality' - don't care about the theories themselves, there is a broader structure underneath them, that is our goal."

Among the people, several people took a breath of cold air again, and a few others clucked their tongues. Some other people also felt enlightened after recalling it. Others quietly moved their eyes towards Chen Youjia, who was hiding behind the crowd.

Wang Qi felt a little strange being stared at: "What's wrong? Both of them have this look..."

Wei Cang smiled bitterly and said: "We are just ashamed of ourselves...it turns out that you started thinking about such deep issues six or seven years ago..."

——Great ideas must be sharpened over ten years...

Zhao Qingtan felt a little ashamed: "Back then, we thought you were deliberately trying to choke Master Chen. After all, you two do have some resentment..."

Among these guys, the smart ones had reviewed Wang Qi's papers and speeches long ago. They understood everything they could understand and memorized everything they couldn't understand. That's why they were able to remember the Dao Weapon Award a few years ago. Little speech.

The direction of Chen Jingyun's main research, Mingzhu's calculation, can be regarded as an "isolated problem", and it is only a "problem of production method". At that time, many people also felt that Wang Qi was deliberately belittling Chen Jingyun.

Wang Qi coughed twice: "There is no need to discuss some private matters between me and Master Chen here. Let's move on to the next step."

Everyone smiled;

I wonder what extraordinary remarks Wang Qi will make in the "next session"?

Unexpectedly, Wang Qi took out a stack of test papers: "Everyone, please finish writing these before dark."

Several people asked cautiously: "This is..."

"It's a trial. If you want to know your level, just give it a real test." (To be continued ~^~)

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