Enjoy the world

Chapter 87 The students he accepted

Wang Fengshou lowered his head, so he didn't see the flash of disappointment in Ke Mengchao's eyes. Ke Mengchao asked directly: "From the beginning, before Tongshu nodded in agreement, you were already planning how to kill him afterwards. And you don’t necessarily have to do it yourself, right?”

This question hit the nail on the head. If he were in front of others, he could use many ways to defend himself. But in front of these elderly people, he was stunned for a while and finally nodded: "Yes, you always see it more clearly than I do."

Wang Fengshou is not only smart, but also very observant. When choosing someone to buy, he will have inspected it beforehand, and he didn't just find someone at random. When Tongshu first offered to buy the patrol's defense map with 10,000 meters of gold, Tongshu was hesitant and did not dare to agree. This hesitation itself was not a normal attitude, it was more like a sale at a price.

Wang Fengshou determined two things at that time. First, Tongshu could definitely be bribed. Otherwise, he would have flatly refused and reported the matter, so there was no need to hesitate. Second, Tongshu must deal with this person afterwards, and he must deal with it cleanly and beautifully to show his level of competence. He should not be allowed to run away, but he must die with a clear conscience.

That's why Wang Fengshou later added another condition: 20,000 meters of gold to buy the defense map, and 30,000 meters of gold to let Tong Shu assassinate him. From Tong Shu's point of view, if the defense map can be sold, why can't Wang Fengshou be killed as long as there is a suitable opportunity to take action?

This may seem superfluous, but it exactly reflects Wang Fengshou’s mentality. Under normal circumstances, just tell Li Jingzhi that it was Tong Shu who betrayed the defense map. This is not to cooperate with him in a show, but to really betray the patrol team and let Li Jingzhi handle it by himself.

However, Wang Fengshou calls himself a master planner, and he also considers himself a perfectionist. How can things be so simple? Once it is done, it must be done perfectly. This is also the deduction ability that a monk should have. Letting Tong Shu assassinate him was a stroke of genius. He had seen through Tong Shu and knew that Tong Shu would definitely take action. Even if there was no chance, he would take the initiative to create an opportunity.

Wang Fengshou didn't want to kill Tong Shu himself, he planned to catch Tong Shu when he did it, subdue him and hand him over to Li Jingzhi for interrogation, so that Tong Shu himself would be completely exposed and die innocently. This is the fate that a traitor should have... perfect!

In fact, Wang Fengshou did the same thing. Unfortunately, although he was able to subdue Tong Shu, he failed to stop Li Jingzhi and shot him on the spot. He had to explain the cause and effect only after he died. Of course Li Jingzhi was angry. Wang Fengshou was treating others as tools because he boasted about his abilities. The answer to the mystery will not be revealed until the end. Did he not trust him or did he think he was not needed?

Seeing Wang Fengshou readily admitting it, Ke Mengchao's face softened slightly and continued: "You are a smart man, you should know why Datanzi is angry. The most common mistake smart people make is to think that they are smarter than others.

The reason why Li Jingzhi beats you is the same as the reason why he shoots you. Do you think that by letting Tong Shu assassinate yourself, no one else will be implicated? There were four people Tongshu was targeting at that time. In addition to you, there were him, Manman and Xiaohua.

Tong Shu is not a gunsmith, so who can guarantee that it will be you he hits? Even if he is a gun master, who can guarantee that he will not shoot other people present? I know you are very confident, and you will definitely be able to handle Tongshu with your confidence, but why does Li Jingzhi trust you without reservation? Do you believe him?

No matter how capable you are, why should he put his life in your hands? Even if he can do it himself, why would he put the lives of Manman and Xiaohua in your hands? So he shot and killed Tong Shu at the first opportunity, and then he took action on the spot after knowing that all this was caused by you.

Li Jing beats you, not because Tong Shu deserves to die, but because of your beating nature! But do you know why Xiaohua also took action? "

Wang Fengshou: "Isn't it the same reason?"

Ke Mengchao: "It's the same reason, but that's not the most important reason. Tongshu's matter is at most the last straw. Xiaohua is still a child after all, and I've already tolerated you a lot. When I saw the big tank taking action, I finally couldn't Suck it up."

Wang Fengshou: "You always say that, I probably understand. I planned so much secretly without consulting Xiaohua in advance. I knew that Jin Dianxing was always done by him, but I took it upon myself to intervene. It's too dramatic.

I also know that several teachers want to train and test him through this matter, and he knows it himself. He may think that I interfered and changed his original plan and stole his limelight, so it is normal to be angry with me, and I will not argue with him.

But it's not that I didn't discuss it with Xiaohua on purpose, nor that I didn't trust my junior brother. It would be very dangerous if the matter was not kept secret, and it would be difficult to explain it until everything was properly arranged. Everyone has seen the final result. It is indeed the best and most perfect. The greatest gain was achieved with the smallest cost and the shortest time. "

Ke Mengchao turned to look at the other two old men, his expression seemed to be asking - tell me, what should I do with this kid?

Yang Tehong curled her lips and said, "It's okay if it's someone else's child, but you can't really slap the students you accept to death now, right?"

As soon as he heard that something was wrong, Wang Fengshou said quickly: "Teachers, if there is anything I said or did wrong that I haven't realized yet, please point it out!"

Ke Mengchao sighed again: "Just because the result is acceptable, they didn't beat you to death, they just vented their anger, and you can still sit here and talk."

Mo Shangtong, who had been silent for a long time, also sighed: "Wang Fengshou is not Xiaohua after all. He is not from here. In many cases, he does not regard the people here as the same people as himself."

Wang Fengshou shook his head and said: "No! Why don't I regard the people here as human beings? I have absolutely no such idea."

Ke Mengchao: "What Mr. Mo said is many times, not all the time; it doesn't mean that you don't treat them as human beings, but you don't treat them as people like yourself. You like the feeling of strategizing, but you treat them as a kind of person." A tool, a concept.

Now back to your first question today, why let Locke go? It's not that you have to let him go, but that Xiaohua will do that. I want to ask you for Xiaohua, if Locke dies, how should we treat Ciel? Charles is already the director of Huanxiang Industrial and the leader of the new alliance. "

Hua Zhenxing, who was far away in the grocery store, suddenly slapped his thigh. He had heard the conversation between the three old men and Wang Fengshou from the beginning, and he understood the truth, but he always felt that something was wrong, until Master Ke asked this question, I couldn't help but feel enlightened.

In Wang Fengshou's view, even if Locke is not killed, Locke must be punished because Locke's identity is the boss behind the evil force Golden Gang in Fesoport. But when he said this, he did not regard himself as a person here, nor did he consider the situation here.

If we follow this logic, how much better can Ciel be than Locke? Charles once briefly became the leader of the Big Head Gang. This was his ideal. If there had not been the emergence of the new alliance, Charles would still be the leader of the Big Head Gang. The Big Head Gang is not as good as the Golden Gang. At least the territory of the Golden Gang is very different. One of the safest neighborhoods in Sogang.

Speaking of the boss behind the scenes, isn’t Hua Zhenxing the boss behind the new alliance? And are the three old men in the family also considered the bosses behind the scenes? In the eyes of outsiders, the New Alliance is still the same gang organization as the Golden Gang. So by analogy, this is even more true for the Poseidon Gang. Manman is also the boss behind the scenes!

How could Hua Zhenxing hear this conversation? It just comes to your ears naturally. He was sitting in the yard with Manman discussing the Poseidon Gang and what to make for lunch. He also took a cookbook to teach Manman how to read pictures and read, and Manman had already learned about metal, wood, water, fire, earth...

At this time, there was a sudden voice in the yard, and Manman was startled. Hua Zhenxing immediately reacted and told her that this should be the skill of the three old people.

It was also the first time for Hua Zhenxing to encounter such a situation, but he was not panicked. He seemed to have become accustomed to it recently. The three old men in the family would show off their special skills at random. The sound can be transmitted from Palm Manor to here. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not incredible. It can be understood through the divine sound transmission technique.

Master Ke asked a question, but before Wang Fengshou could answer, Mo Shangtong suddenly interjected: "If we follow Master Ke's moral standards, let alone Locke, there are 350,000 out of the 500,000 people in Fesoport." All good things deserve punishment.

When you come here, you may be able to figure out why in the Western Bible, God would bring such a great flood. The person who wrote that story may have seen such a place back then. So what do you do, become God? "

Yang Tehong also said: "It's not that Xiaohua has never killed anyone, and he is more decisive than you in killing people, but he will not kill like you. You know when the new alliance eradicated the eight surrounding small gangs before dealing with the Golden Gang, How many people were killed?”

Wang Fengshou: "I don't know, it seems very few."

Yang Tehong: "It's not that there are very few, but none! Except for Rui Ningxuan, who you killed in private, the new alliance didn't kill anyone. It just expelled them forcibly and didn't give them a chance to do anything."

But what about when it’s in your hands? You arranged everything so that Xiaohua and Datanzi had to kill three hundred people at once. I'm not saying that those people didn't deserve to die at that time and had already broken through the door with guns, so there was nothing to be polite about.

But have you ever thought that even one of these people should not have such a fate, just because he was born in Fesoport and met you who was the strategist?

Who created this situation? If it were Xiaohua, he would not choose to do this. He may not be as calculating as you now, and he may not be as thoughtful as you, but the reason is not that, but that he is not you.

After you arrange the plan, Xiaohua and Datanzi bury the Z drug in advance and kill the three hundred people in the most efficient way because they don't want the patrol members to work hard anymore. Datanzi asked you to detonate Z-drug yourself. Don't you understand what he meant?

Why should I give Xiaohua a bottle of Mystic Powder and ask you to deliver it to him personally? Didn’t you understand my hint? You don't regard the people here as the same people as yourself.

They are just a number, a tool, an achievement, a symbol that proves your ability, your strength, your intelligence, and your success.

You feel like you are playing a game, writing a story, formulating a perfect strategy, and using your mouse and pen and paper to eliminate the enemy characters. But Xiaohua feels different. Those are the people who have lived around him since he was a child.

What I say is a bit exaggerated, but think about it, do you have this tendency? Xiaohua’s purpose is idealism, although it seems a bit naive, and your purpose is just to complete a task..."

Ke Mengchao interrupted: "Lao Yang, don't be so excited. It's really not the case! If you have anything to say, you can talk about it carefully later. I haven't finished asking you yet."

Yang Tehong: "Keep asking."

Master Ke looked at Wang Fengshou: "Last question, you have made such a bold plan, are you really sure you can control all the details? Have you never thought about what if the situation gets out of control?"

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