Enjoy the world

Chapter 586 Market

Xiao Ke squinted his eyes and thought seriously, then asked, "When did Researcher Ma come here, and when did he move in there?"

Cui Wanhyuk: "I've been here for five or six years. At first, I lived in the dormitory next door. After half a year, I became a full-time employee, and my wife happened to take over, so I moved into the house now. The pepper tree was also planted at that time. The planting is getting better and better.”

Ketia: "What was his rank when he first came here, and what is his rank now?"

Ketiya also understood the rank system of Huanxiang Industrial. It was divided into nine levels, and there were nine levels of positions and nine levels of treatment. Some people can enjoy higher-level treatment even if they do not hold leadership positions.

Cui Wanhyuk: "Usually they start at level one, but Ma Yuankui introduced special talents along with the project. After becoming a full-time employee, he becomes a level two employee... Now, he enjoys level five treatment."

It is not difficult for employees of Huanxiang Industrial to be promoted to the first three levels, as long as they perform their duties, do not make mistakes, and accumulate seniority through seniority.

Take the development of Fangguan as an example. Even employees who have been working at the lowest level can be promoted to the second level after two years and to the third level after five years. Even if they cannot be promoted, their salary will be improved.

If you are willing to be stationed overseas from the Eastern Kingdom, that is, to the Kingdom of Jili, you can add one level. Ma Yuankui was not transferred from Fangguan Development. He came directly after graduation. However, he was a special talent introduction, so he was also added one level.

After reaching the third level, promotion is not so easy. It takes a long time to simply get the qualifications. Ten years of service can be promoted to the fourth level, and twenty years of service can be promoted to the fifth level. However, Huanxiang Industrial has been established for less than ten years. .

After Level 5, you cannot be promoted based on seniority alone. If you want to be promoted faster or higher, you have to look at your ability and contribution.

Of course, since the entire Huanxiang Tebang is in a development period that is full of waste, the business backbones of each department are promoted relatively quickly. The most lacking thing here is not positions but talents.

Although Ma Yuankui has only been employed for five and a half years and is only thirty-two years old, he is already a fourth-level Yangyuan Technique instructor. The diesel tree project he participated in has achieved significant research results. It is natural to enjoy the fifth-level treatment, and he has a promising future.

Kedia: "When his wife first came here, he was only a second-level employee, so what is the highest level for the neighbors around him?"

Cui Wanhyuk: "The highest level is ninth level, there are also eighth level ones, and there are several seventh level ones."

This is the earliest living area built in Xintian Town. Most of the residents are employees of Chunrong Dan Center, which is equivalent to the family compound of Chun Rong Dan Center. Lian Na, the director of Chun Rong Dan Center, also lived here.

The director of the Chunrongdan Center is a ninth-level position within the Huanxiang Industrial System, which is the highest level. Lian Na has now moved away, because the main center of Chunrong Dan has been moved to Jiyue Lake, leaving only branches here.

But Lei Yunjin still lives here. He is the chief consultant of Huanxiang Industrial and has always enjoyed eighth-level treatment. In addition to Lao Lei, there are also many backbones of Huanxiang Industrial in its early days living here, and they are all of high rank.

Ketiya: "Are there any of these people who are the same age as Ma Yuankui?"

As soon as he said this, a man came over and greeted Cui Wanhe for a few words.

After the person left, Cui Wanhe introduced him in a low voice: "His name is Hong Wanjun. He is one year younger than Ma Yuankui. He is a cadre trained locally by Huanxiang Industrial. He was the first mayor of Xintian Town and later served as the director of the Agricultural Reclamation Zone Management Committee. .

He is now a sixth-level Yuanyuan Technique instructor, the deputy commander-in-chief of the New Feso Port Construction Headquarters, and Luo Fugen's deputy, enjoying seventh-level treatment. He has always lived here. When Ma Yuankui first came, Hong Wanjun should have been a level five employee..."

Kedia finally figured it out: "Is the housing arrangement based on the principle of proximity?"

Cui Wanhyuk: “Of course, as long as the planning is scientific and reasonable, the operating cost of society will be lower, the efficiency will be higher, life will be more comfortable, and personal leisure time will be more.

Their workplaces are all nearby. The Academy of Agricultural Sciences is to the east and the original Chunrongdan Center is to the south. They are the earliest institutions in Xintian Town. It takes about ten minutes to walk from here. "

Ketiya nodded slowly and said: "When he first came here, he was just a grassroots employee. It is indeed very strange that all walks of life live in the same living area and are neighbors to each other. They have many intersections in their daily lives. special."

She was very particular about her choice of words, using the word "special". This is simply unimaginable in many countries and regions around the world, especially based on her own life experience.

Even Ma Taishan, who was next to him, heard that the door was coming, and mused: "In a well-ordered society, this is a rare phenomenon. If there is no appropriate natural separation between the various classes of society, various contradictions will inevitably arise. .

This will lead to comparative mentality and psychological gap, and will more easily lead to various social problems, such as public security problems, psychological problems and family problems. "

Feng Zibin asked back: "Do you call it orderly? I think it's hierarchical, right?"

Ma Taishan: "I am not advocating a hierarchical society, and I personally do not agree with a hierarchical society. But the real world is indeed divided into classes. A class order has been formed in natural evolution, and different people have different lifestyles. .

Differences between individuals always exist objectively. For example, there must be boundaries between monks and ordinary people. "

Feng Zibin: "It's inappropriate for you to use monks as an example. Why do I feel like I got an advantage and acted like a good boy?

Who in this world doesn’t want to have a state of cultivation and magical powers? The monks have gained great physical and mental freedom, which cannot be bought with worldly wealth and status! On the contrary, if they are willing, it is easier to achieve wealth and status.

Wealth and status are worldly things. At this level, monks are also worldly people. Moreover, they are not born with cultivation skills. Their cultivation skills are obtained through hard work and are not taken from others.

Individual differences exist objectively and are of great significance, such as male and female, black and white. Without differences, there would be no colorful world, no infinite possibilities, and no self.

Without differences, there would be no self. Differences are the prerequisite for the existence of the self, and understanding differences is also the prerequisite for self-improvement. You and I are not the same person, even the me of yesterday will be different from the me of tomorrow!

However, these individual differences and the so-called grade or simply class are two different concepts and cannot be confused, let alone covered up.

We tolerate and even promote the existence of differences, but we will try our best to bridge social gaps. This is just an attempt, and it may not be good enough, but the problems I see and the goals I want to achieve are different.

You said that you don’t want to promote a hierarchical society, but it is based on objective reality, so a clear order is needed. But we don’t accept it, so we flatten it, along with the order you call it, to establish another order.

Regardless of whether it’s done well or not, whether it’s successful or not, and whether it still needs to be improved, someone should try it, right? "

After he finished speaking, Cui Wanhe quickly pulled back the conversation as much as possible: "This is actually the issue we talked about yesterday.

We believe that a better world is one where the existence of successful people can allow people to see the hope of hard work, not the despair of useless efforts, let alone the illusion that there is no need to work hard.

All the people living here are not in opposite classes, but in the same camp.

Successful people are role models for hard-working people and are goals that others can achieve through hard work under the existing social operating logic. I'm not saying that it will definitely be achieved, at least it gives the possibility.

We are not building a society in which all classes fight against each other, so we should try not to isolate the various classes of society so that everyone can at least live in the same world and achieve different achievements.

To quote Charles, it is not a problem for the mayor's child and the child of an ordinary worker to sit at the same table in school. If the children of the mayor and the children of ordinary workers cannot be roommates in school, that is a problem. "

Many places in the world are not like this, but at least one place can be like this. This is what we are doing and the purpose of visiting here. So Xiao Ke, I just asked you what you saw? "

Ma Taishan said nothing, but turned to look at Feng Zibin. Feng Zibin waved his hand again and said: "I know what you want to say, but I already said it yesterday. I am the ultimate product of contradictions. It's best to pretend that I don't exist!"

Ma Taishan: "Are you so shameless?"

Feng Zibin laughed and said, "You're just so shameless!"

The group continued to move forward, and Cui Wanhe pointed to a four-story building next to it and said: "That's the single dormitory for new employees of the Chunrongdan Center and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It's basically a one-bedroom apartment with a balcony, kitchen and bathroom. "

Ketiya: "Did Ma Yuankui live here for the first half year after he came?"

Cui Wanhyuk: "Yes."

Ketia: "How many residents are there in the entire Xintian Town now?"

Cui Wanhyuk: "The permanent residents are just over 100,000, and with semi-permanent residents, the total is 150,000. If nothing unexpected happens, this scale will remain roughly stable in the future and will not continue to expand. The main work in construction is to improve."

Ketia wondered: "What do you mean by semi-permanent residents?"

Cui Wanhe explained again that this was related to the special historical period of Huanxiang Tebang. Nowadays, New Fesoport City, Biyue Town, and Lianhai Town are still under construction, and a large number of residents and staff will need to be moved in in the future.

Xintian Town is the earliest town built by Huanxiang Tebang. It has many key institutions and is equivalent to a training and transfer base for reserve talents. At present, many staff members from various agencies in Xintian Town will be assigned to new positions in the future.

Huanxiang Tebang wants to build more than just a Fesoport city. In Huazhenxing's plan, there are also five other cities and thirty towns.

Various agencies in Xintian Town will also recruit new staff. After they are familiar with the business processes and have the ability to work, they will be continuously assigned to new jobs in the future. This process will last for a long time.

After all, the scale of Xintian Town is still too small. After the new Feso Port City is completed, various institutions will be more complete and complete, and they will also have to assume this role.

While they were talking, they had passed through the living area and arrived at the Xintian Town light rail station. Xintian Town is about 20 kilometers from Gaoqiao Town. It takes ten minutes to take the light rail to Gaoqiao Station. After getting off, it takes about a quarter of an hour to walk.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived at their destination, Shu Diesel Industry Demonstration Park.

This demonstration park occupies a large area and is located on the edge of Gaoqiao Town, adjacent to Gaoqiao Wetland and next to Gaoqiao Vocational and Technical College. The building decoration is very new, so it was obviously just completed.

For Rozchild and Mataishan, this is the project they most want to visit. Cui Wanhyuk was somewhat trying to catch his appetite. Not only did he arrange an inspection of the cassava food industry in the morning, but he also walked to visit a residential area.

The display project of Shu Diesel Industry Demonstration Park is also divided into three parts. The first part is two workshops, where you can watch the production process of tree diesel through plexiglass.

In the first workshop, egg-shaped ripe fruits are put into a hopper to produce primary vegetable oil. The process here is nothing special. You can also use traditional extraction methods, but chemical extraction methods are more efficient.

The technical content of the second workshop suddenly went up several levels. It has special catalysts and preparation processes to turn primary vegetable oil into tree diesel oil that can be used in engines and is in the form of a slightly yellow transparent liquid.

Samples of primary vegetable oil and finished tree diesel were also thoughtfully provided on site. Visitors can order in small batches for easy taking back for research and verification.

The second part of the display is a hall with various tree diesel engines, including generators.

These are all modified or produced with the patented technology mastered by Huanxiang Industrial. According to different power and application scenarios, several series of standard models have been formed.

Ma Taishan immediately realized the core problem and asked: "With the current industrial capabilities of Jili State, including Huanxiangte State, I'm afraid it can't produce these engines, right?"

This was what Rozchild wanted to ask the most, but Ma Taishan pointed it out first, and he also pricked up his ears and listened.

Modifying a traditional diesel engine and then developing a special diesel engine can be done in the laboratory of Huanxiang Industrial. Not only are there monks with great powers, but they also understand modern professional technology.

But leaving the laboratory and entering the specific factory production process, just independently producing the most common diesel engine is obviously beyond the current industrial capabilities of the country.

If Huazhenxing has money, it can buy a production line, but this will not solve the core problem. First of all, there must be a team of skilled engineers and workers, not just one or two, but at least a complete production system.

Even if the personnel problem is solved, what about raw materials and parts? Studying engines in universities should be a course in the power department, but in reality, if you want to produce them, the industry chain is too long.

It involves various industrial categories and technical fields such as mining, metallurgy, machinery, materials, electronics, energy, chemicals, etc. There are very few countries in the world that can perfectly integrate it in terms of production organization.

As for Kilili Country, we can only say that we are working hard...

Some people say that the prerequisite for modern industrialized large-scale production is social division of labor, but social division of labor itself also has prerequisites.

First of all, the ability of core industry departments to produce core products means that they have mastered the technology integration capabilities of the entire industry chain. However, some components will not be produced in person, but will be outsourced to improve efficiency.

Secondly, in the market operation system in which it operates, this industrial chain is complete and controllable, is in a unified open market, and follows the same trading principles.

Without these two preconditions, especially the second precondition, the so-called social division of labor will evolve into a pseudo-division of labor. The party that occupies a strong position will use its strong position to exploit other producers in the industrial chain.

The complexity of modern economic operations is often reflected in this.

Some people like to say, “We are not in different classes, we just have a different division of labor.” This often means using the so-called division of labor to cover up class relations.

In modern society, class relations often exist between different divisions of labor in the industrial chain, especially in the so-called international division of labor.

The way it manifests is more subtle and difficult to detect. It is not one person against another person, but one broad group against another broad group, or even one country against another country.

People hate sweatshops, and workers in sweatshops are of course exploited by their bosses. This is a very obvious class relationship.

But on the other hand, sweatshops, as one link in the industrial chain, are generally more exploited by another link. This class relationship is hidden, quite complex, and lacks theoretical research and publicity.

With the size of Kyri Kingdom, it is impossible to develop a full range of industries like Dongguo. But in key industries that can be developed, such as the cassava food processing industry, we must try our best to grasp the complete industrial chain...

Faced with Ma Taishan's question, Cui Wanhyuk did not answer directly. Instead, he talked about it as if he was writing a press release from behind, and came up with a long paragraph of the above content.

After hearing the end, Ma Taishan couldn't help but raise his hand and interrupted: "Minister Cui, please don't introduce these yet. I just want to ask, does Huanxiang Tebang currently have the production capacity for diesel engines?"

Cui Wanhyuk: "No, I said no at the beginning. Why, we have to wait a few more years."

Ma Taishan: "So how do you plan to solve the production of special diesel engines, or what method will you use to solve it?"

Rothchild: "Why are you asking these questions? There will always be a way, let's visit first!" It's not that he is not interested in this question, but he doesn't want to say more on this occasion.

The ability that Huanxiang Industrial currently lacks is the space for partners to negotiate. We will talk about cooperation later.

Feng Zibin said with a smile: "We acquired an engine manufacturing company in Dongguo, reorganized and established a new company called Shuyou Power, which happened in the second half of last year.

Huanxiang Industrial provided samples and technical drawings, and Shuyou Power was responsible for batch modification of traditional engines and small batch trial production of special engines. "

The company acquired by Fangguan Development was originally named Xintong Diesel Engine Factory. It was a state-owned enterprise founded in the 1950s. It was restructured in the early 1990s and renamed Tongchai Power Group. Local people have always called it Tongchai Power Group. firewood.

This company had an ill-fated fate. After restructuring, it became a listed company for a time. It prospered for a few years due to the surge in demand, but then its production and operations fell into trouble. It was later acquired by another large state-owned automobile group.

The automobile group has joint ventures and cooperation projects with car companies in several countries to produce overseas models in Dongguo.

After the merger, Tongchai's production and operation still showed no improvement. Later, the parent company transferred its control rights to a car company in Mulberry Island through asset disposal, retaining only a small amount of shares.

But in recent years, the car company in Mulberry Island has also been having a very difficult time, suffering huge losses year after year. Tongchai, as its overseas subsidiary, seems to be in a declining industry and its life can no longer survive.

The overseas parent company wants it to go bankrupt directly. At this time, Fangguan Development played the role of a white knight. It did not acquire the company, but acquired all the generating entities, including factories, workshops and various production lines, when it disposed of assets.

In this way, various property rights and debt disputes can be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

Fangguan Development established a new company, its name was no longer Tongchai, but Shuyou Power. The local government expressed the hope that they can lay off as few employees as possible to avoid causing social impact.

The actual actions of Shuyou Power far exceeded the expectations of the local government. They only laid off the management and not only continued to employ most of the original factory employees, but also managed to recall a large number of lost personnel.

In recent years, many employees of the original Tongchai have been diverted to the society due to downsizing and efficiency improvement, and many people have left on their own to find another way out.

Tree Oil Power has used various methods to contact the original factory employees who are chefs, drive online taxis, and deliver express delivery, and have recalled them to join the company.

There were also some people who had started their own businesses or moved to other companies, and seemed to be doing well, but they were found and communicated with one by one, and everyone who could be persuaded was tried to come back.

Those who were responsible for this kind of thing in Dongguo were originally Lang Xiaomin. However, Colonel Lang had returned to the Kingdom of Jili and had another appointment, so he was replaced by Colonel Lang's younger brother, former disciple of Ding Feng Tan, and current sixth-level Yuan Yuan master Zhu Chengli, who was in charge.

Zhu Chengli is a very reasonable person. He likes to come to people's homes and reason with them. He is extremely serious and responsible in his work. This seemingly laborious way of working is actually very efficient.

Why does Zhu Chengli spend such energy?

Because in Dongguo, things like factory buildings and equipment are easy to handle, but from engineers to skilled technical workers, the team that has been adapted to the entire production system and has been built up will be too difficult to organize if it breaks up.

Yuan Tongchai has a history of nearly seventy years. It has produced and developed various types of diesel engines and also has considerable research and development capabilities. Until the eve of bankruptcy, a certain key model of diesel engines was still being produced and sold, but the more it was produced, the more it was losing money.

Fangguan Development has reintegrated the company, and the newly established Shuyou Power is still producing diesel engines. After preliminary calculations, even under Fangguan Development's treatment system, it has reached a profit-loss balance.

One of the main reasons is that the diesel engines produced by Shuyou Power are needed in Kilili Country, including many countries around the Black Waste Continent, and Huanxiang Industrial has opened up a new market for them.

Shuyou Power is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fangguan Development, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huanxiang Industrial. It is not that Huanxiang Industrial has not done research on relocating tree oil power to Huanxiang Tebang, but there are too many problems that cannot be solved.

Factories, workshops and even employee persuasion are not the biggest problem, but the supply chain is really inseparable!

Feng Zibin sighed secretly in his heart, and then introduced: "Tree oil power can currently provide small batches of engine samples. If the demand grows in the future, we can consider licensing and co-production around the world."

Ma Taishan curled his lips slightly and said with a smile: "Minister Cui has just analyzed so many division of labor issues in industrialized large-scale production, but after listening to Mr. Lord's introduction, Huanxiang Tebang still cannot handle engine production.

The final solution to the problem was to throw money at it and acquire an engine company in Dongguo. The way to solve the problem in the future is to authorize cooperative production around the world. "

Cui Wanhyuk replied: "This is reality. We have never disrespected reality. And this is not only a business issue for Huanxiang Industrial, but also an environmental and energy issue around the world. The more idealistic a practitioner is, the more pragmatic he must be. ."

The most important purpose of establishing Shuyou Power is for the technical transformation project. First realize the batch modification of traditional diesel engines, and then realize the small batch trial production of special engines, which can at least meet the upcoming demand.

What are the upcoming needs? Isn’t this coming soon? There are more than a dozen models of tree diesel engines in this showroom, among which a 300-horsepower standard car engine is a sample available for sale.

Rozchild waved his hand and ordered a hundred units on the spot. If the shipping fee is not included, it is only a few million Dongguo coins, which is just a small change to Dr. Luo today.

What does he need so many engines for? Of course, he takes them back for research and verification. The items that need to be verified include but are not limited to power, reliability, sustained performance, maintainability, destructive experiments, reverse technology, etc...

There are not a hundred engines here. After Rothchild placed the order, he shipped it directly from Dongguo to the address he specified. Rozchild also ordered a batch of primary oil products and tree diesel products, which were shipped from Huanxiang Tebang.

Ma Taishan was not as generous as Rothchild, but he also ordered two different oil samples, plus two standard engines. He gave a delivery address and could deliver the goods on site.

The third part of the visit to the project is the on-site practice. Exiting the showroom is a large open space surrounded by a wall, including a hillside, with an excavator, a bulldozer, and a dump truck.

The excavator dug a large pit at the site and loaded the soil into the truck. A fully loaded truck drives up a hill and then back down, making such a circle to demonstrate performance.

There is a dug hole on the other side of the hillside. The truck unloads the soil, and the bulldozer pushes the soil into the hole and then flattens it. A complete display process ends like this.

If there is another wave of visitors, then dig out the hole here and fill in the hole there... Anyway, it's just a back and forth process. These three engineering vehicles are powered by tree diesel engines.

Such a boring thing actually attracted visitors from all over the world, and they were all so-called big shots. Due to the limited reception capacity of the demonstration industrial park, you need to make an appointment in advance to visit, so it is not easy to get in line.

After leaving the Shu Diesel Industry Demonstration Park, Princess Ketiya’s schedule for this visit was all over.

Originally, her main purpose was to come to Bikong Lake to participate in the assessment of the fourth-level Yangyuan Technique instructor, and to visit the Yangyuan Valley. So she contacted Feng Zibin through Luochaide, and Feng Zibin specially arranged the entire reception.

I'm afraid Kedia herself didn't expect that another trip to the Kingdom of Lili ten years later would be so rich in content. In Huafeng Zibin's eyes, Ma Taishan, who accompanied her, could compete for the best award.

In similar occasions in the past, the best compliment award almost always went to Rozchild. This time, Mataishan came out of the blue and achieved the best compliment effect with his attitude of always thinking about other things. He is worthy of being a great magician.

That night, Ketia took a special plane back to Brussels. It's not that she doesn't want to continue visiting, but there are still things there. This trip in a private capacity has been delayed by two days longer than the original plan.

The special plane was not arranged by Yangyuan Valley, but provided by Fulgen Foundation. Rozchild also returned on the same plane as Her Royal Highness the Princess. Feng Zibin and Cui Wanhe went to the airport to say goodbye, but Ma Taishan stayed.

Mataishan was not originally Ketiya's follower. He wanted to find an excuse to come with him to investigate the situation, so he gave himself the identity of a bodyguard. At that time, Ketiya could not refuse the request of a great magician. .

There is no need to be a bodyguard now, and Ma Taishan does not need to go back with Ketiya. After sending Ketiya away, Feng Zibin asked with a smile: "Why don't Mr. House go back together?"

Ma Taishan: "Can't I stay? Am I not welcome or can't I?"

Feng Zibin: "We welcome tourists from all over the world here, and we also provide various tourism and leisure services. But I think Mr. House seems to have something else. I wonder if I can help?"

Ma Taishan: "Your Majesty, your feeling is really accurate. There is something I really want to talk to you about in private. Is there a suitable place?"

Feng Zibin: "Different places are suitable for different things. I wonder how you want to find me?"

Ma Taishan: "The identity of a monk."

Feng Zibin: "Then come with me!" He turned around and said, "Minister Cui, could you please help us arrange the air purification building in Luohu Wetland? Mr. House and I have some private matters to discuss."

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