Enjoy the world

Chapter 494 Bai Ding’s Question

In the afternoon of the next day, the sun was shining brightly on Baihua Mountain, and all kinds of flowers and trees around the open space showed their beauty. This was a rare sight in the countryside of Pingjing in winter, and it was worthy of being a place of spiritual practice since ancient times.

Today's meeting was opened in a different way than yesterday. Mei Yeshi was the first to announce that it was the time of year to elect the twenty-five sects of the Kunlun Alliance to execute the sect.

Mei Yanxue took the initiative to express her position on behalf of the Yuan Shuo Clan, and the Yuan Shuo Clan will no longer serve as the executive sect of the Kunlun League. Mei Yeshi took advantage of the situation and asked Ding Qi in public if Fang Waimen was willing to do his best to maintain the Kunlun Cultivation Circle?

Of course, Fang Waimen couldn't refuse such a question on this occasion.

The two deacons from Fangwaimen were the ones who got into trouble the day before yesterday. The Kunlun League went out overnight to investigate the matter, and soon found out the cause. Even old cases from more than thirty years ago were uncovered, and senior experts like He Feng took action personally.

The experts of each sect are not obligated to the outer sect of the other party, but they consciously assume the obligation to maintain the common agreement of the Kunlun Cultivation Circle, and the outer sect of Fang is the most direct beneficiary.

Ding Qi stepped forward and said that of course Wanwaimen was willing to do its best. Then the original twenty-five sects of the executive sect voted unanimously for Fang Waimen to become the new executive sect.

The result of the unanimous vote was not surprising. Of course, Kunlun League had communicated this matter in advance, otherwise the leader of Mei League would not be able to ask Ding Qi in public like this.

Hua Zhenxing had been mentally prepared for this, but there were many people present who needed to turn their heads a few times before they could react.

After the vote, Fang Wai Sect replaced Yuan Shuo Sect on the spot and became the new executive sect of the Kunlun League. Everyone witnessed Ding Qi's level of cultivation yesterday, and no one can deny that Fang Waimen has this ability.

Hua Zhenxing insisted that the injury was no longer a problem. Today he was very determined not to sit alone in a chair. He stood aside and sighed. It goes without saying that this incident had a huge impact on the Kunlun League, but when it happened, it only took a few minutes to resolve it on site.

Immediately afterwards, Master He Feng said: "It's rare for fellow Taoists from all sects to gather in Baihua Mountain. Yesterday, leader Mei, on behalf of the Kunlun League, found out many things in public, including the past events many years ago.

When cultivating one's actions, one should make clear the conditions and laws. Once it is known, it cannot be vague and correct. If any disciples have any doubts, you can ask questions today and we will discuss them together! "

Mei Yeshi nodded and said: "What Elder He Feng said is absolutely true. Everything that was said yesterday should be clearly explained today... Thirty years ago, the vendetta between Lin Taiwei, a disciple of the Wuliang Sect, and Hou Nianming, a disciple of Qianliu Mountain, happened. Please investigate the information. Have you read them all?”

This morning, the materials collected by Lu Gaoqian have been sent to Baihua Mountain and distributed to everyone. It is also accompanied by investigation evidence from the Kunlun League. What happened is just as Lu Gaoqian said yesterday.

Lin Taiwei's friend is Cai Gong, who contracted a pharmaceutical factory. Hou Nianming, a disciple of Qianliu Mountain, was his business partner at the time. He ordered products several times, and each contract stipulated a strict delivery date and location.

Cai Gong's previous deliveries were actually late, but Hou Nianming did not strictly follow the contract requirements. However, Cai Gong refused to accept the last and largest delivery due to the contract.

Due to the remoteness of the delivery location and the local rainy season, Cai Gong's medicines could not be resold locally or shipped to other places for sale in time. It was difficult to recover funds, which led to a series of changes...

Everyone present nodded, and Bai Shaoliu took the initiative to speak: "The matter is clear, and I have heard a lot of discussions from yesterday to now. I will say some things for everyone.

First of all, I have a question.

Cai Gong's death happened thirty-three years ago, and Lin Taiwei and Hou Nianming became enemies. After the Zhengyi Sanshan meeting that year, the two had a fight in private. As a result, Lin Taiwei returned to the sect injured.

I would like to ask Qianliushan and Wuliang Sect, did they know about this matter before yesterday? And have Hou Nianming and Lin Taiwei ever mentioned it to anyone? "

Dao Nanya, the leader of Qianliu Mountain: "Hou Nianming never mentioned this matter to his fellow disciples. Otherwise, his family suffered a great disaster and his whereabouts were unknown, and Qianliu Mountain would not have been able to trace it for a long time without finding any clues!"

Qiao Weifeng, the head of the Wuliang Sect, also replied: "I have asked all the disciples in the sect, and Lin Taiwei has indeed never mentioned it to anyone. I remember that thirty-three years ago, he returned to the sect injured, but he only explained that it was Encountering evil spirits outside."

Bai Shaoliu: "It's understandable that Hou Nianming didn't say anything, because he knew what he did was unfair, but why didn't Mrs. Lin say anything? He was seeking justice for his best friend, but was injured by Hou Nianming, so why not tell anyone?"

Hua Zhenxing sighed secretly on the sidelines. These experts were able to grasp the issues quickly and accurately. It was understandable that Hou Nianming was hiding and tucking him in. What reason did Mrs. Lin have to hide and tug in for him?

This is not an unspeakable secret. Even if Lin Taiwei was not Hou Nianming's opponent at the time, couldn't he expose this matter and go to Qianliu Mountain to discuss it? Qianliu Mountain has its own sect rules. He can ask how Qianliu Mountain restrains its disciples?

He went to see Hou Nianming privately, but was injured. Why didn't he tell him when he returned to the sect? He could definitely tell the sect about this matter, and the Wuliang Sect would also ask Qianliushan to discuss it!

At this time, Ding Qi answered: "Because Lin Taiwei wanted to kill Hou Nianming to avenge Cai Gong at that time, and his mind was already made up! Unfortunately, Hou Nianming didn't know it yet, so nothing happened."

Bai Shaoliu continued to ask: "Why did Lin Taiwei not mention Hou Nianming's fault when he wanted to kill Hou Nianming?"

Ding Qi then replied: "If Lin Taiwei publicizes this matter, Hou Nianming should be punished. And after he is punished, Lin Taiwei will hardly have the opportunity to kill him."

However, because Cai Gong's family was ruined, Lin Taiwei had made up his mind to take Hou Nianming's life, and even let his family be ruined, so Lin Taiwei said nothing. "

Bai Shaoliu: "Should Hou Nianming deserve to be killed?"

Ding Qi: "Hou Nianming's fault, the actual crime will not lead to death."

No one else spoke at the scene, only Bai Shaoliu and Ding Qi were listening to questions and answers. Bai Shaoliu's question was not that he wanted to ask it himself, but that it represented someone who might have doubts.

This is a unique way of asking questions on such occasions, and Hua Zhenxing can be considered to have gained a lot of experience.

Although Hou Nianming and Lin Taiwei are no longer here, the reason for this matter still needs to be clarified. Ding Qi finally came to a conclusion that Qian Liushan wanted to say but couldn't say first, that is, Hou Nianming's crime does not lead to death.

In fact, looking at the incident itself, Hou Nianming is not even considered contract fraud. He did not take Cai Gong's goods without paying, but refused to accept the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract on the grounds that he missed the agreed delivery time.

Therefore, if Cai Gong wants to resort to secular law, the lawsuit will be difficult to fight and there is a high probability that he will not win. Even if he wins the lawsuit afterwards, he can only ask for a financial compensation, but he cannot kill the other party, right?

But in the eyes of a monk, we also need to see the cause and effect behind things. Hou Nianming must have set a contract trap to trap Cai Gong, which led to a series of subsequent consequences.

Of course Lin Taiwei saw this, so he decided that Hou Nianming was the culprit of Cai Gong's family's death, and wanted to kill him for revenge.

If he finds Qianliushan's theory, Qianliushan will not fail to punish Hou Nianming. But no matter how severe the punishment was, it was impossible to take Hou Nianming's life.

If Qianliushan had already punished Hou Nianming, Lin Taiwei could no longer seek revenge from Hou Nianming. If Lin Taiwei dared to kill someone under such circumstances, Qianliushan would definitely know that it was him and would not let him go.

Bai Shaoliu asked again: "Why was Cai Gong's family ruined?"

This is a necessary question to connect the past and the future, because as I said just now, according to secular law, Hou Nianming's crime will certainly not lead to death. Even according to the reasons seen by the monks, Hou Nianming's behavior cannot lead to Cai Gong's death. .

So what is the main cause of Cai Gong's death?

Ding Qi: "People die for money! Many people in the world do this, and you should understand it in practice."

Teacher Ding actually answered, "People will die for money," which sounds unreasonable at first glance. Cai Gong is just an ordinary businessman. There are many businessmen like him in the world, and there are many who have the same experience. Isn't it just that he was cheated in business?

It was Cai Gong who was deceived, but it wasn't him who deceived others. Why do you say he died for money?

But the words he said during the questioning were all filled with the magical power of "sravaka wisdom". It can be understood as a special spiritual mind seal. How much the listener can understand depends on his or her own knowledge and understanding.

Hua Zhenxing completely understood this answer, or thought he did, because the meaning was not complicated.

Ding Qi pointed out the fact that Cai Gong did not cheat anyone, but cheated many people. The reason for cheating people was simply to seek money.

Cai Gong signed a purchase agreement with local villagers to purchase the medicinal materials grown by them. However, he did not pay for the medicinal materials when he took them away, and the capital was not small and the arrears were long-term.

According to survey data, at that time, it was an absolutely impoverished mountainous area with a small area of ​​arable land. Medicinal materials have been local "mountain products" since ancient times, and the harvesting and processing of mountain products was also an important source of income.

Cai Gong organized the villagers to plant medicinal materials and signed a monopoly purchase agreement, which actually turned medicinal materials into the local staple crop. Many villagers even used the cultivated land for growing rations to grow the medicinal materials designated by Cai Gong.

He took the medicinal materials without paying, which meant that the villagers had no harvest that year, which was a devastating blow to the backward farming society.

In the old society, this was equivalent to a disaster of no harvest. In the new society, the national security system is also needed to cover the situation. Cai Gong himself cannot be held responsible for the possible consequences of his actions.

If saying this doesn’t give you a deep understanding, you can make an analogy.

The developer's capital chain was broken, resulting in the unfinished project and the inability to deliver the houses. Who was deceived by those who had to pay back the loan every month after buying a house? What is their situation and how do they feel?

As a normal adult, couldn't Cai Gong expect such consequences? Of course he can, so why would he do it? He was betting on another possibility, the possibility of business success.

It was an adventure from the beginning, one that exceeded Cai Gong's own risk tolerance. He didn't have enough capital and wanted to bet big, so he regarded all the villagers' harvests as bets on the table.

There are many people doing this kind of business in the world, so Teacher Ding said, “Many people do this business.”

If Cai Gong mortgaged inventory, mortgaged his house, mortgaged the operating rights of the factory, and obtained loans from financial institutions or other lenders, this was also an operation to increase leverage, but it was just a game between financial capital and industrial capital. .

But Cai Gong chose a occupying method that was neither reasonable nor appropriate.

Is his purpose to promote the development of the local specialty industry? of course not! In fact, as long as there is a person like him, the impact on the local specialty industry will be almost devastating, and I am afraid it will not be relieved for several years!

What he seeks is nothing more than excess benefits, excess benefits that do not belong to him. If the venture succeeds, he can earn money that he would not otherwise have earned; if the venture fails, the cost will be borne by all the villagers.

How did Cai Gong die? According to Lin Taiwei's description, he was forced to death by local villagers. Cai Gong is a local. Doesn’t Cai Gong himself know what the local people’s livelihood and customs are like?

Knowing this and still doing it is just a matter of luck. According to Lu Gaoqian's investigation, the situation described by Lin Taiwei is true, but you can take a closer look at what the facts are.

The villagers rushed into the house and demanded money to buy the medicinal materials. Cai Gong's mother was already ill, collapsed and fainted and died in the hospital. After that, the Cai family was blocked and cursed all day long. His father felt that he could not hold his head up in the village and committed suicide by drinking medicine.

As for his wife leaving with their children, can we understand it in another way? In fact, his wife and children ran away, but he and his parents did not. Why didn't they run away? Because the villagers couldn't let them go, otherwise who would they ask for money from?

This is a very simple fact, it depends on which standpoint you use to describe it.

Cai Gong's final outcome was that a creditor asked him to use the small building he built in the village to pay off the debt, but Cai Gong refused and burned the building together with him.

So when Mrs. Lin came after hearing the news, she was unable to retaliate against the local villagers because they were the victims of Cai Gong's risky behavior. In the end, she could only focus all her hatred on Hou Nianming.

Bai Shaoliu continued to ask: "Now that the matter has come to this, how should Hou Nianming choose himself?"

Ding Qi: "Don't force things that are unclear on others. But we can know that Hou Nianming's actions were wrong and he felt guilty, so he should be honest about his guilt. Hou Nianming is a person who knows his intentions, but his thoughts are not clear."

This statement is a little more complicated. What did Hou Nianming do to set up a contract trap and trap Cai Gong? But Cai Gong also signed the contract himself!

Now the Kunlun League has not found out whether Hou Nianming was responsible for Cai Gong's failure to deliver the goods as scheduled. It can only be said that Hou Nianming only strictly implemented the contract, but turned a blind eye to the consequences of this behavior.

If a secular judge were to decide this case, he probably wouldn't be able to decide it. Hou Nianming did not swallow Cai Gong's goods without paying him, but did not accept Cai Gong's goods after the expiration date.

Let’s make another assumption, what if Hou Nianming is also an ordinary businessman and has no intention of harming Cai Gong, but he just happens to go bankrupt at this time? So who should Lin Taiwei look for to settle the score? Can he still find Hou Nianming?

Therefore, Ding Qi did not dwell on these unidentified assumptions. Bai Shaoliu was also asking about Hou Nianming after the fact.

It can be seen that Hou Nianming felt guilty in his heart. He knew that what he did was wrong, otherwise why would he not dare to say it? Lin Taiwei had already had a private discussion with him about this matter. As a result, Lin Taiwei left with injuries, but Hou Nianming remained silent.

Lin Taiwei was willing to keep his secret because he wanted to kill someone. And in this situation, Hou Nianming still has to hide it, why not face the crime?

In fact, as long as Hou Nianming confesses the matter to the sect, Lin Taiwei will not be able to do what he does next, at least it will not become an unsolved case for thirty years, and Hou Nianming will not be ruined because of it.

How did Hou Nianming die? To put it in layman's terms - stupid! Hou Nianming didn't understand what he should say, nor did he understand why the other party didn't say it. Of course, he didn't understand.

Bai Shaoliu: "Who is Lu Gaogan?"

Ding Qi: "Those who indulge in evil and then use it are even more evil than Lin Taiwei."

This question and answer is also interesting. Bai Shaoliu didn't ask what crime Lu Gao committed, but who he was. Listening to Hua Zhenxing's ears, he actually remembered the conversation he had with Bai Shaoliu and Ding Qi last night.

The monks themselves were not born monks. They also grew up in the secular world. They were once ordinary people without cultivation, and they could not be unaffected by the environment in which they grew up.

If you want to ask why there are monks like Lu Gaoqian, why not ask him what kind of people he represents in the world?

Lu Gaoqian found out that Lin Taiwei had violated the common punishment. Not only did he not protect him, but he covered up and concealed it. Because Mrs. Lin requested to stay useful and promised to serve for her in the future.

From Lu Gaoqian's personal point of view, this seems to be the most advantageous choice. Because killing Lin Taiwei seemed to have no benefit to him personally, leaving Lin Taiwei with a master at his disposal.

The cost is not his to bear, but the benefits are his to take. Some people say that this is a sophisticated egoist, but that is not necessarily true, because it has gone beyond the concept of simple self-interest.

Speaking of self-interest, Old Man Yang is an egoist, but he will never harm others. Old Man Yang still enjoys life very much, but he never wastes anything.

Being frugal and not wasteful, and being kind and not harmful to others, this is what Old Man Yang taught Hua Zhen since he was a child. Of course, Master Ke once made a long speech specifically criticizing Old Man Yang's style, and Uncle Mo had another style.

The focus of Lu Gaoqian's behavior was not to benefit himself, but to harm others. He not only indulged Lin Taiwei's evil deeds, but also used Lin Taiwei to do evil again. There are many such people in the world, and Lu Gaoqian is just one of them.

The beauty of the sravaka’s wisdom is not that Ding Qi unilaterally outputs spiritual thoughts and mind seals, but that it is combined with everyone’s knowledge. For example, when Hua Zhenxing heard what he said, he naturally remembered the conversation last night and what Old Man Yang taught him back then.

Bai Shaoliu then asked: "What if Lu Gaoqian took pity on his situation and just spared his life to prevent him from committing crimes again, but did not restrain him?"

Bai Shaoliu put forward another hypothesis, because some people present would inevitably have this hypothesis.

Lin Taiwei's acting style is clear. If he wants to kill Hou Nianming, he will try his best to kill Hou Nianming. Is Lin Taiwei grateful to Lu Gaogan for protecting him?

Obviously, Lin Taiwei was not grateful to Lu Gaoqian. Because Lu Gaoqian concealed his crimes for him so that he could be manipulated in the future, Lin Taiwei also plotted against Lu Gaoqian before his death.

Lin Taiwei could see clearly who Lu Gaoqian was.

But in another situation, suppose that Mrs. Lin cried bitterly, declared that revenge was justified, and vowed to change her past and never do such illegal behavior again.

Lu Gaoqian let Lin Taiwei go as soon as his heart softened. He kept this secret for him and saved his life. He did not want to suppress and use him. How should we evaluate this situation?

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