Enjoy the world

Chapter 592 Who can’t be the protagonist yet?

"The Third Huanxiang Habitat Award Ceremony? That will happen in half a month." Hua Zhenxing listened to Yue Gao Le's reminder and leaned over to pour another drink for him.

It was January 5th, less than a week after Morrison was "assassinated", and the foreign affairs department of the Kingdom of Gila had just received the news from the Country of Bag, and the appointment with Gaule came quickly enough!

Not only did Gao Le arrive quickly, but he was also well-informed. It has been found out that the US Intelligence Agency "handled" Morrison. Now many people are speculating that it was probably an agent from China.

Yue Gaole said with a smile: "Just because time is urgent, I came to you immediately. I obviously have good intentions, but you actually thought that I came here for a meal!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You're just kidding! Why are you so polite to me? Come over whenever you want, and you'll be entertained with good wine and good food... By the way, do you know the other party's detailed plan?"

Yue Gaole rolled his eyes: "Am I shameless? Why can I come to you if I don't find out clearly?"

How and where does the US Intelligence Agency plan to arrest Feng Zibin? Yue Gaole's investigation was very clear, as if he was personally involved in the conspiracy, and even knew the identities and tasks of the relevant personnel.

Since Feng Zibin is difficult to find, and the only time and place where he can be sure of his appearance is during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, they initially planned to start in Ruishi Country, with two alternative plans: Bag Country and Yin Country.

After some discussions, the location of the attack was finally determined to be Yin State, because it was the most convenient place, and Yin State had just officially established diplomatic relations with Kilili State.

On what charge was he taken away? U.S. intelligence services have prepared three charges. The first charge is to steal U.S. state secrets, mainly referring to the biogenetic technology involved in the tree diesel project.

The second charge is for the alleged murder of Morrison, the former leader of the country's government-in-exile. Why Gao Le was able to find out that the murderer behind Morrison's assassination was the US Intelligence Agency was because of this clue.

If they killed the person and arranged the scene, they would naturally be able to leave a lot of framed evidence. They could even arrange false accusation witnesses and claim at the appropriate time that Feng Zibin was behind the incident. .

As for why Feng Zibin wanted to assassinate Morrison, there are many reasons. Feng Zibin has to explain it himself, and it is also left to the news media to speculate and arrange.

The third accusation is that Feng Zibin violated the receptionist. The accuser could be a staff member during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, or it could be the room service staff after Feng Zibin checked into the hotel after arriving in Yinguo.

Anyway, the people were arranged by the US intelligence agency. In order to disgust Feng Zibin, they could even be male or female. As long as Feng Zibin was alone in the same space with him, he could be accused later.

This trick may sound familiar, but it doesn't matter how old the routine is, as long as it works.

At that time, the local police will take Feng Zibin away for investigation in this name. The United States then threw out two other charges, depriving him of bail qualifications. At the very least, he would be detained under residential surveillance in the country, and he would not be allowed to leave his residence unless he was cleared of charges.

This is equivalent to indefinite house arrest. The so-called accusation requires evidence, and Feng Zibin will also launch a defense, but when it comes to such a complicated matter, the investigation process should be taken slowly. Anyway, it will not be completed in one and a half years, and it may take three to five years.

Even if the British police handle the so-called sexual assault accusation, the United States may extradite Feng Zibin to the United States because it involves two other charges. This may not necessarily happen, but the United States will definitely make a request.

Convicting Feng Zibin is not the purpose. During this period, the US intelligence agency will send people to contact Feng Zibin privately and propose exchange conditions. If Feng Zibin agrees to the conditions, the other party can promise to drop the charges and return his innocence and freedom.

If Feng Zibin doesn't agree, then he can continue to be under house arrest and slowly endure it, or hope that the country of Jili will try to get him back.

Holding Feng Zibin in your hand has another effect. The Kingdom of Gila is definitely eager to recruit people, and the United States is planning to restore diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Gila. The issue of Feng Zibin will also become an important bargaining chip.

By the way, the U.S. intelligence agency also has a judgment: If there is a problem with Huanxiang Industrial, it may trigger the economic collapse of the country of Chile, so the government of the country of Chile will definitely panic.

Hearing this, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Yue, are you also involved in the planning?"

Yogaole said without changing his expression: "They didn't call me when they held the secret meeting. I just went to listen in."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why did Feng Zibin go to Yinguo? This was not included in the original itinerary."

About Gao Le: "The first choice is to do it in the country of Yin. They plan to have you taken away by the local police in public at a charity auction dinner convened by Princess Ketia. Sir Rothchild also provided the funds for this charity auction. sponsor."

Having said this, Yue Gaole put down his wine glass, looked at Hua Zhenxing with his head in his head, and lowered his voice with a mean smile, "According to what I heard, even you yourself are involved in this matter.

Some of the items donated by Ketiya and Rozchild were given to them by you, as if they were floating wealth dug from the Kingdom of Tema. The Fulgen Foundation controlled by your subordinates also participated in this event. "

This is actually the plan of the US Intelligence Agency. During the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Princess Uktiya invited Feng Zibin to participate in a charity event in Yinguo. She is one of the nominal sponsors of the event, and Rozchild also sponsors it.

Hua Zhenxing once eliminated a group of dark creatures entrenched in Tema Country. The most powerful blood ancestor among them was Carmelie, the wife of the Chief of Staff of the Presidential Palace of Tema Country. Hua Zhenxing later found her secret vault.

Camelli is a vampire who has survived for 270 years. She has secretly controlled the Presidential Palace of Tema Country for at least 30 years. In addition, she has accumulated huge wealth and various treasures through more than 200 years of looting.

Hua Zhenxing divided the collected property into two parts. More than 5 billion yuan of cashable items were used to set up a special fund to assist the Tema country.

As for other jewelry, works of art, antiques, etc. that are not easily liquidated, Huazhenxing specially selected a few of them and gave them as gifts to Rozchild and Princess Ketia in the name of Feng Zibin, while the rest were donated. To the Forgan Foundation.

The owner of the Forgan Foundation is Lofogen, and Lian Na is responsible for taking care of related affairs. She also participates in many charity activities.

If Feng Zibin doesn’t trust others, doesn’t he still trust his own people? If Ketia Rochild had sent out an invitation, and the Forgan Foundation was involved in this charity auction, Feng Zibin would probably go.

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't think Luo Fugen and Lian Na will be harmful to Feng Zibin, but Ketia and Luochaide, do these two people have a share?"

Yo Gao Le: "As far as I know, they didn't know the inside story, they were just being used. The U.S. intelligence agency organized such a charity event in England through connections, which happened to be able to draw them all in, and then invited them through them The wind comes from the guest.”

Hua Zhenxing: "What if Feng Zibin doesn't accept the invitation?"

Yue Gao Le: "Not all plots will succeed. If so, the other party has two choices, either cancel the plan and look for another opportunity, or use the alternative plan and start directly in Ruishi Country.

Ruishiguo's plan is to take you away at the airport after learning that you refuse to go to Yinguo and before boarding the plane back to Jiliguo. The charges are basically the same, but they need to be rearranged.

Ruishi Country is nominally a neutral country, and may not be very willing to cooperate. After all, you are an important guest attending a major international event. Being treated like this in Ruishi Country will have a very bad impact.

Moreover, if Rui Shiguo was angered, Feng Zibin would still have a way to retaliate against them, and it would probably be difficult for the relevant senior officials to obtain Chunrong Pill in the future.

More importantly, the US Intelligence Agency analyzed Feng Zibin's activities in Ruishi Country, which was not easy to control. Therefore, Ruishi Country is only the second choice. It is best to deceive people into Yin Country. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Are they so confident that they can control Feng Zibin in this way? Are there any monks involved in this matter?"

Yue Gaole shook his head and said: "As far as I know, no. They just treat Feng Zibin as an ordinary person, and they don't know his background in the spiritual world. If he is a real monk, he may just treat him as a joke. "

Hua Zhenxing said displeasedly: "Mr. Yue, are you just watching a joke?"

Yue Gaole laughed out loud: "See what's wrong?"

Hua Zhenxing's face was ashen as water: "Feng Zibin's character is a nouveau riche who likes adventure and excitement. Although some things in the rumors are ridiculous, he has never done anything bad.

If he is just arrogant and licentious, I'm afraid no one will interfere, but there will be a lot of people trying to fawn over him. But not only did he not do any evil, the diesel project was also a great meritorious deed that benefited all mankind.

Because a good deed that can benefit all mankind will suffer such murder? "After speaking, Hua Zhenxing raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Yue Gaole took the initiative to pour him wine from a bottle: "Don't get angry in front of me, I didn't do this!

Xiaohua, how could you ask such a question? Have you forgotten how you grew up? There are so many things in this world that are not human, but have you seen too few of them? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Mr. Yue, what suggestions do you have?"

Yue Gaole shook his head and said: "I don't have any suggestions. I am responsible for informing you. You kid is too opinionated. Even if I tell you what to do, it is just my idea, and you may not listen.

In fact, even without my warning in advance, if you really encounter this kind of thing, you can handle it with your own ability. I'm just afraid that things will get too big and ugly, and it won't end well.

What you want to do is entirely up to you. I only have one reminder: don’t violate the precepts of practice. Needless to say, there is no need to mention the precepts of walking, but the rules of the magician must also be followed. "

Hua Zhenxing sneered: "I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, let alone abuse my magical powers, and I will not violate any precepts, including the sect rules of Yangyuan Valley."

Yue Gaole looked at Hua Zhenxing and asked abruptly: "Xiaohua, do you know why you haven't been able to break through the Eighth Realm for so long?"

If I remember correctly, this is the third time that Yue Gao Le has mentioned this issue. Since he has said this, there must be something to point out. Hua Zhenxing asked cooperatively this time: "Oh, why? Please enlighten Mr. Yue." !”

Yue Gao Le: "Because you are too deeply involved in the world and have no state of mind that transcends all sentient beings and races."

This sentence contains witty words and supernatural powers, which are similar to spiritual thoughts but slightly different. Different people will have different interpretations based on their different experiences, knowledge, and cultivation levels when they hear it.

There are many frame-ups and frame-ups in the world, but it is almost unheard of that any Dacheng monk will be plotted by ordinary people, because they can foresee a lot of troubles in advance and have many ways to avoid them from happening.

Didn't Hua Zhenxing foresee it? Of course he could, and he had foreseen it long ago. Before he reached Dacheng, he made up the non-existent person Feng Zibin.

But since he made up this identity, Feng Zibin has become a real existence. As long as he acts as Feng Zibin, it will be difficult to avoid the troubles that Feng Zibin will encounter.

Cultivation must involve both entering the world and transcending the world. However, if you are too far away from the world, it will be difficult to achieve enlightenment, and if you are deeply involved in the world, it will be difficult to break away. Look what Huazhenxing has done? It’s just a matter of promoting the art of nourishing energy, but the connection between Chunrong Pill and the oil fruit tree is too extensive.

Chunrong Pill is not only an elixir refined by monks, but also a mass-produced commodity. It is equivalent to the fact that monks are employed on a daily basis to provide production services for ordinary people.

As for the oil fruit tree project, it is even more extreme. Huazhenxing specializes in training monks and uses their magical power to plant trees for various countries, regions, and companies around the world. This kind of thing has never happened since ancient times!

This has nothing to do with the evaluation of good or bad, good or evil. Monks may or may not do this. For other people involved, as long as their practice is not delayed, it is actually beneficial.

But for Hua Zhenxing, his state of mind is completely entangled with all the things in the world he is involved in, and it cannot be cut off. To break through the eight realms in cultivation, one must be reborn. The so-called rebirth is the achievement of transcending the race of all sentient beings.

Hua Zhenxing's seven realms of cultivation have already been perfected, but for cultivation, perfecting the realm may not necessarily lead to a breakthrough. For example, many monks in the world have already reached the five realms of perfection. If they continue to practice, they can feel the increase in divine energy and magic power, but they will never achieve great success in their lifetime.

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "In Mr. Yue's opinion, can't a person like me be reincarnated?"

Yue Gaole waved his hand and said: "What does it mean in my opinion? It doesn't matter what I think, it's the same for everyone! It's hard to find a chance to change your behavior and state of mind."

Hua Zhenxing: "This is not a regret. My current level of cultivation has been the dream of countless people."

This is the truth, but Hua Zhenxing is also a little confused. Since Yue Gaole can see it, the three old people should also be able to see it. Why have they never mentioned it to him?

Yue Gao Le: "You have a good mentality. Maybe this is an opportunity. No one can say that you will not be able to change your life, but it will definitely be extremely difficult. If your mentality does not change, the opportunity will only change when things change."

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "Then I'll just wait and wait while I do it."

Yue Gaole was picking up the wine glass, but his hand stopped in mid-air and said: "Xiaohua, do you think that since you are the protagonist in the story, your wishes will definitely come true?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled bitterly and said, "If all my wishes could come true, I wouldn't have been born in Fesuo Port."

Yue Gaole said with a straight face: "Speak well!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I did feel this way before, but then I met Teacher Ding Qi, and then I met Bai Shaoliu, Cheng Tianle, and You Fang. If you look at their experiences, they are all more like the protagonists in the story than me. "

Yue Gao Le said: "That's right! Who can't be the protagonist these days?" Then he glanced at Hua Zhen Xingdao. "Then what do you think of me?"

Hua Zhenxing: "When I first met you, I felt that you were like the villain in the story." He quickly added before Yue Gao Le changed his face, "But the more I saw you later, the more you looked like a protagonist, with both experience and charm. Very rich!"

Yue Gaole finally raised his glass and drank, and said with a smile: "Director Hua, you must be very confused. Since I can see the question just now, why haven't other experts in the world mentioned it to you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, I was thinking that just now. Why?"

Yue Gao Le: "The reason is very simple, because someone has already seen it. Who in the world doesn't want a good thing like the Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill? Why did someone give it to you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill, the fan pendant given by Mr. Feng, can it help me reborn?"

Yue Gao Le: "What do you think? This is a fairy fate! If you go to Yangyuan Valley to take elixirs for retreat now, you will be completely transformed after you leave the retreat.

As for the duration of retreat, it may take several months, it may be years or decades, no one can say for sure. Director Hua, now that I tell you, will you do this? "

Hua Zhenxing pondered for a moment and replied: "I won't, at least not now."

Yue Gaole sighed: "If it were another monk, it would be okay to do this, but I know you wouldn't. Xiaohua, you should understand now why I said you are too deeply involved in the world, right?"

Even if there is an immortal fate, opportunities are also in people. Maybe by the time you know how to do this, you can no longer rely on the Nine Turns Purple Gold Pill. "

Hua Zhenxing was silent for a few minutes, not knowing what he was thinking, and then he said, "Mr. Yue, can I ask you a favor?"

Yue Gaole said in a slightly exaggerated tone: "Is eating you just one meal a big deal?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled and said, "It's just a small favor. I'm not only looking for you, but also many other people for help."

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