Enjoy the world

Chapter 508 The Era of Briquettes

"The moon is still bright in my hometown! Only a few days after I came here, I actually started to miss Fesoport."

In the courtyard of the Embassy of Kilili Country, several people were sitting around a table. There are power grids on the surrounding high walls, and the trees in the courtyard are quite old. The environment is very quiet and private. Through the gaps between the treetops, one can see a crescent moon in the sky.

After the day's talks, Charles, Hua Zhenxing, Wang Fengshou, Li Jingzhi, and Shen Sishu gathered together in the middle of the night to drink a glass of wine to relieve their fatigue. Xia Yading and others also led the team to collect materials overnight.

The table in front of them can be regarded as a cultural relic. It has served as a banquet in Wuling Mountain, appeared in Baihua Mountain, and entertained heroes from all over the world and even gods from all walks of life.

When Charles spoke, he was shaking a goblet in his hand. The wine in the glass was rotating evenly against the glass wall, but what he was shaking was not red wine, but amber Dongguo rice wine. Because Master Ke likes to drink this, Charles also likes to play with it.

More than one person had reminded him that drinking like this was wrong, but Charles rolled his eyes strangely and asked, "Did you stipulate this?"

Therefore, holding a goblet to transfer rice wine has become a specialty of Mr. Xia. At this time, he was looking at the sky and uttering a slightly literary Dongguo dialect. Fourth Book Shen reminded: "Port Feso has been renamed Shire City!"

Charles: "Yes, isn't that even more of a hometown?"

Wang Fengshou complained: "Stop being pretentious. It's not that I don't let you go out and wander around. This is a security requirement! With your current status, it is inappropriate to have to go out and have sex in the middle of the night!"

Hua Zhenxing also smiled: "Just grab a glass of wine and drink it first."

Charles: "I don't mean anything else, I just read a poem. In my memory, the moon in Charles City is much brighter than here, and it's even bigger!"

Wang Fengshou raised his head and looked at the moon: "Actually, the air in Pingjing is much better now, especially these two days. I remember when I was in elementary school, there were often sandstorms. When I went to college, the sandstorms disappeared, but there were often smog... "

Li Jing jumped in: "Objectively speaking, the air quality in Mowang City is still not as good as that in Pingjing, especially in the dry season. In the rainy season, it is not easy to see the moon."

Is the air quality in Mowang City, the capital of the Kingdom of Kyri, not as good as that in Pingjing? This is true, especially when it comes to cooking. Because many residents of Mowang City are still using biofuels. The so-called biofuels are firewood.

There is always firewood to burn, and the conditions are actually much better than before.

Although Mowang City cannot be compared with Pingjing City in size, it still has a population of more than one million people in a mess. Residents in many neighborhoods cannot go to the wild to find firewood. On weekdays, they even use all kinds of garbage as firewood.

Later, supply and marketing cooperatives spread across the country. With the development of large-scale agriculture and planting, various blocks in Mowang City also had a guaranteed supply of firewood. With the development of light industry in the past two years, some people have used briquettes.

After talking about the moon and air quality, and the issue of fuel for residents' lives, Charles took a sip of wine and said: "The technology introduction project I mentioned personally actually shocked them! The coal stove factory, Dongguo seems to have already there is none left."

At this point, it’s all story. When Hua Zhenxing was a child, he believed that the stove in his kitchen was the most advanced, and this was not wrong. It was a nine-mouth magic stove. Most of the locals in the neighborhood used earthen stoves for cooking.

The earthen stoves in Jili Kingdom are not the big ones familiar to the people of the Eastern Kingdom, but they are extremely earthy. To put it nicely, they can be called marching stoves.

It is to build a circle with a gap with earth, and stack a pot on it. Sometimes it's not even a pot, it might just be a tin bucket, a big plate, a big piece of iron or a flat stone.

Hua Zhenxing saw the liquefied gas tanks and matching stoves for the first time after visiting the living quarters of Dongguo construction workers.

In the Kingdom of Kyrgyzstan, the most high-end stove fuel is canned liquefied gas, and very few people use it. Because the supply is limited, replacing a can of gas is very troublesome and extremely expensive.

Even the Dongguo Construction Aid Project Department later set up a large stove in the canteen of the living area and began to cook large pots of food with firewood, because it was really inconvenient to use liquefied gas.

Social changes are not just a few lines in history books, but involve every aspect of daily life, and some details may be unimaginable.

The New Alliance carried out patriotic sanitation campaigns in various neighborhoods, built garbage stations, sewers and public toilets, prohibited open defecation and messing in toilets, and promoted new brick and earth stoves. Where conditions allowed, they tried to promote coal stoves.

The new brick-and-earth stove promoted by the New Alliance has a structure similar to the traditional large stove of the Eastern Kingdom. It has a chimney that does not choke people, and the efficiency of firewood utilization is higher and the fire hazard is smaller.

As for the coal stove, it has surpassed the stage of burning briquettes and directly entered the era of briquettes. Wage Mining has a coal mine, a pit-head power plant, and two small generating units that supply electricity to the entire mining area.

Later, the mining group expanded its mining scale and began to produce briquettes. In fact, there is no shortage of coal mines in Kilili Kingdom, and there are already mining plans for many years to come, but it still requires assistance and cooperation from the East.

Although today’s Dongguo residents basically don’t use briquettes, briquettes are not that old. Before people lived in unit buildings, there were still many people using them in the 1980s and 1990s.

Li Jingzhi and others used briquettes at home when they were young. According to their memories, they restored the process through trial production, built a batch of coal stove samples, trained workers, and collected materials to build a small coal stove factory.

Burning briquettes is also very particular. At least it is difficult for the local indigenous people. They have to be taught step by step. The most technical part is to seal the furnace. If the furnace is not sealed well, the fire will be extinguished.

This thing can't be used in the living room yet, it needs a relatively open space, but it can be considered an improvement anyway.

When Charles came this time, he asked for assistance in building several coal stove factories and supporting supply chains, which shocked the representatives of the Dongguo Business Negotiation Team.

Dongguo officials have experienced many foreign trade business negotiations of this type, and this is the first time they heard such a simple and unpretentious request.

Fortunately, the technical content of coal stoves is very low. Many workers in coal stove factories are still there today, and they have not even reached retirement age, but they can provide relevant assistance projects.

Kilili Country has been able to produce coal stoves, but it still uses a semi-manual method, with insufficient raw materials and very limited production capacity. This matter is related to the livelihood of the people across the country, so it needs to place an order to import it from the East Country.

Now that Dongguo technicians are developing briquette stoves, they can completely optimize the design and use better insulation materials to close the fire structure, making it more environmentally friendly and more efficient.

In Dongguo in the 1980s, township-level enterprises could actually produce such things, and no large factories were needed.

However, it is not possible to make it into a large-scale industrial product. Coal stoves and fire tongs require some iron sheet, cast iron, steel bars and other materials. At least a steel plant is needed upstream, right?

The state-owned iron ore in Kilili is of high quality and can be exported to Dongguo, but the local area also needs supporting steel plants.

The briquette stove is only an important item that Charles is concerned about. At this stage, the core industries that Gilly Country really wants to introduce are mainly steel, chemical fertilizers, and agricultural machinery.

This can be regarded as the transfer of Dongguo's excess production capacity. It depends on how much Jiliguo can absorb and digest.

The cooperation between Kiriguo and Dongguo mainly focuses on the introduction of production capabilities. It is not completely open. It is more cautious in some areas. For example, the retail industry is not fully open.

This does not mean that goods from the East are not to be imported, but that which goods need to be imported are decided by the retail companies in the country that have foreign trade import rights. The largest of them is the General Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and the smallest is probably Old Yang’s Grocery Store.

This is not a policy against the Eastern Kingdom, but a national policy of the Kiri Kingdom itself, and it is the same for all countries.

The reason for not opening up the commodity retail industry for the time being is also very simple. The country's fragile light industry has just recovered, and its competitiveness is still quite limited. It cannot withstand the impact of a large number of foreign goods, especially those from the East, in a short period of time.

For example, the simplest honeycomb briquette stove, if the finished product is directly imported, with the complete industrial chain of Dongguo, even if this product no longer exists, it can be produced quickly, which can wipe out all the existing coal stove factories in Jiliguo. .

Another area that requires cooperation but cannot be completely open is the education system.

Some social educational institutions have industrial characteristics, but the education system itself is not suitable and cannot be developed as an industry.

Education is national sovereignty. Only with national sovereignty as the premise can education become a civil right.

If education is operated as an open industry, the consequences will be serious, and may even lead to the deconstruction and alienation of national consciousness and cultural traditions.

Is there any country in the world that treats sovereignty as a business? Of course there is. For example, some small countries specialize in selling passports. In fact, they turn the country's diplomatic sovereignty into a passport industry. Kilili Country obviously does not want to be such a country anymore.

The national consciousness of Kilili Country has just been knitted together through the new social transformation. It was originally just a patchwork of local separatist forces and tribal cultural heritage. Many indigenous residents did not even know that they were from Kilili Country.

As for cultural tradition, it is actually two different concepts from traditional culture. There is no traditional culture in Kilili Country. If there is any, it is gang culture and tribal shaman culture that cannot be put on the stage.

The cultural tradition here is in the process of being re-established, and the education system is at its core, so it must be independent. But on the other hand, it is the most vulnerable to penetration and influence.

Education determines for whom and what kind of talents are cultivated. Exchanges and references in science and culture are essential, but many so-called academic issues in the humanities field are actually the distinction between economic and political stances.

Sometimes the defense lines established by national security agencies may be riddled with holes in the education system overnight.

Although Hua Zhenxing had some experience of this when he established the Chunhua University, it was not obvious yet. But Manman always had doubts at Pingjing University - who and what kind of talents are being cultivated here?

The country's first five-year plan calls for the establishment of three universities and seven vocational and technical colleges in the field of higher education. At the same time, according to the five-year primary school and five-year middle school education system, a comprehensive primary and secondary school civic education system will be launched. .

Fangguan Development Group has set up an education research department, and Huazhenxing is also eyeing Niu Yiping and wants to recruit him to become the president of the university. However, Jiliguo has independent control over the content and form of education.

Ke Fuzi controls the general direction, and Shen Sishu is responsible for the specific details. The construction mainly relies on self-raised funds. This is also the area where Huazhen Bank, including the government of several countries, is most willing to spend money.

Different from negotiations in other fields, in the field of education, the person in charge of Dongguo and his team showed unusual enthusiasm, so enthusiastic that even Shen Sishu was surprised.

The person in charge of negotiations in the field of educational cooperation in Dongguo is named Zhang Buying, who is also an important leader of Dongguo’s education department.

Vice Minister Zhang, the leader of the Education Cooperation Negotiation Group, enthusiastically expressed his willingness to strive for the construction of three universities for the Kingdom of Gila, not only for the construction of school buildings, but also for the construction of disciplines.

Leader Zhang did not mention the seven vocational and technical colleges, perhaps because he was not familiar with the situation. However, for primary and secondary school civic education, it is impossible for the country of Kilili to rely entirely on the assistance of the country of the east, but leader Zhang still showed great enthusiasm.

He proposed that one experimental primary school and one experimental middle school could be set up in each of the seven key cities in Kilili Kingdom. These fourteen schools would be built with assistance from Dongguan, and Dongguo would provide a full set of teaching materials and educational guidance.

This complete set of teaching materials can also be promoted to all primary and secondary schools in Kilili Kingdom. It is provided by Dongguo and can be regarded as part of the educational assistance project.

Shen Sishu can also understand Zhang Buying's enthusiasm.

Because educational cooperation is a cultural export project, Dongguo does not expect it to make money directly. From the perspective of leader Zhang, of course, it is hoped that the larger the scale of assistance and the more fields, the better.

The money spent is the country's money, but it means that the person handling it can control more resources. Who doesn't like to be responsible for projects where money is spent? But this is exactly what the country does not need.

Under the guidance of Ke Fuzi, Shen Sishu organized a team to compile teaching materials without any problem. The teaching materials for primary school to middle school, grades 1 to 10 in Jili Elementary School, including extracurricular supplementary readings, had already been compiled.

What the country's education system is really in urgent need of are paper mills and printing plants, as well as sufficient quantity and quality of school buildings and teachers.

Shen Sishu had just broken through the fifth level of cultivation before coming to Dongguo this time. He used the shortest time to quickly review the full set of teaching materials and teaching aids provided by Team Leader Zhang opposite him, and then wrote an internal report.

Everyone frowned secretly after reading the report, which mainly pointed out five issues.

The first point is the issue of Chinese education. In basic education, Chinese language education is very important, more important than most people think, and this is true in every country.

It not only learns language and characters, but more importantly, cultivates social ethics and cultural traditions. It is the most important process of cultivating socialized personality. In the most popular terms, it means learning the principles of life and doing things.

There are many issues involving the outlook on life. Boring preaching is often difficult for children to achieve. Life-oriented stories and works that subtly guide ideological resonance are the most important ways to cultivate them.

The complete set of teaching materials pushed over by leader Zhang, let’s call them Zhang’s teaching materials, has many problems.

Take primary school textbooks as an example. Although they are all short stories written in Eastern Mandarin, the characters and themes in many of the stories feel very weird, and even many of the illustrations are weird or even obscene.

The Dongguo culture, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has many excellent story themes that can be used for children's education.

However, in this set of textbooks, characters such as Tom and Mary appear in too high a proportion, and they are usually positive moral images. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are often the subjects of education after making mistakes, and are full of tendentious hints. .

There are a large number of foreign translated texts in the textbooks, mixed with many fabricated stories of foreign celebrities, such as Hua Dundu cutting down cherry trees and Ai Shengsheng making shadowless lamps to promote some of their excellent qualities.

But to educate and publicize these excellent qualities, Dongguo has had better allusions since ancient times. Even from the perspective of basic language education, such a text should not be used at this stage.

Looking at the recommended extracurricular supplementary readings, the problem is even more serious. They are filled with a bunch of foreign literary works and stories that have been dug out from nowhere.

Not only is its literary and ideological qualities hard to compliment, it even secretly promotes class consciousness and religious ideas.

Of course, there are also recommendations for traditional Dongguo classics, otherwise it would not be justified. However, the way of recommendation is very problematic. Some of them are simply not suitable for children of this age group to read. Not only are they difficult to read, but it is also impossible to understand the critical method.

For example, what is the point of asking primary school students to read "A Dream of Zhu Lou Lou" outside class?

It’s not that the ideological and artistic quality of the work is not high enough, but as a recommended reading without explanation after class, what can primary school students learn by themselves? The yearning and envy for princes and nobles resonate with the idle and beautiful woman?

Even if there can be positive gains, at the stage of children's intellectual development, their limited energy is still very valuable. Leader Zhang actually recommended that several elementary school students in Jili should read through this?

Although Hua Zhenxing did not go to primary or secondary school, he also studied the complete set of Dongguo textbooks by himself. Old Man Yang found him the textbooks published by Dongguo in the mid-1980s.

Comparing the changes in textbooks over the past forty years, which contents have disappeared, which contents have been added in a blunt way, and which extracurricular readings some people have organized and recommended, a certain trend becomes obvious.

The educational exchanges and cooperation between the Kingdom of Kiri and the Kingdom of East are aimed at independence and establishing the cultural traditions they need. They have never thought of cultivating children's admiration for Tom and Mary through education in the East.

Given the history of the country itself, why take such a detour?

The second issue pointed out in the report is about mathematics textbooks. Although the content is not extensive, it is also critical.

Shen Sishu also received education in Dongguo since he was a child. Comparing the textbooks of that year, he believes that in this set of mathematics textbooks, the knowledge points are becoming more and more fragmented and the systematization is getting weaker and weaker.

Such teaching materials may be more suitable for two types of people, one is children with very good talents, and the other is schools with excellent teachers.

Relatively fragmented knowledge points seem to reduce the difficulty, but in fact they increase the requirements. The teacher needs to provide systematic and in-depth explanations in class to learn more solidly. In short, it is not conducive to self-study.

The most important task of mathematics education is to cultivate logical thinking ability, and the systematization of knowledge structure is fundamental.

The third issue pointed out in the report is about Chinese language education. Team leader Zhang provided a complete set of Yinyin language teaching materials for grades one to ten, but Yinyin is not part of compulsory education in Kilili Country at all!

The situation in Kilili Country is very special, because the local dialect has no written language, and the official languages ​​used by the colonists in the past generations are Yinyin, Lanxi and Hansi. Except for a few "elites", the locals do not know them at all.

Some people say that Dongguo is difficult to learn, mainly due to two points. One is the difference between pinyin script and symbolic script, and the other is the difference between inflectional language family and analytic language family. However, these two difficulties do not exist for the local indigenous people.

The local dialect belongs to a primitive analytical language family, so it is easier for locals to learn Dongguo, at least in terms of oral conversation, than learning Yinyin.

Through several years of hard work, such as repeatedly playing Charles's twelve speeches in various neighborhoods and staging various new drama programs, local children in Kiriguo have mastered daily conversation in Dongguan.

Therefore, the New Guinea government's decision to designate Eastern Mandarin as the official language has a realistic basis.

During primary and secondary school, everyone is still learning Eastern Mandarin. What’s the point of adding another English language? This will not only lead to confusion in language education, but will also greatly consume social and intellectual resources.

Moreover, given the current situation in the Black Wasteland, even if you want to learn a "foreign language" in the future, Lanxi is the first choice instead of Yinyin.

In the country's university education plan, there are foreign language courses, and in the future there will be two key directions: document translation and business translation, but there is no compulsory education in primary and secondary schools. At least it is not urgently needed in the country.

The fourth point pointed out in the report is that when the above three points are combined, an incredible conclusion will be drawn - the other party has already prepared a complete set of plans.

Charles had just led the delegation over, and before the education working group in charge of Shen Sishu could say anything, Zhang Buying came up with a complete set of education work guidance plans tailored for the Kingdom of Kilili.

The Ministry of Education of the Eastern Kingdom is not the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Miles, so it is impossible to have a dedicated team to do this, but in fact, there are people who have done targeted work in advance.

Before the arrival of the Guilin delegation, various contacts and contacts between the two sides lasted for half a year.

It may be that during this period, someone had prepared this educational assistance plan, including a complete set of teaching aids specifically for the Kingdom of Kilili, and was waiting for Shen Sishu to lead a team to the door.

The plan should not have been made by Zhang Buying himself, but it was provided to Jili State through him in a way that was almost irresistible and would not arouse suspicion or vigilance under normal circumstances.

Judging from the content of the textbooks, the compilation was not that difficult. They just selected a set of twelve-year textbooks from elementary school to high school, and adapted them into ten-year textbooks based on the school system of the Kingdom of Kilili.

This matter can definitely be solved in a short period of time, but it requires someone to do it specifically. Maybe in the eyes of the other party, these country bumpkins from Jili Kingdom have no discerning ability.

But in this case, the situation becomes even more strange, because the educational work plan of Kilili Kingdom is not confidential to Dongguo, and there have been various communications in the early stage.

Zhang Buying should be aware of the needs of the country, but he deliberately formulated such an incorrect plan. "I don't care about what you need, but what I think you need!" - This is probably the attitude of Team Leader Zhang.

This is no small matter for the country of Kilili. The planning of educational work is a core issue involving the destiny of the country and the nation. As a senior official in the education field, does Zhang Buying really not understand?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, so who is this Zhang Buying working for? At least in this matter, whose will is he carrying out?

The fifth issue pointed out in the report is related to the above-mentioned questions. The analysis is not only the teaching aid materials for primary and secondary schools, but also the university assistance plan provided by Zhang Buying, focusing on the subject construction content.

This is completely inconsistent with the content of the higher education plan that the country has formulated.

Guilin plans to build three new universities within five years, including a comprehensive university, an industrial university, and a normal university. There are no liberal arts and science subjects in the middle schools in Kiri Province, and neither are there in the universities.

This is not to say that Ke Fuzi, Hua Zhenxing and others valued theory over literature. In fact, on the contrary, they all attached great importance to humanistic education.

Literature, art, law, philosophy, finance, administration, and political studies do not have separate undergraduate majors in universities, but are open to undergraduates from all majors.

Different schools have different characteristics, and the current conditions are temporarily limited. We still need to look forward to better development in the future.

The academic system of Kirikanuni University is five years. No matter which major students study, whether they study mechanics or electronics, they must choose at least one of them to study.

This is not an elective concept, but a compulsory one, but one can choose based on interests and talents. If some majors have special requirements, students will be required to choose certain humanities subjects.

If someone has broad interests and enough energy, he or she can choose one or two more subjects, which is equivalent to an elective or a minor.

Huazhenxing's educational philosophy is so "narrow" and "stubborn", and it is also implemented in the requirements for educational work.

However, although the educational assistance plan provided by Zhang Buying was very detailed, it did not follow this model at all. Almost two-thirds of the undergraduate independent majors were not included in the Guiliguo plan.

This makes it very difficult for Shen Sishu's team to handle it. The other party is so enthusiastic and the assistance plan is so well prepared. If they reject this good offer in full, how can we talk about future cooperation?

If you do that, no matter who looks at it, the country of Jili will be ungrateful!

In fact, Huazhenxing has never thought about taking advantage of Dongguo in the field of educational cooperation. He has only one key project, which is cooperation with the Wucheng Campus of Feigong University.

This project is very "small", but its potential impact is very large, because the preparation work for the Wucheng branch has already started, and it also involves the relationship with the Kunlun spiritual world.

During this period of time, through the contacts between Niu Yiping and others, the private negotiations between the Ministry of Education of Kilili Country and Feigong University were almost in progress. As long as the top nods, Fei Gong will be happy to see the results and implement them immediately.

The demands of the Kingdom of Gila are very simple. They donate to build the second phase of the Wucheng campus and require the campus to recruit one international student from the Kingdom of Gila in each class every year.

These students do not need special treatment. They live in the same dormitory and take the same courses as Dongguo students. The required educational funds are also provided by Guiliguo, and there is no need to apply for special subsidies.

Kilili Kingdom will also send people to help manage this group of international students, which is stricter than the management of Dongguo School.

But after Shen Sishu submitted the letter of intent for this cooperation project, Team Leader Zhang over there earnestly persuaded him not to do so.

The total budget for the second phase of the Wucheng campus project is 4 to 5 billion. What is the wrong place to spend this money?

It's just sending a hundred international transfer students every year. Dongguo can definitely make better arrangements, such as recommending a group of other universities and setting up a separate class for foreign students from China, which doesn't necessarily require money from China.

Team leader Zhang gave a list of candidate universities. Based on the calculation of 50,000 per student per year and a total of 200,000 for four years of undergraduate study, if 4 billion is spent, it can train 5,000 people every year and a total of 20,000 people in four years. ah!

Whether this plan can be implemented is another matter, but it can be discussed along this line. Even if only a part of it can be implemented in the end, it will be much better than the cooperation plan like the Wucheng campus.

Zhang Buying’s question does make sense. Land for university construction is not expensive, and construction costs are small. Teaching, research and experimental equipment are expensive, and other expenses are even higher. The cost of the second phase of the Wucheng campus is 4 to 5 billion. .

If a formal cooperative relationship is established, the Kingdom of Kyri will have to invest a sum of money every year, just to have 100 more places for international students?

This is indeed what Huazhenxing thinks, but what he wants is not just a hundred international students every year, but also all the graduates on the entire campus.

It is impossible to transfer all students, but you can transfer as many as you can. The Fangguan Development Branch is located next to it and recruits people every year. The professional setting of the campus has also been inspected and approved.

Therefore, although Team Leader Zhang's alternative suggestion sounds good, it is not what Huazhenxing needs. Five thousand international students every year, who are you kidding? There is no way the Kingdom of Jili can send out so many qualified students!

If there really are so many qualified middle school graduates, it would be better for our own universities to start them first. If there are no students, how can we start a university?

If they make up the numbers randomly, what should they learn? Should they go to the colorful world to learn bad things? That would not only harm the students of Dongguo, but also ruin the image of Jiliguo.

However, Team Leader Zhang seemed to be persuading him with good intentions, but in fact he was rejecting the most important cooperation project from the Liguo Kingdom, even if Feicheng University was willing.

This is very difficult to handle, and it's really hard for Ka Dehua.

Charles was originally in a good mood, because many of the projects involved in this meeting were in line with expectations, but when it came to this matter, no one was happy anymore.

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said: "The minimum requirement is to complete the cooperation with the Wucheng Campus of Feigong University. Is it still possible now?"

Shen Sishu: "I didn't expect that I would stumble on this matter. If the other party does not change the person in charge, it is basically impossible to talk about it anymore according to the current situation. If we want to talk, we can only talk according to the other party's ideas.

Team leader Zhang seems to be very enthusiastic, but in fact he doesn't want to hear our specific needs at all, and he makes it impossible for you to find fault with us. "

Hua Zhenxing: "There is no reason for him to do this. On the surface, he would rather pay more. There is definitely something wrong with Zhang Buying... Da Fengsheng, have you figured out what happened to him?"

Wang Fengshou: "This is in Dongguo. It is not suitable and convenient for our intelligence system to investigate senior officials of Dongguo. If discovered, it will affect many aspects at this sensitive moment..."

Hua Zhenxing interrupted him and said, "Speak directly, what did you think of?" He knew Wang Fengshou's temper very well, and when he heard the words, he knew that he must have thought of other ways.

Wang Fengshou smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. You Fang has returned to Dongguo. I contacted him and told him about the situation. He advised us not to investigate Zhang Buying. He tried to find out and said he would give it to him today. I have an answer.

But it’s past twelve o’clock now, and Boss You hasn’t contacted me yet. If even he finds it difficult..."

"It's not tricky, just a little angry. It seems that today's infiltration methods are very powerful. There are some situations where communication is not easy, so I'd better come over in person, so it's a little late."

Following the sound, You Fang walked into the courtyard, and then said in surprise: "You guys are just drinking here, and you don't even have a plate of peanuts?"

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