Enjoy the world

Chapter 556 The first ray of spring breeze in this new year

According to what Hua Zhenxing knew, the three old men, especially Master Ke, often punished Wang Fengshou and would call the student over to scold him when nothing happened. But at the same time, Wang Fengshou was responsible for more and more things and became more and more important.

Hua Zhenxing can completely understand the Master's mentality, because as Wang Fengshou himself said, someone has to do the dirty work in this world, right? There are not many people who can do this kind of work well, and the "good people" among them are even rarer.

There is always malice in the dark corners of this world, intrigues, and insidious and vicious people are everywhere. If you want to deal with it all, sometimes you have to use scheming and cruel methods.

However, if you have too many such dark contacts, your centrality will inevitably be contaminated without realizing it. No matter who the target is, you will be accustomed to conspiracy methods without knowing it.

Therefore, as long as Wang Fengshou has a slight problem, Master Ke will deal with him.

If you only look at many things themselves, Wang Fengshou's approach cannot be said to be wrong, or even the best solution. For example, when the New Alliance was not strong enough, planting explosives was a disaster for the gangsters who gathered.

What the Master is worried about is the behavioral tendency represented by this kind of thing. If you do it smoothly, you may become accustomed to it, and then this person will not be saved.

Speaking of dirty work, Hua Zhenxing actually did a lot more than Wang Fengshou, and it was by no means just killing one Dacheng monk every year. Especially in the first two years after the establishment of the new alliance, Hua Zhenxing did a lot of work himself, making him the most ruthless person in the country!

It’s only in recent years that New Guinea has gradually gotten on the right track, Huan Xiang Te State has been officially established, and Hua Zhenxing has gone to study in the East, and daily life has become a lot more "mundane".

But no matter in his actions or as a person, no one would think that Hua Zhenxing is sinister and vicious, and no one who is familiar with him will have this impression. Even if he openly sliced ​​up the Demon King and served it to a thousand people for a hotpot banquet, no one would find him scary.

The reason is simple, because he is not scary in the first place. As Hua Zhenxing said himself, he was born in purgatory. He was fortunate enough to receive the protection of Old Man Yang and the teachings of three elderly people, and he grew up to be an idealist who wants to feel the kindness of the world.

Of course he had been beaten frequently since he was a child, but the three old men beating him were subtly different from teaching Wang Fengshou a lesson. Wang Fengshou grew up in the Eastern Kingdom, Dr. Chunhua, and a proud son of heaven. When he was a boy, he had never seen such dangerous chaos as Fesuo Port.

Wang Fengshou came to the Kingdom of Jili after he became an adult. What he experienced was the darkest moment before dawn. The environment suddenly changed. Once he started doing dirty work, the three old people were inevitably worried that he would accidentally slip into the abyss.

Hua Zhenxing felt such emotion in his heart. He didn't know whether it was a tacit understanding or a coincidence. Wang Fengshou also sighed after hearing this: "In recent years, I have been fortunate to have several elderly people who have taught me through words and deeds. The more I have experienced personally, my junior brother, the more I admire you. !”

Hua Zhenxing was slightly startled, then stood up suddenly and said, "Senior brother, congratulations! I didn't realize when you had achieved great success."

Wang Fengshou's tone was humble, but his expression couldn't help but be a bit complacent: "Ashamed, ashamed, I can't compare with my junior brother. I am spending the Spring Festival in the United States this time, and I have wasted ten years in a delusional state and finally broke through, that is, a few days ago matter."

Hua Zhenxing: "No wonder I felt something was wrong when I saw you today. I thought I hadn't seen you for a week, but I didn't expect that we hadn't seen each other for ten years. This is a happy event. We need to set up a table to celebrate and invite a few more people to join in the fun. ."

Wang Fengshou: "Junior brother, I appreciate your good habit the most. Don't mess with people too much. For a small area, three tables are enough!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm notifying everyone to come over for a drink. It'll be the day after tomorrow. It's just the two of us today. We'll cook a few dishes here and have two drinks. I'll dig some winter bamboo shoots first, hunt a bamboo chicken, and catch two fish by the way." "

Wang Fengshou: "Let's go together."

One advantage of Yangyuan Valley is that Huazhenxing doesn't need to go to the vegetable market. Just walk around the lakeside Qingxiu Villa and you can prepare all the ingredients for a meal.

The two senior brothers went to prepare food in the mountains together, and Hua Zhenxing said again: "Since senior brother has achieved great success, I can discuss some matters with you.

I met Mr. Yue in Reishi Country last week. We were not just talking about Bollingen, it was just a little trouble. I have a really big plan..."

Wang Fengshou nodded while listening, and finally said excitedly: "I'm so looking forward to it!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm afraid I have to continue to work hard, senior brother!"

Wang Fengshou: "How can we say it's hard work? This is the real achievement in life. I have no choice but to enjoy it."

Hua Zhenxing sighed while digging winter bamboo shoots: "Among that group of people back then, I originally thought that Locke was the most likely to break through to Dacheng first, but I didn't expect that it would be you, senior brother."

After "the establishment of a sect" in Yangyuan Valley, Sima Zhi was the first to break through to Dacheng, and so far, only Sima Zhi has broken through to Dacheng. But Sima Zhi was a disciple of Fengtan who later joined Yangyuan Valley, so the situation was different.

Among the veteran partners of the new alliance who "started a business" with Hua Zhenxing back then, no one has yet broken through to Dacheng cultivation level. Today, they finally waited for Wang Fengshou. This may be an opportunity and a sign, which is certainly gratifying.

Wang Fengshou deliberately frowned: "Junior brother, what you said is a bit inappropriate. I am your senior brother, am I so looked down upon in your mind? I feel hurt, you have to make up for it, hide it Bring out the best wine you have."

Hua Zhenxing: "What kind of good wine can I hide? The real good wine is Mr. Yang's collection. It's not in Yangyuan Valley, but still in the cellar of the grocery store."

Wang Fengshou rolled his eyes: "Mr. Yang hasn't been back to the grocery store for more than a year. His old man is not here. How about we go search for him?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Okay, I'll be responsible for the search, and you'll be responsible for the beating."

Wang Fengshou's "Dacheng Banquet" was very lively. Although it was only celebrated in a small area, there were many people who came. The original plan was to set up three tables, but actually there were five tables. The location was Old Shan Yang behind the Yangyuan Valley teaching building. 's yard.

This yard was originally enclosed by his old man, and it is close to the largest lake in the valley. It is said to be a courtyard but is actually a garden, covering an area of ​​fifteen acres. It is fenced with naturally grown bamboos and retains a large area of ​​native vegetation.

There are bamboo forests and camellia forests here, as well as twenty vegetable plots of various sizes growing various vegetables. In the center of the garden are three large tile-roofed houses, which have a traditional Eastern countryside feel.

There is an open space on the shore of the lake behind the house, where five tables are placed. Old Man Yang rarely lives in this courtyard recently, and Qilin has also gone to Wanbian Sect for further training. On weekdays, only Xiao Guang sends students to take care of it.

Most of the ingredients at the banquet are self-produced in Yangyuan Valley, such as bamboo chicken in the forest and fish in the lake. It is unclear whether they are game or home-cooked. The vegetables are also freshly picked.

The main dish is a home-cooked dish with local Northeastern flavor called Dafeng Harvest, but with a little bit of Yangyuan Valley flavor.

Since it was difficult to predict the severity of Old Man Yang's beating, Wang Fengshou did not let Hua Zhenxing go to the cellar of the grocery store to store wine. Otherwise, the five tables of people would drink freely, and Wang Fengshou was worried that his body would not be able to bear it.

When having a banquet in Yangyuan Valley, the wine must also have the characteristics of Yangyuan Valley. The one served is the top-grade Klin Daqu. The chief bartender of the winery is also a disciple of Yangyuan Valley, and he brings the puree from the cellar to blend the finished product on site.

Does this kind of wine taste better? Not necessarily, but the atmosphere is great!

Wang Fengshou was very popular. He grew up in the Eastern Kingdom, and came to the Gilly Kingdom to become a veteran of the new alliance. Later, he served as the Gilly Kingdom's ambassador to the Eastern Kingdom for several years, so the various factions in Yangyuan Valley had a close relationship with him. Very close.

Everyone sincerely sent their congratulations, and many people were envious.

Among the five people on the table, nearly half have reached the perfection of the five realms. Although there is only a thin line between the cultivation level and Dacheng, it is not easy to truly break through Dacheng.

By the end, everyone was a little drunk. For example, Niu Yiping and Shen Sishu had already used wine bottles as food and started singing to each other.

Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but be a little distracted, always looking across the lake at the stone bridge in the distance. The position where he was sitting happened to be facing the bridge pavilion in the center of the long embankment in the lake.

There is one person missing at the banquet, that is Manman. Manman has been in seclusion in the bridge pavilion since the first day of the new year. I don’t know when she will be able to break out?

Last year was also the first month of the year. Manman retreated in the same place and reached the perfection of the five realms. Now that he is in retreat again, he has obviously been able to enter the realm of delusion, or the realm of dreams.

In this Yangyuan Valley, Hua Zhenxing doesn't even need to look, he can naturally sense Manman no matter where he is. That bridge pavilion is the best place for retreat in the Immortal Cave. It was once the place where instructors and students took turns to practice and gain enlightenment, but now the rules have changed again.

The reason is that there are too many people, and there is only one place in the Cave Heaven Center, so now only the sixth-level instructors are eligible to apply to practice in the bridge pavilion on weekdays. Xiao Guang is responsible for reviewing and arranging a reasonable timetable.

As for Manman, he was a special case. Hua Zhenxing had informed him a year in advance, asking Xiao Guang to free up the half-month period from the first to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month this year for Manman to retreat.

In other words, when Manman was still here in retreat last year, Hua Zhenxing had already asked Xiao Guang to make arrangements.

How many disciples are there in Yangyuan Valley now? After years of training and promotion, the number of Yangyuan Masters registered in various Yangyuan Skill Centers has reached 150,000, and most of them are first- and second-level Yangyuan Masters.

As for the formal monks, including those Four Realm Whiteboard monks and the Kunlun casual cultivators who joined one after another, the number exceeded a thousand during the Spring Festival last year.

Although Qiaoting is the best place to practice, other places in Yangyuan Valley are also good. After all, it is the boundary of the Immortal Family Cave Heaven. Now there are two more blue sky washing formations, Blue Sky Lake and Moon Covering Lake, which are also blessed places for cultivation.

If the "quasi-monks" who have entered the first to third realms are included, there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in Yangyuan Valley. This is unmatched by any traditional practice sect, but there are not many absolute masters.

It is not that there are no experts in Yangyuan Valley. The three Supreme Elders are the top experts in the world, but their realm is too high, and there is a gap between them and everyone else across the ages.

In addition, Yangyuan Valley already has five great monks: Hua Zhenxing, Pan Cai, Sima Zhi, Fang Chuanchan, and Gao Jianling. Leaving aside Hua Zhenxing himself, none of these people were trained by Yang Yuan Gu himself, and Sima Zhi could barely be counted as half.

Why did Hua Zhenxing include Fang Chuanchan and Gao Jianling? They are indeed the elders of Yangyuan Valley now, and many things happened unknowingly as the situation developed.

The small sect of Fanglongguan has now been officially integrated into Yangyuan Valley. Although many of its disciples still stay in Pingjing of the Eastern Kingdom, Yangyuangu also has a branch in Pingjing, and the Fangguan development headquarters is there.

The Baihuashan Dojo on the outskirts of Pingjing has now officially become the overseas dojo of Yangyuan Valley.

I think if Hua Zhenxing had forcefully "incorporated" Fang Longguan as soon as he arrived in Pingjing, it would have definitely aroused fear and dissatisfaction among the Kunlun cultivation circles. But now that Fang Long Guanju Sect has merged into Yangyuan Valley, no one thinks it is abnormal, and everyone seems to feel that it should be like this.

As for Gao Jian Ling, Fengjin Village has decided to move all the clan members to Meng'en Garden. Although the relocation work has not yet been completed, Gao Jian Ling's joining Yangyuan Valley is an inevitable result.

In today's Kunlun cultivation world, there is no longer a separate sect called Fanglongguan, but the ancestral hall of Fanglongguan is still preserved in the Baihuashan Dojo, becoming a branch of the Yangyuan Valley inheritance.

In the Fangwai Alliance founded by Teacher Ding, the member Fengjin Village also disappeared. Hua Zhenxing didn't expect what happened in Fengjin Village, but after thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

From the introduction of the list, it can be seen that although Yangyuan Valley has trained a large number of ordinary Yangyuan masters, it has not really trained a single great monk. There is nothing we can do about it, after all, it has only been established for a few years.

Now we finally have Wang Fengshou, which is of epoch-making significance.

Wang Fengshou joked with Hua Zhenxing, saying that he was hurt, because Hua Zhenxing was originally more optimistic about Luo Fugen, but who can say for sure about this kind of thing? Locke is his favorite, but the one he hopes for most is of course Manman. .

It was already late at night after the banquet ended. Some of the guests returned to the caves in the valley, while others cast spells to sober up and left Yangyuan Valley directly. Many people came here at short notice after receiving the news. There were still many things going on outside.

Hua Zhenxing walked around the lake alone, walked up the long embankment, and came to the big willow tree outside the bridge pavilion. In this Yangyuan Valley, his form and spirit were integrated with the cave sky, which did not disturb Manman in retreat at all, and then he sat quietly under the tree.

Manman is in a state of concentration, and may or may not be aware of the situation in the valley, because there are different levels of concentration.

If she is cultivating the soul, then she can know everything that happens in the valley. If she has entered the realm of delusion, it is equivalent to traveling to another world.

When the first ray of sunlight from the sky hit the treetops, Hua Zhenxing suddenly fell into concentration, because only in this way could he not be affected by nervousness. He noticed a certain sense of passage, coming from Manman in the bridge pavilion.

As the master of the Fufeng Pan, Hua Zhenxing can detect all subtle mysteries if he wants to in the Yangyuan Valley Cave Heaven built with the Fufeng Pan as the center of the array.

Is it the passing of life? It does not seem! Is it the passage of longevity? A bit like it but not quite. To describe it more accurately, it seems that a world that did not exist has appeared, and the years of self-creation are unfolding.

Just like an infinitesimal dot, it suddenly has infinite connotation. Because Hua Zhenxing has already broken through the Dacheng cultivation level, he has such an awareness. He realizes that Manman has entered the realm of dream life.

As for what Manman experienced in the delusion state, Hua Zhenxing has no way of knowing. Fortunately, it doesn't take long to wait, it may be just a snap of the fingers.

Being able to realize the state of delusion is a great achievement in itself. The so-called perfection of the five realms actually does not exist in a certain sense. You can always practice endlessly, but if you can't break through the door, you will not be able to achieve the state of delusion.

Not to mention the ancient times, there are many casual cultivators and demon cultivators today. If they have not received the guidance of a master and have cultivated to this point on their own, they may think that this is the ultimate state of cultivation, and they can "travel" to any thought in a single thought. The world you want.

As a result, many people will never come back and have their dreams come true in the center of delusion. Some people did not come back because they simply did not know that they could escape from delusion, or even that they had to prove it.

Hua Zhenxing was not sure whether Manman could achieve success, and no one else could be so sure. But Hua Zhenxing is still confident about whether Manman can prove the delusion and achieve the achievement of freely entering and exiting the delusion.

Just as I was thinking about it, a wind suddenly blew by. It was the spring breeze among the mountains on the plateau. Kilili Country is located in the tropics, but Yangyuan Valley is located at a much higher altitude than outside the mountains, and the climate is much cooler, with four distinct seasons.

Today is the seventh day of the first lunar month, which is February 12th according to the Gregorian calendar. According to solar terms, it has already passed the beginning of spring. This big willow tree is between not yet sprouting and about to sprout. The leaf buds on the willow branches are showing signs of wanting to sprout.

Before Yangyuan Valley was built, this big willow tree grew naturally beside the lake. The end of a long embankment-shaped peninsula extending to the center of the lake is exactly at the spiritual hub of this geomantic treasure land.

When the Yangyuan Valley Cave was first completed, it turned into a spiritual plant.

The spring breeze blew by, and three leaf buds on a willow branch unfolded, as if vitality had broken through the constraints and faced the world. Then the willow branches flew down silently, as if they were broken off by invisible hands.

The willow branch flew into the bridge pavilion and was picked up by a visible hand at the fingertips. At this time, Manman had already stood up. She broke through the barrier and refined the first spring breeze of the year into Yangyuan Valley's iconic magic weapon-Chun Yuzhi.

There are three iconic magical weapons in Yangyuan Valley: light beads, magnolia knife, and spring rain branches.

In the eyes of traditional monks, the luminous bead is not a magic weapon. It is just like a toy. It is just a stone bead that can shine. It is mainly used for lighting the cave.

The Magnolia Sword is a magical weapon that all disciples must personally refine after breaking through the four realms. It was first made by Hua Zhenxing, and then became a standard artifact template, and even became a standard magic weapon.

Yangyuan Valley did this first of all because it could provide enough materials to create this kind of magic weapon. The more important purpose is to change the attributes of the fourth-level Yuan Yuan Master "blank slate monk", and gradually master the refining and imperial weapons through the sacrifice of the Magnolia Sword.

After successfully refining the Magnolia Sword, the disciples of Yangyuan Valley will practice the Magnolia Sword Formation together with their fellow disciples to gain initial exposure to the formation. This formation was created by Sima Zhui, and was somewhat based on the Spring Rain Sword Formation inherited from Dingfengtan.

As for the Chun Yuzhi, it was originally used to set up the Spring Rain Sword Formation. It was originally called Feng Zhan, but was renamed Chun Yuzhi by Hua Zhenxing.

Originally, Fengtan inherited a total of ninety-nine spring rain branches. When Yangyuan Valley was first founded, Hua Zhenxing planned to use it as a symbolic portable magic weapon for formal disciples, but later found that it could not meet the demand at all.

From a development perspective, Chun Yuzhi's "output" is far from enough. Yangyuan Valley can train far more than one fourth-level student every year. However, because of its unique fate, a magic weapon like Chunyu Zhi can only be refined once a year.

Therefore, Chun Yuzhi has now become the standard equipment for sixth-level instructors in Yangyuan Valley. It is best for a magic weapon like this to be refined by one's own hands.

Manman has been a level 6 instructor for a long time. When the spring breeze first came this year, she personally made a spring rain branch and then walked out of the bridge pavilion with this branch.

When Manman stood up, Hua Zhenxing also stood up. He stood under the bridge and watched Manman approaching with a look that was both familiar and novel. How to describe it? It seemed like I could see it every day, and it seemed like it was the first time I saw it.

Manman's hair was flying, and there was almost no change in her appearance. She still looked the same.

Even Zaxin, the old patriarch of the Poseidon Clan, couldn't remember the exact time of Manman's birth. When doing the resident registration, Manman simply registered that he was the same age as Hua Zhenxing, so this year he was also twenty-two.

Manman has an excellent figure, and Hua Zhenxing knows this very well, but her temperament is always like that of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

But at this moment, the feeling that Manman gave him had an indescribable mature charm, like the beauty of time. Hua Zhenxing was distracted for a moment and forgot to speak, but Manman's spiritual thoughts came from his soul: "What's wrong? You don't recognize me anymore?"

This sound seemed like the spring breeze blowing and the rays falling. It was the simplest spiritual thought, just one sentence, but it meant that Manman had achieved success.

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