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Chapter 86 Wang Fengshou’s Confusion

The Golden Gang was disarmed, the Poseidon Gang voluntarily surrendered, and the New Alliance became the only "traditional neighborhood power" gang in the North Bay Area. Whether the New Alliance admits it or not, they are still such a gang force in the eyes of others.

After the two major criminal organizations, Beigang Freight and Civilized Trade, which originally dominated the gangs in various neighborhoods, suffered heavy losses, their remaining top executives hurriedly evacuated the Beiwan District where they had been entrenched for many years.

Not all members of the Golden Gang have become prisoners. There are still dozens of people who did not participate in last night's armed action. These people are now on tenterhooks. It's not that easy to run away if you want to, and it's hard to find a living in a strange neighborhood in a hurry. They are all residents of the trade area, just ordinary gang members who make a living.

Fortunately, Mr. Locke stood up and contacted the New Alliance on behalf of the remaining members of the Golden Gang and apologized. He expressed his willingness to actively hand over the territory to the New Alliance and even led the remaining members of the Golden Gang to join the New Alliance.

Although Locke is a low-key person and does not show much prominence in the Golden Gang, he can still be regarded as "highly respected". He is the oldest member of the Golden Gang and the backbone of Jindianhang's business. If someone wants to take over many of the Golden Gang's businesses, he must be used, so he has the qualification to speak out.

The other members of the Golden Gang actually have no choice. Locke's statement is their only way out. It depends on whether the new alliance is willing.

In the Palm Manor at the headquarters of Huanxiang Industrial, Wang Fengshou asked Ke Mengchao: "Why should we let Locke go? Just don't kill him. We have to cooperate with him and give him 40% of the shares of Jindianxing. How can we let him go?" Such a boss of evil forces has also become a member of the new alliance, and is a very important member?"

Ke Fuzi asked expressionlessly: "If you were asked to handle this matter, would you kill Locke?"

Wang Fengshou: "I may not kill Locke, but I will definitely let him accept punishment."

Master Ke: "Do you think he hasn't been punished yet?"

Yang Tehong interjected: "I founded the Golden Gang incognito, carefully worked as an inspector at Jindian Bank, and fell asleep in the house. The results of many years of hard work were instantly wiped out, and I almost lost my life.

Boris, Peng Kang, and Kelly were all his key trainees. If you understand the origins of these people, you will know that it was Locke who gave them the opportunity to change their lives. In Dongguan dialect, it means reinvention by grace.

It was this kind of people who tried to seek wealth and murder, and they joined forces to kill him, even spending a lot of money to bring back the Gunslinger. The death of these three people means that everything Lock built in Fiso Port has collapsed. Do you think he has been punished? "

Mo Shangtong finally said: "You can say that he brought it upon himself, but he did not owe anything to Boris and the other three. If you think about it again, from the logic of the incident, who punished him?"

Wang Fengshou sounded a little uncertain: "Are they Boris and the three of them?"

Ke Mengchao corrected with a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "What qualifications does Boris have to punish Locke? The person who punishes him is the person who saves him! What Mr. Mo said is the logic of the event. Without Xiaohua's public purchase of mining gold, how could Boris be there? The betrayal of others and the internal coaxing of the Golden Gang?

It took Locke seven or eight years to establish the Golden Gang, and it only took Xiaohua seven or eight days to dismantle it. Locke was punished, but this was not Xiaohua's fault. Xiaohua had done neither evil nor wrong. He saved him at the last moment and gave him a chance to "change his mind and start a new life."

Don't pout, I saw that movement at the corner of your mouth. Don't you think this idiom is wrong? Young people like you always feel disapproving when hearing these slogans. You can despise those who only shout slogans, but you are absolutely not qualified to despise these slogans. They are the most accurate and concise summary of legitimate behavior. "

Yang Tehong frowned and said: "I saw you pout just now! People who are full and full will not understand how difficult it is to cultivate natural crops into grains from generation to generation, and finally have them on the table for every meal. .

When some words are spoken for the first time, they are like a light in the darkness, deafening and terrifying. Some people can hear it every day since they are born, and they can hear a lot. It is just a deaf ear, but they cannot ignore it. "

Mo Shangtong also said: "Old Yang is right, and the description is very good! You are full of food, but there are still many places in the world that are not illuminated by light. What do you have to say?"

Wang Fengshou just wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He actually didn't mean anything else. He just felt a little annoyed when he heard someone seriously saying those slogans that he was tired of hearing. He reacted inadvertently with a micro-expression. A few old men were too sharp-eyed and spoke well, so they suddenly seized this "handle" and gave him a lecture.

He didn't dare to talk back, so he quickly lowered his head and said: "I was wrong, and I need to change my mind... I understand what you just said, but I still feel that it is not a real punishment.

As for Locke himself, we arrived in time to save his life, and retained so many interests for him, allowing him to have such an important position in the new alliance. What will other people in the organization think? "

The place where they talked was in a Western-style pavilion in the garden on the west side of the manor. It is raining outside, and all the dead flowers and grass have been removed, while the newly planted vegetation has sprouted and grown very high, and some have already produced flower bones. Looking more closely, these green plants are various fruits, peanuts and winged beans.

Winged beans are also called tropical soybeans, and their nutritional content is very similar to that of soybeans. The climate in Fiso Port is not suitable for growing soybeans, and wing beans are the most suitable alternative species, which can become the most important local source of vegetable protein and improve soil fertility.

This garden is Yang Tehong's territory. The flowers and plants he plants are very special. Unlike Mo Shangtong, who opened special fields, he just mixes the seeds of these crops and allows them to grow in an almost natural way.

Mo Shangtong was doing experiments, and Old Man Yang was also doing experiments. Of the 300 square kilometers of land purchased by Huanxiang Industrial, only over 50 square kilometers are suitable for development into modern farms. On both sides of the Beisuo River, there are still large areas of wild land exposed above the water between the two rainy seasons. Hua Zhenxing's plan is to spread some crops and let them grow naturally.

The crop they plan to grow most will be cassava, but there is no experiment in the Palm Manor because there is no need. Cassava has been cultivated locally for many years, and there are even many wild plants.

The pavilion was surrounded by fruits and green plants, and it was raining outside. Ke Mengchao sat opposite Wang Fengshou, and Yang Tehong and Mo Shangtong sat casually on both sides, seemingly chatting.

Hearing Wang Fengshou's rhetorical question, Ke Mengchao's expression became a little serious: "In that case, do you have any evidence of Locke's crime?"

Wang Fengshou was slightly startled: "That's not true, but, but..."

Ke Mengchao stopped the conversation and said: "But with Locke's identity, isn't it easy to find evidence of his crime? He is the boss behind the Golden Gang, and the Golden Gang is one of the most powerful gangs in Fesoport. It occupies such a large area in the trade area. Good territory. That’s all you want to say, right? I can’t say you’re wrong, but do you know why you got beaten?”

There is still a bruise under Wang Fengshou's right eye. At first glance, it looks like half a panda eye. It was punched by Hua Zhenxing last night. He lowered his head again and said: "Because of Tongshu's matter, I bribed Tongshu in the name of Rui Ningxuan and Beigang Freight. I just asked him to provide the patrol team's defense map, and also asked him to assassinate me.

I know that human nature cannot stand the test. Many people do not make mistakes because they do not have the opportunity to make mistakes, or the temptation is not big enough. At first Tongshu didn't agree to betray the patrol, but then I raised the price so high, and in order to make him believe it, I even added the condition of assassinating me, Wang Fengshou. He finally nodded and then put himself on the road to death.

He could have survived and been able to peacefully serve as a patrol in the new alliance, or I would have just asked him to provide the defense map and not bothered to let him assassinate anyone. When they took action, I felt very guilty, so I didn't resist at all and let my junior brother and the others vent their anger. "

In front of three teachers including Ke Fuzi, Wang Fengshou was still very honest. He carefully analyzed his behavior and made some self-examination. Upon hearing this, Yang Tehong rushed to Ke Mengchao and said, "I almost want to beat him!"

Mo Shangtong also snorted: "Just slap him to death!"

Ke Mengchao raised his palm, as if he was going to slap Wang Fengshou to death. Although he didn't actually take a picture, Wang Fengshou was frightened and he quickly asked: "Teachers, what did I say wrong just now?" ?"

Ke Fuzi took a deep breath, he was obviously angry. Considering his self-control and showing it so clearly, it meant that he was really, really angry! He said slowly: "You sound like there is nothing wrong with what you said. There is almost no fault in every word. It is like a good sieve, it has no loopholes and is not broken, but it is full of holes.

You are a monk, and what we teach you is not just magic, but your own practice. Human nature cannot stand the test, so how did you cultivate to the four realms? Who told you those words just now? It wasn’t us, right?

Everyone is tested every day, and a person has to go through almost countless tests in his life! Most people have had some thoughts and wanted to do something, but they also know that they should not do it. Will everyone become tolerant?

Tell me, can you? Mr. Mo said I'll just slap you to death. Do you understand what he means? As long as someone is willing to pay enough to let you kill me, you will nod, right? If that's the case, I might as well slap you to death right now!

It is inevitable for people to make mistakes, and they will pay a price for making mistakes. Therefore, we should not test human nature casually, induce others to make mistakes, and make them pay a price that they do not have to pay. This principle is correct, so I say there is nothing wrong with what you just said.

But you didn't do anything wrong in buying Tongshu. Don't forget that your identity at the time was Rui Ningxuan, and don't forget that those people originally wanted to rob the gold mine. On a hostile battlefield, buying intelligence is very common.

Without Rui Ningxuan as a channel, wouldn't those people think of other ways to buy information? You didn't do it wrong, you just didn't do it well enough. Not being good enough is another problem.

Tongshu deserves to die, even if he just betrayed the patrol's defense map, even if the money required is not much, he deserves to die. Because that would lead to the death of many patrol members, and he knew the consequences very well. You didn't force him, he chose to be bribed.

Mistakes are different. Some mistakes can be forgiven. Some mistakes require punishment but there is still a chance to correct them. Some mistakes are irreversible. This is the limit and bottom line. Even Locke understands this, don’t you understand? "

Wang Fengshou raised his head and said, "You always know what happened in Jindianxing, and you even heard the conversation between Locke and the Gunslinger?"

Yang Tehong: "Nonsense!"

Mo Shangtong: "Don't interrupt!"

Wang Fengshou lowered his head again, and Ke Mengchao continued to ask: "You are not wrong about buying Tongshu; it is not your fault that his humanity cannot stand the test. And what I just asked is, why did you get beaten? ? Your answer is wrong, I know Xiaohua very well, he will never fight you for this kind of thing, and Li Jingzhi will even thank you very much."

Wang Fengshou wondered: "Did they beat me wrongly? That's not what I meant. Please tell me."

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