Enjoy the world

Chapter 55 A paradise in the world

The closer you get, the clearer you can see. There are more than 20 kinds of crops planted in the fifteen acres of vegetable land. In some plots, climbing trellises have been set up, and some varieties are unknown to Hua Zhenxing. Residents in this area all garden in their yards, but the style here is different, with all kinds of vegetables planted!

Hua Zhenxing thinks it’s pretty good. It’s Dongguo style. Why can’t people watch it if you can plant it? It’s your ability to plant and reap something! Thinking about where the Dongguo construction workers were stationed, the front and back of the houses were almost turned into vegetable gardens, and chickens were raised in them.

The accompanying Shen Sishu saw that Hua Zhenxing was a little distracted, and reminded him from the side: "I received a short notice and learned that you were going to walk over on the beach. Everyone has moved here to welcome you."

Manager Shen thought that Hua Zhen, a young man, wanted to avoid the welcoming team. In his opinion, how could Hua Zhenxing escape such an opportunity to exercise? Since he was transformed into Feng Zibin, he had to be able to withstand various scenes, but he didn't know that Hua Zhenxing was not looking at people but looking at food.

There were almost 200 employees from the Huanxiang Industrial Headquarters. They lined up inside and outside the east side door to welcome us. They walked in and applauded warmly.

Charles was in a daze. He had just been talking to the senior executives around him. Although it was very hot to wear a suit and tie, he gradually found the feeling of a director. Anyway, the local indigenous people have mastered their own skills. Only when he heard the applause did he notice that the mouths and noses of the people who came to greet him could not be seen clearly because everyone was wearing masks.

This is something that can only be seen in the hospital. Huanxiang Industrial was doing something wrong. At this time, all the senior executives around him also took out masks from their pockets and put them on. Li Jingzhi also specially took out a large bag of masks and distributed them to Charles. As well as the bodyguards and female companions brought by Feng Zibin. There were two bodyguards left on the yacht, and there were four bodyguards and four girls following behind.

Charles wondered: "What is this for?"

Li Jingzhi explained: "During the epidemic, you must pay attention to protective measures. This is the regulation of the company headquarters." Charles couldn't ask any more questions, otherwise he would appear to be ignorant as a senior executive. He took the mask and put it on. Jingzhi also personally taught him how to pinch the nose pin.

After everyone else had put on their masks, Li Jingzhi handed the last mask to Feng Zibin. Everyone saw President Feng waving his hands to indicate that he would not wear it, but Vice President Li insisted and whispered several words of advice. Feng Zibin frowned and put on the mask, and then the applause became even more enthusiastic.

Hua Zhenxing is not Charles. He knows why these people wear masks and what is happening in the world. But when he walked into the manor and found that everyone was wearing masks, he couldn't help but feel a little trance, as if he had been transported to another world in an instant, and he was no longer in Fiso Port.

Since the beginning of last year, a new type of viral influenza broke out in the United States and soon swept the world. Its contagiousness and mortality rate are far higher than ordinary influenza. Influenza has many complications, of which pneumonia is the most common. Therefore, many countries have ignored the possibility of pneumonia caused by another new source of disease.

It was not until the end of last year that Dongguo doctors noticed that a group of related viral pneumonia patients were not infected with any currently known virus. They found and isolated the new strain as quickly as possible. This is a new virus discovered by humans. No one in the world knows its characteristics. However, through the investigation and summary of the prevalence of actual cases, its general patterns were quickly summarized.

Dongguo carried out an emergency mobilization, adopted measures to isolate all citizens at home and treat all cases. It took several months to finally basically control the epidemic. When the epidemic in East China reached its climax, the Western public opinion circles, led by the United States, also reached a climax of schadenfreude, with all kinds of ridicule and criticism overwhelming.

Why is there an epidemic in the East? It seems that it is not because of the virus. Politicians, media, and analysts from all walks of life have made institutional attributions, cultural attributions, racial attributions, social attributions, historical attributions, and national attributions... Wait for analysis.

It seemed at the time that Dongguo had adopted the most stringent anti-epidemic measures in human history, and the price paid was extremely heavy. The entire society was shut down for a time; but looking back now, the losses were minimal. Although bone scraping and poison treatment are painful to the bone marrow, if you act decisively, you can restore your health, but it will not end up losing your arm or even endangering your life.

Later, a lot of investigation evidence showed that the new virus had actually appeared all over the world, but it had not been discovered. If it was not discovered, of course it could not be detected. If it could not be detected, of course there would be no cases. Dongguo was the first to discover it and provided testing methods. When the epidemic in Dongguo was basically under control, cases began to appear in various parts of the world, but it seemed that officials and major media in various countries did not care much.

Even Dongguo can handle things, so what does it mean to them? In the long-term publicity of the countries of North America and West Luo, the East Kingdom is a place similar to the Kingdom of Kilili. It is in dire straits, the people are in dire straits, and it has continued to collapse for several decades. The impression given to people is that Dongguo is probably not as good as Kilili Country, because Kilili Country has been influenced by the most advanced culture in the world.

This is originally a means of publicity and publicity. What is interesting or scary is that in the end, even they themselves believed it! The actual situation proved that they really couldn't handle it.

Dongguo has a population of more than one billion, with no more than 100,000 infections and several thousand deaths. However, with the exception of Dongguo, there are billions of people in the world, more than 10 million people have been infected, and nearly one million people have died. This is only the test statistics and published data. The number of untested and unpublished data is unknown, and it is still In constant growth.

More than half a year has passed, and the epidemic in Dongguo has been basically eliminated. Epidemics continue to break out in many parts of the world. Dongguo is like an isolated island in the ocean. It may not be appropriate to call it an isolated island, because Dongguo is big enough, like a continent surrounded by waves, and there are constant waves hitting it. If you are not careful, a local new epidemic may be imported, and then it will be extinguished urgently.

Huazhen Guild speaks multiple languages, especially Dongguo, so he can see all kinds of information and understand all these situations. But in his feelings, all this was very distant, as if it had nothing to do with Fiso Port. No matter what the hot topics of world public opinion are, the vast majority of local residents in Fiso Port have never heard of it, and will not care or understand it.

According to the Newtonian effect in psychology, many people cannot understand this phenomenon, but it is a fact.

The simplest reason is that the native language used by the residents of Fiso Port has no written language, which blocks modern information dissemination methods.

Although they can speak a few words of daily English, most of them cannot read English literature. Even if they are given a mobile phone and connected to a signal, most of them do not know how to access the Internet. Even if a webpage is opened for them, they cannot understand what is written on it, not to mention that the vast majority of residents here do not have it at all. Exposed to these things.

There is no cable TV or local TV station in Fiso Port. Only a few upper-class families have satellite antennas that can receive TV signals from all over the world and from several countries. But in the neighborhoods where Hua Zhenxing and Shire live, there is no information about the epidemic at all, as if it never happened.

Huazhenxing found the epidemic data of Kilili Country on Dongguo’s website. In the past six months, several thousand people in Kilili Country have been reported to be infected. As for what the actual figures are, no one knows. You have to spend your own money for testing. Who among the local people will spend this money? Many people want to see a doctor but can’t find a place!

More than a quarter of the local residents are HIV-positive, and various epidemics are common. The average life expectancy here is only in their early thirties, which means that many people will not live to reach adulthood in the true sense. Who cares about this? There is no way to care.

According to Lao Lei, Dongguo's construction workers were all injected with more than 20 types of vaccines before coming here. Moreover, there are regulations at the construction site. For injections and medical treatment, they can only go to the resident clinic, not even the Fesoport International Hospital. , for serious diseases, it is recommended to return to China for treatment, which shows that their awareness is completely different from that of the locals.

The worldwide epidemic is a respiratory infectious disease, so wearing a mask to cover your mouth and nose is the most basic and necessary prevention and control measure, not only to protect yourself but also to protect others. Unfortunately, almost no one is wearing a mask in Fiso Port. Hua Zhenxing even asked Old Man Yang about this, and Old Man Yang once said that he didn't need to care. "

Old man Yang said this, so Hua Zhenxing didn't pay attention, but he heard that some people wore masks when going out in Fiso Port and were attacked by locals. The attacks that occur here are almost always accompanied by robbery and serious personal injury. If the victim is a woman, the experience will often be even more miserable.

Similar incidents have occurred several times in succession, and the local police have done nothing as usual. Later, someone secretly took action. Although no one was killed, the method was extremely cruel. The main personnel involved in the attack were found, and each of them had an arm chopped off. The right-hander had his right hand chopped off, and the left-hander had his left hand chopped off.

I don’t know who did this, but many people suspect it was the Straw Shoes Gang’s revenge, because several of the people attacked were members of the Straw Shoes Gang. Many Dongguo people in Fiso Port have joined the Straw Shoes Gang, including Dongguo residents with several nationality, as well as Dongguo settlers. In the eyes of the locals anyway, they are all Dongguo people, and those who were attacked for wearing masks were basically the same. these people.

Hua Zhenxing never asked Uncle Mo whether this was done by the Straw Shoes Gang. Yang Tehong also reminded him specifically: "You don't need to ask, and you shouldn't ask. In fact, what are the consequences of asking?"

Old Man Yang has told Hua Zhenxing since he was a child that if you want to ask about other people's privacy, you must first ask yourself what is your purpose and what answer do you want? If it is just to satisfy curiosity, it is disrespectful and offensive.

But Hua Zhenxing still went to find out why those people were attacked. The reason turned out to be because of a rumor: Those people were infected with an evil virus, so they wore masks. Mo Shangtong organized people to secretly deal with those who spread rumors, controlled the spread of rumors, and finally traced the source of the rumors to the Golden Gang. It was unknown what the purpose of that group was.

Now that Huanxiang Industrial has been established and the plan to build the Kelin District has been launched, the Golden Gang must be eradicated. Hua Zhenxing, who transformed into Feng Zibin, walked into the manor, put on a mask for the first time in his life, and suddenly thought about these things.

Arriving at the manor, Feng Zibin looked around, pointed to the vegetable patch with satisfaction and praised: "Before I came here, I thought that no one had lived here for a long time and it was already deserted... These are the nurseries of the manor, right? Okay, well taken care of!"

Cui Wanhyuk, director of the Publicity Department, obviously didn't know the inside story about his identity, and replied with some embarrassment: "Well, they are all rare local varieties of flowers and seedlings. They were just planted. They can not only be viewed, but also cooked and eaten."

There is nothing wrong with this. Fruits and vegetables will also bloom. Wouldn't it be beautiful if a ridge of broad beans and a shelf full of loofahs bloom? You can also watch the colorful peppers and tomatoes! \u0026lt;p\u0026gt;\u0026lt;br\u0026gt;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;\u0026lt;p\u0026gt;\u0026lt;br\u0026gt;\u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

There has been a local epidemic in Dalian recently. I also plan to go for the accounting test organized by the government today, so I have written a few more gossips in the update. It is not a paid chapter anyway.

It’s time to change a concept. In the past, people pursued seafood because of the limitations of fishing, breeding, preservation, and transportation technology. It was not available in many places and many times, so they thought it was good and high-end, just like the one in Fiso Port. Eggs, now we don’t have to think so.

No matter what kind of food it is, it must be safe, nutritious, and delicious. The so-called quality is actually reflected in the skill and craftsmanship of cooking... As I write this, I suddenly want to have a meal to put my mind at ease.

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