Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 230: The Nameless Person

The more popular a sub-discipline is and the more it appears in public topics, the faster it will develop.

This is actually easy to understand. If a subject wants to continuously advance, it either needs one or two top geniuses to make theoretical breakthroughs, or it needs a large number of talents to continuously accumulate experience and move forward steadily.

Mathematics, which emphasizes speculation, belongs to the former, while biology, which emphasizes experimentation and experience, belongs to the latter.

But no matter which direction it is, there is a premise.


Only if more people invest in this field, the chance of genius appearing will be greater.

Only if more people invest in this field, the accumulation of data and experience will be faster.

And "popularity" has become a very critical choice at this time.

Only a popular subject will have more opportunities to promote itself and make more people interested in it.

As for paleontology, it is "unpopular".

Especially on Earth, this profession is even in a state of gradually shrinking.

In China, the situation is not much better.

Nowadays, studying ancient creatures, in addition to understanding the principles of evolution and summarizing the models of evolution, is also a benefit of "observing ancient creatures and understanding new supernatural powers".

As for the former, Jiyingu's research on genetics and bloodline is now more in-depth and more direct to the essence. The research on modern creatures in Lingshou Mountain is also more detailed than the research on ancient creatures in Ancient Spirit Cliff.

After all, the research objects of Spirit Beast Mountain are all existing species and have detailed records. As for Gu Lingya, apart from some leftover evidence, too many things require guesswork.

And the latter... No matter how strong your magical power is, which is modeled on the innate abilities of living beings, the distance between this theory and technology is very small, and it has little meaning in the universe.

For hundreds of years before, Gu Lingya relied on studying the ancient monster clan [at that time, there was no concept of new monster clan and updated monster clan].

But now, things are different.

In this universe full of puzzles, in this universe where evidence of the existence of "ancient immortals" is scattered across the starry sky, Gu Lingya's disciplinary thinking and research direction can play a great role.

However, the Shenzhou Immortal Alliance has only realized this in the past hundred years. They have plans to revive Gulingya, but they haven't harvested enough talents yet.

If it was the time when Gulingya was in decline, Tianlingling might even transfer a genius of Xue Bufan's level to Spirit Beast Mountain or Jiyin Valley.

However, Xue Bufan will have to wait at least another three or four years to join the ANBU.

Before this, it was difficult for Feng Luoyi to find an ancient Lingya monk with excellent academics and good psychological quality.

Among the "Conquering Angels" and "Conquering Barbarians", the ancient Lingya monks are also a scarce resource.

He shook his head apologetically towards the ashamed man and changed the topic: "The theory of Siyuan Kung Fu and the theory of Original Kung Fu cannot be proven or falsified at present. In addition, it is possible that these two None of the techniques exist. Perhaps the original Nebula creatures were also born saints, and there were no techniques at the mortal stage, and all the techniques were imitating them."

The man nodded: "The presumed 'strongest' does have this possibility."

"Do you have any other hypotheses?"

Feng Luoyi's previous focus on this department was not enough, at least not enough in recent decades.

The man said: "There are some."

I saw his hands imagining in mid-air, giving instructions, and then, a detailed map appeared in front of Feng Luoyi.

This is a tree diagram. Each root system is a specific exercise, and each specific exercise belongs to a general category, and there are larger concepts above each category.

"We once planned to imitate the taxonomy in bibliography and the way of life, and classify all the exercises." The man said: "We hope that through this method, we can trace the roots and find the original exercises."

Feng Luoyi took a closer look and found that all the exercises were concentrated under dozens of major categories - it should be at the "ke" level, not even at the "gang" level. He asked: "This is..."

"Based on the similarity between the exercises - not only the compatibility of the exercises themselves, but also the similarity of the cultivation concepts, we made this classification." He smiled bitterly: "Then, when it is concentrated here, there is no Then."

"We can feel that there are obvious traces of similar skills in some different worlds - these worlds may be separated by many light years, and the species on them have no similarities at all. But they can just give birth to similar things. Of course, I know that due to the existence of the Immortal Path, this gap is not of much significance, but..."

"Is it strange...that there are so many different origins?" Feng Luoyi said: "I originally thought that those techniques were all derived from the original techniques or original techniques."

"The Origin Cultivation Technique or the Original Cultivation Technique may exist, but the 'current ethnic groups' are not exposed to the same 'source'." The man said with a sigh in his tone: "Perhaps the original designer is really as you think. It is speculated that they are no longer there, or those designers have long since fallen apart - the 'sources' that the current ethnic groups are in contact with are obviously such groups.

Feng Luoyi quickly understood.

The origin of the human race's Nascent Soul Method is the greatest rebellion of the Shixin Demon Clan, the Demon Emperor. If the Demon Emperor's thoughts had not arrived across hundreds of astronomical units, the Ancient Dragon Emperor would not have allowed the human race to come into contact with the Nascent Soul Method.

He pointed to a major category and said: "This 'family' of exercises includes three genera, each of which has thirty to forty exercises, and these exercises come from seven different heavens and earth. These In the world, the oldest civilization has barely been passed down for tens of millions of years. The world is on the verge of exhaustion - it may have been exhausted and restored several times. The civilization may have been interrupted several times. We chose to excavate from the ancient immortal cave. The youngest of the techniques has been passed down for 1.6 million years. We also selected the most primitive ones as representative samples.”

Feng Luoyi asked: "What's the result?"

"Result? The immortal path that started ten million years ago and the immortal path that started eight million years ago are counted as one genus; the immortal path that started seven million years ago, five million years ago, and two million seven hundred thousand years ago The first two million years are counted as one genus, and the last one is counted as one genus alone.”

"It actually comes according to time?" Feng Luoyi became alert, as if he thought of something terrible.

"The 'seeders' behind them - let's call them that, the 'seeders', their ideas are also changing, and... they are becoming more mature each time." The man said: "The cultivation thoughts of these immortals are also changing. Increasingly...refined?"

"The way to break the situation..." Feng Luoyi muttered.

He thought of the Ancient Dragon Emperor.

Only those who live forever can prove it in units of millions or tens of millions of years.

Feng Luoyi thought about it carefully, then took a breath, and then smiled bitterly.

"So, those immortal ways that have been inherited for less than 500,000 years are still under the observation of those powerful guys?" He smiled bitterly: "We are still a little too arrogant... Fortunately, those 'seeders' 'no offence."

When they did some things in the past, they didn't realize they were being watched. This is terrible.

But soon, more problems came.

"In other words, there is not just one group of 'sowers'? But these many forces? These forces... what about the harvesting immortals?"

"Where do those immortals who are harvesting as soon as they appear come from? Is it the civilization planted by the 'seeder'?"

"Have the sowers broken away from pure plundering, or have they realized the serious consequences of plundering to strengthen themselves? So why do they still want to plant civilization?"

"Also, this is very strange. The Dragon Clan rejects the Nascent Soul Method. If they stand on the same ground as the Dragon Clan, then..."

The more he thought about it, the more terrible it became.

Under the "Eternal Class", what does the "Third Class" look like? In addition to the third class, which is presumed to only include "individuals", how many other forces like the Dragon Clan are seeking to "break the situation"? Are the ancient immortals "strong men who seek to break the situation but fail", or are they "the fourth class that transcends the third class"?

What that man knew was limited to this library, and he didn't think as much as Feng Luoyi. He still smiled bitterly: "The idea of ​​'Sower' was confirmed only recently when our Immortal Alliance came into contact with the Dragon Clan - as a result, we really seem to have accomplished nothing in the past hundred years."

"No, these achievements are worthy of pride." He said: "Is this map a simplified notation? Or does it only list representatives?"

He remembered that the Immortal Alliance had collected more than just this amount of other Immortal Dao techniques.

"This is all we have sorted out - it took many people nearly seventy years of work." He shook his head: "There are still many things left that cannot be explained."

"Can't understand? Is it too different?"

"No." He said: "Some of them do not belong to the Nascent Soul method. They are too complicated to analyze. I don't know if they come from some 'seeder'. There are also some skills that come from the 'Tao District' ', I can't understand it either. But...maybe those techniques in the 'Dao District' are closer to the Siyuan techniques?"

It is not very simple to understand whether a skill belongs to Yuanying method. Each race has different cultivation processes, different cultivation concepts, and different languages. It is difficult to judge whether a method belongs to the Nascent Soul method based on the description of the method alone.

Jinfaxiandao defines "Nascent Soul" as "an acquired spiritual organ that integrates the soul and carries consciousness." And if you want to know this, you have to study a technique carefully.

Even if a party of immortality only studies a few representative techniques, it will take a long time to establish a correct understanding.

It is already a miracle that we can achieve this in a hundred years.

Feng Luoyi patted him on the shoulder: "You are really proud of yourself, but it's a pity that these things cannot be signed with your name and published outside. However, maybe a thousand or ten thousand years later..."

The man's thin lips twitched a few times, and he forced out a smile: "I hope that I will remain unknown all my life... We will never have to face such a universe." (To be continued ~^~)

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