Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 66: The new generation of Buffett! [Second update]

Looking at the two half-demon girls who were either angry or depressed, Wang Qi could only smile bitterly. At this time, he was thinking about another question.

If the person facing him was a monk who practiced the ancient method and surrendered to the Immortal Alliance and converted to the modern method, could he still face it calmly?

After the Immortal Dao of Jin killed the Nine Demons of the Troubled Times, the demon clan on the mainland could no longer make a big splash. The Immortal Alliance can even proudly say, "After the alliance is established, animals cannot become spirits without permission." In this case, the Immortal Alliance absorbed some demon clans that met its requirements. But this cannot change the fact that the human race and the demon race have been fighting for countless generations. If the two sides can coexist peacefully, maybe the human race can spend several generations to eliminate hatred, but overseas, humans and monsters are still at odds.

In addition, although it is a hundred times stronger than in ancient times, sporadic monster attacks still occur from time to time. The hatred towards demons and half-demon within the Immortal Alliance is not an isolated phenomenon.

The antagonism between the modern and ancient dharma cultivators is even more serious than the antagonism between the human race and the demon race. The ancient method of cultivation emphasizes "stealing the breath of heaven and earth to create an independent self", while the current method of cultivation pursues "borrowing the breath of heaven and earth and growing together with heaven and earth". The existence of ancient Dharma cultivation is to damage the heaven and earth and hinder the practice of modern Dharma cultivation. There is absolutely no reason for the two to coexist.

It is completely moral for the children of the Immortal Alliance to kill the demon clan and the ancient cultivators.

And when they have a deep hatred for these two, they have no scruples.

However, can I guarantee that this feeling will not anger the surrenderers who also belong to the Immortal Alliance?

Because of similar experiences, Wang Qi felt a sense of sympathy for Yang Jun, and his dislike subsided slightly. However, he felt a sense of contempt for the other party.

He never looked down upon poor students. In his previous life, he could get along with the bad students in his class. If you don't study well, it's best if you work hard. It's not bad to seek comfort and live your own wonderful life. He only despises those scumbags who are unwilling to work hard but are jealous of others.

He looked down upon the weak in spirit.

Revenge is good, and anger is okay. Wang Qi asked himself, and felt that he would still want to kill all the ancient cultivators in front of him, no matter whether they were Huangji Tiandao or not. But venting anger on people in the same camp would be too much.

After this incident, the three of them no longer wanted to answer the question, but had a hasty dinner.

After dinner, the three of them walked out of the cafeteria together. Wang Qi planned to go back to his room to read "Geting Collection" directly, while Mao Zimiao and Wang Zhenqi were going to find a foundation-building assistant named Ai to talk about the topic.

The three of them walked side by side. When they reached the separation place, Mao Zimiao suddenly leaned forward, bent down and looked at Wang Qi: "Xiao Qi, why are you so worried, meow?"

Under the setting sun, the orange hair of the half-demon girl was actually a bit dazzling. Wang Qi looked away and replied, "Yes?"

"Are you worried about me, meow?"

The girl looked so happy, but she finally remembered to add the word "we" to cover it up.

ha? What are you being so sentimental about?

Wang Qi snorted, turned around and walked towards the dormitory.

From behind, Wang Zhenqi's figure came: "Amiao, look, you are so shy!"

How do these female half-demon brains grow...

The next day, the martial arts test began.

Before this trial began, the Immortal Academy divided the disciples into two groups. One batch is during the Qi training period, and the other batch is under the Qi training period. Disciples above the Qi training stage need a larger venue to fight. The instructor will transport the magic power directly to the platform on the north slope of Xinshan Mountain, Su Junyu. Xiang Qi and other elite foundation-building assistant coaches followed as invigilators and referees. Disciples below the qi training stage stayed in the celestial academy to compete.

This time the queue is based on dormitories. Wang Qi met Wu Fan again.

Wu Fan's spirit was even lower than before the literary test started yesterday. His eye sockets were sunken and he was almost unsteady on his feet. Wang Qi kicked him: "Hey, you kid, can you still have a martial arts test like this?"

Wu Fan originally didn't dare to talk to Wang Qi, but now that he was kicked, he found that Wang Qi had no grudge against him, and he felt relieved immediately. He knew Wang Qi's temper to some extent. He was only informal with his friends. It was said that he and Mao Zimiao were not happy when they first met. Instead, he was polite to Du Bin at first. Wu Fan said: "It's okay. Cooperate with the Conduct Department to deal with Yang Jun's matter. Wang Qi, what happened yesterday..."

Wang Qi waved his hand: "You shouldn't tell me this. Tell your friend to tell Zi Miao."

He emphasized the word "your friend" very strongly, and it was self-evident what he meant.

Wu Fan didn't expect Yang Jun and Wang Qi to become friends, so he nodded with a wry smile.

Wang Qi pushed Wu Fan again: "I said, you need to review for the literary test, and you also need to review for the martial arts test? If you are preparing on the spot, adjusting your state is more important than familiarizing yourself with recruitment..."

Wu Fan said: "The main reason is that Shiqin is... very dissatisfied with Yang Jun. I think Yang Jun is really pitiful, so I'll keep an eye on him."

"Nothing, I really like to make trouble about nothing." Wang Qi said this, but in his heart he praised Wu Shiqin.

Wu Fan added: "Anyway, after a lot of hard work, Yang Jun was finally able to take part in the martial arts test. But he was directly pressured by the assistant coach of the Conduct Department. In the next few days, he had to be monitored by the assistant coach of the Conduct Department. Take action.”

"Deserved it."

Wang Qi snorted lightly. He didn't want to discuss this topic anymore, so he asked: "What do you think of the martial arts test?"

"Wang Qi, you were able to fight the energy-charging monster a month ago. It's not difficult to win the championship, right?"

"Where, where." Wang Qi said a few words modestly and accepted the compliment.

Wu Fan added: "Shiqin Tiange is extraordinary. This month I have learned from the pain. Kushen Tiange Tianyuan group has made great progress."

"I really haven't fought her this month."


At this time, a voice came from the front of the two. The two looked and saw that it was the new disciple who ridiculed Wang Qi yesterday.

Wang Qi laughed angrily: "Why, you didn't get slapped enough yesterday?"

"'Slapped in the face'?" The other party retorted: "Whose face will you slap after the last batch finishes the questions?"

Wang Qi was furious and wanted to fight with this guy right now.

In order to prevent the results of the literary test from affecting the students' performance in the martial arts test, the Immortal Academy usually issues the results of the literary test after the martial arts test. Wang Qi really has nothing to throw in the other party's face now.

The man was not willing to give in and continued, "Fighting with Qi-accumulating monsters? Haha, you are just bragging. You are just in the early stage of Qi training and you have not yet mastered magic. You want to fight with Qi-accumulating monsters? And Wu Zhilu, a genius who has broken through the sky before entering the Immortal Academy, how many people of the same generation can withstand her three punches and two kicks, and you fight her?"

Wu Fan hurriedly held Wang Qi and said with a smile: "In your opinion, which cultivator has a greater chance of winning this time?"

The man smiled proudly: "If someone opens the market, I will definitely bet on Du Bin, a descendant of the Du family in Shenjing."

Oh, is that Doberman a potential stock?

Wang Qi immediately became interested.

The junk stock that he saw through at a glance can actually package itself as a potential stock? Is he the stock god Buffett in the world of physiognomists?

In the ring, Zhen Chanzi snorted, "It's obvious that I saw through it."


The second update is here. Please recommend it, please collect it, and please reward me if you are generous!

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