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Postscript 2: Huan Xiang Coin (Part 2)

The business department of the head office of Huanxiang Industrial Bank implements an eight-hour work system, but the first half hour and the last half hour are the bank's internal work preparation and accounting time. The service window is actually open to the public for seven hours a day.

The good news is that external service windows such as gold coin exchange are always on duty during holidays, mainly for the convenience of the masses!

If the daily exchange work time is only seven hours, calculated as a thousand hours, it will not be the forty-two days originally estimated by Solorun, but one hundred and forty-three days, nearly five months!

She had seen through that the other party was delaying, but she did not expect that they could be so procrastinating. Ms. Soloren immediately made serious representations and asked the staff to work overtime.

Hai Lanzhu did not refuse this request, but he also did not agree on the spot. The reason is very simple. Huanxiang Country is a country that attaches great importance to the rights and interests of workers. It is not that employees cannot work overtime, but they cannot work overtime without any plan and preparation.

How to work overtime according to customer requirements? Do you have to work 24 hours a day for more than forty days? This is obviously unrealistic! Planning and arrangements have to be made by the bank.

Especially for the position of operating a radiographic detector, due to radiation dose issues, the cumulative daily working hours must not exceed four hours, and there are special job allowances. It is difficult to arrange overtime staff, and even the president went to work in person today!

If the two detectors were to work continuously according to Soloran's requirements, twelve detectors would have to be arranged every day, while the head office sales department was only equipped with one full-time detector and one part-time detector on holidays.

If employees are willing to increase staff and work overtime outside of working hours. The banks can organize mobilization and make reasonable arrangements, but today it is definitely too late.

On the other hand, this will also greatly increase the cost, and the relevant costs should be borne by the customer who made the request, that is, Soloren, because this is an additional service provided by the bank.

Hailanzhu's attitude is very clear. Exchange services during normal business hours are free, but overtime services with special requirements will require additional service fees.

As for how much this fee is per day, it still needs to be calculated and determined.

Hai Lanzhu suggested that Soluolun come back at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, because the bank opens at half past eight and the exchange window opens at nine o'clock. At that time, the bank will give a quotation. If Solorun agrees and confirms, the continuous overtime mode will be started.

On this day, Solorun withdrew a total of 30,000 gold coins, no more, no less. After signing and confirming, he was finally sent away by the bank.

The first round of tentative confrontation ended that afternoon. Solorun did not wait until nine o'clock the next morning. Instead, he took the lead in attacking in the evening of that year, according to the plan he had already prepared.

Around 8 o'clock that night, one day the news was quickly featured on many media platforms. The speed of dissemination and fermentation was obviously impossible without human manipulation, and it immediately shocked the international financial community.

The news is accompanied by detailed photos and live videos, but has been carefully edited to focus on only one thing -

On behalf of Xinxiang United Bank, Ms. Solorun went to Huanxiang Industrial Bank to exchange for 10 million physical gold coins, but only 30,000 were exchanged!

Based on this, Solorun and other people at the scene questioned whether Huanxiang Industrial had the ability to redeem the gold coins?

A stone stirs up a thousand waves, ice is thrown into a boiling oil pan, and sodium is thrown into a purifying pool. In short, public opinion explodes. In the process of reprinting and applying this news, various shocking and exaggerated headlines continued, giving people the impression that Huanxiang Industrial only has 30,000 physical gold coins.

There is one detail that needs to be noted. The object of Solorun's questioning is not only Huanxiang Industrial Bank, but directly Huanxiang Industrial.

Huanxiang Industrial Bank is only a subsidiary of Huanxiang Industrial Group. Huanxiang Industrial used Chunrong Dan to ensure the purchasing power of the digital Huanxiang currency. Solorun wanted to force Huanxiang Industrial Group to negotiate.

Huanxiang Industrial also responded quickly, and immediately issued an announcement stating that Huanxiang Industrial Bank had sufficient redemption capabilities.

Merely issuing such an announcement may not be very effective, but Huanxiang Industrial has also made another decision that has attracted almost everyone's attention, which is to start a global live broadcast starting at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!

Huanxiang Industrial Bank not only has gold coins, but also exchanges gold coins on site for the whole world to witness.

At the same time, Huanxiang Industrial also released all the negotiation and exchange records yesterday afternoon on the media platform, including every word everyone said.

It needs to be emphasized that Solorun's "withdrawal behavior" is not a bank transfer, otherwise it can be done in a few seconds. This is equivalent to withdrawing cash, and there must be a physical verification process.

Thirty thousand Huanxiang gold coins are equivalent to 150 million Silla dollars according to the latest market price. Which bank window can count out 50 million Silla dollars in cash in one afternoon? Which bank dares to say that this efficiency is low? It is already a world record!

The public's emotions have been completely ignited, and everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's live broadcast. This is something new that has not happened since ancient times. Isn't it just a method of maximizing traffic? Solorun knows it, and Huazhenxing knows it too!

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Solorun and his team appeared at the business department of the head office, and the global live broadcast arranged by Huanxiang Industrial began.

Soloran once again made serious representations, believing that this violated customer privacy. The bank responded that under normal circumstances, Huanxiang Industrial Bank would protect the privacy of customers, but this is no longer the normal situation.

Last night, Solorun took the lead in breaking the news to the media and proactively released photos and videos of the scene. The so-called privacy no longer exists. Their news reports distorted and misled the facts, and the bank has the responsibility to prove and clarify.

Hai Lanzhu also took out a written document and told the other party that the exchange was free of charge during normal working hours of seven hours. If staff are required to work overtime, additional service fees will be charged during overtime hours.

The charging standard is one thousandth. For convenience, it is calculated based on Huanxiang coins. For every thousand Huanxiang coins exchanged, the bank charges a handling fee of one Huanxiang coin.

Solorun finally recognized this condition and applied for overtime redemption... The entire process mentioned above was also broadcast live, and the 24-hour uninterrupted redemption work was also started.

The gold coin exchange process was mechanical and boring. The bank sent six shifts of staff, one every four hours, repeating the same work. This may be the most tedious live broadcast in the world.

But it turns out that there are far more boring people in the world than imagined. Countless people are paying attention to and watching this live broadcast, and the number of people online at the same time remains stable in the order of tens of millions.

At the end of the day, the cumulative number of viewers has exceeded 100 million. Some people will watch the live broadcast whenever they have time.

This is not fake data made by the platform, but the actual number of people online and viewers, and as the incident spreads and ferments, the number of viewers is still rising.

Everyone seemed to feel an inexplicable sense of satisfaction when they saw the golden coins being taken out in a flowing stream. They wanted to look at them while eating and sleeping, and they couldn't help but take a few glances.

At nine o'clock the next day, after another full twenty-four hours, the bank cashed out 240,000 gold coins, no more, no less, and collected 170 gold coins in handling fees. The work efficiency was extremely precise.

After returning to the hotel to rest, Solorun came back to the scene and signed for the confirmation impatiently. She wanted to comment on the bank's work efficiency, but it was difficult to speak in front of the live camera.

At a bank's counter window, the number of gold coins counted in one day is equivalent to 1.2 billion Silla dollars in cash. Who can say it is slow?

Yun Mo asked Solorun thoughtfully, what to do with the 240,000 gold coins at the scene? Banks can provide custody services and charge certain custody fees.

The gold weighs 4.8 tons. The dozen or so people brought by Solorun alone would definitely not be able to be dragged away in a suitcase.

Solorun flatly refused! Are you kidding me, taking it out from the bank, entrusting it to the bank for safekeeping, and the cycle continues endlessly?

She hired a transportation company, handled air consignment at a high price and purchased a huge amount of insurance, and caught the same day's flight to transport the gold to Brussels. She booked the same transportation service for ten days in total every day.

Why not forty-two days? This also represents Solorun's judgment that the gold that Huanxiang Industrial can raise within the territory will not exceed fifty tons at most.

Solorun didn't just sit around in the lobby of the sales department. She returned to Brussels on the same plane, waiting for news about Huanxiang Industrial's request for negotiations. The news didn't wait, but the live broadcast triggered climaxes one after another.

A week into the boring live broadcast, the maximum number of people online at the same time has exceeded 50 million. According to incomplete statistics, more than 500 million people around the world have watched the live broadcast at least once.

This may be the most expensive live broadcast in history. Real gold is rolling in. Every day, 4.8 tons of gold coins are moved out of the bank and airlifted to Brussels.

Starting from the third day of the live broadcast, Huanxiang Industrial has used animated subtitles, scrolling barrages, picture-in-picture pop-ups, voice-overs and other forms to promote its various businesses and related links in multiple languages.

This looked very eye-catching, and immediately various agencies came to inquire about advertising business. Huanxiang Industrial took advantage of the trend and launched an advertising package to undertake various forms of global advertising. The lowest-charge items in the package are astronomical.

Afterwards, some people estimated that the total advertising revenue from this live broadcast would be at least one billion Xinluo.

If you study this advertising package, you will find that its quotation period lasts until the 42nd day of the live broadcast. Since Huanxiang Industrial dares to quote such a price, it shows that it is completely sure to pay all the gold.

The live broadcast that attracts the world's attention continues, and at the same time, the number of online viewers and the number of daily viewers continue to hit new highs. Soloren and senior executives of Xinxiang United Bank in Brussels cannot sit still.

On the tenth day of the live broadcast, there was no sign of stagnation in the gold coin redemption. Xinxiang Bank's plenipotentiary representative Solo Lun flew back to Fiso Port from Brussels and contacted Hai Lanzhu privately to request negotiations.

There was no other reason. The total weight of the gold coins that had been exchanged was about to reach fifty tons. This was the limit that Solorun had estimated in advance.

Xinxiang Bank’s Huanxiangcoins are not its own assets, and most of them come from depositors’ deposits. Because many deposits have not yet matured, Xinxiang Bank holds a large number of short-term positions.

However, the purpose of the Xinxiang Bank run was not really to withdraw 10 million gold coins, but to force Huanxiang Industrial to negotiate and agree to the conditions it had set.

In their judgment, Huanxiang Industrial Bank simply could not afford so much gold. However, the development of the situation was unexpected. Huanxiang Industrial Bank promised to pay in full and also held a global live broadcast.

If all 10 million gold coins are really withdrawn, Xinxiang United Bank itself will be in trouble. What will it use to pay depositors' due deposits? There will also be a liquidity crisis of its own.

On the surface, there seems to be no loss problem, because it transported physical gold coins and can use gold coins to pay deposits, but can customers agree?

After the global live broadcast began, large depositors have approached Xinxiang Bank and asked whether their deposits are safe and whether they can withdraw them when they expire? The other party made it very clear that they only accept digital Huanxiang coins and do not accept physical gold coins.

Digital Huanxiang coins have the same value as physical gold coins, and they can both be used to pay for the purchase of Chunrong Dan. However, the usage methods and convenience are completely different.

If you use digital Huanxiangcoin, you can make a simple transfer at home. If you use physical gold coins, you first have to go to Brussels to pick up the gold coins, and then rush to Fiso Port with these gold coins for delivery.

This is not only time-consuming, high-cost, complex, but also full of uncertain risks.

More importantly, this involves a credibility issue. The customer's deposit is a digital Huanxiang currency, and the bank should also pay the digital Huanxiang currency after maturity.

Therefore, Xinxiang Bank decided to admit defeat. The limit of their internal risk control calculations is to withdraw three million gold coins, which is about 60 tons of physical gold. It is absolutely impossible to withdraw all 10 million gold coins.

Seeing that the amount of gold being redeemed was approaching this limit, Solorun said that he could stop the payment, but on the surface he still made a very high gesture. The statement was in response to the request of Huanxiang Industrial Bank, to believe in the credibility of the other party and to reduce the pressure on the other party. .

But Solorun was hit hard. Huanxiang Industrial Bank said that the redemption could not be stopped. It said that if you withdraw 10 million gold coins, you must withdraw 10 million gold coins!

Hai Lanzhu once sincerely begged Solo Lun not to withdraw it all at once, which would reduce the burden and pressure on the bank. Solo Lun flatly rejected this suggestion... This is clearly recorded.

In view of this, these 10 million digital Huanxiang coins have been cancelled, and the total global circulation of digital Huanxiang coins has been reduced from 25 million to 15 million.

Now Solorun couldn't stop even if she wanted to. She had to accept these 10 million physical gold coins, witnessed by the global live broadcast. This time Huanxiang Industrial Bank's attitude was very tough and there was no room for maneuver.

What makes Xinxiang Bank even more passive is that the negotiation process and the final result were also publicly reported by Huanxiangguo's official media. Now, the whole world knows what kind of situation Xinxiang United Bank will face.

If Xinxiang Bank does not want to default on depositors, there is only one way to buy digital Huanxiang coins through the international trading market to pay depositors' withdrawals.

However, after these 10 million digital Huanxiang coins were cancelled, the total global circulation was only 15 million. As long as the holders do not sell, this is obviously an impossible task!

Xinxiang Bank has only the last option left. Please help Huanxiang Industrial Bank. For example, transport back the physical gold coins that have been withdrawn, and at the same time add a price, and request Huanxiang Industrial Bank to issue an additional 10 million digital Huanxiang coins to it.

This is completely feasible in theory, but why should Huanxiang Industrial Bank help it? Zhang San originally wanted to kill Li Si, but in the end he asked Li Si to save his life. So why did Li Si agree?

Solorun was fired from his post at the speed of light after the negotiations failed, the run on Xinxiang Bank became an international joke, and the live broadcast continued.

Xinxiang United Bank replaced a new plenipotentiary representative and hurried to Port Feso, that is, Lord Rothchild.

When Rozchild came to the business department of the head office of Huanxiang Industrial Bank, he saw a surprising sight.

The sidewalks here are very wide, and there is a long queue along the sidewalk. There are many police officers maintaining order, and many staff are distributing souvenirs and various promotional materials.

After the live broadcast started, many people were no longer satisfied with watching online and rushed to the scene to join in the fun. Some people claim that they are just here to do business, and the bank cannot deny customers entry into the lobby of the business department.

But what if there are too many people coming? Fiso Port took advantage of the situation and launched a tourism project. The bank opened a separate door, pulled out a isolation belt in the corner of the lobby, and set up a visit entrance.

Everyone queued up and marched in one direction. They could visit the gold coin exchange site up close, but they were not allowed to stay at the site. They had to rush in and out under the command of the staff... As a result, it attracted countless tourists, and the queues stretched along the sidewalk for several streets. Outside.

Many people also come to live broadcast. They have to go through security checks to enter the bank and are not allowed to make any noise, but live broadcast equipment can be brought in... The time to shoot the exchange scene at close range is only a few seconds, but many people enjoy it.

Some people also came here to exchange gold coins. Huanxiang Industrial Bank had to issue an announcement: The exchange window of the head office's business department only accepts Xinxiang Hezhong Bank for the time being. The business department of another branch not far away is also responsible for exchange business.

So many people went there to do live broadcasts, such as exchanging a gold coin on the spot...

The flights landing at Rozchild Airport are full every day. With so many people pouring into Fiso Port, it is of course impossible to do just this one thing. It also greatly boosts the tourism and surrounding industries of Huanxiang Country.

Huanxiangguo officials took advantage of the situation and dispatched a large number of staff. While maintaining order on site, they also presented various introduction materials and souvenirs, and recommended various local tourism projects, special products and services, etc.

Some departments even send out employment promotional materials in an attempt to attract qualified foreign tourists to stay and work. Huanxiangguo is still in the process of construction and still needs to attract a large number of talents.

After the vigorous live broadcast lasted for forty-two days, it finally ended successfully. Huanxiangguo has earned enough attention and benefits, and has also won a huge reputation.

Huanxiang Industrial Bank redeemed 10 million physical gold coins on site, and its credit is indestructible!

What about the counterparty Xinxiang United Bank? It actually didn't go bankrupt, it just went through a restructuring.

When Rozchild came, Hua Zhenxing still gave him face and received him personally as Feng Zibin. Compared with the live broadcast that attracted worldwide attention, the negotiation process between the two parties was not enough for outsiders to understand.

At the end of the live broadcast, Huanxiang Industrial Bank announced that after canceling 10 million digital Huanxiang coins, it would issue an additional 35 million digital Huanxiang coins, bringing its total global issuance to 50 million.

Ten million of these were directed capital injections into Xinxiang United Bank. Through this method and a series of other agreements, Huanxiang Industrial Bank became the controlling shareholder of Xinxiang United Bank and acquired the bank.

As for the 10 million physical gold coins withdrawn by Xinxiang United Bank, they are still the assets of the bank and are stored in the vault in Brussels.

As a holding subsidiary of Huanxiang Industrial Bank, Xinxiang United Bank will also provide physical gold coin exchange business, becoming its first overseas exchange institution.

All this was negotiated in a very short period of time, during which it was approved by other countries before it was officially announced to the outside world. Xinxiang United Bank originally wanted to develop Huanxiang Industrial, but ended up losing money.

Huanxiang Industrial Bank has taken advantage of the situation and has the largest overseas platform to carry out digital Huanxiang currency business.

After everything settled, before Rozchild left Fesoport, he had another private chat with Hua Zhenxing at the Luohu Wetland Jingfeng Building not far from Rozchild Airport.

The original name of Jingfeng Tower is Jingfeng Tower, which is the unified name of the center of Jingchenluo array built in various places. Not long ago, Mr. Feng went for a walk in Huanxiang Country, and Hua Zhenxing took advantage of the situation and changed the name to Jingfeng Tower.

Rozchild gently shook the goblet in his hand and said with a desolate expression: "Xiaohua, thank you for being merciful this time and not letting me go bankrupt."

The main problems Xinxiang United Bank encountered this time were the collapse of its credibility and liquidity crisis, and it finally had to sell itself for help. Although the relevant people suffered heavy losses, the problems were caused by themselves and had nothing to do with Huazhenxing.

Huazhenxing did not pursue and fight fiercely, and Luochaide did not go bankrupt personally.

Hua Zhenxing shook his head while holding the teacup and said: "Lao Luo, you should understand me. I never earn money that doesn't belong to me, and I don't plunder wealth that doesn't belong to me.

I have no ill will towards you and no reason for revenge. Because Xinxiang Bank’s exchange behavior is a reasonable requirement in my opinion, and you have done nothing wrong in this matter. "

Rothchild: "Oh, why?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Because I am not you! I told you that I do not reject finance, nor do I hate capital. I only care about how they are owned and used, such as in whose hands and for what purpose?

Huanxiang Industrial Bank has made an exchange commitment, and it is only natural that you come to ask for exchange. This is the simplest morality in the world.

Not to mention 10 million gold coins, even if you collect all the issued Huanxiang coins and request to exchange them for gold coins, there is no blame. "

Rothchild: "So where did we go wrong?"

Rothchild himself is a successful financier. How could he not know what operational errors Xinxiang Bank made this time? The most important reason was a misjudgment of the number of physical gold coins reserved by Huanxiang Industrial Bank.

Rozchild understood, and so did Hua Zhenxing, so what he asked was obviously not a technical question.

Hua Zhenxing: "Dr. Luo, you are a good person, otherwise we would not be sitting here today. Seeing you today reminds me of a question I asked my elders when I was a child, are there any good people in the gang?

Your fault does not lie in internal risk control or errors in judgment. Because in another situation, if the opponent is not me, your operation may be successful.

But what if it succeeds? You can only succeed if your opponent cannot fulfill his promise, which is itself based on lies and deception.

You come to ask for gold coins, but your purpose is not to exchange gold coins at all. You just want to plunder wealth that does not belong to you and use your strong position to seek an unfair deal.

The simplest truth in the world is that gold is not mined by you, Chunrong Pill is not produced by you, and even those Huanxiang coins are not your own, but you want to take it all away.

Don't you think this is wrong? "

Rothchild was silent for a long time and then asked: "You just said that even if someone brings all the Huanxiang coins, you can exchange them for gold coins. Is this true?"

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "It's true."

Rothchild: "Where did you get so much gold?"

Huazhenxing actually prepared a full amount of physical gold coins for the digital Huanxiang coins it issued. To modern financiers, this seems foolish and unnecessary.

But he forgot one thing. The Huanxiang Coin issued by Huazhenxing is not a virtual currency in essence, nor is it even a currency. It is just a certificate of possession of physical gold coins that can be traded and transferred.

Since it is a certificate of possession of physical gold coins, Huazhenxing has issued as many digital Huanxiang coins as there are physical gold coins from the beginning.

The so-called top executives in the international financial world have always claimed to be elites with the highest IQs, but this group of people who think they are the smartest have lost to the "pure fool" Hua Zhenxing.

The reason why Xinxiang United Bank dared to operate like this was also based on reasonable judgment. A country's gold reserves, including the amount of physical gold a financial institution may hold, can be estimated.

When they started, they also expected that Huanxiang Industrial might urgently purchase gold through the international market, so they also prepared corresponding warehouse receipts at major gold exchanges to deal with it, and also had other countermeasures.

But this did not happen. Huanxiang Industrial Bank shipped the full amount of gold coins directly from the warehouse, so the source of the gold became a mystery.

Hua Zhenxing smiled and said, "This is a secret!"

Where did all this gold come from? I would also like to thank Teacher Ding Qi for his gift back then.

Ding Qi discovered a gold mine not far from the Shenyin Gate, but Hua Zhenxing did not mine it due to the chaotic situation in Kilili Country at the time. He also commissioned several elderly people to set up a magic circle to cover up the hole that Teacher Ding opened.

No mining does not mean there is no exploration. Mo Shangtong is personally responsible for subsequent exploration. According to his estimate, the total reserves of this gold mine are as high as several thousand tons.

To this day, Huazhenxing has not carried out modern industrial mining of this gold mine.

At that time, several elderly people assigned him a task through the "system", which was to refine pure gold that was the same size as himself, which was more than a ton! Huazhenxing completed this task.

At that time, Hua Zhenxing only had three realms of cultivation, and the purpose of several old people was to let him sharpen and refine his spiritual consciousness.

Hua Zhenxing is now the chief instructor of Yangyuan Valley, and he will use the same method to hone his disciples. Ordinary Yangyuan Valley disciples are not required to be able to do what he did back then, but each person can refine dozens of kilograms, right?

How many disciples above the third level are there in Yangyuan Valley now? At least hundreds of thousands!

In fact, not only the disciples of the third realm, but also the monks of the fourth realm can continue to sharpen their spiritual consciousness in this way. This is not only the process of cultivation, but also completing the sect's homework.

Not all disciples have the opportunity to receive this kind of lesson. Only a few core disciples have this qualification. Moreover, they do not know about the gold mine. They only received the ore from their mentor, and they are ordered not to disclose it to the outside world.

As for the tasks of mining and distributing ore, they are all completed by the Dacheng monks in the sect.

In fact, hundreds of tons or thousands of tons of gold are very small in size, and scattered gold is even more inconspicuous. It is hard for outsiders to imagine that Yangyuan Valley has refined so much in total, and even the ordinary disciples of Yangyuan Valley don't know.

What to do with so much gold? A small part was used to make gold coins to provide welfare to the disciples, and then became the common currency of the moon stall. Of course, the majority had to be sold to change money to buy needed things.

However, it is more troublesome to export gold directly. There are also a series of issues such as transportation, customs declaration, testing, and various countries’ policies that you have to worry about. So Huazhenxing was inspired by physical gold coins and simply issued digital Huanxiang coins.

In his simple conception, if someone takes Huanxiang Coin and asks for exchange, it is equivalent to buying gold and solving a series of problems by itself.

If Hua Zhenxing told Luo Zhaide that his original purpose was to make things simple and save trouble, would Luo Zhai De believe him?


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