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Chapter 566 A very popular short video

If Hua Zhenxing said "do it", then everyone would do it. After the winter vacation, 278 faculty and staff from Fesoport University, including Niu Yiping, and 19 students, including Hua Zhenxing, a total of 297 people, came to the Jiyue Lake construction site.

The establishment of "Xiuxianfang City" is a matter of the future. For now, we should build the city wall according to Li Xiaoyang's suggestion and build Hiyue Town at the same time. Nearly 300 people from the University of Porto Fiso are responsible for a one-kilometer-long city wall and moat section for three weeks.

But they were not the only people on the construction site. Even Tang Senzhi took the time to come and work for three days, and Li Xiaoyang came and worked for five days. The leader of the Five Heart Valley, Ye Zongqing, and the elder Shi Zhongming were on the construction site the entire time.

Zhu Yujing led a group of Yangyuan Valley disciples to also join the team, and the total number of construction workers exceeded 500 at the peak. It took them three weeks to build a three-kilometer-long southern city wall and a city gate, and the progress far exceeded expectations.

There are no ordinary workers present, and the participants have at least three realms of cultivation, so they can use magical powers as much as they like. For the largest number of third-level students, they mainly come to gain knowledge and at the same time exercise their spiritual consciousness.

When Huanxiang Industrial engages in projects, even if it is a third-category project, it is impossible to rely solely on magical powers. Large construction machinery should also be equipped with the same equipment.

The reason why a total of three kilometers of city wall was built this time is because a three-kilometer-long reinforced concrete three-story frame structure was built here earlier. This time our task seems to be to lay walls and tiles on the frame, repair windows and landscape.

Since Xiuxianfang City is to be built, it cannot be an ordinary building. The original concrete frame is only equivalent to "adobe", and the brick structure paved by everyone has become the main body. Huazhenxing’s experience in “decorating” a grocery store this semester can be put to good use.

During the construction of the city wall, the overall formation was constructed at the same time, and the formation was completed by Hua Zhenxing. But ordinary Three Realm students on the construction site don't realize it. Their main task is to process city bricks and then watch how the instructors "lay bricks."

There are two specifications of city bricks, one for building walls and the other for paving the ground. They are both fired with the mud dug out during the excavation of Baiyue Lake and refined with spiritual consciousness.

Biyue Lake is an artificially dug permanent wetland. If it wants to improve the environment, regulate the climate, and protect the ecology, the area must be large enough and the water body must be deep enough.

Its design average depth reaches 30 meters, and the deepest point exceeds 100 meters. In the future, the water surface that will not dry up even in severe droughts will exceed 100 square kilometers, and there will be running water upstream and downstream.

This is not a mountain reservoir like Blue Sky Lake, but one dug out of a site in the wilderness. The floods in the rainy season every year accumulate a large amount of silt in the low-lying areas, and then dig down and quarry a huge amount of stone, which can be used in the construction of Hiyue Town this time.

The mud accumulated in the depths is not suitable for farming, but it is suitable for brick making. Simultaneously with the construction of the city wall was the moat. There was no water in the moat yet. Machines were first used to dig trenches, and then stones were used to build the base bank. It looked like a dry canal.

Compared with building the city wall with the overall formation, the third-level students contributed more to the construction of the moat.

There is a cafeteria on the construction site, and Hua Zhenxing specially set up a big pot and helped cook fried kidney cakes for a week. There were five different filling flavors. Li Xiaoyang was probably greedy.

Construction had just started here. Manman came back from winter vacation and came to the construction site to fry kidney cakes side by side with Hua Zhenxing. But Hua Zhenxing and Manman left in advance after staying at the construction site for a week. They went to Ruishi Country.

In January 2028, during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, the second Huanxiang Habitat Award Ceremony will be held.

With the sensational effect of the first award, the second ceremony two years later was unprecedentedly grand and received huge attention and traffic. Now it has truly become the leading authoritative symbol in the professional field.

But Hua Zhenxing's feeling was calm, and he already knew the result before it even started.

The last time he came to attend the ceremony, Feng Zibin suffered from a plane bomb incident. When he came back two years later, Rui Shiguo's previous government had fallen, and the Huanxiang Habitat Award was even more successful. On the surface, nothing seems to have happened, but there is an undercurrent going on behind the scenes.

Facts have proved that if Huazhenxing wants to gain the right to speak in the field of urban planning, environment and ecological protection on an international scale through the Huanxiang Habitat Award, his goal has been achieved.

Hua Zhenxing was very calm because he was standing in a different position. The most excited people on such occasions are always those who win the big prizes. They seem to have gained a lot, but the ones who really gain the most are always those who design and give these awards.

What Hua Zhenxing and Manman were most interested in was to find Uncle Mo among the guest judges, but they failed in the end.

The night before leaving Ruishi Country, an unexpected guest came to the door. It turned out to be Zhu Ting, the commander-in-chief of Dongguo's aid project to build Feso Port.

The character created by Feng Zibin has always been mysterious and casual. Many people can't meet him even if they want to, and they don't even need a reason to refuse, but this guest is not easy to refuse.

When Feng Zibin saw Zhu Ting, he asked in confusion: "Mr. Zhu, I thought you had gone back to Dongguo to celebrate the Spring Festival, but I didn't expect you to come to Ruishi too. Is there anything you can't say in Fesuo Port? Fei Are you going to come here to find me?"

Zhu Ting had a straight face and carefully considered his words: "Mr. Feng Zibin, there are some things that I have to see you in person before I can talk to you, but I can't seem to find you at other times and places.

I led tens of thousands of workers to the Country of Miles and was responsible for a huge project. The planning scheme of this project won the grand prize of the first Huanxiang Habitat Award, which was to design a new city.

I heard that the engineering projects I am responsible for are your industry. I have never seen a client or owner like you. So many people have traveled thousands of miles to a foreign country and worked hard for you for several years, but you haven't even shown your face.

To be honest, I'm confused by your attitude! This is not only for me and my team, but also for everything you have. Do you value it or do you dismiss it? At the very least, I feel you lack respect and awe. "

Feng Zibin was stunned for a few seconds. Since he appeared in this capacity, he has been the object of praise and praise on any occasion. Today, he was criticized in person. Mr. Zhu flew from Jili State to Rui Shiguo came to attack him.

Although this was their first meeting as Feng Zibin, Hua Zhenxing had known Zhu Ting for a long time. Zhu Ting had been Lei Yunjin's deputy back then.

It's understandable that Mr. Zhu is unhappy, and he's not afraid of Feng Zibin's anger. With his qualifications and abilities, even if he doesn't serve as the project commander, he can live a good life back in Dongguo.

Feng Zibin set out the tea set, poured him a cup of tea with his own hands, and said kindly: "I'm really sorry, I haven't taken the initiative to visit you since the start of work. Are you so upset because Luo Fugen and Tang Sen are working there? Can’t cooperate enough?”

Zhu Ting: "Director Luo and Director Tang work very well together, and I have no dissatisfaction.

Last time Mr. Schichard came to inspect and had lunch with us. He is also very concerned about the Aiso Port project and expressed his full support. He specifically asked me, what aspects of the country's policies still need to be improved? "

These are all good things he said, but their meaning is also obvious. Everyone is so concerned about the project, but Feng Zibin, the "owner", is indifferent and indifferent. Zhu Ting has been working on projects for so many years and has never encountered such a situation.

Feng Zibin: "Come, let's drink tea first! I think Mr. Zhu has misunderstood. I am a very social person, so I try to avoid being in the public eye. In fact, I have always been very concerned about the project situation of Fiso Port."

Is the wind from Binshe afraid? Zhu Ting didn't notice it at all. He held the tea cup and asked: "Oh, why does Mr. Feng care?"

Feng Zibin: "I have actually been to the Fiso Port construction site many times, but I didn't show up in public to disturb everyone's work. Mr. Zhu can test me as much as he wants. I know everything about the progress of the project and the design and construction."

Since he boasted like this, Zhu Ting asked rudely, but the more he asked, the more dumbfounded he became. The Lord Feng Zibin in front of him actually seemed to know all the conditions at the construction site better than he did. He even knew the recipes of the canteen in the living area!

After the conversation, Zhu Ting frowned and said, "The more I look at you, the more familiar you seem. Have we met before? It should be at the construction site, right?"

Feng Zibin chuckled and said, "I must have seen you before, but you didn't recognize me at that time, and I didn't say hello specifically. In fact, we had dinner together in the cafeteria."

Zhu Ting was speechless for a moment. He couldn't blame the other party anymore, but he felt like he was being secretly watched. Feng Zibin smiled and asked again: "If Mr. Zhu has any other requests or suggestions, you might as well put them forward."

Zhu Ting took a sip of tea, put down the cup and said: "I came to you today mainly for another matter. I have never seen you, but the other people in charge of the country are too enthusiastic. It’s unnervingly passionate.”

Feng Zibin: "Look, being too enthusiastic can also make people feel uneasy. This is why I am afraid of society. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!"

Zhu Ting: "As you know, the Spring Festival is coming soon. This time many workers will stay on the construction site to celebrate the New Year."

Feng Zibin: "I am very grateful to them for traveling thousands of miles to come here. Whether it is life or work, we will provide various conveniences, including transportation problems when returning to China during vacation. Huanxiang Industrial encourages them to bring their families over."

Zhu Ting: "That's what I want to say. Recently, a video was circulated on the construction site. I wonder if Mr. Feng has seen it?" As he spoke, he turned on his mobile phone, found a video, clicked on it and handed it over.

In fact, Huazhenxing had seen this video a long time ago, and even knew who the editor of the video was, Cui Wanhyuk, the current propaganda director of Huanxiang Tebang.

The material of the video is taken from three speeches. Modern people like fast-paced content when browsing their mobile phones, so Cui Wanhyuk mixed and edited the most essential or provocative parts together, and also added introductory subtitles.

The first speaker was Xia Yading. At that time, Fangguan Development was sending a group of employees to Jili Country for permanent residence. At the farewell meeting, Xia Yading made an impromptu speech——

"When you go there, you don't have to worry about any inconveniences in your life. There are Dongguo colleagues in the company who look different from me, but are just like you, and the local language is also Dongguo.

You can easily buy Dongguo products and taste delicious food from various parts of Dongguo. The public security there is as good as many cities in Dongguo. You can also sit on the street and have beer and skewers at night.

Every town in Huanxiang Tebang is not as congested and makes you feel the pressure of a modern big city like Pingjing, but it is still lively, free from anxiety, and full of vitality.

Of course, there are many exotic features there, and I look forward to everyone discovering them one by one. For example, the company will organize everyone to visit the Black Wilderness Prairie and have close contact with lions, zebras, and giraffes. You can post to your friends as much as you like.

Of course, all this is under the premise of ensuring safety!

Many people are concerned about climate issues. It is warm all year round there and there is no winter like Pingjing. It can be very hot sometimes, but now the places where you work and live are equipped with air conditioners, and there are many interesting local ways to relieve the heat.

In fact, based on my personal experience, the hottest weather there is not as hot as Wucheng’s summer. In short, winters are warmer than those in Pingjing and summers are cooler than those in Wucheng.

Considering that many people may be homesick, all employees are given a total of six weeks of home leave every year, which can be taken at once or used in two or three times. We provide three free round-trip air tickets to Huanxiang Airlines' comfort class every year.

If you are worried that no one will take care of your parents and children, a better way is to take them over and live with them during your posting.

Huanxiang Industrial will provide housing free of charge, and the area is guaranteed to meet the needs, because there is no shortage of land there and we built the house ourselves. Family members can arrange work nearby, children can go to school nearby, and they can even walk to and from get off work every day.

I see that most of the people here are young people. The company often holds various group social activities to provide convenience for everyone to find and hook up with partners. Once they are successful, they don’t have to worry about houses and cars.

Some people are more concerned about their children's education. If I say that its teaching quality may be better than that of key schools in ordinary cities in the East, some people may not believe it.

But I can tell you that it must be fair, and this is the goal pursued by the country’s civic education.

My children, the children of Charles or people like Charles, the children of high-ranking officials in the United Nations, will go to the same school and receive the same education as everyone else, and may even become roommates.

After graduating from Kilikuni Middle School, you can return to the place of residence in Dongguo to take the college entrance examination, or you can take the college entrance examination in Kilikuni. If you go to university in Jiliguo, you can also get a diploma from a prestigious Dongguo university..."

This speech is a promise to the stationed personnel that the overseas headquarters Huanxiang Industrial will try its best to provide them with satisfactory working conditions and social welfare, and the life security of working overseas will be better.

Xia Yading was the chairman of Fangguan Development at the time, so it was natural for him to say such things. Shortly after this speech, Xia Yading resigned as chairman of Fangguan Development and succeeded Wang Fengshou as the ambassador of Kilili Kingdom to the East.

The next speaker was Lei Dajin. The occasion was Huanxiang Industrial’s Spring Festival group meeting last year. The edited content is as follows——

"Most of the people here are from Dongguo, or their fathers are from Dongguo. Many of them were workers or family members of Dongguo's construction aid not long ago, and then they stayed here to settle down and build their own homes together.

We are all builders and workers, the ones who created this world, and the most respectable people. Labor construction is the way we create all wealth, and only through it can we have everything.

Mr. Feng Zibin, the founder of Huanxiang Industrial and Huanxiang Tebon, once said this:

‘Labor remuneration, whether in currency or in other forms, should meet individual needs in terms of housing, life, health, starting a family, raising children, and enjoying old age, etc., and it should also meet the long-term needs of the equitable development of the entire society. ’

This is the purpose pursued by Huanxiang Industrial and Huanxiang Tebang, otherwise we would not be here happily.

In a word, the value of an enterprise’s existence is to allow workers to create value and to create value for workers. Whether our lives are happy determines whether the world is beautiful..."

Lei Dajin is now the executive director and president of Huanxiang Industrial, taking over the work of Ke Mengchao, the first executive director of that year. When Feng Zibin did not show his face, he was the daily person in charge of the group. He said these words It is also logical.

The last third speaker was Wang Fengshou, and the occasion was actually at the Fiso Port project site. When the camera panned, Zhu Ting himself sat down and applauded enthusiastically. Wang Fengshou is definitely an excellent speaker. Just listen to what he said——

"We are all from Dongguo. In fact, I am also from Dongguo. Among the technical staff here, there are also my alumni! In today's world, only Dongguo has such large-scale infrastructure capabilities and can assist in the construction of such projects. .

In the past few decades, Dongguo has been called an infrastructure madman and has achieved world-renowned achievements. Behind great achievements are great people, that is, all of you here. It is your sweat that creates everything. Sometimes you not only sweat, but also shed blood and tears.

Many people here do not feel that they are great. They participate in it only for very simple reasons, or even because of the helplessness of life.

For example, many of my alumni chose this career direction just because they majored in engineering.

There are even more workers who have left their hometowns just to find a job that can make a living so that they can truly settle down and make a living. They even dare not eat good food or wear good clothes on weekdays.

They live frugally and just want to save as much money as possible, buy a house in the city in the tide of the times, then pay off the mortgage, support their children in school, get married, and gradually squeeze themselves out. Their lives seem to be improving, but they always Anxious about the future.

The most basic needs of human beings, in addition to survival, are safety. Survival is a physiological necessity, and safety is a psychological necessity. The so-called security does not only refer to public order, but more importantly, whether you are familiar with the world and can you grasp the future?

It is always very difficult on the construction site. Some people suffer from underlying diseases, such as lumbar muscle strain, gastrointestinal discomfort, and rheumatism of the joints. They are afraid of getting sick, and even more afraid that one day they will no longer be able to work. Let’s not talk about hope in life, but whether life is still guaranteed. ?

Why do great people not feel their own greatness? This is because this greatness often does not get the respect it deserves. We always say that working people are the most beautiful, but are they really beautiful?

Workers are often covered in stinky sweat and their clothes are stained with dirt. When they squeeze into buses or take the subway in the city, they are greeted with all kinds of disgusted looks because their smell is really bad and they often stain the seats. .

Why is this happening? Why is this happening? Who doesn’t want to be clean, comfortable and respected by everyone? Are they enjoying the high-rise buildings, grand mansions, and luxurious clubs they built?

Welcome everyone to Huanxiang Tebang, welcome to New Feso Port! Our hopes, our goals, the city we are building are the fruits that all builders will enjoy in the future.

The construction site is still hard and requires sweat, but everyone will be treated with the greatest respect. We not only talk about ideals but also reality, and we will try our best to provide everyone with better working and living conditions.

We will build a more complete living area and provide more and more comprehensive food health, medical and labor security services.

For example, after work every day, there will be a bathroom like a gym, just like you have finished your workout and put on your usual clean and comfortable clothes. This is just a small detail. Many industrial and mining companies in Dongguo provide it, but many construction sites do not.

The workers here are walking on the streets of Fiso Port. In the eyes of the girls, they are the most energetic, handsome and energetic young men!

Thank you all for the laughter and applause! The really important issue is not these appearances, but that workers and builders will be truly respected here and enjoy the respect of everyone!

While you are on assignment, you can also bring your family members over. Huanxiang Industrial will arrange work according to the situation and provide housing suitable for family life.

Dongguo's large-scale infrastructure construction has passed its peak. I heard several of my fellow students in Dongguo say privately that they were ready to run away after finishing the project at hand and find another industry where they can still get paid.

I want to advise them not to run away! If you really want to run, then run here! You are welcome here and thank you here! Here, everyone can create their own future with their own hands..."

This was what happened half a year ago. Wang Fengshou, already the foreign minister of several miles, accompanied President Charles to inspect. At that time, Charles and he both spoke, expressing their gratitude and condolences to the Dongguo construction workers, but Cui Wanhyuk only edited the clip. Such a period of time.

Feng Zibin finished reading it patiently, then raised his head and said, "Mr. Zhu, is there anything wrong with this video? Is it because their promise was not fulfilled?"

Given the identities of these three speakers and the circumstances at that time, except for some of Wang Fengshou's individual words and sentences that were somewhat inappropriate, everyone could find fault with the rest of the speech. Moreover, when Wang Fengshou spoke, Zhu Ting also applauded at the scene.

Zhu Ting sighed: "Mr. Lord, you are also a Chinese of Dongguo origin. You should not speak secretly. Thinking about what has happened in Tebang in recent years, you should know better than me.

I came to Jili Country ten years ago and worked here for a long time on the Rothchild Airport Project. I was also the on-site chief engineer.

At that time, many Dongguo-aided construction workers have now stayed and settled here. Their parents have taken care of them, their children have taken them to school, and their family members have also come to work here.

Even my old leader Lei Yunjin did not return to China after retirement. Now he is the dean of the School of Water Conservancy Engineering at the University of Fesoport and has already brought his whole family here.

Of course I have no objection to these things, that is their own choice, but today I want to reflect on another situation.

My identity this time is the commander-in-chief of the Afriso Port Assistance Construction Project Department. This project involves multiple Dongguo construction units. A total of 12,000 employees have been dispatched, and there may be more next year.

The situation of each unit is different, but for this kind of overseas project, the biggest fear is that the people brought out do not come back. In this way, many people from top to bottom will have to take responsibility, and the family members in China will also go to the unit to ask for help!

This video has been going viral recently, and people on the construction site are excited. Many people envy the employees of Huanxiang Industrial. They also want to stay here and settle down, and apply for jobs in your Huanxiang Industrial. They are already looking for opportunities.

As long as there are more people, anything will happen. If they complete their work tasks and return to China, and then go to Huanxiang Industrial to apply for a job according to normal procedures, it has nothing to do with me. I am most afraid that someone will just leave!

In this kind of construction assistance project, if only one person runs away on an overseas construction site, it is an accident!

Some people may have debts in their hometown, some may have had a falling out with their families, and some may have done some shameful things locally and went to work overseas, only to leave without seeing their bodies alive or dead. There is no contact either.

If this happens, it will be difficult for each unit to explain, and it will be detrimental to your project... I hope that all construction aid personnel can at least complete their tasks safely and smoothly, and return to China for normal handover. "

Hearing this, Feng Zibin took the initiative to stand up, bent down and stretched out his hands and said: "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, we will never do anything to benefit ourselves at the expense of others, let alone harm others!

I will do my best to ensure that this does not happen! Huanxiang Industrial will never accept the kind of people you mentioned. They will be unable to move in Huanxiangt State and even the entire Kingdom of Jili. They will be sent back wherever they run away..."

Zhu Ting subconsciously leaned over to shake hands, as if he didn't expect Feng Zibin to make such a straightforward promise. He was stunned for a while and then said: "You can't just express your position to me. You must publicize the policy just now on the construction site and let everyone know it." ."

Feng Zibin: "I will fully cooperate with your work! Come, sit down and drink tea, and talk slowly if you have anything to say. Don't worry that I don't keep my words. If you don't believe me, go and ask. I always do what I say.

If you are still not at ease, I can call Charles to give you a guarantee, or I can call Foreign Minister Wang to sign a memorandum for you, and I will never make it difficult for you...Bringing so many workers out, we cannot let you give them away. lost.

In fact, this kind of thing has not happened in Huanxiang Tebang, but your worries are by no means unnecessary. We must take into account more complex situations in the future! "

Zhu Ting hesitated to speak: "It didn't happen? How do I remember..."

After the first phase of the Rozchild Airport was completed, Zhu Ting returned to Dongguo. He did not return to Jiliguo again until last year, and stayed in Dongguo for several more years.

As a "foreigner", Zhu Ting is aware of the changes that have taken place in Huanxiang Tebang and Shire City in recent years, but he still lacks understanding of the overall changes in Kilili Country and still retains the historical memory of Kilili Country.

Similar things did happen back then. Some workers disappeared after leaving their living areas without permission. In the chaotic country that was then, there was probably no place to look for them.

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