Enjoy the world

Chapter 384 Everyone has a chance

Although Wagarian didn't know that the person who played "Walishi" this year was Sima Zhi, not "Feng Zibin" as he thought, but he also knew that Feng Zibin could not replace him forever. Wallich's identity.

Now it was finally time for the showdown, and he asked cautiously: "Instructor Sima, what do you think, can the organization let me choose one of the identities?" Unconsciously, even the title changed, from Director Sima to Instructor Sima. .

Sima Zhi smiled and said: "The organization doesn't let you choose, but you have to make the choice yourself. Which identity you choose means what kind of life you choose."

Vaglian: "This is not a problem. The real question is, how to deal with the follow-up matters?"

It is not difficult to choose an identity between "Valishi" and "Vaglia". The real trouble is how to deal with the other identity.

For more than a year, "Vaglia" and "Valishi" have often appeared on the same occasion, and even colleagues in the group have become accustomed to it. If you look closely, you will see that they look very similar, and their facial features are almost carved from the same mold. Many people have discovered this.

Some people joked that Vagliang might be the long-lost brother of the big boss. Others said that Varich's ancestors might have also been to the Black Wasteland, and Vagliang was his descendant here. All joking aside, no one doubts that these two people are actually the same person.

After Sima Zhi's room performance, "Walishi" seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and his temperament has become more and more gloomy and withdrawn.

The impression given by Vaglian has always been that he is healthy, strong, cheerful, and optimistic. He has stepped from the bottom of the miner to the position of the person in charge of the second mining area.

Sima Zhi stared at him for a few seconds and then said: "There are some things that I didn't want to tell you first. I wanted to wait until you made your own choice. But for the sake of you calling me mentor, I Let’s talk about it in advance.

If you choose to restore Varich's identity, Vaglian will be transferred and will no longer appear. But now the shareholders of Wage Mining have been reorganized, and you will also be transferred from Wage Mining, which means you will be dismissed.

As for what other positions you will have after returning to the Luoba Alliance, it depends on how the Yimailei Group arranges it. You people are actually employees sent by the Yimailei Group..."

Wagliang: "In my judgment, there is a high probability that we will be unemployed. I have read the restructuring agreement this time. The relevant provisions require the new shareholders to properly resettle our stationed personnel, and they will need to pay a severance compensation for dismissal." , the meaning is already very clear, we are actually being packaged and sold.”

Sima Zhi continued: "I am also aware of this restructuring agreement. If you choose to restore Wallis' identity, you will receive a severance payment. It is up to you to decide whether to return to the Yimailei Group or to find a new job. "

Wagliang: "Can I still stay here and continue to apply for positions in Wag Mining?"

Sima Zhi: "You are free to do so, but whether Wage Mining will hire you and what position you will be placed in after hiring is another matter. There is a saying in Dongguo that 'take off your pants and fart', don't you Have you decided to do this?"

Vaglian quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, of course I didn't mean it like that. I was just curious and wanted to ask... What if I choose to continue to retain Vaglian's identity?"

Sima Zhi: "If you choose to retain Vaglian's identity, then it is up to you to decide how to deal with Varish's identity. We can provide help."

Vaglian: "Teacher, what suggestions do you have?"

Sima Zhi: "Since Vagarian is still here, then there should be no more Varixi in the world. To put it simply, how do you want Varixi to die? Is it an illness or an accident? If it is an accident, your legal The heirs can also receive an additional compensation.”

Wagarian: "It's better to die of illness. I was terminally ill. If I hadn't met the organization, I would be dead by now. This is a logical solution."

Sima Zhi nodded and said: "But the compensation you will get will be less."

Wagliang: "I know the regulations. There is also a pension for illness. Although it is less than an accident, I am embarrassed to take that money."

Sima Zhi: "The compensation and pension are not for Vagliang, but for Varixi's legal heir. If you choose the identity of Vagliang, Varixi's deposits and compensation will have nothing to do with you. ."

Vagrian: "It doesn't matter, I just want to ask..."

Sima Zhi interrupted him and said: "That room of wine still belongs to you, you can give it to yourself."

Vaglian: "That's no problem. Can I sign?"

Sima Zhi: "Since you have already thought about it, if you are willing to sign, just sign it!"

There were a total of five documents such as agreements and commitments on the table. Vagliang signed them quickly, using his Dongguo name.

He has been the person in charge of the second mining area for quite some time now, and he often signs with this name. He is already very proficient in it and can even write it in running script.

Sima Zhi put all these documents away, stood up and put them in the cabinet next to him. He came over and stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome, Comrade Wagliang!"

Wagarian quickly bowed to shake hands and asked: "This is my honor. What arrangements does the organization have for my next step?"

Sima Zhi: "Unfortunately, Chairman Wallis passed away due to illness. Even if he is still alive, he will be dismissed. Wage Mining needs to appoint new leadership. Jin Dianxing has nominated you, Wagliang, as the next chairman and general manager.

Your first task after taking office is to complete the leadership reorganization of Wago Mining. It's time to do so.

If some of the senior leaders, especially the engineering and technical personnel, who were originally sent by the Yimailei Group are willing to continue working here, we can first dismiss them and then rehire them.

Which of these people should be dismissed and allowed to return to the Roba Alliance, and which ones should be persuaded to stay... From the perspective of group development, I believe you have an idea of ​​what to do.

As for how to deal with the procedures, if there is a contract, we should act according to the contract, and we should pay whatever compensation is needed. There should be no one who is more familiar with this mining group than you. Not only have you served as chairman, but you have also worked from the bottom to work at all levels.

But there are some things I want to make clear in advance. The salary offered to Varich by the Yimailei Group is 300,000 Luo Yuan after tax per year, which will be paid directly to your bank account in the country.

The re-appointed chairman of Wage Mining Group's current annual salary is only about 30,000 Luo yuan, and it is paid in several Singapore dollars. Do you have any objection? "

Wagarian kept holding his hand: "No objection, no objection at all! I chose to retain the identity of Wagarian. I originally thought I would continue to be the person in charge of the second mining area. My current annual salary is less than 20,000 yuan." As for Luo Yuan, I am already very satisfied, and I never thought I could become the chairman again!"

Sima Zhi: "There is really no more suitable candidate, so I have spent so much time training you! When you officially take office, I will be able to leave Wage City, so I have to thank you."

Wagarian was a little surprised and said, "You're not going to stay here as the director of the center?" When he said this, he actually felt a bit reluctant to give up.

Sima Zhi smiled and said: "The Yangyuan Master Headquarters will send a new director, and I have long wanted to transfer him back. The transitional task of the working group has been completed long ago. I stay here and serve as the director of the center, mainly to look after Wage Mining. There were a lot of big things happening in a while, and I missed them all.”

Wageliang: "Wage Mining has given Ning a lot of trouble! If you have time, instructor, I hope you can come back often to give guidance to the students and inspect the work."

Mr. Wallisi, the chairman of Wage Mining, died due to overwork and illness. According to his last wishes, his body will be cremated on the spot and his ashes will be scattered on the land he loved.

A new third-level Yuan Yuan Master has been added to the World Yuan Yuan Master Headquarters, and his affiliated organization is the Wage City Yuan Yuan Technique Center. Wage Mining has welcomed a new chairman and CEO, Mr. Wageliang, the former head of the second mining area. I don’t know whether it’s new wine in old bottles or old wine in new bottles.

Wallisy's parents are no longer alive, and he has no brothers or sisters. As for other relatives, they have not had contact with each other for many years. He had two ex-wives who bore him three children. Although it was later discovered that these three children were not his biological children, he had to pay high maintenance fees every year, plus various insurances and taxes, which cost him more than half of his annual income.

Now that he died of illness at work, of course there will be pension compensation. As for who the money will end up in, it will be handled by the lawyers from the Roba Alliance, and it has nothing to do with Vaglian now.

Before Wallis "dyed", he gave all the wine he had collected after coming to the Black Wasteland to Mr. Vagliang, whom he met here, because they felt like long-lost brothers.

Wag Liang was promoted to chairman, Sima Zhi finally completed his task, packed up his things and rushed back to Sanhu Town for the New Year. Everyone was happy. But there was one thing that Sima Zhi did not tell Vagliang, which was about the agreements he signed.

Students are recommended by organizations from all walks of life and units, and selected by local Yangyuan Skill Centers to organize Yangyuan Skill training. Regardless of whether the students are able to get started in cultivation, their attendance is not in vain. It is also a grassroots cadre training and policy propaganda class for the New Alliance.

Students who are able to get started will continue to practice the art of cultivation under the guidance of their instructors. These internal trainings are free of charge. Once a student breaks through the third level and passes the assessment of a third-level Yangyuan Master, he or she needs to make a choice. Should he officially join Yangyuan Valley?

The center does not force anyone, nor does it even offer any inductive persuasion. It is entirely up to the students to decide whether to join or not. But the students don't know that the opportunity to choose is basically only this one.

Once they do not choose to join Yangyuan Valley, even if they say they want to go back and think about it again, the door to Yangyuan Valley will almost be closed forever. If you want to join Yangyuan Valley later, unless there are special reasons that the headquarters has to consider, the application of such a person will never be approved.

What are the special reasons that headquarters cannot consider? This is not good! Save Yangyuan Valley from danger? Made a significant contribution to the cultivation theory and training practice of Yangyuan Shu? Seduce Old Man Yang and get him done? Most people don't have to count on it.

This is the latest regulation made by Huazhenxing, but it is not made public. For example, when Sima Zhi asked Vagliang to sign those agreements and commitments today, he only asked him to read them carefully, but could not give any hints or even hints in this regard.

The purpose of Huazhenxing is simple.

Most of the students trained internally in Yangyuan Shu centers in various places are key training targets recommended by organizations and units at all levels of the New Alliance. They learned secret techniques, broke through the three realms, and obtained opportunities unimaginable by ordinary people, but they did not choose to officially join Yangyuan Valley, so Yangyuan Valley would no longer welcome them to join in the future.

The only opportunity for internal students is during the conversation in the director's office. If they had not signed to join Yangyuan Valley at that time, after leaving this office, the door to Yangyuan Valley would almost be closed forever.

This selection process was very short, and the students didn't know the consequences at the time, so it didn't seem very reasonable. However, Hua Zhenxing believes that it is fair and represents the true wishes of the students as well as Yangyuan Valley's most basic requirements for selecting "disciples".

For third-level Yangyuan Masters who have not chosen to join Yangyuan Valley, their certificate management will not be held at the World Yangyuan Master Headquarters within Yangyuan Valley, but will be registered and managed by the International Yangyuan Technique Association. The functions of this association are basically external. .

The cost of continuing to train third-level students is very high. Compared with training first- and second-level students, the investment will increase exponentially. And even under the most ideal conditions, the probability of Level 3 students eventually reaching Level 4 is no more than 10%.

Therefore, in the early days of the establishment of the Yangyuan Shu Center, Manman was inspired by Hua Zhenxing and even asked the first batch of third-level students to use the power of spiritual consciousness to refine the mine gold into pure gold to subsidize the funds.

But this can only be done in a small way, and the main purpose is to sharpen the spirit. If it reaches a certain scale, it will be neither necessary nor economical.

The purity of gold is close to 70%. Mining and screening it is the largest cost of gold production. If large amounts of mined gold can be mined on a large scale, it is actually very simple to build a modern refining plant to produce pure gold.

Fortunately, third-level students already have the power of divine consciousness and can participate in many other tasks, such as searching, collecting, and refining raw materials for many kinds of Chunrong Dan, participating in the construction of magic circles, and so on.

These tasks have already involved some of the core secrets of Yangyuan Valley. Only students who have officially joined Yangyuan Valley are eligible to have access to them, and the Yangyuan Valley Association will continue to train them.

So what should the third-level Yuan Masters who have not chosen to officially join the Yang Yuan Valley and want to continue practicing the Yuan Yuan art do? There will be another way in the future.

Huazhenxing has planned to hold external training courses in the Bikong Lake Scenic Area in the name of the International Yangyuan Art Association. The specific format of the training class has not yet been determined because the Bikong Lake Scenic Area has not yet been completed, but Huazhenxing has preliminary ideas.

Regardless of the level of training, each session lasts for about two to three weeks. The fee for the third-level Yuan Yang master training course is at least one million Dongguo coins, right?

What if such a Yuan Yang master breaks through the fourth level and still wants to continue practicing the Yuan Yuan art? Sorry, it is impossible for the International Yangyuan Shu Association to organize such an external and public fourth-level training class. No cultivation organization or sect in the world can do such a thing.

This kind of person will have only two choices at that time, either apply to join Yangyuan Valley, or try to join another sect. You can continue to practice if you join another sect, but you may not be practicing the art of cultivating the essence. You may have to practice other secret techniques.

"Wild Yuan Masters" from the outside world apply after breaking through the fourth level. Depending on their actual situation, they may also join Yang Yuan Valley.

However, if the Yangyuan masters trained within the Yangyuan Shu Center did not choose to join Yangyuan Valley at the beginning and then applied again, they would almost never be approved.

In this way, everyone actually has a chance.

Of course, Wagariang, who has successfully joined Yangyuan Valley, does not need to know this. He is still the chairman and general manager of Wage Mining. It seems that he has just changed his name, but he truly feels that this is a transformation and rebirth.

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