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Chapter 421 Cheats

Sitting down in the dormitory, Hua Zhenxing placed Chilion's ashtray in front of Director Niu: "Sorry, they have caused trouble for you!"

them? Director Niu was startled for a moment, then reacted and said, "It's my turn to say sorry. The school should have provided a better learning and living environment for such students."

Hua Zhenxing: "The environment is already very good, really very good. It is unimaginable in our country of several miles! This kind of thing tonight is not Teacher Niu's personal responsibility, and it should not even be your responsibility."

Director Niu: "You're not looking for the wrong person when you come to me. In the principal's office, I'm in charge of student management."

Hua Zhenxing: "There are still several floors in between. No matter what, you should not go to the dormitory to stab people with electric batons in person. But I only know you as a school leader, so I can only call you to try." tried."

Director Niu waved his hand and said: "Excluding the colonel leadership, I'm still several levels behind! Let's not talk about this. What's going on tonight?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Didn't you see it with your own eyes?"

Director Niu: "How do you know that your roommate is recruiting someone? What if they are just in love?"

Hua Zhenxing: "That's how I judged it. I just expressed my judgment. As for whether he is a prostitute and whether he can be caught with evidence, that is a matter for the security department or the police station.

But he did violate the school's management regulations, which not only affected my personal interests, but also violated the normal interests of all students, not specific. That’s why the school has this kind of rule and should take care of this kind of thing, right? "

Just because a real person doesn't lie doesn't mean that a real person like Dacheng won't make mistakes. This is what Hua Zhenxing thinks and says. If Chilion did not recruit a prostitute, then he made a mistake. If Chilion really did solicit a prostitute but had no means to punish him, then it was another reason.

But no matter what, it is a certainty that Kilion violated the dormitory management regulations and violated the rights of his classmates.

Director Niu smiled bitterly and said: "You are very strict in what you say, but the security department may not be able to catch the evidence. If that is the case, they can only criticize and educate him. Even if he is punished afterwards, he can only be released today."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then put it back and deal with it as you want, as long as there is no one to deal with it."

Director Niu looked around: "You don't have many things, so pack them up. I will arrange for you to stay in the school guest house for one night. I will move you to a dormitory building tomorrow and arrange a new dormitory for you, a single room. As for Don’t worry about accommodation fees…”

Hua Zhenxing interrupted him and said, "Thank you, Teacher Niu, but there's no need. I think this place is pretty good."

Director Niu sniffed and said, "It's great, don't you smell this smell? It's so smoky!"

Kyrion's body odor is indeed a bit strong. He had just done vigorous exercise in the dormitory, so the smell in the dormitory was not good. It took a lot of getting used to when he first came in.

Hua Zhenxing stood up and opened the window and said, "Let's ventilate it first. I'll clean it up later. I'll also urge my roommates to take showers in the morning and evening. Anyway, the dormitory has a bathroom and you can take a shower."

Director Niu: "Xiaohua, you don't understand what I mean. He will come back again. There has been a conflict between you, and I'm afraid there will be another conflict.

In fact, I can also say hello and transfer that Kirion to another dormitory, and no other students will be moved in. This double dormitory will be left to you alone.

But in that case, you would still be living on this floor of this dormitory. If something like this happened tonight, you might be ostracized by others, so why bother? You might as well try to be quiet, you are here to learn, not to fight with others! "

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "If it were another student who had the same experience as me, I appreciate Teacher Niu for having such an arrangement. But I don't need it. If I couldn't handle this situation, I wouldn't come. This shouldn't be here either.

I applied for a double room dormitory, and the school arranged a double room dormitory, which was very reasonable. If Kyrion violates school rules again, he will be punished as he should. This is still the school's business.

I can handle the rest by myself. I can’t trouble Teacher Niu with everything. "

Director Niu still shook his head and said: "It's better to change to another dormitory. It's better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain."

Hua Zhenxing: "Your logic is wrong. Why should you offend a gentleman? Respect those who deserve respect, and punish those who deserve punishment. Only in this way can we have a good world.

Even if Director Niu wants to forcefully use his authority to move me to another dormitory, it will be too late tonight. "

Director Niu: "You have made up your mind not to stay out tonight?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Teacher Niu, there is no need to make special arrangements. I know it well."

Director Niu: "Even if you can deal with him alone, can you still deal with this whole floor?"

Hua Zhenxing actually laughed: "Don't talk about this floor, even if you include this building, how many people are there in total?"

Director Niu said helplessly: "If something happens, just call me quickly. Don't be afraid of how late it is."

Hua Zhenxing: "Thank you, Teacher Niu. Thank you very much! Actually, I just want to ask one thing. What would I do today if I didn't know you?"

Director Niu sighed: "Before you called me, did you ever think about what you were going to do if you couldn't get through or I couldn't help you handle it?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I called you because of the school's consideration."

After Director Niu left, Hua Zhenxing put away the sheets, waved his hand and cast a spell to disperse the unpleasant smell. He knew Director Niu's kindness, but there was no need to accept it. He really didn't make that call for himself.

He is fully capable of cleaning up Kilion, but that is not the right way to solve the problem. The school should take care of what should be taken care of.

If he were an ordinary student, he would have accepted Director Niu's suggestion just now and moved out tonight. But he is not ordinary. It would be too hypocritical to accept such advice!

Hua Zhenxing's impression of Director Niu has changed greatly compared to the first time they met him. He is actually a very good person.

When we first met Director Niu, he was obviously trying to find a balance between completing leadership instructions, performing his own responsibilities, and appeasing students' emotions. He himself did not have the authority to make direct decisions.

But tonight, Director Niu was really responsible. He didn't have to come in person, let alone do it in person, and he didn't have to stay in person to deal with the aftermath. He had thought so much about Hua Zhenxing.

Hua Zhenxing also found a familiar feeling in Director Niu. He realized that this person was actually a monk, a Kunlun monk! But he didn't point it out.

When Director Niu pulled out the electric baton, he used an object-control technique, and the action of stabbing the electric baton was fast, accurate and just right. It seemed that the leader was also very angry, and he was not only dissatisfied with Kyrgyzstan.

At about one o'clock in the evening, Chilion was indeed released. Hua Zhenxing's judgment was wrong. This boy did not recruit a police officer, or the security office did not find evidence that he recruited a police officer.

That girl was met by Chilion in a bar outside the school. She usually charged Chilion, but today she did not charge Chilion any money. She even bought Chilion a drink with her own money.

Kyrion was very proud, thinking that this proved his charm. Anyway, according to what the girl said, she has never had sex with Chunhua’s international students in Chunhua’s dormitory, and it’s very exciting just thinking about it...

So Kyrion is not considered a prostitute, at most he is a free prostitute. What else can we do? We can only criticize and educate him. Even if we have to impose disciplinary sanctions, we have to let him go back to the dormitory to sleep first.

When Ji Liang came in, Hua Zhenxing was sitting cross-legged on the bed, reading information without even raising his head. Kyrgyzstan locked the door and rushed straight to Hua Zhenxing angrily. He stretched out his hand and said, "You..."

Seeing that his action was a chokehold, Hua Zhenxing raised his head and shouted out one word: "Stay!" Kylian was frozen, and kept his hand stretched forward. He couldn't move even if he wanted to, and his body was no longer moving. Under the control of consciousness.

In this case, it is useless to call Director Niu or call the police, because the next second the other party's hand will be at the throat. Neither the school leaders nor the police could arrive before then, so Hua Zhenxing had to deal with it first.

The so-called body-fixing method is not some magical technique. Hua Zhenxing has learned at least three kinds.

The first one is taught by Teacher Ding very casually during a casual conversation. It doesn't even require any magical powers, as a highly skilled hypnotist can do it.

That is to modify the person's subconscious mind, causing the consciousness to temporarily lose control of the person's body, thereby achieving the effect of muscle and joint stiffness. Ordinary hypnotists perform spells slowly and require the cooperation of the recipient.

But after understanding its principle, a Dacheng monk can directly use his spiritual thoughts to deal with ordinary people, which can be said to be perfect.

The second method of holding the body was learned from Yue Gaole. It is a small application of the magic of confusing gods, which requires the use of spiritual consciousness. Its principle is actually similar to what Teacher Ding taught, but it is more demanding and works faster and more accurately.

The body-fixing method used by Hua Zhenxing on Ji Liang was a combination of the above two methods. After he broke through the Dacheng cultivation level, he was able to master it and it became very personal.

As for the third body-fixing method, Hua Zhenxing was the first to learn it. It was taught by Old Man Yang. It has nothing to do with supernatural powers. It is very close to the acupuncture points described in martial arts novels and has a certain degree of immediate damage.

The principle is nothing more than hitting certain parts with force to temporarily paralyze specific nerves, making the person's whole body or a certain part unable to move. However, Hua Zhenxing did not use this move against Kyrgyzstan.

Hua Zhenxing doesn't like to hit people unless he has to. Even Old Man Yang once told him, if you can shoot, don't do it. But in this situation, Hua Zhenxing wouldn't be able to kill Kilion with one shot, right?

After stabilizing Ji Liang, Hua Zhenxing leaned back and let go of the hand that was about to strangle his neck. Shi Shiran got off the bed, carried Ji Liang to the door, and asked him to stand in this position facing the door.

"Read this "Chunhua University International Student Accommodation Management Regulations" carefully and memorize it overnight."

Hua Zhenxing only said this, then he turned a mobile phone upside down and hung it on Ji Liang's chest. He turned on the small flashlight on the mobile phone, which happened to illuminate the thing posted on the back of the door, and turned off the lights in the dormitory.

There are two things posted on the back of the dormitory door. The top is the fire escape guide, and the bottom is the "Chunhua University International Student Accommodation Management Measures." Killian's posture was originally to lower his head to grab Hua Zhenxing's neck, but now his eyes were facing this regulation.

What does it feel like to be unable to move your whole body? He could still breathe, but he was breathing involuntarily, but he couldn't close his mouth, and over time, drool would come out. With this posture of lowering his head and opening his mouth, he didn't worry about him choking to death.

Kyrion can also blink, the kind of unconscious nervous blinking that prevents the cornea from drying out, but he cannot close his eyes actively... Putting him in front of the door, Hua Zhenxing went to bed to rest.

It was said that he was resting. In fact, Hua Zhennei was sitting still in bed. He sat down at about 1:30 in the morning and got up at 6:30 in the morning. In terms of sleep, the time was not long.

The main reason is that Kyrion has been immobilized for a long time. If it lasts longer, even if Hua Zhen performs the lifting spell, he may be injured, but this moment is just right.

Hua Zhenxing finally shouted again: "Excuse me!" He saw Chiliang immediately falling to the ground. Not only did he drool all over the floor, but he even wet his pants. It was unclear whether he was frightened or suppressed.

Just as Kyrion was struggling to think of something to say, Hua Zhenxing's voice seemed to ring in his mind: "Don't move around now. It will take almost half an hour to restore blood flow. I'll go have breakfast and be back in half an hour."

Before I come back, you'd better clean up the dormitory and change your clothes and take a good shower. I don't like the smell here, you understand? "He actually spoke Tema native language.

After saying this, Hua Zhenxing went out and left the dormitory, regardless of whether Ji Liangming understood. When he came back, the dormitory had been tidied up, at least the floor at the door was wiped clean, and Kyrion could be heard taking a shower in the bathroom.

When Kylian came out of the shower, before he had time to put on his clothes, he looked up and saw Hua Zhenxing sitting at the table. He went over and knelt down with a bang: "Master Hua, is this Eastern Kung Fu?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Kneel down after you have put on your clothes!" He still spoke the local dialect of Tema country.

Only then did Kyrion realize that he was still naked. He quickly put on his clothes and knelt down in an upright posture again: "Master Hua, please forgive my offense. May I ask you... what kind of kung fu did you perform last night?"

Hua Zhenxing turned around: "You also know Kung Fu?"

Kilion nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, I know, I saw it in the movie."

Hua Zhenxing: "Want to learn? I can teach you."

Ji Liang imitated what he saw in the movie and kowtowed to Hua Zhenxing several times: "I want to learn, you are my master, please teach me!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You don't understand the true meaning of master, and you are not qualified to call me master. I can teach you, but there are conditions."

Kyrion: "What does Master want me to do?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The first thing is that you are not allowed to call me master."

Kylian: "Mr. Hua, what else is there?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I want to examine your words and deeds. Only after you meet the requirements of each step can I teach you the next step. The kung fu I teach must start from the basic skills. The most important thing is the basic skills of being a human being."

Kyrion: "What do you want?"

Hua Zhenxing changed to Dongguo dialect: "Stop kneeling, get up and talk."

Kyrion got up, still feeling a little sore all over, and sat upright on his bed. Hua Zhenxing gave him a bound volume and a "Xinhua Dictionary".

"The first thing you have to learn is written in this textbook. If there are words you don't understand, you can look them up in the dictionary. You not only have to learn, but you also have to do it sincerely as taught above. When will I think you are qualified? , and then teach you the basic skills for the next step.”

The bound book given to Kylian by Huazhenxing is the basic textbook used in the New Alliance Study Class. It is not for students to study on their own, but for teachers to give lectures, often in the local dialect.

Its main content is the behavioral norms of the new society and why these behavioral norms are needed. The teaching materials were dictated and finally approved by Ke Fuzi, and recorded and compiled by Shen Sishu.

Since Kirion himself is already an overseas student at Chunhua and has a certain level of Dongguan, there is no need for Hua Zhenxing to take the textbook and explain it slowly to him. He can just take it for him to study hard. Hua Zhenxing is very considerate. Given a dictionary.

Kylian felt like he had found a treasure, thinking he had obtained the secret book of kung fu. Hua Zhenxing told him that this was actually the secret book, and it was the opening part of the secret book. Only when the requirements were met could the rest of the content be learned.

Director Niu probably didn't expect that Hua Zhenxing conquered Kilion with just one word. From that day on, Kyrgyzstan became Hua Zhenxing’s younger brother, and he was the kind of younger brother who was determined to put his foot down.

Hua Zhenxing's purpose is not to make Kylian his younger brother, nor does he need anyone to do so. He is not a gangster, but he can only take his time with this kind of person.

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