Enjoy the world

Postscript 1: The Moon Covering Stall (Part 2)

Hua Zhenxingzhen knows this woman in white.

Sixteen years ago, when Hua Zhenxing was still studying at the Wucheng campus of Feigong University, he once went to Jinghu to visit Teacher Ding. Ding Qi and Xian Hao invited him to have a meal.

When returning to Wucheng, Hua Zhenxing, who drank some wine, transformed into a spotted dragon and swam upstream along the Qingyi River. At that time, he had just mastered the form of swallowing a dragon and was looking for a feeling.

He was very happy swimming under the waves in the river. He passed by Wucheng without rushing back to school, and continued on to the Thousand-foot Peach Blossom Pond upstream. As a result, a woman in white used a magic weapon lock to carry him to a high cliff on the shore.

The other party didn't mean any harm, but just reminded him not to do so casually, and warned him that there were several places in Wucheng's stream system where dragons were not allowed.

After Hua Zhenxing reached the seventh level of cultivation, he realized that the woman in white had left a divine mind seal on him, which turned out to be a magic spell.

The content of this method is the miracle of the scale insect demon cultivator being reborn and transformed into a dragon. Although Hua Zhenxing himself could not copy the practice, he was deeply inspired. By drawing on this form-shaping magical power, he can better understand the form-swallowing technique.

When Hua Zhenxing was reborn, the method he chose was to transform into a dragon and rush through the Zhenxing River.

Given this opportunity, Hua Zhenxing naturally inquired about the identity of the woman in white, and finally got the clue from Mei Yeshi, the leader of the Kunlun Alliance.

According to Mei Yeshi's inference, the woman in white should be his junior sister, whose surname is Yun and whose name is Zhongxian.

Yun Zhongxian is the junior sister of Alliance Leader Mei, but she is not a disciple of the Three Dreams Sect, but a descendant of Wangqing Heavenly Palace. What is going on? It’s a long story!

Ume Yeshi's common name is Ishino. In the summer of 1990, Ishino had just finished his first year of high school and stayed in his hometown mountain village during the summer vacation. It happened to be the flood season in Wucheng, and all the men went to the Qingyi River embankment to prevent floods.

At that time, the commander-in-chief of Qingyijiang's flood control was named Feng Huaiyuan, who was the father of Feng Junzi, Shiye's teacher.

Wucheng is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, at the junction of mountains, hills and plains. There is a flood season every year. It is said that the floods in other places in 1990 were not particularly severe, but there seemed to be monsters and waves in the middle section of the Qingyi River.

There was something unknown at that time: a silverbait in the Longquan Cave in Bishan, feeling that he had become a spiritual person and had achieved success in spiritual practice, rushed into the Qingyi River due to a flash flood and was reborn into a white dragon.

The white dragon flew up into the clouds and carried the torrent towards the Yangtze River to realize the innate magical power he had just mastered.

If this little white dragon is allowed to rush over, the dangerous section of Qingyi River will have to burst its embankment. At the critical moment, Feng Junzi rushed to the riverside to grab the white dragon lock and locked it back into Longquan Cave.

Later, by chance, Shiye entered Longquan Cave in Bishan, and Xiao Bailong met him with his spiritual thoughts.

Ishino thought that the white dragon wanted to ask him to plead for mercy and asked Feng Junzi to let it go. Unexpectedly, Bailong took advantage of the situation and made a request, hoping to become Feng Junzi's teacher.

Shiye couldn't bear to make the decision without permission, so he told Feng Junzi after returning.

Mr. Feng gave Xiao Bailong the name Yunzhongxian and claimed that he would pass on the Dharma on behalf of his master. He sent her to the Wangqing Palace on Sanmeng Peak in Fusheng Valley, making her the successor of Wangqing Palace.

What happened to the Forgetting Palace? Mr. Feng once called himself Wangqing Gongzi and claimed to be an abandoned disciple of Wangqing Palace. Literally, he was expelled from Wangqing Palace and kicked out.

After being exiled from the world, Mr. Feng took in his disciple Shi Ye, who later founded the Three Dreams Sect and became the leader of the Kunlun Alliance.

The Palace of Forgetting Love is aloof from the world, almost never getting involved in worldly affairs, and Yun Zhongxian rarely appears in the world. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhenxing bumped into her in Peach Blossom Pond, and now they meet her again at the Moon Covering Tan.

Hua Zhenxing used his spiritual thoughts to introduce the origin of the woman in white. Yun Mo blinked when he heard it, feeling like a fairy tale, and whispered excitedly: "It turns out that her surname is also Yun, and she is from the same family as me!"

Manman patted her: "The so-called family means the same ancestors. It is commonly said that we were the same family five hundred years ago, but we were just a whitebait five hundred years ago!"

In front of Yun Zhongxian's stall, a middle-aged man stopped and asked, "Are you going to sell this table?"

Yun Zhongxian's expression was calm: "The table is not for sale, but the things on the table are for sale."

The man asked in surprise: "Why don't you put the things in the middle, but pile them on both sides?"

The table is more than four meters long, with nearly three meters in the middle empty, and only the two ends are filled with things.

The thing on the left end of the table seems to be a lot of beads stacked together. If you look closely, they are not beads but fruits. These fruits are a bit like hawthorn and a bit like Xifu crabapple. They are bright yellow and are strung together with thick cotton thread, with exactly one hundred pieces in each string.

There is a double-eared red copper gui placed on the right end of the long case. The object contained in the gui looks like popcorn, but it is much larger than ordinary popcorn, with a diameter of about three centimeters. Next to the gui were placed two single-eared celadon cups, one large and one small.

Seeing this red copper gui, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but think of the nine-mouth magical alchemy furnace in his childhood home.

Yun Zhongxian didn't answer. The man was a little bored. He paused and asked, "What is this? It looks like popcorn?"

Yun Zhongxian: "If you don't know it, then you don't know it."

Man: "What if I want to buy it? There are regulations at the moon-covering stall. The stall owner must explain the function."

Yun Zhongxian: "This elixir can only be found in the cave of the Immortal Family. It is refined through wonderful methods. It can be taken by monks and ordinary people. It can replenish vitality."

Man: "Replenishing vitality? Is it that simple?" He probably doesn't mean that the spiritual effect is simple, but that Yun Zhongxian's introduction is too simple.

Yun Zhongxian only answered: "Yes."

If he had encountered other stall owners like this, the man would probably have turned around and left long ago, but the woman in white in front of him was so beautiful, she was so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to strike up a conversation, and asked: "How do you sell it? ?”

Yun Zhongxian waved his hand and transformed it into a gold coin: "I see someone here is using this to shop, so I will use one gold coin to hold one cup, and each person can only buy one cup." Then he added, "You should use a small cup." Light."

The man was about to ask whether it was a big lamp or a small lamp, when he heard what Yun Zhongxian said and immediately said displeased: "Why do I use a small lamp? Who can use a big lamp?"

Yun Zhongxian: "Use a big lamp for those you can recognize, and a small lamp for those you can't recognize."

Man: "Oh, what's the point?"

Yun Zhongxian didn't answer again, as if he didn't hear him. Anyway, he just didn't explain. The man pointed to another pile of things and asked, "What are those bunches of fruit, what are they used for, and how can they be sold?"

Yun Zhongxian: "This is the fruit of the phoenix feathers. It also comes in a bunch of gold coins. Each person can only buy one bunch."

Man: "What is the Phoenix Feather Knot and what effect does it have?"

Yun Zhongxian: "I have already said that this is the fruit of the Phoenix Feather Knot, and you should know its effects yourself. Your cultivation level is barely at the initial level, and eating it will have no effective effect. If you take it by force, do not exceed ten pills a day."

Man: "What if I eat it all? Will I die of poisoning?"

Yun Zhongxian gave a few explanations: "It's just diarrhea, it's not a serious problem. It will stop when the stomach is empty. But don't eat anything else until the diarrhea stops."

Over there, Yun Mo tugged on Hua Zhenxing's sleeve and asked secretly: "Feng Ling Knot! I'll buy a bunch later...Master, what is that popcorn?"

Hua Zhenxing replied with his spiritual thoughts: "It should be made from the almonds of Shengyuan Apricot. The technique is very unique..."

The Shengyuan Pill refined from Shengyuan Apricot can not only replenish vitality but also heal internal injuries. Someone once gave it to Hua Zhenxing as a gift.

Later, Hua Zhenxing also asked someone to get freshly picked apricots, and personally refined the Shengyuan Pill to prove his cultivation of the pill method.

The effect of the Shengyuan Pill is so pure that it is much stronger than the Yangyuan Pill produced by Chunyuantang. However, spiritual plants like Shengyuan Apricot are only found in the misty clouds in the cave of the Immortal Family. They are rare and hard to find.

The popcorn sold by Yunzhongxian uses almonds from Shengyuanxing.

Shengyuan apricot is just the name of a spiritual plant and is not the same species as ordinary apricot. It is impossible to process Shengyuanxing’s almonds into popcorn, whether using a microwave oven or a pressure converter.

To realize such creativity, it is obvious that a unique refining technique is required.

After being processed in this way, it is just like ordinary popcorn. In theory, ordinary people can eat it casually, and there are no taboos that need to be emphasized.

Of course, if you eat too much at one time, you may suffer from internal heat and constipation. If you eat more, you may be strangled to death. But this is not a popcorn problem, but a people problem.

It can replenish one's vitality. For ordinary people, most of the spiritual effects will be dissipated and wasted, and it is only as much as they can be absorbed. For monks, they must have at least the four realms of cultivation and master the transportation methods to avoid wasting the spiritual effects at all.

His refining techniques are very admired by Far Hua Zhenxing.

As for the Phoenix Feather Knot, it is also a cave spiritual plant. Although it is very precious, it is not as rare as the Shengyuan Apricot, and all monks who practice alchemy should know about it.

Just like ordinary people who cook may not know about seasonings such as Angelica dahurica and Huangzhi, professional chefs should not know about them, even if they are not used in daily cooking.

The main spiritual effect of Phoenix Feather Knot is to detoxify. The so-called poison is not poison, but refers to its ability to purify the internal organs of the furnace. It can have a certain beneficial effect on the cultivation of the second, fifth and even eighth realms.

The so-called refining the body in the second realm, cleansing the marrow in the fifth realm, and changing the bones in the eighth realm all focus on the refining furnace.

Feng Ling Jie is also a main ingredient in refining Dinxia Dan. The effect of Dinxia Dan is a bit like the bigu pills written in the novels about cultivating immortals. It is most suitable to be taken when practicing bigu after breaking through the five realms. During the period of fasting, take one pill every day to help cleanse the muscles and marrow.

The phoenix feather knot displayed by Yun Zhongxian seems to have not been processed in any way, but it has been "produced" through the elixir method to make its spiritual effect more pure and it can be kept fresh for at least more than a month.

It was probably Yun Zhongxian's first time here. She didn't know the rules beforehand. She didn't make an appointment or register, and she didn't have a certificate to enter. Of course, the guard didn't notice. She found a place to set up a stall after she came in.

The moon-covering stall was not only monitored by modern technology, but also covered by a magic circle, but she didn't alert anyone.

On the one hand, this shows that she has no intention of causing trouble, nor does she have any malicious behavior. On the other hand, it also shows that her cultivation level may have reached the ninth level.

The actions of such an expert seem to be casual and well-versed. She had obviously observed other people's stalls and knew the details of doing business here when she set up the table.

An easier way to find out is to read the market announcements, which are posted on every street section.

After all, the stall is not a real free market, but a place where monks from all over the world communicate and exchange what they have. Yangyuan Valley stipulates that no counterfeiting, deception, or forced buying or selling is allowed, but it cannot be stipulated that all questions must be answered.

For example, a boss puts out a treasure, and the customer asks what material it is made of, where the material is collected, and how it is processed. This may involve sect secrets. As long as the boss doesn't want to tell it, the guests can't force it.

But how can we do business if we don’t explain it clearly?

For guests, they can just turn around and leave. It is best not to buy and use things they don’t recognize.

For stall owners, you don’t have to answer the above questions, but you must truthfully introduce its functions and how to use it.

So Yun Zhongxian only answered that popcorn can replenish vitality, but did not say what it was. As for the Phoenix Feather Knot, she answered what it was, which was equivalent to introducing its efficacy.

If the customer has never heard of it and doesn’t know how to use it, then there is no need to buy it. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to explain, as it is part of the inheritance of alchemy. Setting up a stall to sell things is not responsible for teaching alchemy.

But Yun Zhongxian still said a few more words, because taking this product may have adverse reactions, and if people who don’t know it have to buy it and eat it randomly, something may happen.

As for the gold coin, it does not have a legal face value, but is a pure gold commemorative coin issued by Huanxiang Bank Industry.

The first commemorative coin was presented to all the project builders when the Lofogen Hydropower Station was completed; the second commemorative coin was presented to all the guests when the first Huanxiang Habitat Award was announced, and then every two One batch is issued annually.

When the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Huanxiang Republic was reached, the Huanxiang Industrial Bank issued a third type of gold coin in large quantities. Later, it was also used as an annual benefit to the mentors of Yangyuan Valley.

The patterns and text of these pure gold commemorative coins are different, but the size and shape are the same, and the net weight is also 20 grams. Today they are all called Huanxiang coins and are circulated in the Moon Market.

The market management does not stipulate the use of fantasy coins for transactions, but many people use it voluntarily.

Yun Zhongxian must have discovered that many people used this kind of gold coins to buy things, so she also priced popcorn at one gold coin per cup and Feng Ling knot at one gold coin per bunch.

To be honest, Yangyuan Valley cannot set any official guide prices for various kinds of natural treasures and panacea.

What Yangyuan Valley can do is to regularly send a group of instructors to set up stalls and sell things that Yangyuan Valley can produce on a small scale for market reference within a certain range.

Presumably Yun Zhongxian didn't know how to price popcorn and Phoenix feather knots, but he also knew that opportunities should not be greedy, so he stipulated that each person could only buy one cup or one bunch.

The opportunity is rare, if you buy it, you will make a profit!

The man was still chattering, and then took out his mobile phone and said, "Can you give me your contact information so that we can add each other as friends? I don't have Huanxiang coins with me. Can I transfer it to you at the market price?"

Yun Zhongxian: "No."

Man: "Then leave your contact information first, and I will buy it directly from you later. I will use Huan Xiang Coin."

Yun Zhongxian: "If you don't want to buy it at this time, please do so."

Yun Mo in the distance put his hand on his forehead and said, "I'm so shameless. Don't say I know this Zhu Meng!"

The man who was chatting with Moji in front of the stall was known to Yun Mo and Hua Zhenxing. His name was Zhu Meng. Zhu Meng also appeared in Hua Zhenxing's dream, but in reality this man had another experience.

Zhu Meng was three years older than Hua Zhenxing. His father was Zhu Zigui, a businessman from the Eastern Kingdom.

In the chaotic and dangerous Fiso Port back then, were there still people from the East doing business? Of course, there are, as long as it is profitable, and Old Feso Port is not a "noble neighborhood" without order and acceptable order.

For example, the security situation in the trading areas controlled by the Golden Gang is much better, but ordinary merchants have to pay protection fees to the Golden Gang when opening shops there.

Zhu Zi was a thief. He bought a local aboriginal house and opened his own business next to Li Xiaoyang's shoe store.

The Straw Shoe Shop is the headquarters of the Straw Shoe Gang, and the major gangs will not go there to cause trouble. The Straw Sandals Gang not only does not charge protection fees, but also stipulates that gang members must help each other.

Zhu Zigui enjoyed the dividends of the Straw Shoes Gang, but he did not join the Straw Shoes Gang. Li Xiaoyang once persuaded him to join, but he politely refused with excuses.

When he was a child, Zhu Meng even said bad things about the grocery store. According to him, the goods in the grocery store are all inferior local goods, while the goods in his family's store are original, high-grade and high-quality foreign goods from Dongguo.

What a childish thing. His father would never dare to say the same thing publicly.

Hua Zhenxing has not liked Zhu Meng since he was a child, and would rather play with the local aboriginal child Xiaer.

In the middle of the New Alliance revolution, when the defensive front was eradicated and the old Feso Port and Banda City were controlled, Zhu Zigui changed his mind and decided to join the New Alliance, but the organization did not absorb him.

Considering the quality of the citizens of Jili Country at that time, the threshold for joining the new alliance was actually very low, and even many quasi-illiterates could do it. During that time, there were only two criteria for recruiting members to the new alliance:

One is to be able to recite several speeches that Charles has given. If you can recite them in the local dialect, you are qualified. If you can recite them in Dongguan, you are excellent. If you can also write them down, you are very good.

The second is to pass the organizational investigation and review.

I don’t know which aspect of Zhu Zigui failed to meet the standard, but the new alliance confiscated him.

Thinking that he had actively refused to join the Straw Shoes Gang, Zhu Zigui regretted it very much. After the establishment of the New Guilin Kingdom, he regretted so much that his intestines turned green. He felt like he had missed out on tens of billions.

Zhu Zigui sometimes drank a little wine and sighed to others. If it weren't for health reasons and he refused the Straw Shoe Gang's invitation, he would be a founding father now!

After the founding of the New Kingdom, no one tried to embarrass Zhu Zigui. He didn't do any serious evil, he was just an opportunist who took advantage of the situation.

There are too many revolutionary speculators like him, not to mention so many remnants of gangsters. They have also enjoyed the dividends of the era of social revolution, and the entire society is the target of revolutionary transformation.

Later, Zhu Zigui devoted his main energy to training his son Zhu Meng. Zhu Meng joined Huanxiang Industrial, participated in various training classes after work, and took the initiative to apply for transfer to the agricultural reclamation area.

There was no need to go out of your way to find someone to entrust the relationship, because Huanxiang Industrial was in urgent need of attracting various talents at that time.

Zhu Meng was considered a high-end talent at the time, and now he is considered a veteran employee of the Chunrongdan Center. After the headquarters of the Xuan Rong Dan Center was moved to New Fiso Port, he remained at the branch in Xintian Township.

Zhu Meng usually likes to brag, saying that when he was a child, he lived next door to the straw sandal workshop run by Li Xiaoyang, and that his family had close friendship with many of the elders of the New Alliance.

This is half true.

Zhu Meng is forty years old this year. Although he is only a first-level Yuan Yuan master, he is proud of it. After all, he has entered a circle beyond ordinary people.

Although Hua Zhenxing had never liked Zhu Meng since he was a child, he never deliberately suppressed Zhu Meng later. His mind and structure were different, and there was no need for that at all.

But today when I saw Zhu Meng chatting with Yun Zhongxian with a shy face, as the master of Yangyuan Valley, Hua Zhenxing felt a little embarrassed.

So much so that he didn't immediately go over to say hello, and even cast a simple spell so that Zhu Meng didn't notice them.

Zhu Meng finally left, and before leaving, he said: "Wait a moment, I will go to a colleague to borrow two gold coins. I am from Chunrongdan Center, and I should be able to meet many colleagues here."

After Zhu Meng disappeared into the stairwell at the other end 500 meters away, Hua Zhenxing finally walked over and said hello: "Senior Yun, long time no see!" At the same time, he introduced Manman and Yun Mo beside him with his spiritual mind.

Yun Zhongxian smiled slightly: "It didn't take long. I just met you at Peach Blossom Pond in Wucheng. Your cultivation level has improved quite a lot."

Manman: "Why are you interested in setting up a stall here?"

Yun Zhongxian: "Young Master sent a message, saying that there is a moon-covering stall here, which is very interesting and has never been seen before in ancient times. He suggested that I come and take a look, and also said that if there are any gadgets that the Heavenly Master might be interested in, I would bring them back. Palace of Forgetfulness.

I took a look at Sanmeng Peak and found it very interesting, so I came here. "

The title here is a bit confusing. The so-called Young Master refers to Mr. Feng, but he is not in the Forgetting Palace. The Tianshi refers to Master Tianyue, Feng Junzi’s teacher, who has never walked down the Three Dreams Peak.

Yun Mo: "What did you think of Sanmeng Peak? Did you use your mobile phone?"

Yun Zhongxian replied with a spiritual thought, pointing out that the mysterious light of the moon can illuminate everything in the world. As for what refers to Yue Xuanguang, she did not explain.

Yun Zhongxian saw the moon-covering stall and thought it was quite interesting, so he came. She realized right away that setting up a stall to sell things might be a better way to "buy" things.

Many of the treasures at the stalls here are not priced in worldly currency. If someone takes a fancy to them, the stall owners will often ask for barter.

The stall owner will tell him what he needs, and if the customer has it and is willing, the transaction can be completed. Some stall owners will also ask customers, what can they give in exchange?

There are some gadgets that you can buy with money, but Yun Zhongxian didn't bring any money.

So Yun Zhongxian decided to set up a stall first, selling a batch of raw almond popcorn and Feng Ling fruit bunches. After getting a batch of gold coins, he went shopping to buy things he was interested in.

She also placed a rare treasure of heaven and earth - the scales of a true dragon - in the center of the table. This thing cannot be bought with gold coins. If anyone wants it, it must be exchanged for other things. It must be something that Yun Zhongxian is interested in.

Although Yun Mo didn't understand what the mysterious light of the moon meant, he saw the true dragon's scales!

Just now Zhu Meng asked Yun Zhongxian why the middle of the table was empty but the things were only placed on both sides? Yun Zhongxian didn't answer, but in Yun Mo's eyes, there was nothing in the middle of the table.

When Yun Zhongxian told her with his spiritual mind that there were real dragon scales here, Yun Mo saw it immediately, not only with his eyes, but also with his spiritual consciousness.

These scales are about the size of a palm, with very fine feather patterns on the surface. They are silvery white with a seemingly transparent texture, and colorful lights appear under the refraction of light.

It was so beautiful that Yun Mo was stunned for a moment.

Manman said cheerfully: "Senior, it is our honor to cover the moon stall. There are some regulations here that you didn't know before. Please allow me to explain them a little bit."

Yun Zhongxian saw the moon-covering stall on Sanmeng Peak through the Moon-Pointing Mysterious Light, but she did not know that reservations and registration were required, and Yangyuan Valley also had qualification requirements for admission and stall personnel.

Manman made an introduction with her spiritual mind while speaking, and also told Yun Zhongxian that it didn't matter. The appointment registration procedures could be completed for her, and Yun Zhongxian didn't have to worry about anything.

In fact, if an outsider like Yun Zhongxian is willing to come here, whether setting up stalls or shopping, Yangyuan Valley is a dream come true, and it is also a great opportunity for others.

Yun Zhongxian frowned and said, "Ah, do you still need a certificate?"

Hua Zhenxing quickly took out a pile of things and a bamboo mantra: "These are the Yangyuan Technique, the recipe for the Five Qi Pills, and the materials for refining the Five Qi Pills. If you are interested, senior, you can try to refine the Five Qi Pills after you go back." Qi Dan.

I ordered people to send the sixth-level Yuanyuan Master certificate to Wucheng Sanmeng Sect first. If the senior has refined the Five Qi Pills, he can go to Sanmeng Sect to get the certificate. You can also have Sanmeng Sect send someone to Sanmeng Peak.

If you are interested, you can come here. As for making appointments and other matters, you can ask people from the Sanmeng Sect to help you, or just say hello directly, and we can help you. "

Yun Zhongxian took the things and put them away: "Thank you then!"

Yun Mo finally recovered from the shock and took out two Huanxiang coins: "Senior, I will buy a cup of popcorn and a bunch of phoenix feather knots. I know that this popcorn is made of Shengyuanxing. Made from almonds, can I use Dazhan?"

Yun Zhongxian nodded and said, "You can use a big lamp."

Although the pure gold commemorative coins issued by Huanxiang Industrial are all twenty grams, they are of different types. Yun Mo specially took out two "Lofogen Hydropower Station Completion Commemorative Coins".

This commemorative coin was issued the earliest and was in the smallest quantity. Many of them were taken home for collection by workers at that time. They are out of print. Their value far exceeds the gold contained in them. They are considered precious cultural relics of Huanxiang Kingdom.

Yun Mo excitedly scooped out a cup of popcorn from the red copper gui. The popcorn was so big that the cup was about the same as an ordinary rice bowl, so she only scooped out nine pieces. From a visual inspection, the small cup is about the same size as a tea cup, and it is estimated that six can be scooped out.

Putting the popcorn into his backpack, Yun Mo took another string of phoenix feather knots and hung them around his neck like rosary beads, then looked longingly at the dragon scales in the center of the table. She knew very well that she "couldn't afford" this thing, so she could only enjoy it for her eyes.

Manman asked: "Senior, what can we use to exchange these real dragon scales with you?"

She didn't ask Yun Zhongxian what he wanted to exchange for, because Yun Zhongxian didn't have a specific purpose, and it didn't matter what he liked.

Yun Zhongxian: "The beads you two wear are fine."

Hua Zhenxing and Manman usually keep their magic weapons in space artifacts, but there is one exception each, which is the sachet hanging on their waist.

Manman's sachet is the Youshui fragrance given by Old Man Yang. Of course, it cannot be exchanged for dragon scales. Hua Zhenxing took off his sachet and opened it: "This is the spring pearl that I personally refined. If you like it, please take it."

Hua Zhenxing is a well-deserved master of alchemy, but he is a bit biased when it comes to weapon refining.

Hua Zhenxing is not bad at refining weapons. He has refined magical weapons such as Bamboo Magpie, Spring Rain Branch, Magnolia Knife, etc., and also "invented" luminous beads. In order to create a blessed place for people to live in, Huazhenxing has worshiped dozens of Pure Dust Luos and more than a dozen Blue Sky Washers in recent years.

Do you see any pattern? Almost all of these magical instruments are batch-based and standardized, making them easy to promote within the sect. The instructor can accumulate rich inheritance experience, and it is relatively easy for disciples to get started. If damaged or lost, it is easy to replace them.

Just talking about a certain magic weapon itself, the weapons Hua Zhenxing has refined so far, apart from the Blue Sky Washer, cannot really be said to be that magical or extraordinary.

He has many powerful and magical magic weapons, but they were either given by his elders or obtained by chance. Basically, they were not refined by him.

After washing in the blue sky, the "best" magic weapon that Hua Zhenxing personally refined was this Spring Pearl. But his idea of ​​"developing" Spring Pearl is still similar to the above situation.

There is the Spring Rain Sword Technique in Yangyuan Valley, as well as the corresponding magic weapon Spring Rain Branch and Spring Rain Sword; there is the Spring Rain Technique, and the corresponding magic weapon is the Pool of Spring Water.

However, there is no corresponding magic weapon for this school of Spring Light Technique, and there is no relevant record in the original Dingfengtan inheritance classics. It must have not been created by the ancestors of the past dynasties.

Since the blood clan incident in Tema Country occurred many years ago, Yangyuan Valley has equipped all disciples above the fourth level with Spring Light Talismans. But the talisman is only a one-time use item, and it is very difficult and costly to refine.

So Hua Zhenxing wondered if he could use it as a magic weapon and refine it into a magic weapon. This thought took me on and off for more than ten years, and I took the time to go through many attempts.

He initially developed it on the basis of light beads, just like when he practiced charging with bare hands, and he didn't know how many light beads he exploded.

In the end, he had to start over again and choose more precious materials. Not long ago, he successfully refined such a magic weapon and named it Spring Light Bead.

Although the Spring Light Pearl is not a divine weapon, its magical functions are mysterious enough. It can be regarded as the pinnacle of Hua Zhenxing's weapon skills so far.

Although the refining was successful, Hua Zhenxing also understood that this object was similar to a pool of spring water and could not be refined in large quantities. Not to mention the heavenly materials and earthly treasures required, it also required extremely high requirements on the refiner and consumed a lot of energy. Also huge.

In the future, if I have leisure, I may be able to refine a few more, but batch refining is impossible. The refined pearl of spring light was made into a sachet for decoration and hung around his waist.

Why not put it into the space artifact? Manman's You Shui Fragrance is worn everywhere, it can warm the body and mind, and the Spring Pearl also has similar magical effects.

With the Spring Light Bead, even if you have not mastered the Spring Light Technique, you can still use the weapon method to display its magical effects.

There is a school of spring light technique that can resolve evil spirits and drive away wind evil, but its main magical effect is to resolve fatigue, restore vitality, boost spirits, and even treat certain diseases invisibly.

This is the state when the weapon is in use. If you wear it with you on a daily basis, it will sense the natural movement of the spirit, and it also has the wonderful effect of eliminating all kinds of negative emotions and influences.

Yun Zhongxian obviously knows the goods, is also interested in the Spring Pearl, and is willing to exchange the dragon scales.

Seeing Yun Zhongxian take the Spring Pearl, Hua Zhenxing asked again: "How many dragon scales can I exchange for?"

Yun Zhongxian: "You take it yourself."

There were a total of thirty-six dragon scales placed on the table. Hua Zhenxing did not take any more, but took nine and put them away.

In fact, Hua Zhenxing has True Dragon Scales, and he got a lot of them from the Demon Refining Gourd. When he set up the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation in Danze Lake a few years ago, he also used True Dragon Scales to construct a protective formation.

But the true dragon scales in front of me are different from those that Hua Zhenxing obtained from the demon refining gourd. It is obvious that after being refined by the true dragon's magical power, it has become a rough magic weapon, and can even be the material for refining artifacts.

Hua Zhenxing took out another bead and handed it over and said, "This is called a luminous bead. It is a small gadget that every disciple of Yangyuan Valley can refine. It has no other magical uses. It is just that it can shine and illuminate. You can take it back and play with it."

You exchanged the dragon scales for the Spring Pearl, and you must already know all the wonderful uses. But it can also emit light. If it is paired with the scales of a real dragon as a lamp, the light it emits will have the wonder of spring light. "

Yun Zhongxian said with great interest: "Your suggestion is good! Using the true dragon's scale as the holder and the spring light pearl as the wick, you can indeed refine it into a more wonderful magic weapon."

At this time, Manman took out another red sacred stone and asked with a smile: "This thing is called the Flame Elf. How many true dragon scales can I exchange for it?"

Yun Zhongxian said in surprise: "What a good thing. My junior sister Huo Shen'er will definitely like it! Take all the remaining true dragon scales."

There were still twenty-seven true dragon scales on the table. Manman put away twenty-six of them and said, "Leave one for senior, just in time to take it back to refine the lamp."

Yun Zhongxian picked up the dragon scale and handed it to her and said, "No need, I still have it, but I only have so many today."

As she spoke, she put away the Spring Pearl and the special sacred stone Flame Elf, looked at the table in front of her and said: "The dragon scales have been replaced, so there is no need to set up this stall. I will go shopping too."

Manman quickly advised: "All the dragon scales you brought have been exchanged, but the popcorn and phoenix feather knots have not been sold out. It would be too troublesome to bring them back.

Well, you can just go and visit the moon-covering stalls, and Xiaohua and I will help you look after the stalls..."

Hua Zhenxing continued: "I will lend you a hundred Huanxiang coins first, so you can keep them when you go shopping. No matter how much you spend, we will calculate it together later. This is your first time here, and the situation is not familiar to you yet. Please let Yun Mo accompany you." Let’s go shopping together.”

Yun Mo said happily: "Senior, let me go shopping with you! I'm familiar with this place and come here often."

Yun Zhongxian changed his mind and nodded: "Thank you very much!"

Yun Mo accompanied Yun Zhongxian to visit the moon-covering stalls, while Hua Zhenxing and Manman stayed behind to help her look after the stalls. Hua Zhenxing took out two chairs. After sitting down, Manman didn't look anywhere else, only looked at Hua Zhenxing and smiled.

Hua Zhenxing: "What's wrong with you? Why do you always look at me and smile?"

Manman: "I admire you. You are simply the best certificate-issuing expert in the world throughout the ages! Even the disciples of Wangqing Tiangong who don't care about worldly affairs, you have applied for Yangyuan Master certificates, and they still say thank you to you."

Hua Zhenxing also burst into laughter when he heard this.

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