Enjoy the world

Chapter 432 Morning Bull

This textbook was not compiled by Hua Zhenxing. Hua Zhenxing just explained why the new alliance that overthrew the old regime in Kilili Country should use such a basic sociology textbook nationwide?

Manman pursed her lips, widened her eyes and nodded repeatedly. Shi Shuangcheng frowned and nodded slightly. The corners of Wang Fengshou's mouth turned up again, half-smiling but not smiling, as if he was in a theater mood again.

Ye Yining is also a monk in the Four Realms. He quickly finished reading the material of less than 60,000 words. When he closed the textbook, he actually smiled: "Director Hua is too serious. I just said it casually. In fact, it is not mine." Opinion, just seeing a lot of people saying that.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Then what do you think?"

Ye Yining: "I'm sorry, actually I haven't thought about it that much, and I haven't studied it as deeply as Director Hua. But I also think that things like the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Permanent Constitutions are indeed quite decadent and backward, at least from the perspective of a modern woman I’m very disgusted by the angle.”

Hua Zhenxing also laughed: "Actually, I don't have much research. I am just an ordinary student who once studied under Mr. Ke. As far as I understand, the three cardinal principles are skin, which is out of date. I am also very disgusted, but the five constant principles are bones. Don't confuse the concepts...

The so-called Three Cardinal Guidelines, the ruler guides his subjects, the father guides his son, and the husband guides his wife, these are the three ethical requirements; the so-called Wuchang principles are propriety, righteousness, benevolence, wisdom, and trustworthiness, which are the five moral principles.

This is something created by the Han Confucians that Wang Fengshou just mentioned. To be precise, it is not Confucianism itself, but an application system implemented by later generations of Confucian scholars for the purpose of governance and social stability.

Hua Zhenxing did not elaborate on why there were such ethical requirements in the era of farming civilization and how it met the needs of maintaining social stability and production development. For example, the principle that father is the guide for son is superficially family ethics, but in essence it is the form of production organization.

This extends to the field of political economy.

He only focused on explaining why the Three Cardinal Principles are skinned, which refers to the order system derived by adding variables of a specific historical era. If the application environment changes, such as in contemporary society, the Confucian argument itself can overturn it.

This extends to the realm of dialectics.

If we take the legitimacy of the monarchy as the premise, we can derive the requirement that the king should be the minister. However, from the principle of "loyalty and forgiveness" itself, it cannot be deduced that monarchy is necessarily reasonable. If the premise of monarchy does not exist, of course there will be no basis for the existence of the principle of monarch as minister.

In an industrialized civilized society, the principle of "do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you" can itself overturn the conclusion that the husband is the guide for his wife.

However, the reason why these five constants of propriety, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and belief are called "constant" is that they can transcend the times. Benevolence means loyalty and forgiveness, and etiquette is the social norm required by the principle of loyalty and forgiveness. Metaphysically it is morality, and physically it is law.

That era didn’t need morality and laws? Confucianism only talks about the basis and principles for formulating morals and laws, and it is instrumental. As for how future generations use this tool, what ingredients they add, and what kind of dishes they make, it all depends on their own purposes and skills.

The process of deriving the five permanent members from the fundamental arguments is introduced at the end of this textbook. Hua Zhenxing just emphasized that no era can be without the concepts and standards of etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust.

You can criticize the specific laws of etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust established in a certain era, and even say that they are "cannibalistic", such as criticizing the etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust of the feudal era, but you must also establish socialist etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust.

Where did the original concepts of etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom, and trust come from? It was derived from Confucian theory. What kind of morality do people really need? The awareness of "real need" itself is the basis of Confucianism.

Loyalty and forgiveness itself include equality of personality on the moral level, so Dongguo culture itself defaults to equality of personality on the moral level and does not judge virtue based on high status or low status. As a modern person, we can pursue equality of "social status" at the level of collective benefit.

Hua Zhenxing was very humble and repeatedly claimed that his knowledge was shallow and he just listened to Master Ke's teachings and tried to explain them. Ye Yining patted the material and said, "Can you give me a copy too? I'll take it back and study hard."

Wang Fengshou interjected: "What do you, Fang Longguan, usually teach your disciples?"

Niu Yiping hurriedly explained: "Teaching cultivation and understanding of the nature of heaven and earth. Junior sister Ye moved to the city with her parents when she was very young. She didn't have much time to return to the school. She mainly taught secret techniques and spent most of her time on weekdays. I still have to go to school.”

Wang Fengshou: "It's getting late. It's time for us to have dinner. Let's chat while eating."

But Hua Zhenxing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't be hungry if I wait a little longer. I've asked Teacher Niu all his questions, but I haven't asked my question yet."

Wang Fengshou: "Then you speak first. It won't be too late to eat after you finish speaking."

Hua Zhenxing: "I want to know, what is the purpose of Chunhua University or Dongguo University in recruiting overseas students?"

Of course, universities are places to cultivate talents. A further question is, for whom talents are cultivated, what kind of talents are cultivated, and what can the talents do after they are cultivated?

This question is easy to answer, and you can answer it right away: cultivate talents for each country, cultivate the talents that each country needs, and then build their country after the talents are trained.

But is the answer really that simple? This is not local education, but education for international students. It is not even profit-making education, but subsidized education at the national level.

Is it justified to use the country’s tax funds and educational resources to cultivate talents that are not the ones we need? A further question is: How is the education of international students in the East different from the education of international students in other large countries?

There is no country whose education system, especially the education for overseas students, does not cultivate and export its own values. Either through indoctrination, guidance, or introduction, it’s impossible not to have it!

If there are no common or inclusive values, what kind of people are being cultivated? Are they competitors or enemies? If the purpose is to strengthen economic and political cooperation, then the value guidance of international students is even more important.

Charles has a speech "Who are our friends", which is a quotation from the greatest contemporary revolutionary and thinker of the Eastern Kingdom. The core is to elaborate on this issue.

There are basically two sociology general education courses in various universities in Dongguk, "History of the Dongguk Revolution" and "Marne and Engels' Principles", but most international students do not need to take them because the school does not require them.

Because of the different systems in different countries and out of some concerns, Dongguo seems to have deliberately avoided exporting ideology in this aspect in the education of international students, and rarely publicized its own system and culture unless relevant personnel took the initiative to learn in this aspect. Knowledge and experience.

In recent years, even if the official level wants to publicize it, it doesn't know how to publicize it in the specific implementation steps. It can't find a suitable idea and lacks a complete and clear system.

For some time, to be honest, the social science fields in major universities, such as economics, finance, law, and education, have mainly been engaged in cultural import. Now it is really difficult for the same group of people to engage in cultural export.

There are problems with knowledge structure, theoretical level, and subjective will, not to mention the fact that some people work against the will in the specific implementation process. For example, Qiao Zhaogao and others, how can we expect them to do this kind of thing?

So is the only means of cultural export that Dongguo can adopt, the simplest Chinese teaching? Even if it is Chinese teaching, what values ​​​​and ways of thinking are introduced?

Education is not just charity, but a kind of inheritance. So what does it inherit? This is the problem with Huazhenxing.

Before Niu Yiping could reply while he was pondering, Wang Fengshou added: "Actually, Mr. Ke also said that there are difficulties in the country of several miles.

For example, we are not suitable to directly establish a Marxist country, at least we cannot declare this to the outside world. If that were the case, with the small stature of the country, I'm afraid it would be wiped out easily, and the new regime of Ciel would not be able to survive.

Moreover, Ke Lao said again, even if we want to talk about Marx and Engels political economics system, there are still two problems that cannot be avoided in the enlightenment education stage.

First, why should we have the ideal of building a harmonious society? How can we form such a cultural consensus? The second is the level of understanding of the educated, which is what Director Niu said today. This is no longer the content of primary education.

But the establishment of cultural traditions began in the Enlightenment period. Cultural enlightenment is not just a matter of ancient times, but something that must be repeated in every era.

For example, do we need to talk about filial piety and kindness, and in what way should we talk about filial piety and kindness?

Because of the inheritance of civilization, it cannot be directly copied into the brain of every newborn. No matter what era, everyone must go through a process of cultural enlightenment. "

After Wang Fengshou finished speaking, Niu Yiping smiled awkwardly and said: "Although Ambassador Wang is talking about the affairs of Jili Country, I understand what Director Hua is asking, and I can fully understand what Director Hua is doing in the school.

But I am just a small deputy director of the principal's office. Many things are not decided by me, and many questions are not easy to answer. "

Hua Zhenxing suddenly said: "Teacher Niu, I will offer you a few more glasses of wine later."

Ye Yining: "Why?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Because I have to say sorry. Some of the things I did will affect Director Niu's career." This sentence was very serious. He was referring not only to what has happened, but also to what will happen in the future. , Niu Yiping has been involved.

Niu Yiping could only shake his head and said: "I worry too much. I worry too much. It shouldn't have any impact on me."

Hua Zhenxing: "Let's eat."

Dinner will be held in the small restaurant of the embassy, ​​where the ambassador usually entertains important guests. The two guests were full of praise for the dishes on this table, and repeatedly lamented that they could eat such high-level Dongguo cuisine here, which was no less than a five-star hotel!

Wang Fengshou smiled and introduced: "The chefs here have all received personal guidance from Director Hua on their cooking skills, especially those who have worked with Director Hua."

Ye Yining: "Then wouldn't the food made by Director Hua be more delicious?"

Manman smiled: "Of course, it depends on whether you are so lucky."

Niu Yiping: "Now that I have said that, I must find an opportunity to have a good meal. In fact, with the level of these chefs, they can definitely open a high-end catering store!"

The speaker was indifferent but the listener was interested. After chatting for a while, Hua Zhenxing decided to invest in a hotel near the embassy.

If the manpower brought by Wang Fengshou is not enough, they can be transferred from Jili Kingdom. Huazhenxing can personally take the time to do some training. Instead of renting the shop, he can find a suitable property to buy... In short, the atmosphere of the conversation is lively.

Niu Yiping gave Hua Zhenxing a suggestion or helped him with an idea.

The Chunhua study group he set up could change the name of the lecture materials, register in the name of studying Dongguo traditional culture, set up an extracurricular interest group, and even apply for funding and venue support. This is awesome. As long as you can help, everything will be done.

Hua Zhenxing expressed his gratitude to Niu Yiping and invited him to visit Jili Country. Director Niu sighed: "Although I am not a big official in this position, it is quite troublesome to go abroad!"

Wang Fengshou took advantage of the situation and said: "How can I allow you to go abroad for personal reasons? The Kingdom of Gilly has issued an invitation, in the name of an educational cooperation project, inviting you and a group of education experts to guide the higher education work in the Kingdom of Gilly."

Regardless of the circumstances under which the two guests arrived, the meal ended in a harmonious atmosphere. After Niu Yiping and Ye Yining said goodbye, Wang Fengshou asked Hua Zhenxing: "Are you attracted to Director Niu?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled and nodded: "Yes, you can see it. I want to recruit him to several miles away. There is a lack of such professional talents when building a university. I don't think he is doing well at Chunhua University. , if we continue to make trouble like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to be promoted."

Wang Fengshou: "This Director Niu has been at Chunhua University from studying to working. He is very familiar with the operation of various departments of the university. He can get started with the work directly. Moreover, he is a monk, which is really rare."

Hua Zhenxing: "This Teacher Niu did not know my identity at the beginning, but he had already seen that I was also a monk. Later, he also wanted to lend me my hand to help the school. Some things in the school, he should It’s not pleasing to the eye either.”

Wang Fengshou: "Then why don't you tell the truth today?"

Hua Zhenxing: "There's no need. I've done more trouble than he thought. You can implement the invitation plan I just mentioned later."

Just as Hua Zhenxing said, Niu Yiping really couldn't understand some things in the school, and he also saw that Hua Zhenxing was unusual, so he also wanted to use Hua Zhenxing's help to rectify some chaos, but he did not expect that Hua Zhenxing's background was such So big, so capable of living!

Niu Yiping never expected that Hua Zhenxing would even try to get rid of him.

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