Enjoy the world

Chapter 97 The overall situation

The 82nd Artillery was not used for the time being. It was too noisy and might alert the garrison guarding the front line. Locke's paper airplane was better, as it was both concealed and flexible.

Lei Yunjin and the five young engineers stationed there were all hired as consultants. The employer was not Huanxiang Industrial, but another overseas technical consulting company that served Huanxiang Industrial.

This was arranged by Tang Senzhi, who understood Dongguo's policy. If Huanxiang Industrial cooperates with TEPCO No. 1, then as an employee of TEPCO No. 1, he cannot be hired as a consultant by Party A and receive remuneration. This would be suspected of accepting bribes in disguise.

On the other hand, Huanxiang Industrial really needs the guidance of this group of engineering and technical experts. Such talents cannot be found in Fiso Port. If they want to hire them directly, they can't do it.

Among them, Chief Engineer Lei is a senior consultant, with an annual allowance of 10,000 meters, which is already a very high salary in Fiso Port.

Lei Yunjin's own income is quite high. When he came to Port Africa to serve as the construction manager, his salary for one year plus expatriate subsidy starts at least 50,000 yuan, and he can return to his country for three months of paid rest every year. That's not necessarily enough. Can recruit people of Lei Gong's level.

But Lei Yunjin doesn’t mind earning an extra 10,000 yuan. He can also subsidize his son who is paying off the mortgage and raising a child in Pingjing, the capital of the East. Moreover, the consultant is just a part-time job, and he happens to have a lot of spare time.

As for the other five people, they were hired as technical consultants with a monthly allowance of 600 meters. Three of them had already met at the last wine table, and Chief Engineer Lei recommended two other engineers.

Li Xiaoyang is the liaison person in charge of the center. He also specifically told Chief Engineer Lei and other consultants that when the dormitory building in Palm Manor is repaired, he will first let them choose a suite or five single rooms, so that they can stay here if they have anything to do.

During this period of time during Hua Zhenxing, he took Manman and one hundred and twenty dock workers from the Poseidon clan to search for and urgently transplant Welwitschia in the wasteland. According to the system prompts, there are more than 20,000 Welwitschia plants in this 300 square kilometers of land.

The first thing Hua Zhenxing inspected was the 80,000 acres of farmland that was about to be reclaimed as a farm, then the places where the barbed wire fences and construction roads would pass, and the third place was the land that might be newly inundated by water after the river basin is renovated in the future.

Welwitschia is a drought-tolerant plant and cannot grow in places that are flooded during the annual rainy season.

Hua Zhenxing brought a tablet computer and Dongguo's satellite navigation device to record the location of each Welwitschia found and the new planting location after transplantation, so that it can be taken at any time in the future.

Huanxiang Industrial also sent a technical team to follow behind. The R\u0026D Department and the Publicity Department jointly formed a team to shoot image data and record the original topography. After returning, they can synthesize a three-dimensional map. Many of these data can also be entered into the sandbox used by Huazhenxing to make the simulation pictures and supercomputing results more accurate.

Of course the R\u0026D department needs this information, but why does the Publicity Department also need to participate? No one in the world cares about what happened on the outskirts of Fiso Port, and people who are accustomed to searching for news online cannot find any relevant information.

Not to mention the suburbs, even in the many densely populated neighborhoods of Fisoport, it is still an information black hole for the world. No outsider knows what is happening here every day. There is no internet at all in many local places, and the languages ​​spoken by people do not have written characters.

If Huazhenxing's plan goes smoothly, one day people will ask, what happened here back then? If memory and words alone may not be enough to describe this magical change, there may be many doubts and rumors. Looking at what is happening in many places in the world right now, Hua Zhenxing can imagine it.

From the beginning, the most original images and various materials are left behind to show every change. From now until many years later, this is the most intuitive and shocking way.

It can not only answer questions from the outside world, but more importantly, inspire the hearts of the builders and let them understand what a great initiative they have completed with their own hands!

Hua Zhenxing is still transplanting Welwitschia in the deserted mudflats. He has already thought of the propaganda documentary of Huanxiangguo many years later, and he feels inexplicably motivated.

There are actually only more than a thousand Welwitschia that need to be transplanted immediately, and only twelve of them meet the requirements for refining the immortal core. Huazhenxing took it on the spot and took the time to refine it into an immortal core. Anyway, this thing can be stored for a long time.

During the process of harvesting and processing, Hua Zhenxing discovered that the so-called condition that "it must grow for more than a thousand years before it can be used as medicine" was actually a false accusation. It’s not that nine hundred and ninety-nine years won’t work, but that one thousand years will just meet the standard. It’s that you can use your spiritual consciousness to sense that some kind of growth opportunity has broken through to a certain limit. It doesn’t show up in the dry season, but just when the rainy season comes. Condensation starts from inside the rhizome.

Hua Zhenxing searched for and recorded the location of Welwitschia, and of course taught Manman how to identify it. After sweeping through the nine planned farms first, there is actually no need to worry about the remaining areas. Most of the Welwitschia do not need to be transplanted, so they can continue to grow in their original place.

Huazhenxing also added an additional label, which is the "maturity" of these Welwitschia in that year, in approximate percentages. For example, if a certain Welwitschia was labeled as 80% by him, it might take two hundred years to meet the requirements.

During this rainy season, he traveled throughout the planned middle and lower reaches of the Beisuo River and found almost 18,000 Welwitschia plants. He first transplanted more than a thousand of them. After the transplantation was completed, the one hundred and twenty Poseidon workers were sent to the farm, and the project department had officially hired them.

There are still more than 2,000 Welwitschia growing in the upper reaches of the valley where the soil is thicker. If the area is likely to be flooded by the reservoir in the future, it will also need to be transplanted to a suitable location, but there is no rush this year.

Welwitschia cannot be transplanted at will. It needs to be transplanted before the end of the rainy season, otherwise it will die easily. The vitality of this plant is very tenacious. Its leaves are rough, sour and toxic. All kinds of wild animals will not eat it, so it can grow for more than a thousand years. However, its reproductive ability is very weak, and it is almost impossible to see large areas of growth.

On the endless undulating wild beach, it often rains. If you want to find so many Welwitschia without missing any, the most effective way is to use your spiritual consciousness to conduct a range scan. And using your spiritual consciousness in the rain is undoubtedly the best way to find it. What Mann does best.

When Hua Zhenxing led Manman and the Poseidon clan team to patrol the "territory", the two often competed to see who could discover a new Welwitschia. Every time Manman won, they would cheer. In addition to the mountains in the upper reaches, Hua Zhenxing already knows the topography of the watershed in the middle and lower reaches, including the location where each Welwitschia grows.

He no longer needs the sand table, at least not in this place, because the Yuan Shen's mental image can already show the situation very clearly. It has both the macro structure and every local detail at any time.

One day Hua Zhenxing suddenly realized why the system had issued such a new task to him. He had been doing alchemy every day, focusing on very subtle changes. Over time, he could make the power of spiritual consciousness extremely subtle and long-lasting.

But these days, he uses his spiritual consciousness to expand and relax as much as possible, focusing on a macro picture. He does not stick to the details and strives for grandeur, and even his mind seems to have become a lot wider.

Alchemy is indeed very important, and the power of spiritual consciousness needs to be refined enough, but cultivation is just like being a human being. It cannot be limited to this, nor can it form a habit over time and ignore the overall situation. This may be the euphemism given to him by the system task. hint.

Understanding this, Hua Zhenxing decisively opened Jindianxing's alchemy workshop and no longer struggled with whether to refine pure gold himself. The system belongs to him, not that he is subordinate to the system. He cannot just complete the task while ignoring what really needs to be done.

The three projects of Huanxiang Industrial, one large, two small, have been started. According to consultant Lei's suggestion, the Beigang District Government first negotiated and carried out the project in the name of supporting projects for heavy oil power plants.

It was Lei Yunjin who was responsible for preparing the project plan for Huanxiang Industrial and reporting it to the headquarters of TEPCO No. 1 Company. In view of the current situation, TEPCO No. 1 Company is indeed willing to undertake the construction. The first and second phases of the project will be implemented first, and the intention for the third phase of the project has been initialed. Huanxiang Industrial entrusted Dongdian No. 1 Company to find a design unit in Dongguo and paid for the geological exploration and design costs of the hydropower station.

After a month and a half of this back and forth, the agreement was finally finalized and the heavy oil power plant project officially resumed work. In Palm Manor, the civil construction work on the two apartment buildings is almost completed, and now only the interior decoration is needed.

Starting the project means paying the project fee in installments. Hua Zhenxing himself did not have time to refine so much pure gold, so of course he had to use an alchemy workshop. You can continue to buy gold, but if that doesn't work, the mine dug by Teacher Ding is still there. If you have time, you can just mine the gold yourself. You can't be rigid about whether to refine gold equal to yourself first.

During this time, Hua Zhenxing also did something, which was to teach the art of nourishing the essence to Zha Xin and other Poseidon clan dockworkers. Most of these people have not received formal education, but they have basically mastered a few daily English conversations and have professional labor skills. Hua Zhenxing mainly wanted to see if they could start practicing, or how many people could start practicing.

Especially the old clan leader Zaxin, there is no hope of practicing the secret method of the Poseidon clan. The former priest told him everything he knew, but he failed to practice no matter how hard he practiced. On the contrary, Manman, whom he taught him, succeeded in practicing.

If Zha Xin can also practice Yang Yuan Shu, it means that Yang Yuan Shu is really a physical and mental exercise method suitable for popularization. Therefore, Hua Zhenxing taught Zha Xin to pay special attention to his practice and provide guidance and correction at any time.

And Zha Xin finally lived up to Hua Zhenxing's expectations. At the end of the rainy season, he started practicing Yangyuan Technique. Although he was still not up to the level of passing the first-level certificate examination, he was at least able to move towards this goal.

This is Hua Zhenxing’s first attempt to include Yang Yuan Shu as part of “compulsory education”. Old Man Yang reminded him and asked him to tell the Poseidon tribe that children who are too young should not learn it because their understanding is not enough and their physical development has not yet reached a certain stage.

The cultivation of Yangyuan Technique starts with "being strong without desire". Although this group of dock workers have low cultural level, almost half of them have met the entry requirements. This is a surprise beyond expectations. I don't know whether they will pass the first level in the end. How many people can there be who meet the first-level or even second-level and third-level assessment standards?

As for the assessment criteria for the third-level certificate of Yangyuan Shu, Hua Zhenxing himself doesn’t have a clear idea yet.

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