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Chapter 578 History created inadvertently

Manman followed Hua Zhenxing that night and recorded the locations where all the dark creatures appeared. Sima Zhi turned around and took people to raid the nest and found out a lot of things.

After learning that President Sabu was missing, Wang Fengshou urgently notified Sima Zhi to search the presidential palace and warned him to be careful not to be discovered.

They are not there to rob. Some of the things left by dark creatures may be dangerous. If taken by ordinary people, they will not only endanger their own safety, but may also cause various disasters. They must eliminate all potential signs.

Sima Zhi did not touch anything on the surface in the Presidential Palace, including the belongings in the safe. However, he found several secret rooms inside and outside the Presidential Palace. Not to mention some horrifying scenes... everything there was taken away. .

In order to ensure the smooth operation and his own safety, Sima Zhi not only received the space artifact, but also brought a batch of evil-breaking talismans, formation-breaking talismans, and spring-light talismans as backup.

Sima Zhi found a total of more than ten secret lairs before and after, and took away a batch of dangerous black magic items. At the same time, he also copied a large amount of gold, foreign exchange cash, jewelry, antiques and other items.

There are two places where I gain the most, one is the underground secret room in the back garden of the Presidential Palace, and the other is in the Shumeilin Farm. Hua Zhenxing personally verified these things and felt that he had not yet found Camelli’s real secret vault.

Camelli is a vampire who has survived for 270 years. She has secretly controlled the Presidential Palace of Tema Country for at least 30 years. Coupled with the accumulation of more than 200 years before, there should definitely be more than this.

But Tema country is so big, it is too difficult to find without clues.

In the end, Sima Zhi used conventional methods to find clues. By asking the staff of Shumeilin Farm, he learned that Mr. Vane liked boating in a lake here and brought his wife with him every time he came.

Hua Zhenxing went to the lake himself, turned into a dragon and swam, and finally found a hidden cave entrance on the slope at the bottom of the lake. There is no trace of the formation at the entrance of the cave. It is hidden in the most primitive way and blocked with silt and gravel.

If he hadn't suspected that there was something wrong here and searched repeatedly, even Hua Zhenxing wouldn't have noticed it. Digging through the silt and gravel and diving in, you will find a complex underwater cave system with many forked roads, which should be naturally formed rock gaps.

One of the rock gaps leads up to a waterless cave hall. Judging from the location, it should be inside a certain hill a few hundred meters away from the lake. There is an altar in the cave hall, and there are several secret rooms around it.

In natural mountain caves, many gaps in the rock formations are impossible to enter. It is impossible to find where the twists and turns lead to, and is there still space inside? Hua Zhenxing folded a pocket-sized paper airplane that was only one finger long and less than an inch wide to examine.

Thanks to Locke, the little trick he thought of back then actually worked in certain situations. Moreover, the current paper airplane has been upgraded several times in the hands of Huazhenxing, and several secret rooms were discovered in this way.

These secret chambers are too hidden for normal people to find, and even monks may not think of them, because they are hidden deep in the rock crevices, and there is no trace of entry or exit at all.

There is one most important question. If the secret room is located in that kind of place, how do people get in and out? At this time, Hua Zhenxing thought of Camelli's strange magical power. Her body could turn into smoke and disperse, and she could regroup in another place.

Hua Zhenxing didn't have such magical powers. Even if he used the form-swallowing method, he couldn't penetrate such a crack in the rock formation. He could only use clumsy methods to manually dig out a passage and at the same time reinforce the rock formation to prevent collapse.

He didn't do this work himself. After finding the clues, he handed it over to Sima Zhi. At the same time, he taught Sima Zhi how to swallow sturgeons. With Sima Zhi's cultivation level, he can also go back and forth in the underwater channel, but it will be more convenient if he learns the rules of swallowing sturgeons.

Sima Zhi was very ashamed. He led two hundred Yangyuan Valley disciples and had already dug three feet into the ground of Shumeilin Farm to search, but he did not find this secret cave. It was indeed quite difficult to find.

Sima Zhi sent Li Feifan to Dongguo on the way. After returning, he still stayed at Shumeilin Farm.

It wasn't until Hua Zhenxing was on summer vacation that Sima Zhi opened the most important secret room and brought back everything in it. After seeing it, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but sigh - Camelli, a vampire, is so capable of looting.

The secret room contains not only art works dating back thousands of years, but also recently issued large-denomination bearer rice-dollar treasury bills... There are piles of gold jewelry, foreign currency notes, not to mention several boxes of Chun Yong Dan.

Carmeli herself definitely doesn't need the Spring Beauty Pill, but this thing is very valuable, and now it can be regarded as hard currency in the upper class circles. In addition to Chun Rong Dan, there are also two sets of the vitality potion that Yue Gao Le was tinkering with here.

Sima Zhi had previously found assets that could be directly converted into cash, such as gold and cash, with a total value of approximately 400 million yuan. But the total value of such items found in the secret palace at the bottom of the lake exceeds five billion meters.

As for those jewelry and art collections, it is not yet easy to accurately estimate them.

Thanks to the inherent habits of the wealthy people in the Black Wasteland, or it may be that it is inconvenient for vampires like Camelli to always change their identities, so these people have collected a lot of gold, cash and other belongings.

If they had stored all their wealth in overseas bank accounts, they might not have fallen into the hands of Sima Zhi.

These people must also have bank accounts. If we add those bank deposits and shares of various assets, how much wealth must they have accumulated?

Huazhenxing asked Sima Zhi to divide the collected property into two parts, more than 5 billion yuan worth of cashable items, and use them to set up a special fund.

As for other jewelry, works of art, antiques, etc. that are not easily liquidated, Huazhenxing specially selected a few of them and gave them as gifts to Rozchild and Princess Ketia in the name of Feng Zibin, while the rest were donated. To the Forgan Foundation.

The Forgan Foundation not only makes charitable donations, but also accepts donations. Everything is put there and can be liquidated when there is a suitable opportunity, such as through charity auctions and the like.

As for the special fund, it is used to assist Tema Country. Five billion meters of gold can accomplish so many things in a place like Tema Country!

The sudden disappearance of President Sabu not only caught Wang Fengshou a little off guard, but also caught all the forces in Tema country off guard, and soon triggered a chaos.

Today's Tema Kingdom is very similar to the Kilili Kingdom in many aspects. It only has a central government in form. However, the forces represented by former President Sabu mainly only control the capital Miri City and the surrounding area.

Sabu disappeared, and the forces he led were experiencing internal strife within the regime, and their control over other parts of the country was declining. The "Free People's Front" in the western region and the "Patriotic True God Organization" in the northern region took the opportunity to declare their own governments.

These two major organizations have contacted Kilili Country privately, hoping to receive assistance from Kilili Country, and have made various promises. What benefits can they give? It is nothing more than exchanging various resources in the future.

However, Wang Fengshou, Sima Zhi and others supported another force, the Tema New Alliance led by Mr. Drupa, the former Finance Minister. Sima Zhi stayed in Tema country and did not go back. He first brought 200 aid cadres with him, and later added a group of volunteers.

The total population of Tema Country is only eight million, which is only equivalent to a prefecture-level city in the Eastern Kingdom. It only took more than half a year for the new alliance of Tema to clean up the old forces in the country, just like a replica of the revolution in the country.

After Kylian graduated, he did not want to work in industry or housing development. Instead, he listened to Hua Zhenxing's suggestion and went to study at the grassroots level in Jili Country. He planned to return to work at the grassroots level in Tema Country after a period of time.

The country of Tema experienced a brief "Three Kingdoms" era, and was soon unified by the new alliance led by Drupa. A small thing happened during this period, that is, the border between Tema and Kilili was re-demarcated.

There was originally a disputed area at the junction of Tema and Nilang. Later, Hua Zhenxing bought it in the name of Feng Zibin and simply paid fees to both countries to make it his private land.

In addition to this disputed area, he also purchased large tracts of surrounding land from both countries. They are all uninhabited Gobi and deserts with neither mineral resources nor agricultural value, totaling nearly 50,000 square kilometers.

The money Huazhen Bank paid for this was equivalent to several years of fiscal revenue of the central governments of the two countries. During the civil strife in Tema, in order to gain external support, all parties agreed to the request of the Kingdom of Kilili to re-demarcate the border.

After the reunification of the Tema Kingdom, the boundaries were finally officially determined, which was equivalent to confirming that the land that Feng Zibin had purchased was included in the Huanxiangt State of the Kilili Kingdom - it was still Feng Zibin's land.

This Gobi Desert is one of the driest and hottest areas in the world. The Tema Kingdom has never really owned and managed this place in its history, and there has never been a formal boundary demarcation with the Kiri Kingdom and Nilang Kingdom.

The earliest so-called map demarcation originated from the division of spheres of influence by colonial powers three hundred years ago. The boundary was a seasonal river, and that river disappeared two hundred years ago.

At the same time, the Guilin State provided various assistance to the Tema State, and the source of its funding was the special fund. In short, I didn’t want to keep the five billion meters of Jinhua Zhenxing. I copied it from Tema Country and spent it on Tema Country.

It's hard to say that there is no connection between these two things, but they do proceed independently.

The new alliance of the Tema Kingdom and the new alliance of the Kilili Kingdom is not a subordinate relationship, it is independent. However, its organizational purpose, action program, and policy strategy are all based on the New Alliance of Gila.

From the beginning, it was built with the assistance of Huazhenxing. Huazhenxing not only provided necessary financial support, but also sent a large number of consultants from Jiliguo, Huanxiang Industrial and Yangyuan Valley.

Therefore, the changes that took place in the Tema Kingdom were almost a replica of the changes in the Kingdom of Gilly, but the process was faster than the revolution in the Kingdom of Gilly, and the conflicts in all aspects were more intense.

Although its leader Sayech Druba was born in the old forces, he has also undergone an almost completely reborn transformation. Even his family has followed this trend... There is no need to go into details about the specific process.

The role played by Hua Zhenxing is a bit like the three elderly people in the revolution of Guili. He himself basically stayed in college to study, and the real hands-on personnel for practical operations were Wang Fengshou and Sima Zhi, Zha Zaihong and others who were stationed in Tema Kingdom.

Hua Zhenxing had a vague idea back then, hoping to train Kirion into a Shire of the Tema Kingdom. However, changes in the world are always somewhat unexpected. The so-called "Char of Tema" eventually became Sayech, the father of Kirion.

Another characteristic of Tema's revolution is that it is vigorous internally, but silent and almost unnoticed externally.

This is somewhat similar to the Kilian Revolution. When it first broke out, the so-called mainstream international community thought it was just another routine armed coup, and even took a second look.

It was not until the establishment of the New Guilin State that many things happened and many policies were implemented, which attracted the attention of some external forces. Some people tried to interfere in various ways, hoping that the Guilin State could return to the past.

Huazhenxing resolved many possible incidents by cooperating with Gambistine. Of course, just cooperating with Gambistine was not enough. He also gave up Chunrongdan's channel interests, thus striving for a relatively peaceful development environment.

Today's Tema country has less sense of existence than the Jili country back then. External forces have no interest in intervening because there is almost no benefit in sight.

This is so ignored. Have many people forgotten that there is such a country in the world?

In this way, Tema Country is miserable enough, but there is something even worse than Tema Country. That is its neighboring country to the west, Nilang Country, which is no longer a neighboring country because it is separated by Huanxiang Te State.

If many people have forgotten that there is a Tema country in the world, then even more people do not know about the Nilang country at all.

It was the end of the year when the situation in Tema Country stabilized. By this time, Manman had returned from Pingjing University and was still serving as the director of the Chunrong Dan Center. He also took over Sima Zhi's position and concurrently served as the chairman of the International Yangyuan Shu Association.

The International Yangyuan Shu Association has two important functions, organizing training and qualification assessment. The assessment and certification of Level One to Level Four Yangyuan Masters are free, but the fees for training courses from entry level to level three are quite expensive.

The one-month training course costs 600,000 Dongguo currency. If you want to participate in the training, you need to be recommended by a mentor-level member who has registered with the international association, and tutoring is not included. Nowadays, the scale of training has been expanded, but every session is still fully booked.

After Manman returned to China, Hua Zhenxing's joke came true, and she was actually given a professorship at the University of Fesoport, responsible for guiding the teaching and research of Yangyuan Shu. When Hua Zhenxing saw Manman on campus, he had to nod and salute and call him Professor Man.

Most of the students from the country who studied abroad at the same time as Manman returned to China to join the work, and a few stayed in Dongguo to continue their master's degree. According to Shen Sishu's statistics, the first batch of engineering masters in the history of the country will be born among them.

Hua Zhenxing was a little surprised. Although the former Kingdom of Miles was dilapidated, many high-level officials had studied abroad. For example, the then president, Berkeley, had received several degrees in the Kingdom of Yin!

He also went out of his way to verify it, only to find that what Shen Sishu said was true.

Many people from Kilili Country have gone to study abroad and have obtained degrees in economics, law, international relations, art, languages, etc. However, international students majoring in engineering, excluding those who have immigrated, can only obtain a bachelor's degree at most.

Now this situation can be regarded as making history inadvertently, right? If Shen Sishu hadn't done surveys and statistics, no one would even realize it.

Also in the second half of this year, another piece of history was created, that is, the Kingdom of Kilili finally incorporated the training of Yangyuan Technique into the content of compulsory citizen education.

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