Enjoy the world

Chapter 49 Qianglong collects local snakes

After finishing the meal, Hua Zhenxing got up and went to wash the dishes, but the supervisors of each business department rushed to do the work. So he went to the front to look at the store, and the remaining people continued the meeting. Although Hua Zhenxing stayed in the front shop, the sounds in the backyard could be heard clearly, which meant that he was still participating in the meeting but did not speak.

The grocery store was as usual, nothing special happened, the door was open, and a little boy was sitting behind the counter. When Charles saw this scene from a distance, he was slightly relieved but his mood was strange. He couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or something else.

Just as he was about to say hello, Hua Zhenxing had already stood up and said, "Oh, isn't this Director Xia? You are finally here. Please come in. We are meeting in the backyard, waiting for you!"

Xiaer's surname is not Xia, but his surname is Gulu, but Hua Zhenxing jokingly gave him a Dongguo name and called him "Xiaer", just like many Dongguo people also like to give themselves Chinese names.

The word "Director Xia" confused Charles. There is no word "Director" in the local dialect. Hua Zhenxing spoke Dongguo. He understood both Xia and Director, but what did they mean when put together? Someone was in a meeting, waiting for him. It seemed that they were discussing big things, probably about the Big Head Gang. The director might refer to the head of the Big Head Gang.

Xia Er explained to himself in his mind. Before he could speak, Hua Zhenxing invited him into the backyard. There was a large square table made of a stone table, a square table, and a long table in the yard, and there were more than a dozen people sitting there. Mo Shangtong waved and said, "Director Xia, come and sit down quickly, it's a meeting!"

Uncle Mo spoke Dongguo dialect, and Charles also understood it. As expected, he had been hanging out with Hua Zhenxing since he was a child. Upon seeing this scene, Charles' body leaned back inexplicably. Hua Zhenxing pushed him from behind and stabilized him. He felt dizzy and came to the table, not remembering how he sat down. .

There were fifteen people at Dafang's table. In addition to the three "big wizards" of Xiaohua's family, there were a few people he knew, a few others looked familiar, and the last few were complete strangers. These people were having a meeting, and they all spoke Dongguan. Charles could even make a guess at understanding them. But Lawyer Dong sitting next to him was very attentive and always translated for him simultaneously.

It turned out that this group of people was not discussing the Big Head Gang, but was planning to establish a large industrial group. They would first buy a large area of ​​land north of Fiso Port for farming in order to cope with the famine that may occur after this autumn. Not only that, they also want to invest in various industries in Fiso Port, such as food processing plants, daily necessities supply and marketing cooperatives, chain stores, etc.

A big shot who made a fortune overseas wanted to come back to invest. This was something that had almost never happened in Charles's memory. People here made a fortune and went to the United States or Western Luozhou, which meant that they had risen from the region to the Heaven, who is coming back for what? Later, Charles also understood that the big shot named Feng Zibin only came back for vacation occasionally, and entrusted these people to carry out investment projects.

Those present today are all senior leaders of this industrial group, including twelve first-level department heads, including four vice presidents. Of course, the top level of the company is composed of five directors. Four of them came today, and he was actually one of them! But Charles became more and more excited as he listened, and he could hardly close his mouth.

I have to admit that the local indigenous people have excellent psychological qualities in some aspects, and Ciel has also inherited this fine tradition of being thick-skinned and big-hearted. When encountering something good, the first thought is often not to think about my virtues or abilities, but to take advantage first and then enjoy the feeling of pleasure.

Charles finally interrupted and asked loudly in broken Dongguan: "Is this true? Really?"

Mo Shangtong gave him an affirmative answer and pressed his hand to signal him to be calm. Then he ordered someone to bring a large square plate, connected it to the power supply and turned it on. What was displayed on the square plate turned out to be a three-dimensional laser holographic scene. Charles' eyes almost popped out of his head. He had never seen this before. It felt like magic.

This is not the sandbox that Mo Shangtong gave to Xiaohua yesterday, but it is the same high-tech product, but with different data input. The image displayed on this sand table looks very complicated, but it is actually simpler than the one yesterday. It is the current schematic diagram of Fiso Port, with messy neighborhoods and densely packed buildings. Sitting at the table is like overlooking the city through the eyes of God. .

Cui Wanhyuk, director of the Publicity Department, asked in surprise: "How did you collect this data?"

Director of the R\u0026D Department Van Duck replied with a modest smile: "We first chose an origin and determined the coordinates. Mr. Mo called everyone together to develop a three-dimensional scanner that can be transmitted over the Internet. It took half a year to travel all over the streets. The error of the field surveying and mapping data is no more than 0.2 meters, with the help of Dongguo’s satellite positioning system.”

Then Van Dak personally operated the remote control, zoomed in on the three-dimensional view of the local area, and pointed out which facilities should be built in which places... Charles instinctively felt that these should be related to him, because Director Fan drew an arc in the northeastern part of Feso Port line, encircling an approximately fan-shaped area, and calling it the Klein area.

Kelin District means "clean area", which means that gangs are not allowed to exist in this area, let alone the illegal businesses currently controlled by gangs. It must be safe and clean. The so-called clean has both a literal and an extended meaning.

People can no longer roam the streets with guns, robbing and extorting money. Then people living there will not have to worry about being shot or robbed, and their normal work, shopping, business, and entertainment will not be harassed or threatened. There are many people in Fisoport who like to smoke leaves, mouth and poison, but this is not allowed in this area. Whether you want to buy or sell, you must go elsewhere.

This Kelin area starts from the dry Beisuo River in the north and reaches the coastline in the east. It surrounds the heavy oil power plant of the Dongguo-aided project under construction and extends to the north gate of the International Terminal. It occupies the southeast corner of Fiso Port, covering an area of ​​12 square kilometers. It extends towards the city center to the International Hospital, but it does not encompass all of the International Hospital.

After understanding the sand table, Charles pondered in his mind that within the scope of this forest area, the largest gang force is the Golden Gang, and the other two larger gangs are the Big Head Gang and the Poseidon Gang, and there are seven, Eight little gangs.

It seems that Huanxiang Industrial wants to wipe out all the gangs in the Kelin District. Mr. Mo is sitting here, which means that the Straw Shoes Gang will also participate in this plan. Charles suddenly feels something is wrong. Isn't this the Big Head Gang being wiped out as well? ? But he couldn't help but think that in this grand blueprint, the Big Head Gang was nothing, and he was now the director of such a large-scale overseas investment group!

In Charles's concept, people with this status wear very beautiful dresses, have a large group of bodyguards, ride in luxury cars, hug foreign girls, live on the southern seaside, and visit various high-end places. They are members of the upper class. among the elite. Compared with him, Jin Datou was almost like a rat in the ditch, but now he has become this kind of person inexplicably.

Although he was overjoyed from the sky, the more he thought about it, the more unsure he became, and he planned to ask privately what was going on. At this time, Ke Mengchao said: "It will take almost half a year to complete this plan. How to implement it will be implemented by Director Xia and the Security Department. Let's adjourn the meeting now. We will organize everyone to visit and settle in the headquarters next week."

Only then did Xia Er realize that the task of establishing the forest area had actually fallen on him. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Ke Fuzi say to him: "Director Xia, today is our first meeting. For the convenience of future work, , you want to get acquainted with everyone, can you name everyone here?"

Charles thought for a while and actually shouted out all of them. Mo Shangtong nodded to Ke Mengchao. Ke Mengchao said again: "Director Xia, you stay, you have something to explain... Xiaohua, you come too." His voice was not loud, but he knew that Hua Zhenxing would definitely hear it.

The meeting finally adjourned, and the "senior" leaders continued to hold a small meeting, including three old men and a child, four vice presidents, and the big black guy who was still confused. Ke Mengchao said pleasantly: "Director Xia, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

Charles said anxiously: "Mr. Ke, you just said that you would set aside a forest area in Port Feso, but what about our Big Head Gang?"

Ke Mengchao smiled: "So you are worried about this, and you are overthinking it! Of course we have to eradicate gangs such as the Golden Gang, the Poseidon Gang, etc. In the future, the entire Kelin District will be the territory of the Big Head Gang."

The whites of Charles' eyes almost popped out of his eyes: "I, how can our Big Head Gang be so powerful?"

Ke Mengchao: "Don't worry, the Drafting Upper will be disbanded on the spot starting today, and all members will join the Big Tou Gang."

Charles was dumbfounded by these fluttering words and couldn't turn his head around at all. He instinctively looked at Mo Shangtong with questioning eyes. Mo Shangtong nodded and said: "It's true. All members of the Straw Shoes Gang have joined the Big Head Gang. But Jin Datou is dead, so the Big Head Gang has to change its name and stop looking like a gang!"

The Big Head Gang is a gang in the first place, but Charles did not say this. Yang Tehong asked again: "Xiaohua, what new name do you think is good?"

Hua Zhenxing was also surprised, but he was much calmer than Charles and had already realized what Master Ke and Uncle Mo were planning. "System Task Four" is for him to "control and transform the Big Head Gang". He has also thought about this for a long time. He has thought of a similar but milder plan, but he has not had time to discuss it with Uncle Mo.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ke’s idea was more radical, more ruthless, and more straightforward than any of the plans he had imagined! Before Ciel could say anything, the plan was given.

There is a method commonly known as adding sand, which is to gradually penetrate into an organization, and finally the main members will arrange their own people, so as to achieve the purpose of control and transformation. But the plan in front of us is not only to mix sand, but also to flood! The Big Head Gang only has about a hundred members, while the Straw Shoes Gang has more than 10,000 members.

Hua Zhenxing reacted quickly and immediately replied: "Let's call it the New Alliance! Unite all the forces that can be united, well, we also need to seek unity in the struggle... Don't pinch me, if you want to pinch yourself, pinch yourself!" "

The last words were addressed to Ciel. Charles just stretched out his hand and tightly grasped Hua Zhenxing's arm next to him. He didn't even realize this action. He probably wanted to calm down as much as possible.

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