Enjoy the world

Chapter 600 Do you still remember that dream (Part 1)

What exactly is going on with this project needs to be explained from the beginning.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations with Xibao State, a delegation from Xibao Prefecture came to Huanxiang Tebang for inspection, and then hoped to cooperate with Huanxiang Industrial to build an oil fruit tree planting and processing base in Xibao Prefecture.

Need to introduce Xibao Prefecture. It is the largest state in Bao State with an area of ​​more than 2.5 million square kilometers, more than four times that of Kiri State. Its population is only about 2.5 million, less than that of Kiri State. A quarter of the land is vast and sparsely populated.

The Bag Country is an independent continent surrounded by oceans. West Bag State is located in the west of Bag Country, accounting for about one-third of the total area of ​​Bag Country. Its location is exactly in the westerly drifting belt, and the terrain in most areas is almost flat.

From the middle of the coastline to the inland basin, the climate of this vast area of ​​​​pocket terrain is very arid. It is a large area of ​​Gobi desert and is not suitable for survival at all.

During the colonial era, Bag Country was a place where Yin Country exiled criminals. The descendants of the colonists almost killed all the local indigenous people and then established this country. Even the criminals who were exiled back then were unwilling to settle in this desert in Nishibukuro Prefecture.

Today, more than two million residents of Nishibukuro Prefecture live in a few cities and small surrounding habitable areas. Most of the other areas within the territory are still desert.

However, West Bag Prefecture is the richest state in Bag Country, and even one of the richest regions in the world, because it is extremely rich in mineral resources, has a small population but a large number of resources.

Nishikyo Prefecture has no shortage of energy and is rich in coal and natural gas deposits. However, the entire country, including West Bagzhou, is very short of oil and needs to import a large amount of crude oil and crude oil products every year.

The purpose of Nishibukuro Prefecture's cooperation this time is to make up for this shortcoming. It is hoped that in the future it can at least solve the supply demand for power fuel and also meet the environmental protection requirements for reducing carbon emission indicators.

The population of Nishibukuro Prefecture itself is very small. If there is enough planting area of ​​oil fruit trees, it can not only meet the power and fuel needs of the prefecture, but also supply other parts of the country.

There are large areas of uninhabited wilderness in Nishibukuro Prefecture, but trees cannot be planted in those places. Places suitable for agricultural farming are owned lands that have already been developed, as well as some environmental protection zones that cannot be developed according to law.

Therefore, although the intention is there, the location of the base and the method of cooperation have not been reached yet.

The attitude of the West Pocket State Government is that if Huanxiang Industrial is interested in a place, it needs to go to the land owner to negotiate.

Either pay for cooperative planting, or directly acquire the land, or let the other party use the land as a stake. In short, if it is private land with an owner, Huanxiang Industrial needs to handle it by itself.

What the West Pocket State Government can provide is its promise to formulate relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection and provide policy subsidies and preferential policies.

The person in charge of negotiations for Huanxiang Industrial is Yi Bin. He was the director of the Planning Department of Huanxiang Industrial and is currently the director of Huanxiang Tebang Development Planning Committee. He is a newly promoted fourth-level Yangyuan master.

Yi Bin just wanted to curse. For a planting and processing base project, the Xibao Prefecture government neither provided investment nor settled the land, so why did it have the nerve to ask for cooperation?

Huanxiang Industrial solves the problems of capital, technology and personnel by itself, acquires land and completes all construction, just to provide power and fuel to the local area?

These people from Guangzhou are obviously coming to beg for food, but they still want Huanxiang Industrial to kneel down and kowtow. How can they be embarrassed? But they really mean it, and they mean it very much!

During the negotiation process, Yi Bin could clearly feel that the representatives of the Xibao State Government had a very arrogant attitude.

In their view, "inviting" Huanxiang Industrial to invest in the "civilized and advanced" Xibaodao Prefecture is already a great gift. This is due to Huanxiang Industrial's capital and technology.

Huanxiang Industrial should be grateful and obedient, try its best to handle things to their satisfaction, and should not bargain at all, because this means that they have finally gained "recognition from the civilized world."

Under normal circumstances, Yi Bin would just tell the other person to get lost. However, the top management of Huanxiang Industrial had instructions to let him continue the negotiation. Even if the negotiation could not be concluded for the time being, the negotiation should not collapse.

Yi Bin had no choice but to continue the conversation. The biggest disagreement between the two parties centered on the location selection. Yi Bin's bottom line is that the Xibao State Government provides a large enough land suitable for planting oil fruit trees, and Huanxiang Industrial can buy it at a suitable price.

The land suitable for planting oil fruit trees in Xibao Prefecture basically belongs to local farmers.

If Huanxiang Industrial were to purchase land from farmers of all sizes, not only would it cost a lot of money and energy, but it would also be an almost impossible task. It’s not like Huanxiang Industrial can survive when it’s full, so why would it want to go to such trouble?

However, the West Pocket State Government stated that according to its own laws, all private property is protected sacredly, and the government cannot force transactions. Huanxiang Industrial can only choose its own site and acquire it through the market.

Then Yi Bin might as well stop talking about it and put it off for now. Anyway, it's not like the talk is over. At this moment, Mo Shangtong returned to Yangyuan Valley.

The old man actually just came back from Bag Country. In his small courtyard, in front of Hua Zhenxing, he drew a place on the map.

It is located in the middle of the coastline of Nishibukuro Prefecture, extending from the seaside to the inland basin, which is a desolate no-man's land. There is only one road running along the coastline, and there are no cities along the way. Not to mention planting trees, not even grass can grow.

The area designated by Mo Shangtong is really not small. It is nearly 400 kilometers long from east to west and more than 200 kilometers wide from north to south. The total area is almost 100,000 square kilometers. It perfectly avoids all habitable zones. The settled population in the area is zero!

Hua Zhenxing was stunned, but he knew Uncle Mo, so he reacted quickly and asked immediately: "Do you have a reform plan?"

Mo Shangtong nodded, took out the laser holographic simulation sand table, and demonstrated some changes. What is displayed on the sand table is the landform of that area. Judging from the color marking, it is the Gobi Desert without a single river.

Then, in the inland area more than 100 kilometers away from the coastline, a north-south mountain range appeared. The visual length was more than 100 kilometers. Looking at the markings, the average height was also more than 400 meters.

The westerly wind blowing from the ocean direction forms convection over the mountains and brings rainfall, which is mainly concentrated on the east side of the mountains.

The structure of this mountain range or this mountain system is quite interesting. There are two parallel criss-crossing ridges in the middle, and there are diagonal ridges connecting the two in a zigzag or lightning shape. Rainfall forms two rivers.

These two rivers formed two lakes on the mountainside and on the plain at the foot of the mountain. The river on the west side eventually flows into the sea along the southern edge of the land. The river on the east side makes a big circle, bypassing the foot of the mountain and entering the sea on the north edge of the land.

Hua Zhenxing was shocked: "Uncle Mo, do you mean to create a mountain range? There will be a lake on the mountainside on the east and west sides, and two large lakes will be dug at the foot of the mountain in the distance?"

Mo Shangtong nodded: "I just provided a transformation plan. Once completed, it will be enough to set up four blue sky washing formations. By then, more than half of the land here can be planted with oil fruit trees.

Among the oil fruit trees, other vegetation can also be created and elixirs suitable for growth can be cultivated. Not only can it produce oil fruits, but it can also become the raw material base for Chunrong Dan.

The biggest advantage here is that there is no one here. The land belongs to the West Bag State Government. The legal procedures for acquisition are relatively simple. You can buy it as a whole in the name of Huanxiang Industrial.

This base is an internal park that belongs entirely to the investment company. You can build a living area and develop it into a city, and the residents are employees and family members of Huanxiang Industrial. "

Hua Zhenxing: "But can this mountain range be completed by human power?"

Mo Shangtong: "With the current engineering and technical capabilities of mankind, of course it can be completed. It is nothing more than a pile of long embankments and the simplest earthworks.

But the amount of work is very large, and if it were ancient people, it would take a long time. If you are a modern person, you will need huge investment and mobilize a large number of construction machinery and construction personnel.

I have calculated, collected data and used supercomputer simulations to verify that the best place to build mountains is 150 kilometers away from the coastline. To meet the requirements for changing rainfall conditions, the average height of the ridgeline must exceed 400 meters.

This is either a 400-meter-high building or a 400-meter-high mound. Have you seen the large lakes under the mountains on the east and west sides? They were formed by excavation of earth and rocks.

I designed the length of the mountain range to be 120 kilometers, but according to the calculation results, as long as the first phase of the project reaches a length of ten kilometers, stable precipitation conditions can be formed in the corresponding area.

Build these ten kilometers first and then take your time.

Simply piling earth and rocks to build mountains may cause problems with soil erosion and structural strength. Therefore, it is necessary to build a simple frame, such as a cage frame of a concrete structure, and fill it with earth and rocks to form a stable mountain.

In some special areas, monks' caves can also be designed.

What I just mentioned are conventional construction plans, which must be made and drawings produced. But the legendary monks with great supernatural powers have the ability to move mountains and fill seas, so it is always possible to create lakes and mountains, right?

In reality, due to the restrictions of the precepts, it is impossible to make such a movement. But Huanxiang Industrial has a third type of project, and you can put it to good use in a place like this. If you really want to do it, I can give it a try. "

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "Okay, I will try my best to implement your old plan."

Mo Shangtong turned to look at him with a solemn tone: "Are you really planning to do this?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "Of course it's true, otherwise it would be a failure of all your hard work."

Mo Shangtong: "I'm just telling you that there is such a place that can be transformed into this, but I'm not asking you to do it this way."

Hua Zhenxing: "I really don't have the ability now, but what about ten, thirty, or fifty years from now? Let's talk to the Xibao Prefecture government first. After we get this land, we can start small-scale construction in three or five years." Transformation.

Even if it takes more than ten years or decades to complete the first phase of the project you just demonstrated, create a ten-kilometer-long mountain range, change the local climate, and create a small watershed ecological area.

In your old plan, you designed four large Blue Sky Washing Formations. If I want to build ninety-nine blue sky washing formations, it will definitely not be enough to just use the existing place in Huanxiang Tebang. "

Mo Shangtong: "It took you ten years to build two blue sky washing formations, ninety-nine. Do you want to use them for hundreds of years?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If you think about Te Bang's existing territory, even if all the transformation is completed, it is only suitable for building eleven blue sky washing formations. This is the result of the survey you led, and the location selection and transformation plan for the formation are also Provided by your old team.

It took me ten years to complete two blue sky washing formations, and I plan to use another ten years to complete the remaining nine blue sky washing formations. Next, we need to find another place, even if it takes five hundred years.

This is not something I can do alone, nor is it something this generation can accomplish. "

Mo Shangtong narrowed his eyes slightly: "I have seen old monsters in the world who can live five hundred years. The demon refining gourd Ding Qi gave you, the demon kings suppressed in it are on average eight hundred years old.

But why are you obsessed with building ninety-nine blue sky-washing formations? Is it because you got ninety-nine Demon King Mysterious Pearls in the Demon Refining Gourd? "

Hua Zhenxing shook his head: "This has nothing to do with the Demon Refining Gourd. As you know, I once had a dream about the world five hundred years from now. It was both absurd and fascinating.

In that world, Huanxiang Country's annual output of Chunrong Pill was close to three million boxes. If that were the case, I'm afraid it would take ninety-nine Blue Sky Washing Formations to guarantee it. "

Mo Shangtong: "Have you not understood what happened with Zeng Huairong?"

This sentence is very abrupt. Why does it involve Zeng Huairong inexplicably? Hua Zhenxing was puzzled. He bowed his head obediently and said, "Please give me some advice!"

Mo Shangtong: "With your current cultivation level and experience, you should already understand what that dream is about.

The you in the dream is not the you five hundred years later, but the fifteen-year-old you at that time. The world in the dream is not the world five hundred years from now, it is just the vision in your heart at that time.

But the world on earth will not run just because of your will, and things in this world are not your business alone. You have done enough and well enough, but you can never satisfy everyone's vision, including your own.

Haven't you done enough for Zeng Huairong? You gave her everything she dreamed of, but she will still steal your Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill and try to kidnap you for moral reasons. Can you give everyone the inexhaustible Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill?

Even if you have this ability, where is the fate?

Having a vision and working hard to create beauty in the world is the right thing to do. But if that dream becomes your obsession and you have to realize it even if you don’t have the ability, even if you are divorced from reality, then it is no longer a sweet dream.

For spiritual practice, if dreams turn into obsessions, placing one's personal will over the world, claiming that one's thoughts are clear, but not realizing that it is a sign of being possessed.

A monk must go through the calamity of elixir and fire to break through the three realms, and the calamity of demon realm to break through the fourth realm. However, the test of practice runs through the whole process. It does not mean that your cultivation level is higher, so you will not go crazy. Zeng Huairen has gone crazy, what about you?

Do you really understand what Yue Gaole said to you? "

Hua Zhenxing broke into a thin sweat, but still lowered his head and said, "Thank you for waking me up. In fact, I already understand that I am no longer attached to that dream.

I understand what I can do and what I should do. In fact, in my dream, I never went to study abroad in the Eastern Kingdom, nor did I dream about the Demon Refining Gourd and the Blue Sky Washing Formation.

I'm not trying to make things conform to my dreams, I'm just wondering if the world could be a better place, or at least more vibrant, for everyone.

At least this project is what I can do and what I should do. If I can't do it, it's because I haven't had the right time or I don't have the ability, but it doesn't go against heaven's will or humanity.

You must also support it, otherwise the design plan would not be completed. "

Mo Shangtong finally smiled: "Lao Yang and I are different. He taught you the way of frugality and kindness, valuing yourself without harming others. But if the world is not harmonious, how can people in the world be kind to themselves?

Lao Yang said that if everyone was like him, nothing would happen in the world. So Xiao Ke scolded him, if he couldn't educate, how could everyone be like Yang Tehong? If everyone is like Yang Tehong, who will teach them?

People who seek self-interest often don’t know that benefiting others can also benefit themselves, and they should do things that are mutually beneficial. I'm not like Xiao Ke either. I don't argue but do things well..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Hua Zhenxing heard two more cold snorts, and suddenly felt bad in his heart. He turned around and saw that Old Man Yang and Mr. Ke appeared together, both with excited expressions on their faces.

Is this another quarrel? Hua Zhenxing hurried over and saluted: "Mr. Yang, Madam, you two are back too? It's so rare that you are both here. I'm just going to get a table of food and two bottles of good wine."

Ke Mengchao: "Don't be busy yet, it's not lunch time yet!"

Yang Tehong: "Oh, this sand table is well made! You are the only one who is very capable and good at work, but I have nothing to do?"

Mo Shangtong did not continue, but pointed to the sand table on the table and said, "Did you all hear what Xiaohua said just now?"

Yang Tehong: "Don't talk about Xiaohua, I'm talking about you!"

Mo Shangtong: "But what I'm talking about is Xiaohua's matter. Let's not quarrel here. Let's look at this 120-kilometer mountain range. How can we do it?"

Yang Tehong: "You can do it, just go ahead and create it!"

Mo Shangtong: "Don't you want to compete?"

Yang Tehong's beard stood up: "Competition? If we really do it, the two of you combined will be nothing."

Ke Mengchao looked cross-eyed and said, "How can you say something that is untested?"

Mo Shangtong: "While we are alive, we must not act or speak rashly. But this is Xiaohua's destiny. You can use Xiaohua's method. I also learned a trick from Xiaohua recently."

Yang Tehong: "Xiaohua learned from me, and you learned from Xiaohua, so you also learned from me."

Ke Mengchao: "Are you the only one who has taught Xiaohua?"

Yang Tehong twirled his beard and said: "Chun Yuantang has done a good job, mainly because of my old man's inspiration. I don't know how many ninth-level monks can show up in this world, and everyone is gesticulating about this opportunity.

Isn’t it just one hundred and twenty kilometers of mountains? It can’t be done in just a few months! "

Upon hearing this, Hua Zhenxing quickly waved his hands and said, "No, you can't do this! Within a few months, a 120-kilometer-long mountain range appeared out of thin air, and everyone knew something was wrong.

This is not just a blatant casting of spells that shocks the world, but a display of miracles. At any rate, it doesn’t matter if it takes a little longer until I prepare all the external conditions and give you a cover, I’m not in that rush..."

Hua Zhenxing has understood the plan of the three elderly people, which is to follow his approach at Chun Yuantang and turn that place into an internet celebrity check-in place.

The check-in project is mountain building, but the mountain builders who are qualified to take action are at least Nine Realm monks.

This plan was formulated by Mo Shangtong. Uncle Mo has always been a ruthless person and doesn't talk much. If he can take action, he won't make too much noise. According to what the old man meant, he wanted to find an opportunity to compare notes with Old Man Yang and Master Ke.

If these three old men were to fight, it would definitely be earth-shattering, so it was impossible to do it directly. So Uncle Mo drew a path, which was the mountain range. He could make a pattern and build a section of it.

Old Man Yang and Master Ke also created a section respectively. Ordinary people may not understand who's method is better, but experts like them can naturally understand.

Of course Old Man Yang is not afraid, and he also said that he would invite a few old friends to observe and let everyone try it out, or that monks from all nine realms in the world can come here to prove it.

Old man Yang claimed that it could be done in a few months, which was more or less an exaggeration. But looking at it from another angle, this is not about building a cave-sky barrier. It is just digging earth and rocks from the flat ground to pile up mountains. It is just a huge amount of work.

What is really a bit technical is to create a skeleton similar to a concrete frame structure for this mountain range in order to prevent soil erosion, wear and tear and mountain collapse.

In addition, for the monks' interest, a number of practice caves can be built in certain locations in the mountains to serve as hermit monasteries for future Yuan Valley disciples.

What Uncle Mo means is that they have even done all these projects by themselves. The mountain skeleton does not need to be made of concrete, but is condensed with great supernatural powers, and the caves in the mountain on the design are also built in one piece.

Will this plan succeed? Huazhenxing alone would definitely not be able to handle it, but if the three old men joined forces, they might be able to succeed. What Huazhenxing was worried about was something else.

Regardless of whether the idea of ​​​​finishing it in a few months is an exaggeration, don’t do it so fast anyway. Waiting for Huazhen to buy that area first, and after the investment project has been implemented, the engineering team can be dispatched to provide cover.

Anyway, when the time comes to circle the place, Huanxiang Industrial can claim how many engineering and technical personnel it has hired, how many state-of-the-art large-scale construction machinery it has used, how many years it has been repaired, and so on.

It would be better to also make a documentary, which is to build the mountains in the conventional way. The documentary shows one section, even if it is only a few kilometers, but it records the complete construction process.

After hearing Hua Zhenxing's opinion, Uncle Mo was happy: "Then just do it! We just talked about a possibility. As for whether this possibility exists, it depends on how you create the conditions."

Hua Zhenxing: "Okay, I know what's going on. I'm going to cook first."

Yi Bin received the latest instructions and launched a new round of negotiations with the West Bag State Government. Yi Bin first told the other party that Mr. Feng Zibin would set up an environmental protection fund and buy an entire desert in Xibao Prefecture in the name of the fund.

Representatives of the West Bag State Government were surprised because this land had no conditions for planting at all and the area was too large! But Yi Bin insisted that this was the prerequisite for project cooperation, otherwise there would be no need to talk anymore.

The land purchased by this fund will be provided to Huanxiang Industrial to build an oil fruit tree planting base.

The other party asked how Huanxiang Industrial wanted to build it? Yi Bin matter-of-factly provided a piece of information, including a documentary.

This documentary records in detail the construction process of the Fesuogang Agricultural Reclamation Zone from scratch. It was originally an uninhabited wilderness and the Beiluo River did not exist, but now it is full of vitality...

Then he used a laser holographic simulation sand table to demonstrate the general renovation plan, mainly the first phase of the project that Uncle Mo mentioned, and stated that it was the result of a supercomputer simulation, which made the representatives of the Xibao Prefecture government dumbfounded.

Not to mention follow-up plans, it is just the first phase of the project, an artificial mountain range of ten kilometers long and more than 400 meters high. Can Huanxiang Industrial handle such a large amount of work? One representative who was not very knowledgeable even asked - Is this a project that humans can currently build?

Yi Bin didn't explain much, but played another documentary for them, Dongguo's South-to-North Water Diversion Project.

The amount of work required to build this mountain range in the desert is huge, but it is the simplest civil engineering project. Its scale and difficulty are orders of magnitude worse than the Dongguo South-to-North Water Diversion Project!

The negotiation process on the surface is like this, and it is all recorded, but in private there are still some details that have not been made public.

For example, Mr. Feng Zibin promised that starting from 2033, the Chunrong Dan quota provided to Xibao Prefecture will be doubled every year based on the current quota, reaching ten times the level in ten years, but the price will drop to ten times today. one.

In other words, by 2042, residents of Nishibukuro Prefecture can generally buy ten times the amount of Chunrong Dan at the same price. This was originally the plan agreed between Huazhen Bank and Yue Gaole to increase production and reduce prices, but Nishibukuro Prefecture did not know about it.

Another background needs to be introduced here. The sales of Chunrong Dan are represented by Yue Gaole. It has become a resource in the hands of Gaole, with certain quotas for each country and region.

Chun Rong Dan has long been a familiar, accepted and desired product among the "high-ranking people" in Seibukuro Prefecture. Anyone who can afford it wants to get it, but unfortunately the quantity is too small.

A tenfold increase in quotas is certainly something they want, and a reduction in price to one-tenth of the original price is a good thing that they have never dreamed of.

West Bag Prefecture has a small population, but it is the richest region in Bag Country, with an annual per capita income of more than 500,000 Dongguo coins.

If the price of each box of Chun Yong Dan drops to NT$2 million in more than ten years, even if income growth is not taken into account, it will become an affordable product for middle-income families. It depends on whether it can be purchased.

Representatives of the West Bag State government proposed during the negotiations that this land could be provided to Huanxiang Industrial for free, as long as Huanxiang Industrial could complete environmental transformation and produce tree diesel as planned within twenty years.

As for 20 years later, as long as Huanxiang Industrial can ensure continuous production of tree diesel and supply it exclusively to Xibao State, it can continue to use this land indefinitely and be exempted from land holding tax.

However, Yi Bin did not agree with this "conditional free use" plan and insisted on purchasing the land in the name of the environmental protection fund under Feng Zibin's name and in accordance with normal legal procedures.

The Xibao State Government can give you a preferential price, but this process must be followed. This point is not negotiable, otherwise Huanxiang Industrial would not dare to make such a large-scale investment.

As for the land holding tax, it should be exempted according to the laws of the country according to the purpose, but both parties should sign a clear agreement.

Yi Yongbin also requires that the project company established by Huanxiang Industrial Investment can hire its own personnel and have independent entry and exit management rights.

Such a large project requires the long-term participation of a large number of people. Nishibukuro Prefecture certainly cannot provide it locally. Most of the construction workers come from overseas and travel frequently in and out of the country.

Even after the renovation project is completed, the planting, maintenance, harvesting and processing of oil fruit trees will still require a large number of people. The project company has the discretion to decide who to hire, issue work visas and grant residency rights to them.

It was this condition that got stuck again in the negotiations, and the West Pocket State Government could not agree to it.

So Feng Zibin showed up in person and made a promise through Gao Le, which was in exchange for an increase in the quota of Chunrong Dan and a decrease in price. People make decisions, so people can communicate and negotiations can continue to advance.

According to the final agreement, as long as the relevant personnel do not leave the internal scope of the planting base, that is, the 100,000 square kilometers of land, the project company can have the authority to manage entry, exit, and residence rights.

For specific methods, the Xibao Prefecture government can entrust the project company to set up a special office to handle the matter in accordance with local laws.

The negotiation process lasted more than a year, and then the environmental protection fund set up by Feng Zibin purchased the 100,000 square kilometers of land at one time for a total price of tens of billions of gold. This price seems very cheap, and it is simply a bargain in Nishibukuro Prefecture.

But there is an important factor to consider. It is an uninhabited desert with no grass growing on it, and no mineral resources have been explored. It originally had no development value.

Huanxiang Industrial bought it on the condition that it builds a tree diesel industry base here, which requires a heavy investment, and the tree diesel products will be exclusively supplied to Nishibukuro Prefecture.

If the construction is successful, Nishibaozhou will make money in vain. If the construction fails, it will only be a loss for Huanxiang Industrial. At that time, the project company will only go bankrupt, and then Xibaodou Prefecture will be disposed of according to bankruptcy procedures.

This project will take many years to operate. First, an agreement is reached, and by the time the land transaction is completed, it will be the second half of 2031. Hua Zhenxing has entered the fifth grade of college, and he is finally in the graduating class!

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