Enjoy the world

Chapter 467 Xiaohua is frustrated

Hua Zhenxing had long thought about poaching Niu Yiping to go to Jili Country to build a university and serve as the president. However, he wanted to poach not only Niu Yiping, but also alumni from the same class, team, and department.

Let’s start with the side first.

After the "hot search incident" occurred, Hua Zhenxing became the number one celebrity in his department, and also had the identity of the next ambassador of a strange small country to East Asia. Anyone who saw him would smile and nod and say hello, as if they had seen a mascot.

But everyone can remember Huazhenxing and recognize it next time they meet.

Huazhenxing also invited students from this class, major, and team to visit the Embassy of the Kingdom of Gila in batches. The embassy held a reception dinner to introduce the achievements of the new social transformation and construction of the country and displayed various detailed materials.

The guests usually invited to the embassy's dinner banquets are envoys from various countries or local celebrities, but Hua Zhenxing often entertains students, which is undoubtedly a good deal.

Huazhenxing had unfinished tasks for the Spring Festival Banquet, and He Guang and other staff helped arrange most of these things.

Judging from the feedback, the students were very happy and felt very novel. It was the first time for many of them to go to a place like the embassy.

Huazhenxing didn't have so much money that they had nowhere to spend it, and the Embassy of Gilly Country wasn't just boring and had nothing to do. Their purpose was to recruit talents to Gilly Country.

However, further in-depth analysis and investigation revealed that most of the guests invited by Huazhen Bank, although they thanked the Embassy of Gilly for their hospitality and praised the new achievements of Gilly in recent years, they had no idea about going to work and live in Gilly. Not interested.

Manman also used the same method to invite several groups of students from Pingjing University, and the effect was better than nothing.

Huazhenxing also issued an invitation on behalf of the official government of the Kingdom of Gila, asking students, especially the seniors who are about to graduate from our department, to organize a visit to the Kingdom of Gila next summer if the epidemic is under control.

Many people said that they would like to participate if they have time. But Huazhenxing can see that the reason most people are interested is just out of curiosity about exotic travel.

Not many people are willing to have an in-depth understanding of the social development and construction of Kilili Country and think about whether they can use their talents?

Hua Zhenxing couldn't say how disappointed he was with this, it was just that he couldn't do what he wanted. This kind of thing was something he couldn't do without force, and his classmates were not from the same country.

As time went by, Hua Zhenxing learned more and more about Chunhua and the entire Dongguo situation, and gradually became more sober.

Dongguo did not openly promote elite education. Official propaganda has never stated that the purpose of higher education is to cultivate a social elite.

But in recent years, the so-called "elite class" consciousness has indeed gradually formed among certain social groups, either intentionally or unintentionally, guided or hinted.

There is a certain subconsciousness in the general social environment, and it is even clearly reflected in the media and public opinion. The Dongguo education system has screened out the most elite talents, and many of them naturally consider themselves to be the elite of this society.

In their self-perception, they are either already a member of the elite class, or at least a reserve team of the elite class, and have entered the upward path to realize the "class jump".

This kind of self-perception cannot be wrong. They indeed have the greatest potential to become the most leading talents in all walks of life in the future, but it depends on the contextual system and social background.

The first context system is what Hua Zhenxing expected.

They have the best intellectual qualities, and therefore have received the best education and training. Of course, they have the potential to become the best talents in all walks of life, so as to achieve life achievements, and then obtain corresponding social status through achievements.

This includes income, treatment, respect and recognition in all aspects.

Then a mature, efficient, and fair society should provide a space for them to display their talents, realize their ambitions, and gain achievements. This is a complete set of social operating rules.

The second contextual system is to think about a question: How can I sell such an outstanding elite talent at a better price and to whom?

Sometimes it's not a personal issue, it's just how society's rules are set up.

Sometimes it's also a personal matter because that's how he wants society's rules to be.

By default, the world should be a hierarchical society, or expect it to be a hierarchical society, and social elites should sell their wisdom and abilities to higher classes in order to obtain the best returns.

So the group consciousness of this type of people is to try their best to squeeze into the upper class of this world. The consciousness of the group of people who are already at the top of society is to maintain and solidify the hierarchical order.

Within the set rules and procedures, it has nothing to do with personal accomplishment and talent.

Just like the question of whether there are good people in gangs, Charles may be able to become a talented and good person, but if he can only join the Big Head Gang, he will never be able to break the structural fate.

In these two contexts, the so-called psychological expectations of elite talents may seem to be talking about the same thing at first glance, but they are actually quite different.

From a personal perspective, the values ​​at the bottom of consciousness are completely different; from a social perspective, different rule systems lead to completely different outcomes in social evolution.

Niu Yiping has been at this university for more than 20 years, and his experience of this is much deeper than that of Hua Zhenxing.

A very high proportion of Chunhua graduates go abroad. Some go abroad directly after graduation, some look for opportunities to go abroad after working for a few years, and some go abroad to study for graduate school and then try to stay.

Ordinarily this is good news for Huazhenxing, but those people's first choice of destination is the United States, followed by developed countries. They may feel that they are humiliating themselves by staying in the East, and they have a sense of moral superiority in bowing down for the country.

This is a multiple-choice question, and the Kingdom of Kyri is not an option at all.

Statistics in recent years show that the proportion of Primavera graduates studying abroad is declining. On the other hand, the proportion of Chunhua graduates who have studied abroad, especially those in the United States, who return home after graduation is constantly increasing.

Objectively speaking, this is a good phenomenon.

But Niu Yiping also told Huazhenxing another data: more than 80% of Chunhua international students in the United States applied for work visas after graduation, but in recent years, most of them have not been approved.

As for the decline in the proportion of studying abroad in the United States, it is also because the United States has increased restrictions on international students studying in Dongguk science and engineering disciplines. The background for all this happening is actually the changes in the status and relations between East and the United States, as well as the complex international situation.

With the relative decline of the United States and the continued development of Dongguo, the United States regards Dongguo as the number one challenger to its world hegemony, and has launched all-round containment and containment.

The methods used by the United States include trade war, public opinion war, financial war, military containment, technological blockade, etc., and are also affected by the unexpected global epidemic.

Therefore, the proportion of Dongguo students studying in the United States is declining, while the proportion of students who have returned from abroad is increasing.

Eastern expatriates living in the United States and its allied countries have also suffered systematic and premeditated discrimination and suppression, including stigmatization in public opinion, and even being slapped or shot in the face from time to time.

Hua Zhenxing is a freshman who has just entered college. His background was already like this when he entered school.

But on the Chunhua campus, there are still many seniors who have gone through this process. They are disgusted and disappointed with the changes in the relationship between Dongmi and Mi, because their opportunities and space for development in the United States have been compressed.

what to do? Either find another way to develop in a developed country where it is easier to go, or become an elite at home!

Hua Zhenxing felt this kind of atmosphere to some extent at Chunhua University, and the atmosphere at Pingjing University where Manman was studying was even stronger.

This cannot be said to be a failure in values ​​education, because the establishment of Chunhua and Pingjing Universities long before the founding of New Dongguo, their value orientation was like this at the beginning, and the current situation is much better than in the past!

Hua Zhenxing sometimes felt ashamed about wanting to poach alumni to go to the country of Jili.

Just for the two top universities, Chunhua and Pingjing, Dongguo’s annual funding investment reaches 10 billion equivalent to rice gold. However, the total fiscal revenue of the Kingdom of Kilin last year was less than 2 billion meters of gold. This is the country of New Kilin that has been liberated for three years.

With all the efforts of the country, even if it does nothing else, it is far from being able to support either of these two universities.

Last year, Huazhenxing sold 1,100 boxes of Spring Beauty Pills through Yue Gao Le. The revenue was equivalent to more than 3 billion meters of gold, which exceeded the total fiscal revenue of the country, but it could not afford to support a Chunhua School.

The three billion yuan of gold from Huazhenxing is the income of Huanxiang Industrial, which can be included in the GDP of the country, but it is still different from the national fiscal revenue.

In this world, the annual fiscal revenue of most countries does not actually exceed 10 billion gold.

Higher education in the modern world is more expensive and resource intensive than many people imagine. For most small countries in the world, establishing universities like Chunhua University and Pingda University is out of the question.

This is only the investment in education at the national level at the university level. If the investment of these students’ families and the comprehensive social resources from birth to elementary school, middle school and high school are included, it is an astronomical figure.

Although Chunhua and Pingda are the top universities in the East, they are only two universities. Their annual graduates, undergraduate and graduate students combined, will be close to 10,000 people.

Suppose there is such a weak and poor country, risking its life and letting all its people eat rice bran and swallowing a huge amount of foreign debt. It invests all its resources in building these two schools and can only produce less than 10,000 graduates every year. born.

But how many of these talents would be willing to stay in such a country? If for various reasons, most of them go to overseas developed countries to find other jobs, all the country's investment will be in vain.

There is no evaluation of personal behavior, but the nature of this kind of thing is actually a looting of the country's fiscal revenue, family wealth, and social resources. Some countries hope to maintain and solidify such an international hierarchical order.

In view of this, the higher education system that Huazhenxing wants to establish in Kilili Country must not fall into this pattern.

These are all plans for the future. The current reality is that Huazhenxing cannot recruit Chunhua alumni, including those who are still studying and those who are about to graduate.

People like Dr. Wang Fengshou, a doctor from Chunhua, and Sima Zhi, a master from Pingda University, are rare in the Kingdom of Kilili. Each has its own unique reason for joining the new alliance.

In fact, Wang Fengshou had already said that there would be such a result, but Hua Zhenxing did not believe in evil and always wanted to try it himself, but the result was still the same. At least he can't change reality for the time being, even if he has a breakthrough in cultivation. He can't kidnap him, right?

Reality has taught Hua Zhenxing a lesson, and what he wants to do will also encounter setbacks.

Huazhenxing may poach a few people, but poaching Chunhua alumni in batches is obviously not possible, so he has to find another way.

Why are you only looking at Chunhua Campus? The streets outside are full of talented people with higher education and work experience! Why only think about poaching talents directly to the Kingdom of Jili? Isn't it the same as letting them work in the Kingdom of East?

The establishment of Fangguan Development Group is a more realistic plan of Huazhen Bank. This plan is divided into three steps.

The first step is to openly recruit employees in the name of Fangguan Group. The remuneration can be as good as possible. The working place is in Dongguo. After joining the company, I will participate in various trainings related to Kililiguo.

The second step is to wait for these employees to officially become regular employees. Many of them will need to be responsible for the business of Kilili Country. As the business deepens, appropriate opportunities will be created to send them to Kilili Country for business trips. The time can be long or short.

The third step is to follow the principle of voluntariness and dispatch some people to work in Jili Country.

Not everyone will eventually be transferred to Kilili Country. Fangguan Group also needs staff in Dongguo, but the number of people planned to be recruited will continue to exceed the number of employees needed in Dongguo.

They first worked in Dongguk and were responsible for Dongguo's cooperation projects in Kiriduk. Their business expertise and work life were deeply tied to the projects in Kiriduk. After getting started with the business, business trips to Kiriduk were indispensable.

If someone is willing to be transferred to work in the country of Jili, Huanxiang Industrial will do its best to solve their worries and has a series of supporting plans.

For "high-end" talents, housing is provided free of charge, such as a two-story townhouse with a front and backyard. You can plant bamboo in the front yard and green onions in the backyard, which is both elegant and popular. You can also bring your family members over, arrange work for your spouse, and arrange schooling for your children.

It doesn’t matter if some people don’t want to be naturalized in the end, just keep their Dongguk citizenship...

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