Enjoy the world

Chapter 472 The spring breeze blows thousands of trees at night

In early January 2024, Huazhenxing finished the last nine dishes at the Spring Banquet. The guests attending the dinner were the heads of the nine sects, plus Yu Cangwu, the head of Haitian Valley who came for the first meal last year, rounded up the number.

Eating makes people progress, but Hua Zhenxing has also made great progress! He admired Old Man Yang so much that the master's mysterious ways of doing things were fully demonstrated here.

January has also entered the exam season before the winter vacation. Hua Zhenxing feels that the exams at Chunhua University seem to be extremely easy, and students are simply treated like idiots!

I heard that a vice president and deputy secretary once issued a message requesting that the freshman exam for the Urban and Rural Planning major of the School of Architecture should be made more difficult, but the department head retorted. The teachers in the department were also very disgusted with this.

Is this the reason why the exam has become easier? But the freshman general education courses have nothing to do with this department, so why are they so simple?

The test papers that international students need to take are all objective questions. In theory, it is possible to get full marks, so Huazhenxing got full marks in all of them!

There is also a well-established rule in science and engineering undergraduate courses, which is that full marks are generally not given. Even if all the answers are correct, only 99 or 98 will be given, perhaps to prevent students from being proud.

It's easy to find places where you want to deduct points. How can science and engineering courses be so easy to take the exam? Otherwise, it would appear that the teacher who gave the test is too incompetent?

However, Hua Zhenxing's exam has become the focus of the department, and there is indeed no place where points can be deducted on his paper.

When the test results were announced, Hua Zhenxing realized that he had blown up the situation again. All the first-year students in this major have taken all the subjects, and the average score is just over 70, and many of them have failed.

It seems that the question is not too easy, but the students who should be caught still cannot escape.

When Niu Yiping heard about Hua Zhenxing's test results, he even joked that by the end of the school year, he could help Hua Zhenxing get the application materials for the awards, and he would be able to make a small fortune and earn tens of thousands of yuan.

Chunhua University has a wide variety of scholarships, covering more than half of all students. Some are not stackable, but some can be obtained at the same time. The conditions of Huazhenxing can definitely obtain the highest level.

When Hua Zhenxing came to Chunhua to study, she was already fully subsidized by the Dongguo official. Not only did she not have to spend any money, she was actually making money now! It was a really good school, but he had already made up his mind whether he should leave in the second year.

Not only did Hua Zhenxing get full marks in the exam, he was also very concerned about the situation of international students from other countries in the Black Wasteland. He found that except for the members of the Chunhua study group he organized, most of the other people's scores were very neat, basically 60 points.

As for the Chunhua study group led by Kyrgyzstan, its members come from various departments. Their final grades are also very average, with an average of just over sixty points in each subject, which is still far behind the local students in Dongguo.

Hua Zhenxing also gave them some encouragement and issued the latest task, which required that their grades in the next semester should not be too good, but they should also reach the average score of their respective classes.

As for Hua Zhenxing himself will leave Chunhua in another semester, this study group cannot be disbanded or abandoned. Arrangements will be made before he leaves, and even the winter vacation will be arranged.

The Spring Festival in Dongguo falls during the winter vacation. Almost all local students will go home, but a one-month vacation is too short for many international students. Some people will not leave Dongguo, and the school has arrangements for this.

As for Huazhenxing, the winter vacation schedule is already fully booked.

The preliminary procedures for establishing the Fangguan Development Group have been completed, and the rented three-story office building can now be occupied. The first is the establishment and division of functions of each department, and then the recruitment and training of a large number of employees.

A professional team is responsible for many things, and the group's CEO Fan Xing has finally returned from the Kingdom of Miles.

Chief Five Flavors organized a delegation for this trip and brought with him more than 300 monks, more than half of whom were casual practitioners. They stayed in Kilili Country for two months, and in the end, more than a hundred people wanted to join Yangyuan Valley.

Hua Zhenxing had already anticipated this situation, but today is different from the past. Anyone who wants to join Yangyuan Valley can no longer join.

In fact, Yangyuan Valley's requirements have always been quite strict. All instructors and students are either the backbone of the new alliance, or they were trained by the Yangyuan Technique Center after selection and various assessments.

Although there was also a move to recruit the disciples from Dingfengtan during this period, it was a very special situation.

Yangyuan Valley has its core purpose, and a pure and united team is crucial. If too many outsiders with different aspirations join in, the nature of many things may change.

These more than 100 people are all casual cultivators with unknown foundations and mixed success. Most of them are in the fourth realm, but a few have broken through the fifth realm. The secret methods they learn are also very mixed, and their aspirations for practice may not be in line with the purpose of Yangyuan Valley.

Yangyuan Valley does not want to attract speculators who are just looking for opportunities to practice.

But Huazhenxing has not excluded these people. There are many islands on Bikong Lake, ten of which are under development. An International Yangyuan Art Association will be established. This association will not only be responsible for assessment and certification, but also open various levels of Yangyuan Art training courses. .

The training classes are divided into four categories: entry-level, first-level, second-level, and third-level. Paid training is provided to outsiders. Anyone who wants to learn the art of nourishing energy can make an appointment to sign up.

But for these more than 100 casual cultivators, Huazhenxing has a preferential policy. They can attend training classes directly without making an appointment.

The training class hasn't been built yet, it doesn't matter, everyone can participate in the construction. The layout of the school building and garden environment is very simple for these monks who possess magical powers. They only need to prepare materials and drawings.

Participating builders can also be exempted from tuition fees for training classes at all levels.

It is impossible for them to directly join Yangyuan Valley, but it is possible for them to stay and learn the art of Yangyuan. Huanxiang Industrial, the Agricultural Reclamation Zone, and the local government of Fesuo Port warmly welcome them to stay. There are various jobs to choose from and preferential treatment.

This group of monks may not necessarily be interested in any kind of treatment, but the conditions provided by Huanxiang Industrial are enough to make their lives worry-free.

On the other hand, even if you cannot officially join Yangyuan Valley, from Blue Sky Lake to the farming area, there is also a blessed land created by the Blue Sky Washing Formation and the three Pure Dust Arrays, which are also beneficial to practice.

If you stay here, you can communicate with monks from all walks of life at any time. How can you have such conditions elsewhere?

Working in Huanxiang Industrial, participating in the construction of Bikong Island, Agricultural Reclamation Area, Huanxiang Tebang and even the Kingdom of Kilili. In the future, after obtaining the qualification of an intermediate Yangyuan Technique instructor, you can also apply. If the application is approved, you can officially join Yangyuan Valley.

In fact, even if they don’t apply or their application is not approved, these casual practitioners will not suffer any loss!

Therefore, among the inspection team brought by Gowei Chang, more than 100 people have decided to temporarily settle in the agricultural reclamation area. More than 70 people plan to return to Dongguo to celebrate the New Year and deal with the affairs here before going. Another 30 people Many people stayed on the spot.

This is exactly what Hua Zhenxing wants. These monks are not old strangers from the mountains who are ignorant of the world. Most of them are also talents in various professions. They have studied in Dongguo and then joined the work, and they have a lot of cultivation.

They are even more "rare" than Chunhua graduates, even if they want to become teachers in schools!

Looking at this achievement alone, all the expenses incurred by Huazhen University in hosting this delegation were well spent.

Fan Xing, the only ordinary person in the inspection team, also made many friends this time. Based on Wuweichang's recommendation, he reported to Huazhenxing and suggested that he might as well attract a group of people to work at Fangguan Development Group.

Fan Xing was not just talking. He also provided a list of more than 20 people. Not only did he ask Wu Weixiang, but he had already communicated with these people.

Hua Zhenxing immediately nodded happily and felt grateful in his heart. The long flavor of the five flavors really helped a lot!

After Fan Xing returned to China, the early stages of the establishment of Fangguan Development Group were put in place, mainly consisting of three groups of people.

The first group is of course the people sent by Yangyuan Valley and Huanxiang Industry; the second group is the people from Fanglongguan; the third group is the fellow monks recruited by Fan Xing. Although these people are not members of Yangyuan Valley now, they still belong to Huanxiang Industrial System.

One thing that needs special emphasis is that Hua Zhenxing personally taught the secrets of Yangyuan Shu to others. As every dish of the Chunguang Banquet was eaten, he bid farewell to the stage of history.

The purpose of Hua Zhenxing has been achieved, so there is no need to add any unnecessary extravagance, and I will not do this kind of thing again in the future. An opportunity is an opportunity, and if you miss it, you miss it. I'm afraid many people will only react afterwards.

Anyone who wants to learn the art of Yang Yuan in the future must either join the sects of Huazhenxing that have taught the art of Yang Yuan, or participate in the training courses organized by the International Yang Yuan Art Association.

As for the training courses held by the Yangyuan Technique centers in various places in the country, they are only internal policies and are also the internal training and selection system of Yangyuan Valley. There is a separate set of standards for personnel inspection and training.

As for the inclusion of junior Yangyuan Valley in the compulsory education curriculum of middle schools in the future, that is also the internal policy of the country where it is located. Although Hua Zhenxing hopes that the Yangyuan Technique can be promoted around the world like in his dream, the method of promotion is still very particular.

After the first semester of his freshman year, Hua Zhenxing assigned winter vacation tasks to the "Chunhua Study Group", and then he and Manman moved to the embassy of several countries.

Nominally, he is still the next ambassador of the Kingdom of Kilili to the East, but the heat of this incident has passed.

According to the latest rumors, the Guilin government seems to have realized that this move was inappropriate, has changed its decision, is looking for ways to eliminate the impact, and has given a reasonable explanation.

Rumor has it that the officials of the Kingdom of Gilly made such a decision because Ambassador Wang Fengshou might not be able to perform his duties temporarily because of something unexpected. Now that the matter has been resolved, Ambassador Wang remains in office.

Since Wang Fengshou remains in office, Hua Zhenxing does not need to take office.

This is of course a good thing for Dongguo. Otherwise, it would be too awkward and weird for the foreign affairs department to deal with an eighteen-year-old student ambassador!

I almost forgot, Hua Zhenxing is already nineteen this year.

But from another perspective, the appointment of these two ambassadors and quasi-ambassadors from Kiriguo also fully demonstrates trust in East China and sincerity in cooperation.

Wang Fengshou is a native of Dongguo and a graduate of Chunhua. If he was unable to perform his duties, Jili Kingdom still appointed another Chunhua student Hua Zhenxing. Although he did not grow up in Dongguo, he was also a Chinese of Dongguo origin and was receiving higher education in Dongguo.

In the new year, the controversy over the strange appointment of the new ambassador has been settled. As long as the country of Jili is not afraid of embarrassment, it actually has no impact. Not many people in the world will pay attention to such a small and remote country.

But only those who know the inside story know that the appointment of ambassador to the East is just Charles's whim. Xiaer heard that Hua Zhenxing had committed a crime and was taken to the police station, so he came up with this trick overnight.

Only Charles would do such a thing, but if Hua Zhenxing himself didn't want to take office, he wouldn't take office. .

During the winter vacation, Hua Zhenxing lived in the embassy, ​​and all important decisions were made by him. Whether it was Ambassador Wang who was in the East Kingdom or President Xia who was a few miles away, his opinions were sought on many matters.

But Hua Zhenxing is not the kind of person who wields power; he is just doing things.

When Huanxiang Industrial was established, the five directors were Feng Zibin, Yang Tehong, Mo Shangtong, Ke Mengchao and Charles.

At that time, the three elderly people came forward in person and all served as directors of Huanxiang Industrial. Huazhenxing used the identity of Feng Zibin, and Ke Fuzi served as the executive director.

Now that Fangguan Development Group has been established, the five directors have become Xia Yading, Fang Chuanchan, He Guang, Fan Xing and Chen Weihu.

This time, Uncle Mo and Master Ke didn't show up at all, but Old Man Yang only showed up. Things are different now. Unknowingly, Hua Zhenxing can handle many things by himself, and there are a large number of people who can help him.

What matters must be decided by Huazhenxing? Mainly the operation mode of Fangguan Group, which not only represents its development ideas, but also determines the scale of investment.

In Huazhenxing's plan, the three-story office building currently rented is obviously not enough. Hiring various talents to temporarily work in Dongguo Pingjing also has to solve their living problems.

Therefore, Huazhenxing still plans to build a dedicated work area and living area in Pingjing according to the model of Huanxiang Industrial in Jili Country.

In Dinghai District, Pingjing City, not too far from the Olympic Sports Park and Chunhua University, there is a newly developed real estate project close to the outside of the Fifth Ring Road called Wanshu Garden, with a total of three phases.

The first and second phases are mainly ordinary residential buildings, both of which have been completed and put on sale. The third phase of the Wanshu Garden project is one street away from the first two phases. It has a total of fifteen buildings, mainly for commercial and residential purposes.

Thirteen of the buildings have been basically completed and are awaiting final interior decoration. The last two buildings are located at the outermost edge of the project. Due to some twists and turns during the initial land acquisition, the construction period was delayed. The main frame has just been capped.

Huazhenxing decided to buy all the third phase of Wanshu Garden in the name of housing development.

The thirteen buildings that have been basically completed are used as staff dormitories and apartments. Of the two buildings that have not yet been completed, one of them will be used as the group's future office building, while the first to twelfth floors of the other building will be set aside as a hotel, while the thirteenth to twenty-fifth floors will still be reserved for the group's offices.

This is equivalent to buying an independent community, and it is an overall acquisition. The total construction area of ​​15 buildings is more than 300,000 square meters, and the expected price is between 20 billion and 30 billion Dongguo currency.

No matter what you do, local connections are very important. They will at least let you know who you should go to to solve the problem. Old Man Yang may have had this intention in asking Hua Zhenxing to fully cooperate with Fang Longguan.

The construction commander of the Wanshu Garden project, also the chief engineer of the construction unit, is also a disciple of Fang Longguan, named Qi Yichao. Qi Yichao is several years younger than Niu Yiping. He is thirty-eight this year and graduated with a master's degree in civil engineering from Chunhua University.

Speaking of which, he is not only Niu Yiping's junior and senior student, but also Wang Fengshou and Hua Zhenxing's senior. The reason why Huazhenxing took a fancy to this project and planned to acquire it was because Qi Yichao recommended and contacted it.

Having such a knowledgeable person can indeed save a lot of things and avoid many possible pitfalls. Even Qi Yichao will join Fangguan Development Group as the director of the engineering department after completing the third phase of the Wanshu Garden project.

Since Fangguan development is an overall acquisition, the interior decoration of the last two buildings of the project will be carried out in accordance with the usage requirements as much as possible without changing the construction planning and acceptance conditions.

The current staff of Fangguan Group is only around fifty. Is it necessary to buy such a large place at once? But Huazhenxing has a different idea. When recruiting talents, we must first solve the problem of food and accommodation, right?

Apartments and dormitories are ready, so people will have a place to stay when they come. The second and third floors of the hotel are catering departments, the third floor is a self-order dining area, including private rooms, and the second floor is a self-service staff canteen.

The old comrades of the New Alliance will know at a glance that this is the model of the original Palm Estate! It is just adapted to local conditions and modified according to the characteristics and actual conditions of Pingjing City.

But the new local leaders of Dongguo, such as Niu Yiping, Qi Yichao, and Chen Weihu, were stunned. In what age is it now, is there any private enterprise doing this?

They repeatedly confirmed to Huazhen Bank that the main business of Fangguan Development is not real estate in Dongguo, right?

The answer is of course not. Huazhenxing has no plans to engage in real estate in Dongguo, nor does it plan to engage in real estate of the Dongguo model in Jiliguo.

The purpose of Huazhenxing is very simple, which is to provide accommodation for employees and their families. If this is not done, if Fangguan Development wants to recruit employees, its main scope can only be residents in the area near the company.

Even if Ping Piao rents a house nearby after joining the company, the large scale planned by Fangguan Development Group will cause a shortage of rental housing in the vicinity in the future, and many employees will have to live further away and cheaper. .

Even though some people already have houses in Pingjing City, this is a very large city with a permanent population that is twice the total population of the entire Kingdom of Kilili. If you spend a few hours commuting to and from get off work every day, it is also a huge waste.

It consumes not only transportation, environment, and energy, but also people's unnecessary contribution in time and energy.

Overall, it is the most efficient and economical way for Fangguan Group to solve this problem in a unified manner. But in the eyes of many people, this is the most inefficient and least economical approach.

Isn't this the model of state-owned factories and government agencies that was eliminated in Dongguo forty years ago? The concept that "units running a society will increase operational burdens and weaken market competitiveness" has already formed a consensus at the capital level.

But Hua Zhenxing didn't have this kind of consciousness. He just thought of the world in his dream. In that world, there was another consensus, or a simple principle that everyone recognized -

The remuneration paid by the unit to employees can be in currency or other forms. Under the corresponding social welfare system, it should meet the most basic personal expenses in terms of housing, life, health, starting a family, raising children, etc. Otherwise, the entire society It will not function properly in the long term.

He couldn't change the general environment of Dongguo Pingjing, he could only try his best to create a local small environment.

As for the group buying the entire community, there are only so many people in it now. What should we do if there are many houses that will be idle in the short term? This problem is easy to deal with and can be rented out temporarily. The houses in this area are very easy to rent.

The group's logistics department has a physical department responsible for these businesses.

Huazhenxing's own work was mainly to provide resource support and formulate a development framework and overall plan. After Fan Xing returned to China and established an initial team, many things gradually got on the right track.

Therefore, Huazhenxing is not as busy as imagined, and I can enjoy life while taking some time off from the busy schedule. He even secretly sighed, had he become a bit depraved and become addicted to beauty?

Hua Zhenxing did not have the habit of keeping a diary. If he had written a diary, it would probably have contained the following content in the days before the Spring Festival——

"Today I will study dual cultivation with Manman... and attend a high-level meeting on housing development in the afternoon."

"Today I will study dual cultivation with Manman... In the afternoon, I will discuss national policies with the Jili State Council online."

"Today I will study double cultivation with Manman... and listen to the work report of Huanxiang Industrial Headquarters in the afternoon."

"Today I studied dual cultivation with Manman... Hua Zhenxing, are you a little obsessed with beauty?"

"Today I will study double cultivation with Manman...and conduct field research on the third phase of Wanshu Garden project in the afternoon."

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