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Chapter 598 Unheard of since ancient times

The Wind Ring Fan and the Nine-turn Purple Gold Pill were returned to Yangyuan Valley and placed in the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation. The director of the institute, Fan Da Ke, wrote an inspection, made a self-criticism, and was punished. The benefits he was supposed to receive this year are gone, including a box of Chunrong Pills.

The Alchemy Research Laboratory has adjusted its layout, and the application and use procedures for the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Array have also been re-stipulated. In short, this is to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation is now mainly used by instructors to practice elixirs and refine various elixirs. It is also occasionally used to refine Chunrong Pills.

Nowadays, outside of Yangyuan Valley, the Chunrong Pills refined in the various Blue Sky Washing Formations are products of Huanxiang Industrial and are exclusively for sale; within Yangyuan Valley, the Chunrong Pills refined by the Alchemy Research Laboratory are It is a sect property and is mainly used to provide benefits to the instructors.

There is a fact, and the fate is clear. It is not that Hua Zhenxing has not saved people with the Nine Turns Purple Golden Pill, but he has saved many people.

Without the Nine-turn Purple Gold Pill, there would be no Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation; and without the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation, the earliest Chunrong Pill could not be refined, and there would be no Blue Sky Washing Formation that was improved on this basis.

The sales revenue of Chunrong Dan is an important source of income for Huanxiang Industrial. Labor creates wealth, and the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation was once the most important labor tool for Hua Zhenxing and others.

Revolution requires purpose and strong organization. All of this comes at a cost and requires the support of an economic base.

After the liberation of various places, institutional construction and social transformation...the improvement of education and medical and health conditions require more economic capabilities. The Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill came into the hands of Hua Zhenxing and was transformed into a production tool, which can be said to be a living thing for countless people.

Even today, who can say that the various elixirs refined in the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Array cannot be life-saving elixirs?

There is a saying that Hua Zhenxing asked Yue Gao Le three times, but Yue Gao Le did not answer directly. Why did the mastermind behind the scenes use that method to plot against him?

However, Yue Gao Le intentionally or unintentionally brought up the topic of Patriarch Zhengyi's ordination to hint at Hua Zhenxing.

Patriarch Zhengyi established the Sanxing Precepts at that time, which prohibited monks from pretending to be gods and ghosts, so that monks could be distinguished from living ghosts and gods.

What did Huazhenxing do today?

Disciples of Yangyuan Valley became growers of oil fruit trees, producers of Chunrong Dan, and compulsory education instructors of Yangyuan Shu in various schools.

Tree fruit oil and spring beauty pills are all secular commodities, and the target of compulsory education is all citizens of the appropriate age in the Kingdom of Jili and Huanxiangte.

While Hua Zhenxing led all Yang Yuangu disciples to accomplish these things, he actually did not violate the Sanxing Precepts. On the basis of the Sanxing Precepts, he cooperated with the Gambisting and Kunlun sects, attracting more and more people. External monks are involved.

Even Patriarch Zhengyi back then could not completely de-enchant monks and practice like Hua Zhenxing!

Nutrients and nut breeders, like certified public accountants and psychological counselors, actually have qualification certificates. Monks are not only different from ghosts and gods, but they are also leaders, colleagues, teachers, classmates, neighbors, friends, and family members around us.

Of course, it can also be everyone's own.

If what Patriarch Zhengyi did was an internal rectification of the original system, then what Hua Zhenxing did was a breakthrough in the upgrading of the system, a breakthrough to another dimension of change.

How much resistance Patriarch Zhengyi and his colleagues encountered back then can be seen just by looking at the bones of the demon king in the demon refining pot. How could Hua Zhenxing have no enemies?

So far, Hua Zhenxing's cultivation is still far behind that of Patriarch Zhengyi. The reason why he is able to achieve his success is because he was born in a special era and a special place.

At the beginning, almost no one knew about and paid attention to the Kingdom of Jili. It was far away from the influence of the Kunlun League and Gambistine, and also far away from the activities of traditional monks.

Xiao Guang and other three brothers have been in Jili Kingdom for more than 20 years with the Fixed Wind Panmao, and no one has ever bothered them. Whether it is the spiritual world or the secular world, the presence of the major traditional forces here is very weak and almost non-existent.

On the other hand, there have always been experts who have been guiding Huazhen's behavior, and there have been experts who have provided timely help and protection. For example, Mr. Feng gave him a wind ring fan.

The significance of the wind ring fan is not only to build the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation, but also to warn certain people not to cause trouble. Mei Yeshi later took advantage of the situation and "lent" him the Talisman of Keeping Righteousness, which further showed the Kunlun Alliance's attitude.

Only a stupid young man like Zeng Huairong would steal something like a wind ring fan.

After all, the commotion caused by Hua Zhenxing cannot be hidden, but when many people wake up, the situation in Yangyuan Valley has been established. It is already very difficult to deal with him, and it is even impossible to use fair and honest means.

That's why the mastermind behind the scenes does that, but Huazhen is quick and ruthless.

Hua Zhenxing wanted to re-establish the common punishment, which was smoother than imagined, but also more difficult than imagined. First of all, on the good side, he somewhat underestimated his current influence.

Although Hua Zhenxing's own cultivation level is only in the "merely" seventh realm, he has made a huge commotion in the cultivation world, and his network resources have even exceeded the imagination of many traditional monks.

There is no need for him to personally come forward and connect people everywhere. First of all, Manman is responsible for informing members all over the world through the channels of the International Yangyuan Shu Association, the causes and consequences of the "Stealing Fan Incident" and Hua Zhenxing's thoughts.

Manman is only twenty-five years old this year, but she is already a Dacheng monk. She has been a leader for many years and is very good at handling such matters.

She chose to lower her stance, trying to avoid the impression that Yang Yuan Gu was trying to "order" the monks all over the world. Although today's Yangyuan Valley is powerful, its qualifications are still young and it has attracted a lot of criticism. So be as humble as possible.

So this seems to be an internal announcement from an international association, reminding all members to pay attention to similar incidents, and to start discussions and solicit opinions.

Since the discussion was soliciting opinions, anyone could share their thoughts, so the person involved, Hua Zhenxing, also shared his own thoughts and attached them to the notice.

The members of the international association are divided into two categories: unit members and individual members.

Unit members are units that are authorized to organize internal training on the art of cultivating themselves. To put it bluntly, they are the major cultivation and inheritance sects, including Gambistine and various magician organizations.

Individual members are divided into two categories. The first category is those who have applied to participate in the Yangyuan Master qualification assessment at local Yangyuan Skill Centers, international associations and local branches, and obtained certificates at all levels.

The largest number of people in this category is all Yangyuan masters with qualification certificates, and of course all Yangyuan Valley disciples.

The second category of individual members are the inheritors of the Yangyuan Technique among the disciples of each sect who have obtained the fourth realm and above. According to the regulations of Yangyuan Valley, they need to apply separately to obtain authorization and complete registration procedures.

With modern and convenient communication methods, they can be contacted at any time as long as they are not retreating in a deep cave.

As long as the news is sent to unit members and individual members, basically everyone in the entire practice community, including the magician group, will know about it.

This may not be the most significant event in the spiritual world in recent years, but it is definitely the most eye-catching news, and it is quite the focus of traffic in the secular world.

Many people participated in the dissemination and discussion of the incident with the mentality of watching the excitement, and even gloated a little. Yangyuan Valley, which has been unparalleled in recent years, can actually produce such a big melon.

No one knows the identity of the mastermind behind Hua Zhenxing, but his "person" has become famous all over the world along with his deeds. Some people even gave him a codename of "Rattlesnake".

The news went astray. I don't know who made the guess, or someone was deliberately trying to confuse the situation. The rumor turned out to be that this person was a demon cultivator, and his original body was a rattlesnake.

In the process of spreading hot events, such derivative rumors are often inevitable. The discussion was quite lively at one time, and some people even went to look for the Rattlesnake Demon, while others went to the Ten Thousand Transformations Sect to inquire about the situation.

The Wan Bian Sect even had to speak. According to the situation of demon cultivators in the world that it has grasped, no rattlesnake has yet been found to become a demon. Yangyuan Valley even issued a clarification notice in a timely manner, and there was no clue that the man behind the incident was the rattlesnake demon.

These are all nonsense. What is really important is that the monks from various sects and sects have severely condemned the behavior of "Rattlesnake" and expressed their willingness to help Yangyuan Valley track down its clues.

At the same time, Hua Zhenxing’s proposal has also been widely recognized by the spiritual community. Almost everyone believes that "plotting one monk against another monk by killing his innocent family members" also violates the precept of sharing the punishment.

To say that this matter is difficult to do means that re-establishing the precept of common punishment requires a process. In order for it to become a common vow among monks all over the world, obtaining broad consensus is only a prerequisite.

In fact, it was not until the 21st year after the incident, that is, in 2051, when the 60th Zhengyi Sanshan Meeting was held that the joint punishment order was officially established.

It was on this day that a strange thing happened in Yangyuan Valley. There was an outstanding young disciple who had obtained the sixth-level instructor certificate in his early twenties, but he suddenly disappeared in front of his fellow disciples.

According to Hua Zhenxing's inference, this person was probably the incarnation of a certain Yang God created by the mastermind behind the scenes. He practiced the art of Yang Yuan as an ordinary person and worshiped in Yang Yuan Valley. He had no idea what his plans were, but he failed to succeed.

As for the actual facts, no one can confirm... These are things for later, let’s not mention them for now.

Although the process of establishing a new joint execution is a bit long, as long as Yang Yuan Gu starts to promote it, it will be difficult for the man behind the scenes to stop it, even if he kills Hua Zhenxing himself.

It is impossible for Yangyuan Valley to be busy only with this matter. In fact, during this period, most Yangyuan Valley disciples were busy planting trees.

If you don't count Gambistine and just look at the number of people, Yangyuan Valley should be the largest sect in the world now. This does not include Gambistine. Its target should be the Kunlun Alliance.

By the second half of 2030, when Hua Zhenxing entered his senior year, there were more than 5,000 monks at the fourth level and above in Yangyuan Valley, and more than 20,000 disciples at the third level, but Hua Zhenxing was still short of manpower.

High-end talents are always in short supply no matter where they are, not to mention a special group like monks. Whiteboard monks are also monks!

But Hua Zhenxing also knows in his heart that although the scale of Yangyuan Master will continue to grow, the speed will slow down. Because the population base of Jili State and Huanxiang Te State is only so large, the training capacity of the Yangyuan Technique Center is also limited.

In fact, the reason why there are so many disciples in the fourth realm and above is largely due to the participation of casual cultivators from all over the world, especially Kunlun casual cultivators.

On the other hand, almost all of the more than 20,000 Third Realm disciples were trained internally by Yangyuan Valley through various Yangyuan Technique centers.

The next training plan for Yangyuan Masters will mainly be implemented through citizen education in a slow and steady manner, gradually reaching a relatively stable proportion in the population base.

The influence of Yangyuan Valley has also made another "industry" popular, which is the training of Yangyuan skills. Yangyuan Valley has tried its best to expand the scale of training through the Yangyuan Shu Association, but it still cannot meet the demand.

The first external training classes at all levels established by the International Yangyuan Shu Association were located in Bikong Lake. Later, a training center was also built in the area of ​​Qiyue Lake, and the hardware facilities were greatly expanded.

But the biggest problem right now is also the lack of people. Many tutors have gone to plant trees. Middle schools in Jiliguo and Huanxiangtebang also need to train tutors. The number of teachers in the training classes is very tight.

Yangyuan skills training is different in nature from various cram schools in the world. It is a guide for practice. The instructor must be serious and responsible. Not only cannot it be perfunctory, but there cannot even be any negligence.

Currently, the International Association has opened entry-level to third-level training courses in four places: Bikong Lake and Moon Lake in Huanxiangte State, Baihua Mountain on the outskirts of Pingjing in Dongguo, and Brussels in Belize.

The earliest training course lasted for one month, and was later revised to forty-nine days.

Among them, entry-level training classes have the largest number. A total of 30 classes can be opened simultaneously in various places, with 50 people in each class, which means that up to 1,500 people can be trained at the same time. A maximum of five sessions are held each year, and the annual number of trainees reaches 7,500.

According to the results of tracking statistics, the entry rate of students is currently up to about one-sixth. The so-called entry rate does not only refer to entry during the training period, but the rate of students who have entered and become junior cultivators since receiving training.

This ratio is already quite high!

In the dream that Hua Zhenxing had ten years ago, Huan Xiangguo, which appeared inexplicably, has implemented universal compulsory education in Yuan Yuan Shu, and the success rate of training first-level Yuan Yuan masters is about one-third.

This data is only an absolutely ideal situation. In reality, I am afraid we can only dream about it.

On the surface, the Yuan Yuan Shu training courses are expensive. Each of the four training courses from entry level to level three lasts forty-nine days, and the fees are all 600,000 Dongguo currency.

But it is not a secular calligraphy and painting hobby class, but an introductory guidance class for spiritual practice. Before the emergence of Yangyuan Valley, no one could have such an opportunity no matter how much money they spent.

Moreover, its age limit is very loose, and anyone aged over 16 but under 60 can apply. When traditional sects select disciples, they will only look for young people with outstanding talents and will never waste time on adults with mediocre talents.

What's even more rare is that the training course has no qualification requirements, only a true physical examination report and good health, so more and more applicants are signing up.

Entry-level training, one hundred and fifty classes are held every year, and the training targets are ordinary people who have not yet started.

First-level training, thirty classes are opened every year, and the training targets are those who have obtained the first-level Yangyuan Skill certificate. For level two training, twenty classes are opened each year; for level three training, only two classes are opened each year.

From entry-level to third-level, all training classes total 202 per year, training from ordinary people to third-level Yuan Yuan masters, a total of 10,000 people, and the total training fee income is 6.06 billion Dongguo currency.

This income is actually not much, and is mainly used for tutor subsidies. Not only the instructors of the external training classes need subsidies, but also the Yangyuan skills instructors sent to the middle schools in Kilili Kingdom and Huanxiangte State.

From the student's perspective, an optimal situation can be assumed.

An ordinary person, starting from participating in an entry-level training class, can successfully break through the realm every time during the training period, and then smoothly transition to the next level training class, spending 2.4 million Dongguo currency and almost 200 days to achieve Can become a Four Realm monk!

Is this possible? Of course it's fine in theory, but in reality it's even more exaggerated. But for most people, it’s better not to have such a dream. It would be good to get started.

This situation has really happened since the opening of the Yang Yuan Shu training class, but there is only one case so far.

This student's name is Zheng Zhengzhi, who is from Dongguo. He is twenty-four years old this year. Old man Yang introduced him. It is said that he is a descendant of one of his friends.

When Zheng Zhongzhi graduated from his bachelor's degree at the age of twenty-two, he came to Bikong Lake to participate in the training of Yangyuan Technique, and achieved corresponding breakthroughs in each level of training class.

When he was twenty-three years old, that is, last year, before the third-level training class ended, he had successfully broken through the fourth realm and became an intermediate Yuan Yuan Technique instructor.

Zheng Zhengzhi went from an ordinary person to a Four Realm monk in just one year through the Yangyuan Technique training class.

Why not two hundred days? Because the four different levels of training courses he participated in had intervals between start times and were not connected immediately.

Zheng Zhengzhi then joined Yangyuan Valley, became a disciple of Yangyuan Valley, worked at the Chunrong Dan Center, and planned to study at Fesuogang University for graduate school in the future.

Why didn't he go to graduate school immediately? Because according to the teaching plan of the University of African Solo, graduate students will not be recruited until two years later, in 2032, which coincides with the graduation of the first batch of undergraduate freshmen such as Hua Zhenxing.

There is only one case of a student like Zheng Zhongzhi, but this case is enough to prove a lot of things.

The association's training classes cover teaching, but they don't cover skills. No one can guarantee a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation. Even most students will not break through, but many people still try their best to squeeze in.

Even if they can't get started with cultivation, they can still make connections and resources.

But looking at it from another perspective, if Yangyuan Valley holds such external training courses on Yangyuan skills through international associations, isn't it also building a larger network of human resources? At the same time, it is also spreading the cultivation concepts and values ​​of Yangyuan Valley.

Many students in the entry-level training class are the relatives and nephews of monks and magicians from all over the world. Many of the students in the first to third level training classes are simply disciples of various sects.

Many people have already joined various major sects, have their own secret method inheritance, and have already started to practice, but this does not prevent them from making a special trip to practice the art of cultivating the essence.

If we look at it from another angle, the forty-nine-day training costs NT$600,000, and the quota is very tight and it is getting harder and harder to apply. So for ordinary people, is there an easier way?

Yes, of course there is, and it’s public! Every middle school in Kilili Country has training courses on Yangyuan Technique, and it is completely free and compulsory education, with a training period of up to five years.

If you can arrange for your child to go to middle school in Jili Country, it will be a huge advantage, and it is a much-coveted fate!

The majority of Kunlun monks, including many small sect monks, prefer to arrange for their children to attend middle school in Huan Xiang Te Bang, because this place is almost the same as the towns in the Eastern Kingdom.

The education system of New Guinea has been completely reconstructed and reformed. Compulsory education is a kind of civic education and is only provided to citizens of the country's school age. Foreign children who want to attend public schools in their home countries need to meet a series of conditions.

His parents must first obtain special visas from the state and district government to live and work here for a long time. The one that can provide this condition is Huanxiang Industrial.

Huanxiang Tebang is undergoing large-scale construction and is in need of a large number of construction talents. As a result, many people became employees of Huanxiang Industrial, and many casual cultivators even joined Yangyuan Valley.

Have you ever seen a school built in just one month? It is the No. 1 Middle School of New Fesoport City. Not only has the school building been completely completed and various teaching facilities installed in place, but even the big trees on the campus have been planted, as if they had grown there originally.

Not only was the middle school built, but three supporting primary schools nearby were also built. This is the third type of project of Huanxiang Industrial, but the main construction personnel are not disciples of Yangyuan Valley, but monks and magicians from all over the world.

They come to Huanxiang Tebang to work and their children will go to school here.

When Fesuogang University started school after the summer vacation, Ding Qi once again borrowed the Demon Refining Gourd and "transported" a thousand freshmen from the Five Heart Valley of the East Kingdom to register, and had another exchange with Hua Zhenxing.

The Jingfeng Building in Luohu Wetland has almost become Huazhenxing’s special place for entertaining guests. Here, we cook a table of dishes and treat Teacher Ding to a drink. Manman also came specially from Bikong Lake to entertain Hua Zhenxing.

Hua Zhenxing introduced the latest situation in Yangyuan Valley, especially the "stealing fan incident", which has been widely circulated in the spiritual world recently. Ding Qi fully agreed with Hua Zhenxing's response and expressed his full support.

After three rounds of drinking, Ding Qi continued: "I have been shopping around the area these days, not only to Yangyuan Valley, but also to various places in Huanxiang Tebang. The changes are changing with each passing day.

Especially the Yangyuan Technique training class, which is something that has never been heard of since ancient times! I want to send a few disciples to participate in training. No matter what level of cultivation they are, they will all start from the entry-level training class. "

Manman: "Teacher Ding's disciples will be given priority by us. You just need to say hello in advance... Where do you want to send them for training? Baihua Mountain should be the most convenient place."

Ding Qi: "If you just practice the art of cultivation, you can do it at Fangwaimen, but this is a different opportunity. I want to send them all to Moon Covering Lake so that they can witness everything that is happening here. It is best to return There’s an opportunity to be involved.”

Manman smiled and said: "No problem, we will make arrangements."

Ding Qi: "I can't ask for your help in vain. I brought two things today that Elder Tan recently figured out. They may be helpful for your training."

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