Enjoy the world

Chapter 40 It’s His Now

That night, everyone gathered around the bonfire to eat the barbecue that Xiaohua brought out, and chatted lively for half the night. Ding Qi left at dawn and did not return to Feso Port with them. After Hua Zhenxing made this long trip, he was finally taken home by three old men. They were riding in a big jeep owned by Old Man Yang, who acted as the driver.

Xiaohua had many things to ask on the way, such as whether Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo had been following him, what they had seen, when did Mr. Ke come back, and why did they join in the fun? But Mr. Yang in the back row said with a straight face: "Drive well, if you need anything, we'll talk about it when we get back!"

The big jeep crossed the dry Beisou river bed and entered the Fiso port again. I have just left for a week, and the city is still the same. There is no change and no hope, but Rothchild is gone and Jin Datou has been killed. There is missing a life-saving doctor, a well-hidden commercial spy, and a gang leader and his hard-core subordinates.

Before the car arrived at the grocery store, Huazhenxing's phone rang. His cell phone was out of battery and he had just charged it in the car. When he looked down, he saw that it belonged to Ciel. Charles called Hua Zhenxing at this moment, using his own number. Just as Hua Zhenxing was about to answer it, the co-pilot Mo Shangtong reached out and took the phone.

"Char? I'm Mo Shangtong, Xiaohua's Uncle Mo. Come to the grocery store to find me on time at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon!" After saying that, he hung up without saying any unnecessary nonsense.

Of course, Charles came to Hua Zhenxing to discuss the Datou Gang. After killing Jin Datou, he had not yet contacted Hua Zhenxing. He should have controlled the Datou Gang, but he had no idea what to do next, or he did not dare to do it on his own claim. Hua Zhenxing could hear clearly from the side. When Charles heard that it was Uncle Mo who answered the phone, his tone immediately became submissive.

Uncle Mo made an appointment for him at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. This can be regarded as a kind of inspection. The locals have a serious lack of sense of time. Of course, many people don't even have a watch. If a foreign owner hires local workers, it is common for them to be late and absent from work, and sometimes they can make them angry to death.

If Ciel can be punctual, it means that this kid has a good attitude. Now Charles has become the leader of the Big Head Gang. If he comes alone tomorrow and doesn't bring any of his subordinates to show off, it means that he has not yet become a leader. If Charles can't do the above two things, I'm afraid Uncle Mo will look down on him.

Hua Zhenxing knew this very well, but he had no intention of reminding Ciel. It all depended on Ciel's own performance. After returning to the grocery store, Mo Shangtong said to the store clerk: "Dajin, you have worked hard these days, you can go now."

Dajin, whose surname is Lei, is also from Dongguo. He came to Fesoport eight years ago. I heard that he was once a high-ranking official. After he came to Fesoport, he did foreign trade business. Later, he was robbed and almost gave away. life, and then joined the Straw Shoes Gang. He is highly educated and has great organizational skills, but before joining the Straw Shoes Gang, these abilities were never really put to use.

The two old men followed Hua Zhenxing out, but the grocery store was not closed. Lei Dajin was helping to look after the store these days. After he left, Hua Zhenxing was about to speak when Old Man Yang waved his hand again and said, "Hurry up and make lunch. When it's done, bring it to the yard."

As soon as he entered the door, Hua Zhenxing's identity changed from a lone young hero to a young boy, and he started his daily work. He fiddled with the nine-mouth alchemy stove and cooked eight dishes and one soup with the ingredients in the refrigerator, and brought them all to the back. 's yard. There are two jujube trees, an orange tree, and a lychee planted in the courtyard.

There was a stone table and stone benches under the shade of the tree. The three old men sat down at the stone table and looked at Hua Zhenxing as if he were conducting a three-chamber trial. Old Man Yang was the first to speak: "Say it!"

Hua Zhenxing: "What are you talking about? Didn't you follow me all the way? You should know everything, right?"

Mo Shangtong: "Then tell us what we don't know, and we'll listen while eating."

Hua Zhenxing: "I already talked about how I went to the secret realm with Teacher Ding last night. But I do have one thing to ask you. Have you ever heard of the 'system'..."

Regarding this mysterious "Mission System of Huanxiangguo", Hua Zhenxing would like to ask three elderly people in his family for their opinions. He introduced it in great detail, with almost no reservations. Starting from his own experience of practicing Yangyuan Art, he talked about when and how the system appeared, how it was summoned in his mind, and what tasks it issued...

After he finished speaking, the three old men were silent. After a long time, Yang Tehong coughed and said: "As far as I know, this matter has existed since ancient times. You are not the first person to have a similar experience."

Hua Zhenxing's eyes widened: "Huh? Are all those novels true?"

Yang Tehong: "We can't say that they are all true. Literary and artistic creation certainly includes elements of imagination, and the specific situations encountered by everyone are different. For example, Teacher Ding you just met, he is a very outstanding psychologist. Doctors can leave certain hints to people through psychological techniques, which can also be regarded as a system!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You mean, this is Teacher Ding's fault?"

Yang Tehong tried hard here, but almost did the splits, and quickly waved her hand: "No, no, no, this has nothing to do with Teacher Ding! I gave this example to mean that the system is entirely possible, and there are many sources. As for you This system is actually your own wish, think about it carefully, isn’t it?”

Hua Zhenxing: "But what about the system's reward? How did it know that Dr. Luo would thank me, but it made a mistake. It said it was 30,000 meters of gold, but it actually became 50,000 meters of gold."

Mo Shangtong interjected: "According to my analysis, your system is an outlook and prediction of the future. Since it is a prediction, there are always times when it is not so accurate. In my opinion, the tasks issued by this system , is the problem you hope to solve in reality. For you, it depends on whether you have the ability to solve it, or how you have the ability to solve it."

Just as Hua Zhenxing was about to open his mouth to ask, Yang Tehong quickly agreed: "Uncle Mo, you are right! I have taught you that you should treat it as an observed phenomenon, study its laws first, and know how to apply it. Then think about its principles.

When I say that this kind of thing has happened a long time ago, I'm not just talking nonsense. If you can practice Yangyuan Technique to the seventh level, you will understand it yourself. I can't explain it to you now.

For example, if you want to explain to people what synaesthesia is, what spiritual consciousness is, and what the emergence of the soul is, can people who have never experienced it really understand? That is already another dimension of senses! "

Just as Hua Zhenxing was about to ask what was going on with this system, Old Man Yang had already stopped him in advance. He subconsciously replied: "I have indeed realized what the soul is in that secret realm, and the way of perceiving things is indeed the same. It’s different from usual.”

Mo Shangtong: "Yes, yes, the way of perceiving things is different, and the way of contacting and processing things will also be different!"

Ke Mengchao, who had been silent, saw that the other two old men had taken the topic astray. He snorted with dissatisfaction, put down his glass and said, "We will talk about this later, let's talk about Xiaohua's system! Xiaohua, I I want to ask you, are all the tasks issued by the system your wishes?"

Hua Zhenxing thought for a while: "They are all things I want to do, or need to do."

So far, the system has issued a total of six tasks to him, two of which are without serial numbers, namely the "Chun Rong Dan Development Task" and the "Yuan Yuan Technique Teaching and Research Task". They are both his dreams and long-term tasks. Task. In addition, the system also issued four serialized tasks to him, which were the problems he needed to solve in reality.

Ke Mengchao: "What about the reward?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The reward is something I didn't expect."

Ke Mengchao: "Is this what you want?"

Hua Zhenxing blinked: "Actually, without those rewards, I would still do those things. Of course, having rewards is even better!"

Ke Mengchao: "Then why didn't you ask for that secret realm?"

Hua Zhenxing explained: "It's not that I'm not interested in the legendary secret realm, but that place is not what I want. It's not that I'm not interested in Teacher Ding's secret method, but now, I don't want to spend all my time and energy on that. In a secret realm. It’s not cost-effective to lock yourself in a big tomb for many years just to become the master there.”

When Master Ke was talking, Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo were staring at him like two wire brushes. Hearing this, Yang Tehong frowned slightly and interjected: "So, is this reward beneficial to you?"

Hua Zhenxing thought about it again, then nodded firmly and said: "Yes, at least it made me realize what I want to do more."

Yang Tehong slapped her thigh: "That's right!"

Ke Mengchao glared at Old Man Yang, then looked at Hua Zhenxing and said: "You think so, that's great! As for this system, you can use it as a tool to prompt questions and an assistant to realize your life wishes.

But the wish is yours, and the system belongs to you, not your life. You don't live to complete system tasks, let alone act to seek system rewards. As long as you remember these, I have nothing to say. "

The other two old men seemed to be relieved. Mo Shangtong stood up and said, "We are done eating. Xiaohua, please eat slowly. After you finish eating, pack up and come back to the hall. I have something to show you."

Hua Zhenxing picked up a large envelope and 40,000 meters of gold at his feet and said, "What should I do with these things, and what should I do with the Big Head Gang?"

After all, Ding Qi only received 10,000 meters of gold as "thank you". Huazhenxing still had 40,000 meters left, including the transfer information of the manor given by Rochard, which he still had with him at the moment. Yang Tehong took it casually and said, "Leave these to me, and we'll talk about other things later."

While Hua Zhenxing was eating and clearing away the dishes, three old men were having a small meeting around a square table in the hall. They used some method to suppress the sound. It should be noted that Hua Zhenxing's perception is very sharp now.

Yang Tehong twisted his beard and said, "I'm very pleased. This guy is very candid and told such an important secret!"

Ke Mengchao: "The system he created for you is so confusing that you are a little at a loss... Of course, this is also trusting us. It's just the soul seal, letting you play this trick. Xiaohua will figure it out in the future. , are you embarrassed?"

Yang Tehong chuckled: "It's not a shame! It would be a good thing if Xiaohua can figure it out himself in the future."

But Mo Shangtong asked abruptly: "What does this kid want to do? What if he becomes the president of the country of Jili?"

Ke Mengchao shook his head again and said: "He won't be willing. He is not Charles. Teacher Ding has already tried it out. As for what he wants to do, you will know when you ask him later. If his idea is not clear yet, we will help him today. Let him make it clear.”

Yang Tehong: "Aren't we just observing and not interfering? We should have retired a long time ago!"

Ke Mengchao: "When did Lao Mo really retire? Otherwise, where would the straw sandals here come from?"

Mo Shangtong: "I just came here fifteen years ago, met Lao Yang, and was moved for a moment. In today's matter, I think Lao Yang danced happily!"

Yang Tehong: "We didn't interfere. This is just Xiaohua's ideal. We just give him guidance. Even if we retire, we can still be consultants."

Ke Mengchao looked at Old Man Yang again and said, "Do you think Xiaohua is considered a monk now, or does he consider himself a monk?"

Yang Tehong: "Why are they so clearly distinguished?"

Mo Shangtong muttered: "Xiao Meng is afraid that without knowing it, he will abuse his power and cause trouble in the future."

Yang Tehong: "We have repeatedly instilled in him what he should pay attention to and what he should not do since he was a child. The way to be a human being includes the taboos of spiritual practice. It would be boring to talk about it any more. Let him understand the principles of spiritual practice by himself and enjoy being a monk. It's fun. If it were someone else, I wouldn't worry, but Xiaohua, his cultivation skills should be included in compulsory education and promoted to the whole society."

Ke Mengchao: "Isn't it your nourishing skill?"

Yang Tehong: "It's his now!"

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