Enjoy the world

Chapter 68 Misjudgment

Whose waterbending skills are so exquisite that they can actually play a word puzzle with a piece of water vapor! It was probably the Poseidon from the Poseidon Gang. Hua Zhenxing was inexplicably envious because he knew he was not good enough. Is he really Poseidon? What does he look like and where is he hiding? Hua Zhenxing spread out his spiritual consciousness and scanned the surroundings, and then "discovered" the other party.

It was already raining in the sky at this time. After all, it was the rainy season. There was some environmental noise, but it did not hinder him, let alone his spiritual consciousness. If the other party hides in the surrounding houses and appears in a normal way, Hua Zhenxing may not be able to find him. Because there are many residents in this area, who knows who is the Poseidon? But this man was standing where he could be seen at a glance, but Hua Zhenxing couldn't see him!

There is a "person" on the roof not far ahead on the right, or there is a person-like existence, but you can't see it when you look up. Hua Zhenxing not only mastered spiritual consciousness, but his senses were also very sharp. After looking carefully, he discovered a hazy humanoid outline, which was actually transparent! It's just that the light and shadow are slightly distorted.

If Hua Zhenxing hadn't noticed it and looked carefully at that place, he probably wouldn't have noticed it at all. What is going on, water elemental people, transparent people, aliens, high-tech equipment, alien creatures, invisibility magic...? Hua Zhenxing didn't know what was going on. He was so surprised that he didn't have time to think too much. He turned around and entered a passage between two adjacent houses on the right.

Not to mention Hua Zhenxing, even Yang Tehong and Ke Mengchao were shocked. The two old men came quietly without even Hua Zhenxing knowing about it. They had said in advance that Hua Zhenxing would be free to do everything he wanted, but after all, they were still worried.

They all say that you should let your children go wild, and only after they stumble can they learn to grow. But it depends on what kind of stumble it is. If it hurts, it will not be good. This is generally the mentality. As for Old Man Yang and Master Ke, they may still want to watch the fun.

Yang Tehong exclaimed in secret: "Water Mirror Technique, is it Water Mirror Technique? You can actually do it like this, and it becomes invisibility! How long have you been practicing and how many times have you tried it? Who taught it? Xiao Ke, have you seen it?"

Ke Mengchao: "This is not the Water Mirror Technique. Of course I have never seen anyone do it like this. The real Water Mirror Technique can't be mastered by the cultivation level of the Third Realm. It should be called the Water Control Invisibility Technique, right? The cultivation level of the Third Realm can reach this level." At this level, he is simply a monster, even Xiaohua is not that good!"

Yang Tehong: "Xiaohua doesn't know how to do it yet."

Ke Mengchao: "Even if Xiaohua learns it, it will be difficult to play it so exquisitely. In fact, it is completely unnecessary!"

Yang Tehong also discovered the problem: "Yes, it's so strange. Doesn't this kid know anything else? Oh, it's clear that there is a magic in water mirror technique, but it's just different from the water mirror technique we understand!"

Yang Tehong suddenly exclaimed, followed by a series of gunshots. The miniature submachine gun was equipped with a simple silencer sleeve, and the gunshots were slightly muffled. The three men behind them chased him to the alley and saw Hua Zhenxing running forward. The man in the trench coat picked up a submachine gun and fired, but instead of knocking Hua Zhenxing down, he scattered his figure!

Hua Zhenxing had already run into the side passage. Why did the pursuer still see him in front? It can be explained by a simple optical principle. If a mirror with an angle of 45 degrees is placed at the junction of the alley and the side passage, from the perspective of the pursuer, Hua Zhenxing will be seen running forward in the mirror. Shooting is equivalent to breaking the mirror.

The actual situation is similar, as if the reflection or refraction caused by the condensation of water vapor in the air leads to a strange "mirage". Hua Zhenxing didn't hit, but two people couldn't dodge and fell down on the spot without even letting out a scream.

They were the guys who went around to the front to outflank them. As soon as they rushed out of the alley, guns rang out, and they were completely unprepared. The submachine gun is indeed a weapon for street fighting. In a narrow environment, a shuttle can sweep away a whole area!

The remaining three people were horrified. The leader realized that he had been dazzled just now and actually shot and killed two companions. He asked in a trembling voice: "What's going on? Is that the child you just saw?"

The remaining two companions said in panic: "Yes, all we saw was the child, not them!"

"Go over and take a look, be careful around you and don't let the three of us separate!"

The three killers alternately took cover with guns, and carefully walked along the wall to the other end of the alley. On the way, they also saw the passage that Hua Zhenxing got into, but they didn't find anything. Hua Zhenxing had already changed places. The two men leaned over to check on their companions, who were obviously dead and hopeless, while the little leader in a windbreaker was leaning against the wall with his back in hand to guard.

At this time, there was another strange noise. The killer in the windbreaker lowered his head forward and fell to the ground. Blood immediately flowed out, and in a hurry, he could not see where the wound was. Just like that, another person died, and the sound came from that person's head. Could it be haunted!

In the end, the two of them were so frightened by the sudden situation that they didn't dare to stay or even look at it, so they got up and ran away. In fact, it wasn't haunted, it was Hua Zhenxing who fired the gun. The man just now was standing with his back against the earth wall, and Hua Zhenxing was right behind him, separated by the pitted earth courtyard wall.

Although Hua Zhenxing couldn't see the other party, his spiritual consciousness clearly sensed his position. He took out his dagger and silently dug a hole in the earth wall, but did not dig through it, leaving only the last thin layer. layer. He shot the man in the back of the head. From the perspective of the two accomplices, the sound of the gunshot sounded like it came from the man's head.

There were only two guys left. How could Hua Zhenxing let them run away? He jumped over the courtyard wall and chased after them. The two men ran into the alley that turned left. Although their sight was blocked, their spiritual sense could clearly sense them. Hua Zhenxing rushed to the alley without even looking, he raised his gun and shot.

The killer running in front was shot in the back and fell down. Seeing this, the killer behind turned around and wanted to shoot. However, before he could reach him, he was shot in the ear and rolled over.

With such a close distance and such a clear position, Hua Zhenxing's marksmanship would never miss. He stepped forward and continued to fire, and each of them fired two more shots. At this point, all seven bullets were empty, and he replaced them with new magazines as quickly as possible.

The power of a pistol is limited. One shot may not kill someone, and even if it can kill someone, it may not kill him on the spot. Facing a dangerous opponent with a gun, there cannot be any luck or slack. Hua Zhenxing kept firing without even thinking. When the magazine was empty, he had already walked between the two fallen men. After confirming that the five killers who followed had paid their bills, he dodged away in the rain.

Hua Zhenxing didn't think at all whether he was being too cruel. This was a life-and-death situation. When those people pointed their guns at him, the only thing left for him was to kill them in the fastest and safest way.

Hua Zhenxing usually watches some movies and TV dramas. There is a scene that he thinks is too ridiculous, that is, two people stand so close that they can touch each other's faces, and they hold a gun to the other person's head. You must not play with guns like this, and you must never let others have the opportunity to play with guns like this. Both of them are almost seeking death.

The only surprise today was that someone secretly helped. Hua Zhenxing knew that two people were accidentally killed by his companions, but he didn't know what happened. Only the two old men watching from a distance could understand.

The "alien" on the roof just now has disappeared and must have left early. This was the second time Hua Zhenxing had dealt with him. The first time he didn't find where the person was, and the second time he only saw a transparent outline. Hua Zhenxing has a feeling that the other party has been secretly observing him, and the purpose should be related to the new alliance.

Just as Hua Zhenxing left, the New Alliance patrol arrived, and it was actually Ciel himself who led the patrol. In fact, Charles had already received the news from Hua Zhenxing and was waiting to clean up the mess. This group of people searched the corpses at a very fast speed, took away all the guns and other things, took off the masks and even the clothes, and sent the five corpses to a secluded place on the edge of the forest area and laid them out side by side.

There is no surveillance in this area, and it is impossible for the Golden Gang to equip these subordinates with satellite positioning devices. Even if they were equipped, they would probably be searched. From Boris's perspective, the five men sent out lost contact inexplicably. Before they could figure out the situation, they received a call from the police.

The bodies were discovered by nearby residents. Someone called the police. The police did not find any identification documents, but someone recognized three of the deceased. They were members of the Golden Gang who worked in the North Bay Casino. Then the police Notified Boris.

It was already dark when Boris saw the body. Obviously these five people were all shot to death. Except for one of them who was shot in the back of the head, the other four seemed to have been shot to death randomly. But the place where the body was found was not the first scene, and the body had been cleaned up. Not only were the clothes gone, but there were no bullets left in the body.

This approach is unconventional. Gangster assassinations in Fesoport either flee immediately after they succeed and leave the victim's body where it is; or they kidnap the victim and then abandon the body in the wilderness or find a place to bury it so that no one can find it, which makes it so confusing. Like missing.

Not to mention that I have never seen it, I have never heard of it, such as killing someone and then returning the body. This shows that the other party was very calm and did not panic at all. Not only did he send the body back, but he also cleaned it up so cleanly! According to Boris here, this is a demonstration and warning, and it is so naked!

The police asked what was going on, and Boris replied that he didn't know and could only answer this way. Boris could roughly guess what happened, but he did not know the specific process and did not have any evidence to accuse anyone. In fact, even if there is evidence, it cannot be done. If you suffer a loss in a gang vendetta, you should resolve it yourself. This is the rule. Calling the police is equivalent to surrendering first.

After Boris came back, he clenched his teeth and tried to control the trembling of his body. He didn't know whether it was because of anger or fear, or whether he was using anger to cover up panic. He had to make a decisive decision, and immediately ordered his men to do everything possible to find out where the Big Head Gang's alchemy workshop was, and then destroy it with thunderous means!

This is his best way to stabilize the situation of the Golden Gang, and it is also the only way he can explain to Locke. In Boris's view, the Big Head Gang must have a place to process and refine pure gold, otherwise it would be meaningless to acquire mined gold.

This is obviously a misjudgment. Old man Yang has taught Hua Zhenxing the art of war since he was a child. Excellent military art will not only lead to misjudgments by the opponent, but also predict what kind of misjudgments the opponent will make. Huazhenxing has an opportunity to put it into practice this time. The Golden Gang must want to find the alchemy workshop, so let them "find" such a place.

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